CERF projects by year


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Allocation code Allocation Emergency type Agency Country Project code Project Window Sector Approved amount in US$ Approval date Disbursement date
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Somalia 22-RR-FAO-001 Emergency life- saving support to the most drought- affected pastoral and agro-pastoral households in Southwest State of Somalia (22-RR-FAO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:20 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:25 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 22-RR-IOM-001 Emergency drought response through provision of integrated water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) services. (22-RR-IOM-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,000,000 Approval date:20 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:25 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Somalia 22-RR-FPA-001 Provision of lifesaving integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services and information including clinical management of rape for GBV survivors -drought affected women and adolescent girls. (22-RR-FPA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$500,000 Approval date:20 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:24 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 22-RR-HCR-001 Provision of Protection, Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items interventions benefiting drought affected populations (IDPs and vulnerable host communities) in Galmudug and South West States (22-RR-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,500,000 Approval date:20 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:25 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 22-RR-WFP-001 WFP Relief Response to Drought Affected Population in Bay, Bakool, Galgaduud and Mudug regions of Somalia. (22-RR-WFP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,503,345 Approval date:20 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:25 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 22-RR-WFP-002 Provision of common logistics services to drought-affected areas in Somalia (22-RR-WFP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$500,000 Approval date:20 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:24 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 22-RR-CEF-001 Emergency WASH interventions to drought-affected population in Central South Somalia (22-RR-CEF-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,000,000 Approval date:20 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:24 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-51068 Somalia RR Application Jan 2022 (drought) Drought World Health Organization Somalia 22-RR-WHO-001 Rapid response to and mitigation of public health risks in drought-affected districts of Galmudug, and South West State (22-RR-WHO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,999,876 Approval date:24 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:28 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-50983 Chad RR Application Jan 2022 (Cameroonian refugees) Refugees United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 22-RR-HCR-002 Protection et assistance d’urgence aux populations affectées par la crise camerounaise (22-RR-HCR-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,850,191 Approval date:01 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:03 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-50983 Chad RR Application Jan 2022 (Cameroonian refugees) Refugees World Food Programme Chad 22-RR-WFP-003 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle pour les nouveaux réfugiés Camerounais (22-RR-WFP-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,000,010 Approval date:27 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-50983 Chad RR Application Jan 2022 (Cameroonian refugees) Refugees World Health Organization Chad 22-RR-WHO-002 Intervention médicale pour réduire la morbidité et la mortalité chez les personnes réfugiées et la population hôte (22-RR-WHO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$169,824 Approval date:25 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-50983 Chad RR Application Jan 2022 (Cameroonian refugees) Refugees United Nations Population Fund Chad 22-RR-FPA-002 L’Offre des services en Santé de la Reproduction, la réponse aux Violences Basées sur le Genre et Abus et Exploitation Sexuels (22-RR-FPA-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$380,000 Approval date:27 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-50983 Chad RR Application Jan 2022 (Cameroonian refugees) Refugees United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 22-RR-CEF-002 Réponse multisectorielle à la crise des réfugiés camerounais dans les provinces de N’Djaména et Chari-Baguirmi (22-RR-CEF-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$600,040 Approval date:27 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-51054 Mali RR Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 22-RR-FAO-002 Production alimentaire d’urgence en zones en crise au profit des ménages victimes de chocs et en situation d’insécurité alimentaires aigues. (22-RR-FAO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,499,999 Approval date:25 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-51054 Mali RR Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 22-RR-CEF-003 Réponse nutritionnelle d’urgence pour les populations vulnérables dans les régions de Ménaka, Ségou, Mopti, Gao, Tombouctou et les sites des déplacés de Bamako (22-RR-CEF-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,999,993 Approval date:25 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:27 Jan 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-51054 Mali RR Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought World Food Programme Mali 22-RR-WFP-004 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle d’urgence dans les régions du centre et du nord du Mali (22-RR-WFP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$4,500,000 Approval date:27 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2022 Read more
