CERF-funded Project


Gender-responsive lifesaving and emergency food security support for women and girls affected by Niger’s current triple crisis (24-UF-WOM-001)

Project overview

The main objective of this UN Women project is to strengthen the ability of local women’s groups and local civil society organizations to fully engage in planning and responding to food insecurity in the face of the country's triple humanitarian crisis. The project will specifically target women in displaced, refugee and host communities settings (including young girls) in the Flagship communities of Diffa, N'Guigmi, Ayerou and Ouallam, through support to micro-projects that bring rapid impact. Through this project, targeted people will receive agricultural tools and inputs, will benefit from the renovation of existing market gardening sites and receive training and material support to assist in the preservation, value-addition and marketing of agricultural products. The intervention provides humanitarian food security (agriculture) assistance to 6,010 people (975 men, 2,757 women and 2,278 children), including 100 persons with disabilities.