CERF-funded Project


Accès aux services de protection, d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement pour les nouveaux arrivants dans la moughataa de Bassiknou au Hodh Charghi et les communautés d’accueil (24-RR-CEF-002)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to improve access to protection and water, hygiene, and sanitation services for Malian refugees newly arrived in the Bassikounou district of Hodh Charghi, as well as host communities. In particular, this project will strengthen existing protection community systems, will improve access to water, will allow the construction of community latrines and will identify and support children in need of protection as well as survivors of gender-based violence, among others. The project provides life-saving assistance to 26,290 people, including 7,045 women, 13,014 children, and including 166 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$384,265
Protection US$197,954