CERF-funded Project


Réponse intégrée d'urgence en nutrition, en eau, hygiène et assainissement (EHA) pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac et de celles affectées par la crise du Soudan.  (24-UF-CEF-027)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to swiftly respond to crises and save lives by ensuring access to essential services such as nutrition, and WASH for both forcibly displaced populations and host communities the provinces of Ouaddaï, Sila, Ennedi Est, Lac, and Salamat. This UNICEF project involves the procurement and distribution of therapeutic supplies for the treatment of SAM, along with strengthening the operational capabilities of health centers caring for children with SAM. This includes the procurement of tents and support for the refurbishment of a therapeutic unit dedicated to managing severe cases with complications, among other activities. The Nutrition component of the project will provide life-saving aid to a total of 114,500 individuals, which includes 87,000 women, 17,399 children, and including 17,000 persons with disabilities. The WASH component of the project will provide life-saving aid to a total of 90,000 individuals, which includes 18,000 women, 34,399 children, and including 13,500 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Nutrition US$2,000,000
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,000,000