CERF projects by year


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Allocation code Allocation Emergency type Agency Country Project code Project Window Sector Approved amount in US$ Approval date Disbursement date
24-RR-MOZ-62928 Mozambique RR Application Jan 2024 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 24-RR-CEF-001 Early action to provide emergency access to community health services, safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) in cholera-affected communities and health centres in Mozambique (24-RR-CEF-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$855,000 Approval date:16 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:18 Jan 2024 Read more
24-RR-MOZ-62928 Mozambique RR Application Jan 2024 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Mozambique 24-RR-WHO-001 Reinforce the timely detection and respond to cholera acute watery diarrhea in 7 priority provinces of Mozambique (24-RR-WHO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$645,000 Approval date:16 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2024 Read more
24-RR-TLS-63168 Timor Leste RR Application Jan 2024 (El Nino - Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Timor-Leste 24-RR-CEF-003 Anticipated Response to El Nino Triggered Water and Food Shortage (24-RR-CEF-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,000 Approval date:25 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:27 Jan 2024 Read more
24-RR-TLS-63168 Timor Leste RR Application Jan 2024 (El Nino - Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Timor-Leste 24-RR-FAO-001 Protection of Agriculture and Livestock of People of Timor-Leste from El-Nino Induced Drought (24-RR-FAO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$499,250 Approval date:25 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2024 Read more
24-RR-TLS-63168 Timor Leste RR Application Jan 2024 (El Nino - Drought) Drought World Food Programme Timor-Leste 24-RR-WFP-001 Emergency response to El Nino affected households in Timor-Leste (24-RR-WFP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,071,569 Approval date:25 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:27 Jan 2024 Read more
24-RR-SSD-63318 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2024 (New arrivals from Sudan) Displacement International Organization for Migration South Sudan 24-RR-IOM-001 Emergency Transportation Assistance through Cash-Based support to Returnees Affected by the Sudan Crisis (24-RR-IOM-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$4,000,000 Approval date:30 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-SSD-63318 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2024 (New arrivals from Sudan) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 24-RR-HCR-001 Providing shelter, NFIs and protection in Renk to people fleeing Sudan and improved access to Maban (24-RR-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,500,000 Approval date:30 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-SSD-63318 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2024 (New arrivals from Sudan) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 24-RR-CEF-004 Provision of life-saving emergency WASH services to vulnerable people fleeing from the Sudan Crisis, including those with disabilities in the transit centres in Renk, Joda, and Malakal (Upper Nile state) (24-RR-CEF-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,500,000 Approval date:31 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-SSD-63318 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2024 (New arrivals from Sudan) Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 24-RR-WFP-002 Provision of emergency food assistance to vulnerable and food insecure people affected by the Sudan crisis, and provision of common services to organizations responding to the Sudan response in South Sudan. (24-RR-WFP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,000,000 Approval date:30 Jan 2024 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-COG-63364 Congo RR Application Jan 2024 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of Congo 24-RR-HCR-002 Réponse multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les inondations en République du Congo (24-RR-HCR-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture, Health, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,100,000 Approval date:08 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-COG-63364 Congo RR Application Jan 2024 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Republic of Congo 24-RR-WFP-003 Assistance Alimentaire aux personnes vulnérables affectées par les inondations à travers les transferts monétaires (24-RR-WFP-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$400,000 Approval date:07 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:09 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-COG-63364 Congo RR Application Jan 2024 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Republic of Congo 24-RR-WHO-002 La réponse d’urgence aux besoins sanitaires critiques des populations affectées par les inondations au Congo (24-RR-WHO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$600,000 Approval date:07 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-COG-63364 Congo RR Application Jan 2024 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 24-RR-CEF-005 Fourniture de services multisectoriels essentiels de Santé, Nutrition, WASH, Protection et Education aux populations touchées par les inondations dans les départements de la Likouala, Cuvette et Plateaux (24-RR-CEF-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,046,823 Approval date:07 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:09 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-COG-63364 Congo RR Application Jan 2024 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 24-RR-FPA-001 Accès aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive pour contribuer à la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et des violences basées sur le Genre, en situation de graves inondations, en République du Congo. (24-RR-FPA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$450,000 Approval date:07 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:09 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-63521 Bangladesh RR Application Feb 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Remal) Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Bangladesh 24-RR-FAO-002 Protecting Livelihoods Assets Through Provision of Humanitarian Assistance in Cyclone Affected Coastal Areas. (24-RR-FAO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$783,743 Approval date:05 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-63521 Bangladesh RR Application Feb 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Remal) Storm