CERF-funded Project


Provision of Nutrition and WASH life-saving assistance for migrant people transiting Honduras (24-UF-CEF-018)

Project overview

The main objective of this UNICEF project is to improve access to lifesaving gender and age sensitive services for most vulnerable people in human mobility and host communities. The project will screen children for malnutrition and provide blanket supplementary feeding or vitamins/ micro-nutrient supplements, in addition to training and community awareness sessions on child feeding in emergencies. Moreover, the project will provide safe access to drinking water, critical hygiene supplies and safe, dignified and gender-separated WASH facilities. The intervention provides humanitarian assistance to 40,212 people (11,461 men, 13,187 women and 15,564 children), including 40 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Nutrition US$750,000
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$750,000