22-UF-NER-51060 Niger UF Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 22-UF-FAO-003 Appui aux moyens de subsistance des ménages vulnérables affectés par les déficits céréaliers et fourragers et l''insécurité au Niger (22-UF-FAO-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,600,000 Approval date:31 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:04 Feb 2022 Read more
22-UF-NER-51060 Niger UF Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 22-UF-CEF-004 Prévention et prise en charge de l’émaciation sévère chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les zones affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire (22-UF-CEF-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,500,000 Approval date:02 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:04 Feb 2022 Read more
22-UF-NER-51060 Niger UF Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought United Nations Office for Project Services Niger 22-UF-OPS-001 Sensibilisation des populations les plus vulnérables et des humanitaires aux dangers des engins explosifs afin de réduire le nombre d’incidents et de faciliter l’accès à l’assistance apportée (22-UF-OPS-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$298,571 Approval date:31 Jan 2022 Disbursement date:14 Feb 2022 Read more
22-UF-NER-51060 Niger UF Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought World Food Programme Niger 22-UF-WFP-005 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux personnes vulnérables au Niger en soutien au plan d''urgence du gouvernement (22-UF-WFP-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$5,200,088 Approval date:01 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:03 Feb 2022 Read more
22-UF-NER-51060 Niger UF Application Jan 2022 (Food security) Drought World Health Organization Niger 22-UF-WHO-003 Assistance médico-sanitaire aux populations affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire dans les 29 formations sanitaires dans 3 régions sanitaires au Niger (22-UF-WHO-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$400,000 Approval date:02 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:09 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-51296 Yemen RR Application Feb 2022 (Ma'rib conflict) Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 22-RR-IOM-002 Providing emergency multisector assistance in response to displacement crisis in Marib governorate, Yemen (22-RR-IOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Health, Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$5,293,685 Approval date:25 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-51296 Yemen RR Application Feb 2022 (Ma'rib conflict) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Yemen 22-RR-UDP-001 Emergency Mine Action – Phase II - Marib (22-RR-UDP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$411,554 Approval date:22 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:25 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-51296 Yemen RR Application Feb 2022 (Ma'rib conflict) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 22-RR-FPA-003 Providing Lifesaving Reproductive Health and GBV Response Services for IDPs affected by escalating Crisis in Ma’rib (22-RR-FPA-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$1,701,678 Approval date:16 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:18 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-51296 Yemen RR Application Feb 2022 (Ma'rib conflict) Displacement World Food Programme Yemen 22-RR-WFP-006 Stock replenishment of emergency rations to IDPs, deliver nutrition treatment and prevention activities for children and PLWGs, and provide humanitarian air services in Yemen. (22-RR-WFP-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,721,000 Approval date:11 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:15 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-51296 Yemen RR Application Feb 2022 (Ma'rib conflict) Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 22-RR-WHO-004 Provision of lifesaving Trauma and Nutrition care services in response to the conflict in Marib. (22-RR-WHO-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition US$800,000 Approval date:15 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-51296 Yemen RR Application Feb 2022 (Ma'rib conflict) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 22-RR-HCR-003 Provision of shelter support, NFIs and protection services to families displaced by conflict in Marib and Hadramaut (22-RR-HCR-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$4,000,250 Approval date:15 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:17 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-51296 Yemen RR Application Feb 2022 (Ma'rib conflict) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 22-RR-CEF-005 Multisectoral rapid response to critical needs of recently displaced IDPs and hosting communities in Ma’rib (22-RR-CEF-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$5,069,222 Approval date:16 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:23 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-TON-51406 Tonga