United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 24-RR-FPA-002 Integrated GBV-SRH response to mitigate cyclone induced risks on women, girls, and third gender including pregnant women and persons with disability (24-RR-FPA-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$431,780 Approval date:05 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-63521 Bangladesh RR Application Feb 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Remal) Storm World Food Programme Bangladesh 24-RR-WFP-004 Humanitarian Assistance to Mitigate Food Insecurity for Cyclone Affected Vulnerable Households (24-RR-WFP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$3,900,000 Approval date:07 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-63521 Bangladesh RR Application Feb 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Remal) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 24-RR-CEF-006 Provision of integrated multi-sectoral high-impact interventions in WASH, Education, Multi-Purpose Cash, and Common Service for Communication and Community Engagement (CCE) for vulnerable women and children in 5 Districts of Bangladesh (24-RR-CEF-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Education, Multi-Purpose Cash, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,299,800 Approval date:05 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-ZMB-63502 Zambia RR Application Feb 2024 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 24-RR-CEF-007 Multi-sectoral integrated intervention in cholera affected communities (24-RR-CEF-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,978,290 Approval date:22 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:26 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-ZMB-63502 Zambia RR Application Feb 2024 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Zambia 24-RR-WHO-003 Rapid Emergency response to minimize the incidence and mortality associated with cholera in the Lusaka districts by halting the spread of the disease and preventing its extension to unaffected areas (24-RR-WHO-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$550,000 Approval date:21 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:26 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-MRT-63535 Mauritania RR Application Feb 2024 (Malian refugees) Refugees United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 24-RR-CEF-002 Accès aux services de protection, d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement pour les nouveaux arrivants dans la moughataa de Bassiknou au Hodh Charghi et les communautés d’accueil (24-RR-CEF-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$582,219 Approval date:21 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:23 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-MRT-63535 Mauritania RR Application Feb 2024 (Malian refugees) Refugees World Food Programme Mauritania 24-RR-WFP-005 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux refugies maliens et aux populations mauritaniennes vulnérables (24-RR-WFP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,179,652 Approval date:21 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:27 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-MRT-63535 Mauritania RR Application Feb 2024 (Malian refugees) Refugees United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mauritania 24-RR-HCR-003 Réponse humanitaire d’urgence à l’afflux des Refugies Maliens dans la région de Hodh Chargui – Mauritanie (24-RR-HCR-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,238,111 Approval date:21 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:23 Feb 2024 Read more
24-RR-SDN-63674 Sudan RR Application Feb 2024 (Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 24-RR-CEF-009 Sudan Food Security Crisis Response – Critical Nutrition assistance to children and families in Darfur and Kordofan states (24-RR-CEF-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$7,498,359 Approval date:28 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:01 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-SDN-63674 Sudan RR Application Feb 2024 (Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 24-RR-WFP-008 Food Security and the Nutrition Status of Vulnerable Communities in Sudan Through WFP Sudan General Food Distributions and Emergency Nutrition Operations (24-RR-WFP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$7,499,999 Approval date:11 Mar 2024 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-COD-63589 DR Congo RR Application Feb 2024 (Flooding) Flood World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-RR-WHO-006 Réponse d’urgence aux conséquences sanitaires des inondations dans les provinces de l’Equateur, Kinshasa et Tshopo, en RDC (24-RR-WHO-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,500,296 Approval date:29 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-COD-63589 DR Congo RR Application Feb 2024 (Flooding) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-RR-CEF-012 Réponse d'urgence intégrée pour soulager les besoins vitaux immédiats des populations les plus vulnérables, touchées par les inondations en Équateur, à Kinshasa et dans la Tshopo. (24-RR-CEF-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,980,000 Approval date:05 Mar 2024 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-COD-63589 DR Congo RR Application Feb 2024 (Flooding) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-RR-HCR-004 Réponse multisectorielle : Protection, Abris et AME aux victimes des inondations en RDC (Kinshasa, Sud-Kivu) (24-RR-HCR-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$999,242 Approval date:05 Mar 2024 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-COD-63589 DR Congo RR Application Feb 2024 (Flooding) Flood World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-RR-WFP-009 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence au Sud-Kivu et à Kinshasa (24-RR-WFP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$1,500,000 Approval date:29 Feb 2024 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-ETH-63876 Ethiopia RR Application Mar 2024 (drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Ethiopia 24-RR-FAO-007 Emergency agricultural livelihoods assistance for drought affected communities in Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions (24-RR-FAO-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$5,666,667 Approval date:13 Mar 2024 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-ETH-63876 Ethiopia RR Application Mar 2024 (drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 24-RR-CEF-014 Provision of life-saving WASH and Nutrition services to drought-affected populations in Tigray, Amhara and Afar (24-RR-CEF-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$5,666,667 Approval date:11 Mar 2024 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-ETH-63876 Ethiopia RR Application Mar 2024 (drought) Drought World Food Programme Ethiopia 24-RR-WFP-012 Operational Cost for Food Assistance and Targeted Supplementary Feeding (24-RR-WFP-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$5,666,667 Approval date:13 Mar 2024 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2024 Read more
