CERF-funded Project


Integrated emergency life-saving interventions to El Niño emergency in Southern Angola (24-RR-CEF-031)

Project overview

The main objective is to continue integrated nutrition, Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) emergency life-saving interventions in response to the El Niño drought emergency in Southern Angola. UNICEF reaches the most affected populations by providing access to water, malnutrition screening and treatment, infant and young child feeding counseling, gender-based risk mitigation, and life-saving messages on child abuse and gender-based violence prevention. UNICEF targets 40,000 people, including 14,738 women, 6,513 men, 18,751 children, and including 998 people with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Nutrition US$849,127
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$498,693