RR Application Feb 2022 (Tonga volcano eruption and tsunami) Volcano United Nations Children’s Fund Tonga 22-RR-CEF-006 Emergency provision of water, sanitation and hygiene needs to populations affected by Hunga-Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcanic Eruption & Tsunami (22-RR-CEF-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,600 Approval date:15 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-TON-51406 Tonga RR Application Feb 2022 (Tonga volcano eruption and tsunami) Volcano World Food Programme Tonga 22-RR-WFP-007 Emergency Telecommunications Cluster Response to Tonga’s Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcanic eruption/tsunami (22-RR-WFP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$250,000 Approval date:15 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:18 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-TON-51406 Tonga RR Application Feb 2022 (Tonga volcano eruption and tsunami) Volcano International Organization for Migration Tonga 22-RR-IOM-003 Emergency Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance to Vulnerable Households in Tonga (22-RR-IOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$250,000 Approval date:15 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:17 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-MWI-51466 Malawi RR Application Feb 2022 (Tropical Storm Ana) Flood International Organization for Migration Malawi 22-RR-IOM-004 Shelter and NFI assistance to affected populations from Tropical Storm Ana in Malawi (22-RR-IOM-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$600,000 Approval date:24 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:03 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-MWI-51466 Malawi RR Application Feb 2022 (Tropical Storm Ana) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 22-RR-CEF-007 Providing lifesaving health, WASH and child protection services to children and women affected by Tropical Storm Ana (22-RR-CEF-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$890,000 Approval date:23 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:25 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-MWI-51466 Malawi RR Application Feb 2022 (Tropical Storm Ana) Flood World Food Programme Malawi 22-RR-WFP-008 Supporting food security of vulnerable affected populations through cash-based transfers (22-RR-WFP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$999,993 Approval date:17 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-MWI-51466 Malawi RR Application Feb 2022 (Tropical Storm Ana) Flood World Food Programme Malawi 22-RR-WFP-009 Logistics support to the humanitarian community to respond to the impact of floods in Malawi (22-RR-WFP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$200,000 Approval date:17 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2022 Read more
22-RR-MWI-51466 Malawi RR Application Feb 2022 (Tropical Storm Ana) Flood United Nations Population Fund Malawi 22-RR-FPA-004 Prevention and response to violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Access to Life-saving SRH information and services in Malawi during the Cyclone Ana emergency (22-RR-FPA-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$310,004 Approval date:25 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:01 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 22-UF-CEF-008 Réponse intégrée d'urgence en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), Nutrition, Education, Santé et Protection de l'enfance pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac (22-UF-CEF-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,274,940 Approval date:04 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Chad 22-UF-WHO-005 Intervention médicale pour réduire la morbidité et la mortalité chez les personnes déplacées, les enfants de moins de 5 ans avec des complications liées à la malnutrition et les populations hôtes (22-UF-WHO-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition US$674,433 Approval date:24 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:01 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 22-UF-FAO-004 Reconstitution d’urgence des moyens d’existence agricoles des personnes déplacées internes et des communautés hôtes agropastoraux affectés par l’insécurité alimentaire au Lac (22-UF-FAO-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$500,001 Approval date:01 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 22-UF-HCR-004 Protection et assistance d’urgence aux populations déplacées (réfugiés et PDIs dans la province du Lac (22-UF-HCR-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,550,000 Approval date:04 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Chad 22-UF-WFP-010 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle pour les personnes déplacées internes (22-UF-WFP-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,000,000 Approval date:22 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:25 Feb 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Chad 22-UF-WFP-011 Assurer les services aériens UNHAS pour permettre aux partenaires d’atteindre les zones d’intervention humanitaire (22-UF-WFP-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$400,000 Approval date:25 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:01 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Chad 22-UF-IOM-005 Assistance multi-sectorielle d’urgence en abris dignes, articles ménagers essentiels et Eau Hygiène et Assainissement pour les personnes déplacées les plus vulnérables de la Province du Lac (22-UF-IOM-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$700,000 