24-RR-YEM-64129 Yemen RR Application Mar 2024 (Response to food insecurity in Yeme) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Yemen 24-RR-WFP-014 Provision of emergency food assistance to food insecure populations in northern Yemen (24-RR-WFP-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$7,000,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2024 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2024 Read more
24-UF-SDN-64063 Sudan UF Application Apr 2024 (Conflict) Displacement International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 24-UF-IOM-003 Providing essential life-saving assistance to crisis-affected populations during and after emergencies in Sudan (24-UF-IOM-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,500,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2024 Read more
24-UF-SDN-64063 Sudan UF Application Apr 2024 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 24-UF-FPA-004 Provision of integrated, quality life-saving sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence response and prevention among the most vulnerable population in North Kordofan, South Kordofan, North Darfur, East Darfur, South Darfur and West Darfur (24-UF-FPA-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$3,500,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2024 Read more
24-UF-SDN-64063 Sudan UF Application Apr 2024 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 24-UF-CEF-016 Preserving critical Health and WASH services through ensuring availability of life saving supplies for the most vulnerable children and their families in the hard-to-reach areas (24-UF-CEF-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,500,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2024 Read more
24-UF-SDN-64063 Sudan UF Application Apr 2024 (Conflict) Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 24-UF-WHO-009 Gender-responsive and quality lifesaving healthcare to conflict-affected people in Sudan (24-UF-WHO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,000,000 Approval date:18 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:25 Apr 2024 Read more
24-UF-SDN-64063 Sudan UF Application Apr 2024 (Conflict) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 24-UF-FAO-009 Emergency seed distribution to safeguard food and nutrition security, local food production, and income of conflict-affected smallholder rainfed farmers in Darfur and Kordofan regions of Sudan (24-UF-FAO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$10,000,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:19 Apr 2024 Read more
24-UF-SDN-64063 Sudan UF Application Apr 2024 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 24-UF-HCR-005 Provision of Protection Services and Site Management Support to Forcibly Displaced People (24-UF-HCR-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection US$3,500,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2024 Read more
24-UF-SDN-64063 Sudan UF Application Apr 2024 (Conflict) Displacement To be determined Republic of the Sudan 24-UF-SDN-64063(TBD) To be determined (24-UF-SDN-64063(TBD)) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: To be determined US$-5,000,000 Approval date:10 Feb 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
24-RR-MOZ-64298 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 24-RR-CEF-017 Support to 2024 displacement in Chiúre District, Cabo Delgado (24-RR-CEF-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,040,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2024 Read more
24-RR-MOZ-64298 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mozambique 24-RR-HCR-006 UNHCR Protection Response in Chiure District (24-RR-HCR-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,140,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2024 Read more
24-RR-MOZ-64298 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Mozambique 24-RR-IOM-004 Provision of immediate lifesaving emergency shelter and non-food item (NFI) assistance for conflict-affected populations of Chiure district in Cabo Delgado (24-RR-IOM-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$660,000 Approval date:17 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:19 Apr 2024 Read more
24-RR-MOZ-64298 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Mozambique 24-RR-WFP-015 Food assistance in response to recent displacements in Cabo Delgado (24-RR-WFP-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,160,001 Approval date:17 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:22 Apr 2024 Read more
24-UF-HND-64078 Honduras UF Application Apr 2024 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Honduras 24-UF-WHO-010 “Ensuring early detection and timely response to acute health issues in border and high human mobility areas” (24-UF-WHO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$992,670 Approval date:09 May 2024 Disbursement date:16 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-HND-64078 Honduras UF Application Apr 2024 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption World Food Programme Honduras 24-UF-WFP-016 Humanitarian response - Food assistance to vulnerable populations in Choluteca, El Paraíso and Gracias a Dios (24-UF-WFP-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,500,000 Approval date:09 May 2024 Disbursement date:13 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-HND-64078 Honduras UF Application Apr 2024 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Honduras 24-UF-CEF-018 Provision of Nutrition and WASH life-saving assistance for migrant people transiting Honduras (24-UF-CEF-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,500,000 Approval date:07 May 2024 Disbursement date:09 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-HND-64078 Honduras UF Application Apr 2024 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Honduras 24-UF-HCR-007 Respond to the challenges of human mobility in Honduras by providing assistance and protection to people in mixed movements. (24-UF-HCR-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:13 May 2024 Disbursement date:20 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-HND-64078 Honduras UF Application Apr 2024 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption International Organization for Migration Honduras 24-UF-IOM-005 Humanitarian Response to International Migrants in Transit through Honduras (24-UF-IOM-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,000 Approval date:08 May 2024 Disbursement date:10 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-HND-64078 Honduras UF Application Apr 2024 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption To be determined Honduras 24-UF-HND-64078(TBD) To be determined (24-UF-HND-64078(TBD)) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: To be determined US$7,330 Approval date:10 Feb 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
24-RR-HTI-64320 Haiti RR Application Apr 2024 (Gang violence) Violence/Clashes World Health Organization Haiti 24-RR-WHO-011 Increasing access to lifesaving health services for Haitians affected by insecurity caused by gang violence. (24-RR-WHO-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,830,000 Approval date:29 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:06 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-HTI-64320 Haiti RR Application Apr 2024 (Gang violence) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 24-RR-CEF-019 Apporter une réponse rapide et essentielle pour les enfants déplacés les plus vulnérables et leurs familles, les populations hôtes, ainsi que pour ceux qui se trouvent dans des zones touchées par la violence des groupes armés en assurant la disponibilité (24-RR-CEF-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,960,000 Approval date:30 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:02 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-HTI-64320 Haiti RR Application Apr 2024 (Gang violence) Violence/Clashes United Nations Population Fund Haiti 24-RR-FPA-005 La réponse d’urgence aux violences basées sur le genre et aux besoins en matière de santé reproductive en faveur des personnes déplacées et communautés affectées dans la Zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince suite aux violences des gangs armés. (24-RR-FPA-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$1,910,000 Approval date:25 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:01 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-HTI-64320 Haiti RR Application Apr 2024 (Gang violence) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Haiti 24-RR-WFP-017 Rapid Response to food insecurity crisis and support to UNHAS (24-RR-WFP-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance, Nutrition US$4,300,000 Approval date:03 May 2024 Disbursement date:03 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MDG-64484 Madagascar RR Application Apr 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Gamane) Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 24-RR-FAO-010 Assistance agricole d’urgence aux ménages vulnérables affectés par le cyclone tropical Gamane dans la région Sava (24-RR-FAO-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$575,000 Approval date:03 May 2024 Disbursement date:07 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MDG-64484 Madagascar RR Application Apr 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Gamane) Storm International Organization for Migration Madagascar 24-RR-IOM-006 Appui d’urgence en articles non alimentaires et abris au profit des personnes déplacées internes affectées par le cyclone Gamane dans le Nord de Madagascar (24-RR-IOM-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$225,000 Approval date:30 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:02 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MDG-64484 Madagascar RR Application Apr 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Gamane) Storm United Nations Population Fund Madagascar 24-RR-FPA-006 Prévention et réponses aux VBG/AES et offre de soins vitaux en Santé de la Reproduction aux populations affectées des districts Antalaha, Vohemar, Sambava après le passage du cyclone GAMANE (24-RR-FPA-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$300,000 Approval date:06 May 2024 Disbursement date:08 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MDG-64484 Madagascar RR Application Apr 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Gamane) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 24-RR-CEF-020 REPONSE INTERSECTORIELLE POST CYCLONIQUE GAMANE DANS LA REGION DE SAVA, NORD DE MADAGASCAR (24-RR-CEF-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$800,000 Approval date:30 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:02 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MDG-64484 Madagascar RR Application Apr 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Gamane) Storm World Health Organization Madagascar 24-RR-WHO-012 Réponse sanitaire d’urgence face aux conséquences de cyclone GAMANE dans les districts d’ANTALAHA, SAMBAVA et VOHEMAR, région de SAVA, MADAGASCAR (24-RR-WHO-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,000 Approval date:30 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:06 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MDG-64484 Madagascar RR Application Apr 2024 (Tropical Cyclone Gamane) Storm World Food Programme Madagascar 24-RR-WFP-018 Assistance alimentaire pour les personnes affectées et connectivité aérienne pour les organisations humanitaires en réponse au passage du cyclone Gamane dans le Nord de Madagascar (24-RR-WFP-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$800,000 Approval date:30 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:03 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MNG-64493 Mongolia RR Application Apr 2024 (Mongolia RR Application Apr 2024) Heat/Cold Wave Food and Agriculture Organization Mongolia 24-RR-FAO-011 Life and livelihood-saving assistance to dzud-affected vulnerable herder households (24-RR-FAO-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$700,000 Approval date:25 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2024 Read more
24-RR-MNG-64493 Mongolia RR Application Apr 2024 (Mongolia RR Application Apr 2024) Heat/Cold Wave United Nations Population Fund Mongolia 24-RR-FPA-007 Ensuring the physical and psychological safety of women and girls affected by the dzud in Mongolia (24-RR-FPA-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$350,000 Approval date:25 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2024 Read more
24-RR-MNG-64493 Mongolia RR Application Apr 2024 (Mongolia RR Application Apr 2024) Heat/Cold Wave United Nations Children’s Fund Mongolia 24-RR-CEF-021 Provision of life saving nutrition, child protection and education assistance to children of vulnerable herder households affected by dzud (24-RR-CEF-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Nutrition, Protection US$500,025 Approval date:25 Apr 2024 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2024 Read more