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-TCD-51209 Chad UF Application Feb 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Chad 22-UF-FPA-009 Amélioration de l''offre de service en Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive et de réponse aux Violences Basées sur le Genre (22-UF-FPA-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$900,001 Approval date:01 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-LBN-51494 Lebanon UF Application Feb 2022 (Economic crisis) Economic Disruption International Organization for Migration Lebanon 22-UF-IOM-006 Providing life-saving protection and health-care support to migrants and other populations in vulnerable situations in Lebanon (22-UF-IOM-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,500,000 Approval date:07 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-LBN-51494 Lebanon UF Application Feb 2022 (Economic crisis) Economic Disruption United Nations Population Fund Lebanon 22-UF-FPA-005 Support to SRH and GBV lifesaving services in Lebanon (22-UF-FPA-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,500,709 Approval date:04 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-LBN-51494 Lebanon UF Application Feb 2022 (Economic crisis) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 22-UF-CEF-009 Provision of Child Protection lifesaving services for vulnerable children and children at risk (22-UF-CEF-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,000,004 Approval date:04 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-LBN-51494 Lebanon UF Application Feb 2022 (Economic crisis) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Lebanon 22-UF-WHO-006 Support for Medication and Hospitalization Coverage for Vulnerable Populations in Lebanon (22-UF-WHO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$4,001,800 Approval date:07 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-KEN-51254 Kenya UF Application Feb 2022 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Kenya 22-UF-FAO-005 Protecting livestock assets and safeguarding livelihoods in Kenya’s drought affected Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. (22-UF-FAO-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,000 Approval date:28 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-KEN-51254 Kenya UF Application Feb 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Kenya 22-UF-FPA-006 Provision of integrated life-saving sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) information and services during the drought response in seven counties in Kenya. (22-UF-FPA-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$500,000 Approval date:25 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:01 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-KEN-51254 Kenya UF Application Feb 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 22-UF-CEF-010 Provision of essential life-saving Health, Nutrition, WASH and Child Protection interventions to vulnerable girls, boys, women and men affected by drought in the Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) counties of Kenya (22-UF-CEF-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,350,000 Approval date:07 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-KEN-51254 Kenya UF Application Feb 2022 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Kenya 22-UF-WFP-012 Support for Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) among Children 6-59 months, and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) (22-UF-WFP-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,750,001 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:10 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-KEN-51254 Kenya UF Application Feb 2022 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Kenya 22-UF-WHO-007 Emergency lifesaving health response to drought disaster in Kenya targeting affected children, women and men (22-UF-WHO-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$400,000 Approval date:25 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HTI-51266 Haiti UF Application Feb 2022 (Earthquake and violence) Earthquake Food and Agriculture Organization Haiti 22-UF-FAO-006 Renforcement des moyens d’existence des populations vulnérables des zones touchées par le séisme du 14 aout 2021 (22-UF-FAO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,000 Approval date:10 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HTI-51266 Haiti UF Application Feb 2022 (Earthquake and violence) Earthquake International Organization for Migration Haiti 22-UF-IOM-007 Emergency response with integrated protection for persons affected by gang violence in the metropolitan areas of Port-au-Prince and in the departments affected by the 14 August Earthquake in Haiti. (22-UF-IOM-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,600,000 Approval date:04 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HTI-51266 Haiti UF Application Feb 2022 (Earthquake and violence) Earthquake Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Haiti 22-UF-CHR-001 Mécanisme de protection des populations dans les quartiers sous le contrôle de gang et de surveillance des abus et violences commis à leur encontre (22-UF-CHR-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$499,638 Approval date:07 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HTI-51266 Haiti UF Application Feb 2022 (Earthquake and violence) Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Haiti 22-UF-FPA-007 Amélioration de l''accès et de l’offre des services essentiels intégrés et de qualité en santé sexuelle et reproductive et en VBG / EAS, Haiti (Sud et Port-Au-Prince (22-UF-FPA-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HTI-51266 