24-RR-SOM-64580 Somalia RR Application Apr 2024 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 24-RR-CEF-022 Emergency response to support 45,000 people affected by acute watery diarrhoea (AWD)/Cholera in Puntland and Central South Region of Somalia (24-RR-CEF-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,427,369 Approval date:02 May 2024 Disbursement date:06 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-SOM-64580 Somalia RR Application Apr 2024 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Somalia 24-RR-WHO-013 Rapid response to contain cholera outbreak in Somaliland, Puntland, Central and Southern States of Somalia (24-RR-WHO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$571,946 Approval date:02 May 2024 Disbursement date:07 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-COD-64076 DR Congo UF Application Apr 2024 (DR Congo UF Application Mar 2024) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-UF-FAO-012 Renforcement de la résilience par les moyens de subsistances des déplacés à l’intérieur et extérieur des camps au Nord Kivu (24-UF-FAO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,006,421 Approval date:06 May 2024 Disbursement date:10 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-COD-64076 DR Congo UF Application Apr 2024 (DR Congo UF Application Mar 2024) Displacement International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-UF-IOM-007 Assistance en abris et articles ménagers d’urgence et en gestion de sites pour les populations déplacées dans le Nord Kivu (24-UF-IOM-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,500,000 Approval date:06 May 2024 Disbursement date:08 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-COD-64076 DR Congo UF Application Apr 2024 (DR Congo UF Application Mar 2024) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-UF-FPA-008 Prévention et réponse multisectorielle d'urgence aux besoins des survivant-e-s de VBG, et protection contre l’exploitation et les abus sexuels dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Sud-Kivu (24-UF-FPA-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,500,001 Approval date:09 May 2024 Disbursement date:13 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-COD-64076 DR Congo UF Application Apr 2024 (DR Congo UF Application Mar 2024) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-UF-CEF-023 Réponses multisectorielles et intégrées WASH-Urgences, Child Protection aux populations affectées par les crises aux Nord Kivu et Sud Kivu (24-UF-CEF-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,452,540 Approval date:06 May 2024 Disbursement date:07 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-COD-64076 DR Congo UF Application Apr 2024 (DR Congo UF Application Mar 2024) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-UF-HCR-008 Amoindrissement des risques de protection des communautés affectées par la crise M23 par le biais d’une assistance humanitaire multisectorielle adaptée et garantissant leurs droits (24-UF-HCR-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$5,500,000 Approval date:30 May 2024 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-COD-64076 DR Congo UF Application Apr 2024 (DR Congo UF Application Mar 2024) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-UF-WFP-019 Assistance alimentaire au Nord-Kivu et réhabilitation des axes routiers et amélioration de l’accès aérien au Sud Kivu (24-UF-WFP-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance US$4,000,000 Approval date:06 May 2024 Disbursement date:08 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-COD-64076 DR Congo UF Application Apr 2024 (DR Congo UF Application Mar 2024) Displacement To be determined Democratic Republic of the Congo 24-UF-COD-64076(TBD) To be determined (24-UF-COD-64076(TBD)) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: To be determined US$791,038 Approval date:10 Feb 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
24-UF-LBN-64069 Lebanon UF Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Lebanon 24-UF-IOM-008 Provision of evidence-based emergency protection and health care assistance to the most vulnerable migrant workers and their families impacted by multipronged crises in Lebanon (24-UF-IOM-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services, Health, Protection US$700,000 Approval date:29 May 2024 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-LBN-64069 Lebanon UF Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Lebanon 24-UF-HCR-009 Comprehensive response addressing the impact of heightened hostilities in affected areas of Lebanon, with a primary focus on providing critical assistance and support to displaced populations, ensuring their safety, dignity, and resilience in the face o (24-UF-HCR-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,200,001 Approval date:22 May 2024 Disbursement date:28 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-LBN-64069 Lebanon UF Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 24-UF-CEF-024 Responding to the urgent WASH, Nutrition and Protection Needs for the most vulnerable children and women affected by the conflict in South Lebanon (24-UF-CEF-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,200,000 Approval date:22 May 2024 Disbursement date:28 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-LBN-64069 Lebanon UF Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Lebanon 24-UF-WFP-020 Emergency Cash Assistance to vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugee families in border areas affected by the tensions in the South (24-UF-WFP-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,600,000 Approval date:22 May 2024 Disbursement date:28 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-LBN-64069 Lebanon UF Application Apr 2024 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Lebanon 24-UF-WHO-014 ​​Support for procurement of chronic medications and Trauma advanced kits and hospitalization coverage in response to the escalation of hostiles in South Lebanon ​ (24-UF-WHO-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,300,000 Approval date:18 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:24 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-ZMB-64631 Zambia RR Application May 2024 (El Nino Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Zambia 24-RR-FAO-013 El Nino drought mitigation Project (EDMP) (24-RR-FAO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$855,000 Approval date:14 May 2024 Disbursement date:17 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-ZMB-64631 Zambia RR Application May 2024 (El Nino Drought) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Zambia 24-RR-HCR-010 Rapid Response Protection Initiative for the Most Vulnerable Communities Affected by Zambia''s Severe Drought (24-RR-HCR-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$445,000 Approval date:15 May 2024 Disbursement date:20 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-ZMB-64631 Zambia RR Application May 2024 (El Nino Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 24-RR-CEF-025 Cushioning Pregnant and Lactating Women and Young Children from the impact of drought through integrated WASH and Nutrition Interventions (24-RR-CEF-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,800,001 Approval date:13 May 2024 Disbursement date:15 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-ZMB-64631 Zambia RR Application May 2024 (El Nino Drought) Drought World Food Programme Zambia 24-RR-WFP-021 Provision of lifesaving emergency food assistance (cash-based transfer) to vulnerable people affected by drought in five districts of Western Province in Zambia. (24-RR-WFP-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,402,555 Approval date:10 May 2024 Disbursement date:14 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MLI-64753 Mali RR Application May 2024 (Food insecurity and refugees influx) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 24-RR-FAO-014 Réponse rapide aux besoins immédiats des populations vulnérables en situation d’insécurité alimentaire (24-RR-FAO-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,500,013 Approval date:15 May 2024 Disbursement date:21 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MLI-64753 Mali RR Application May 2024 (Food insecurity and refugees influx) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mali 24-RR-HCR-011 Protection et assistance multisectorielle vitale aux réfugiés nouvellement arrivés au Mali (24-RR-HCR-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,300,001 Approval date:15 May 2024 Disbursement date:20 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MLI-64753 Mali RR Application May 2024 (Food insecurity and refugees influx) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 24-RR-CEF-026 Assistance nutritionnelle aux populations vulnérables dans les régions de Gao, Ménaka et Mopti, et aux nouveaux réfugiés dans les régions de Mopti, Bandiagara et San. (24-RR-CEF-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,500,000 Approval date:15 May 2024 Disbursement date:16 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-MLI-64753 Mali RR Application May 2024 (Food insecurity and refugees influx) Displacement World Food Programme Mali 24-RR-WFP-022 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle d’urgence aux personnes déplacées internes (PDIs), communautés hôtes et réfugiés (24-RR-WFP-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$4,700,000 Approval date:15 May 2024 Disbursement date:16 May 2024 Read more
24-UF-TCD-64070 Chad UF Application May 2024 (Food Insecurity) Displacement World Health Organization Chad 24-UF-WHO-015 Appui sanitaire d’urgence à la population vulnérable (réfugiés, retournées, population hôte) de la crise soudanaise vivant dans les provinces du Ouaddaï, Sila et le Lac. (24-UF-WHO-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,999,236 Approval date:04 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-TCD-64070 Chad UF Application May 2024 (Food Insecurity) Displacement World Food Programme Chad 24-UF-WFP-023 Assurer l’accès humanitaire dans les zones touchées par la crise soudanaise. (24-UF-WFP-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$1,000,000 Approval date:11 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:13 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-TCD-64070 Chad UF Application May 2024 (Food Insecurity) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 24-UF-CEF-027 Réponse intégrée d'urgence en nutrition, en eau, hygiène et assainissement (EHA) pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac et de celles affectées par la crise du Soudan.  (24-UF-CEF-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$5,000,000 Approval date:03 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:05 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-TCD-64070 Chad UF Application May 2024 (Food Insecurity) Displacement World Food Programme Chad 24-UF-WFP-024 Provision d’assistance alimentaire aux réfugiés et retournés du Soudan vivant et arrivant à l’est du Tchad, ainsi que les personnes déplacées internes (IDPs) au Lac (24-UF-WFP-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$5,000,000 Approval date:25 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:27 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-TCD-64070 Chad UF Application May 2024 (Food Insecurity) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 24-UF-FAO-015 Projet d’urgence pour répondre à l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages vulnérables vivants dans la Bande Sahélienne au Tchad (24-UF-FAO-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:06 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-TCD-64070 Chad UF Application May 2024 (Food Insecurity) Displacement To be determined Chad 24-UF-TCD-64070(TBD) To be determined (24-UF-TCD-64070(TBD)) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: To be determined US$764 Approval date:10 Feb 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
24-UF-NER-64077 Niger UF Application May 2024 (Response to conflict-related needs) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 24-UF-FAO-016 Amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire grâce à des interventions agricoles d’urgence dans les communes flagship et vulnérables de Diffa, Tahoua et Tillabéri (24-UF-FAO-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,100,000 Approval date:05 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-NER-64077 Niger UF Application May 2024 (Response to conflict-related needs) Displacement International Organization for Migration Niger 24-UF-IOM-009 Assistance d’urgence aux populations déplacées et aux communautés hôtes affectées par les crises sécuritaires et les catastrophes liées au climat au Niger (abris, articles non alimentaires et eau, hygiène et assainissement (EAH) (24-UF-IOM-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,000,000 Approval date:30 May 2024 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-NER-64077 Niger UF Application May 2024 (Response to conflict-related needs) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Niger 24-UF-FPA-009 Réponse holistique aux besoins des communautés affectées par les VBG, basée sur une approche participative et inclusive de renforcement de la résilience des femmes et des filles dans les communes cibles du projet (24-UF-FPA-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$600,000 Approval date:31 May 2024 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-NER-64077 Niger UF Application May 2024 (Response to conflict-related needs) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 24-UF-CEF-028 Renforcement des services humanitaires d'urgence en matière de nutrition et de protection pour répondre aux besoins les plus immédiats des