Haiti UF Application Feb 2022 (Earthquake and violence) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 22-UF-CEF-011 Renforcement des services de base de protection, éducation et santé pour les enfants les plus vulnérables et leurs familles dans les zones urbaines affectées par la violence et dans les zones affectées par le séisme dans le Sud. (22-UF-CEF-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Protection US$1,858,248 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:10 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HTI-51266 Haiti UF Application Feb 2022 (Earthquake and violence) Earthquake World Food Programme Haiti 22-UF-WFP-013 Projet d’appui a’ l’accès humanitaire logistique et aux personnes déplacées suite au séisme d’aout 2021 et personnes vulnérables vivant dans les zones contrôlées par les gangs armés de la zone métropolitaine de Port au Prince (22-UF-WFP-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance US$2,000,000 Approval date:28 Feb 2022 Disbursement date:03 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-AGO-51281 Angola UF Application Feb 2022 (drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Angola 22-UF-CEF-012 Continued Integrated emergency life-saving interventions to drought emergency in Southern Angola (22-UF-CEF-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,250,000 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:10 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-AGO-51281 Angola UF Application Feb 2022 (drought) Drought World Food Programme Angola 22-UF-WFP-014 Angola Drought Response – community management of acute malnutrition, support to families of malnourished children and emergency school feeding (22-UF-WFP-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$3,750,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HND-51277 Honduras UF Application Feb 2022 (Food insecurity) Economic Disruption Food and Agriculture Organization Honduras 22-UF-FAO-007 Strengthening food and nutritional security and livelihoods of Female-headed Smallholder Households. (22-UF-FAO-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,494,650 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:10 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HND-51277 Honduras UF Application Feb 2022 (Food insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Honduras 22-UF-HCR-005 Strengthening the response to existing protection needs and forced displacement causes (22-UF-HCR-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HND-51277 Honduras UF Application Feb 2022 (Food insecurity) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Honduras 22-UF-WHO-008 Response to unattended health needs in vulnerable municipalities of multiple affectations in Honduras. (22-UF-WHO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,000,000 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HND-51277 Honduras UF Application Feb 2022 (Food insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Population Fund Honduras 22-UF-FPA-008 To provide lifesaving multisectoral response services for GBV survivors, including clinical management of rape, health and psychosocial support and case management. (22-UF-FPA-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$749,978 Approval date:07 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-HND-51277 Honduras UF Application Feb 2022 (Food insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Honduras 22-UF-CEF-014 Children and adolescents who are victims or at risk of violence, including armed violence and GBV, receive protection services and strengthen their resilience (22-UF-CEF-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$750,151 Approval date:08 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:10 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-SDN-51627 Sudan UF Application Feb 2022 (Post conflict needs) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 22-UF-WFP-015 Provision of Emergency Nutritional Support in Underfunded States in Sudan (22-UF-WFP-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$4,100,030 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-SDN-51627 Sudan UF Application Feb 2022 (Post conflict needs) Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 22-UF-HCR-006 Lifesaving Shelter and NFI assistance to communities affected by intercommunal violence in Darfur (22-UF-HCR-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,500,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-SDN-51627 Sudan UF Application Feb 2022 (Post conflict needs) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 22-UF-CEF-013 Addressing WASH, Education and Child Protection needs of children and communities impacted by inter-tribal conflicts in North, East, Central, West and South Darfur, South and West Kordofan (22-UF-CEF-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$8,235,047 Approval date:25 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-SDN-51627 Sudan UF Application Feb 2022 (Post conflict needs) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 22-UF-WHO-009 Improving access to essential and life-saving health services for conflict-affected population in three States of Sudan (22-UF-WHO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,405,325 Approval date:17 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-SDN-51627 Sudan UF Application Feb 2022 (Post conflict needs) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 22-UF-FPA-010 Provision of Provision of comprehensive, quality life - saving support for GBV survivors and prevention of GBV among the most vulnerable population in Central Darfur, North Darfur, West