enfants. (24-UF-CEF-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Protection US$1,350,000 Approval date:30 May 2024 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-NER-64077 Niger UF Application May 2024 (Response to conflict-related needs) Displacement World Food Programme Niger 24-UF-WFP-028 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Niger et service aérien humanitaire des Nations Unies (24-UF-WFP-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance, Nutrition US$3,826,451 Approval date:11 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:13 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-NER-64077 Niger UF Application May 2024 (Response to conflict-related needs) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Niger 24-UF-WOM-001 Gender-responsive lifesaving and emergency food security support for women and girls affected by Niger’s current triple crisis (24-UF-WOM-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$300,000 Approval date:05 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2024 Read more
24-UF-NER-64077 Niger UF Application May 2024 (Response to conflict-related needs) Displacement To be determined Niger 24-UF-NER-64077(TBD) To be determined (24-UF-NER-64077(TBD)) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: To be determined US$823,549 Approval date:10 Feb 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
24-RR-COM-64823 Comoros RR Application May 2024 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Comoros 24-RR-WHO-016 Réponse décentralisée à l’épidémie de choléra pour la réduction rapide de la mortalité et morbidité et l’arrêt de la propagation de la maladie aux Comores. (24-RR-WHO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:31 May 2024 Disbursement date:05 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-COM-64823 Comoros RR Application May 2024 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Comoros 24-RR-CEF-029 Surveillance, investigation et riposte au choléra centrée autour des cas de choléra en Union des Comores (24-RR-CEF-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$499,950 Approval date:24 May 2024 Disbursement date:28 May 2024 Read more
24-RR-KEN-64873 Kenya RR Application May 2024 (El Nino flood) Flood International Organization for Migration Kenya 24-RR-IOM-010 Emergency shelter and non-food item (NFI) assistance to flood-affected people in Kenya (24-RR-IOM-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$650,000 Approval date:29 May 2024 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-KEN-64873 Kenya RR Application May 2024 (El Nino flood) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Kenya 24-RR-HCR-012 Response to the impact of flooding in the Dadaab refugee camps, in Garissa County (24-RR-HCR-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$300,000 Approval date:29 May 2024 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-KEN-64873 Kenya RR Application May 2024 (El Nino flood) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 24-RR-CEF-030 Support to essential lifesaving WASH and Health emergency interventions to vulnerable girls, boys, women, and men affected and displaced by the March-May 2024 seasonal floods in priority flood-affected counties of Kenya (24-RR-CEF-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,050,021 Approval date:29 May 2024 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-KEN-64873 Kenya RR Application May 2024 (El Nino flood) Flood World Food Programme Kenya 24-RR-WFP-025 Food and Logistics Assistance to Populations Affected by flash floods in Garissa and Kisumu Counties. (24-RR-WFP-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$600,000 Approval date:29 May 2024 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-KEN-64873 Kenya RR Application May 2024 (El Nino flood) Flood World Health Organization Kenya 24-RR-WHO-017 Scaling up health emergency response interventions to flooding and cholera in 8 most affected counties in Kenya (24-RR-WHO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$400,120 Approval date:29 May 2024 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-AGO-64769 Angola RR Application May 2024 (El Nino-drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Angola 24-RR-CEF-031 Integrated emergency life-saving interventions to El Niño emergency in Southern Angola (24-RR-CEF-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,347,820 Approval date:07 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-AGO-64769 Angola RR Application May 2024 (El Nino-drought) Drought World Food Programme Angola 24-RR-WFP-026 Angola El Niño Response – Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition and Assistance to Vulnerable and Food Insecure Families in Huíla and Cunene provinces (24-RR-WFP-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,650,000 Approval date:03 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-MWI-64768 Malawi RR Application May 2024 (El Nino - Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 24-RR-CEF-032 Support scale-up of preventive and curative Nutrition, WASH and Protection services with integrated response in El Nino-drought affected Machinga district in Malawi. (24-RR-CEF-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$620,676 Approval date:03 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:05 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-MWI-64768 Malawi RR Application May 2024 (El Nino - Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Malawi 24-RR-FAO-017 Intensifying agricultural production through cash transfer interventions among farming households severely impacted by El Nino in Malawi. (24-RR-FAO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$625,000 Approval date:30 May 2024 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-MWI-64768 Malawi RR Application May 2024 (El Nino - Drought) Drought World Food Programme Malawi 24-RR-WFP-029 Providing food and nutrition assistance to food insecure people living in the department of Nsanje and Machinga (24-RR-WFP-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$750,000 Approval date:03 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-65078 Bangladesh RR Application May 2024 (Anticipatory Action Jamuna Basin) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 24-RR-CEF-034 Anticipatory Action Framework Bangladesh Pilot (JAMUNA) (24-RR-CEF-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$385,349 Approval date:04 Jul 2024 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-65078 Bangladesh RR Application May 2024 (Anticipatory Action Jamuna Basin) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Bangladesh 24-RR-FAO-019 Protecting Livelihoods Assets through Anticipatory Actions in Flood Prone Communities in Northern Bangladesh (JAMUNA) (24-RR-FAO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$586,542 Approval date:04 Jul 2024 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-65078 Bangladesh RR Application May 2024 (Anticipatory Action Jamuna Basin) Flood United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 24-RR-FPA-012 Integrated GBV-SRH anticipatory actions to reduce flood impact on women, girls, and third gender including pregnant women and persons with disability (24-RR-FPA-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$925,260 Approval date:04 Jul 2024 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2024 Read more
24-RR-BGD-65078 Bangladesh RR Application May 2024 (Anticipatory Action Jamuna Basin) Flood To be determined Bangladesh 24-RR-BGD-65078(TBD) To be determined (24-RR-BGD-65078(TBD)) Window:Rapid Response Sector: To be determined US$4,302,849 Approval date:04 Jul 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
24-RR-ZWE-64774 Zimbabwe RR Application May 2024 (El Niño-related - drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 24-RR-CEF-036 Enhanced prevention, increased surveillance and early detection, and treatment of wasting in El Nino induced drought affected districts in three provinces in Zimbabwe (24-RR-CEF-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,758 Approval date:12 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:14 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-ZWE-64774 Zimbabwe RR Application May 2024 (El Niño-related - drought) Drought World Food Programme Zimbabwe 24-RR-WFP-033 Support Zimbabwe's government in implementing its Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy (FDMS) (24-RR-WFP-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,999,969 Approval date:12 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:18 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BFA-65175 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2024 (Violence/clashes) Violence/Clashes United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burkina Faso 24-RR-HCR-014 Renforcement de la protection et assistance d’urgence aux personnes affectées par la crise de déplacement dans les régions du Sahel, du Centre-Nord et de l’Est (24-RR-HCR-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$750,000 Approval date:13 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:18 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BFA-65175 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2024 (Violence/clashes) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 24-RR-CEF-037 Assistance nutritionnelle et accès aux services d’eau, hygiène et assainissement aux populations vulnérables dans les provinces en crise alimentaire et sécuritaire. (24-RR-CEF-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$750,004 Approval date:11 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:14 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BFA-65175 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2024 (Violence/clashes) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Burkina Faso 24-RR-WFP-035 Renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des personnes vulnérables au Burkina Faso avec le soutien logistique de l'UNHAS pour une réponse humanitaire efficace (24-RR-WFP-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,900,000 Approval date:11 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:14 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BFA-65175 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2024 (Violence/clashes) Violence/Clashes World Health Organization Burkina Faso 24-RR-WHO-018 Offre des soins de santé d’urgence critique aux personnes déplacées internes et populations hôtes incluant des traitements vitaux aux enfants atteints de malnutrition aiguë sévère avec complications dans les régions du Sahel, Centre-Nord et de l’Est. (24-RR-WHO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$600,003 Approval date:21 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:28 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BDI-65155 Burundi RR Application May 2024 (El Nino-related floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 24-RR-CEF-038 REPONSE MULTISECTORIELLE EN FAVEUR DES PERSONNES AFFECTEES PAR L‘IMPACT des aléas climatiques AU BURUNDI (24-RR-CEF-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$850,002 Approval date:25 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:27 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BDI-65155 Burundi RR Application May 2024 (El Nino-related floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Burundi 24-RR-FPA-014 Assurer l'accès des femmes et filles affectées, aux services existants de Santé de la Reproduction et Violences basées sur le genre par le renforcement des structures existantes et l'établissement de cliniques mobiles de prise en charge des VBG grâce aux (24-RR-FPA-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$200,771 Approval date:12 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:14 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BDI-65155 Burundi RR Application May 2024 (El Nino-related floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Burundi 24-RR-IOM-011 ASSISTANCE D''URGENCE EN ABRIS ET ARTICLES MENAGERS ESSENTIELS AUX PERSONNES AFFECTÉES PAR LES ALEAS CLIMATIQUES AU BURUNDI (24-RR-IOM-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$800,000 Approval date:13 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:18 Jun 2024 Read more
24-RR-BDI-65155 Burundi RR Application May 2024 (El Nino-related floods) Flood World Food Programme Burundi 24-RR-WFP-034 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux familles vulnérables affectées par les inondations et les glissements de terrain dû aux changements climatiques dans les provinces Bujumbura Rural, Makamba, et Rumonge. (24-RR-WFP-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$650,000 Approval date:14 Jun 2024 Disbursement date:21 Jun 2024 Read more
CERF-NGA-24-RR-1387 CERF Rapid Response: Nigeria Jun 2024 (Lean Season) Drought To be determined Nigeria CERF-NGA-24-RR-1387(TBD) To be determined (CERF-NGA-24-RR-1387(TBD)) Window:Rapid Response Sector: To be determined US$11,000,000 Approval date:24 Jun 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
CERF-ERI-24-RR-1389 CERF Rapid Response: Eritrea 2024 (Sudanese arrivals & host community) Displacement/Migration To be determined Eritrea CERF-ERI-24-RR-1389(TBD) To be determined (CERF-ERI-24-RR-1389(TBD)) Window:Rapid Response Sector: To be determined US$5,000,000 Approval date:09 Jul 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
CERF-JAM-24-RR-1392 CERF Rapid Response: Jamaica Jul 2024 (Hurricane Beryl) Storm To be determined Jamaica CERF-JAM-24-RR-1392(TBD) To be determined (CERF-JAM-24-RR-1392(TBD)) Window:Rapid Response Sector: To be determined US$2,500,000 Approval date:04 Jul 2024 Disbursement date: Read more
Total 2024 US$241,086,140