Darfur and South Kordofan states (22-UF-FPA-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,705,350 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-MDG-51622 Madagascar RR Application Feb 2022 (TC Batsirai & TC Emnati) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 22-RR-CEF-015 Sauver la vie des enfants par une intervention d’urgence immédiate dans les zones touchées par le cyclone Batsirai à Madagascar (22-RR-CEF-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,098,298 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-MDG-51622 Madagascar RR Application Feb 2022 (TC Batsirai & TC Emnati) Flood World Food Programme Madagascar 22-RR-WFP-016 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux populations affectées par le cyclone Batsirai (22-RR-WFP-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance US$1,208,352 Approval date:11 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-MDG-51622 Madagascar RR Application Feb 2022 (TC Batsirai & TC Emnati) Flood World Health Organization Madagascar 22-RR-WHO-010 La réponse d’urgence aux besoins sanitaires critiques des populations affectées par le Cyclone Batsirai et EMNATI dans les quatre districts touchés (22-RR-WHO-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$599,999 Approval date:11 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-MDG-51622 Madagascar RR Application Feb 2022 (TC Batsirai & TC Emnati) Flood United Nations Population Fund Madagascar 22-RR-FPA-011 Rétablir l’accès des groupes les plus vulnérables aux services vitaux de santé sexuelle et reproductive et de prévention et prise en charge des violences basées sur le genre dans 4 districts les plus touchés par le passage des cyclones BATSIRAI et EMNATI (22-RR-FPA-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$473,870 Approval date:11 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-MDG-51622 Madagascar RR Application Feb 2022 (TC Batsirai & TC Emnati) Flood International Organization for Migration Madagascar 22-RR-IOM-008 Assistance humanitaire en abris et appui à la gestion de sites pour les populations vulnérables affectées par le Cyclone Batsirai (22-RR-IOM-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$700,000 Approval date:11 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-MDG-51622 Madagascar RR Application Feb 2022 (TC Batsirai & TC Emnati) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 22-RR-FAO-011 Assistance Agricole d’urgence aux ménages vulnérables affectés par les cyclones Batsirai et Amnati dans les districts de Mananjary et Nosy Varika (22-RR-FAO-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes Food and Agriculture Organization Ukraine 22-RR-FAO-008 Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods Assistance to Conflict Affected People in Eastern Ukraine (22-RR-FAO-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture, Multi-Purpose Cash US$500,000 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes International Organization for Migration Ukraine 22-RR-IOM-009 Provision of life-saving assistance to conflict-affected populations fleeing from Ukraine to Poland and Moldova (22-RR-IOM-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$499,997 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:03 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes International Organization for Migration Ukraine 22-RR-IOM-010 Multi-purpose cash, shelter and non-food items emergency response to the conflict in Ukraine (22-RR-IOM-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$4,499,999 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:03 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations Population Fund Ukraine 22-RR-FPA-012 Emergency Response to support women and girls, including tackling gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and empowerment (22-RR-FPA-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$996,980 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:03 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ukraine 22-RR-HCR-007 Life-saving assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova (22-RR-HCR-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,000,090 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:03 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ukraine 22-RR-HCR-008 Emergency Protection, Shelter and MPC assistance for IDPs and conflict-affected in Ukraine (22-RR-HCR-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$5,000,000 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:03 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Ukraine 22-RR-WFP-017 Provision of Logistics and Emergency Telecommunication common services to support coordinated and efficient humanitarian responses in priority regions. (22-RR-WFP-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,000,000 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes World Health Organization Ukraine 22-RR-WHO-011 CERF health emergency response to the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine – delivery of critical medical items and strengthening of the surveillance system (22-RR-WHO-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$3,000,000 Approval date:02 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Ukraine 22-RR-CEF-021 Ensuring access to lifesaving health and nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, child protection, education and cash assistance, supplies and services for children and families in Ukraine (22-RR-CEF-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,000,000 Approval date:07 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes International Organization for Migration Ukraine 22-RR-IOM-011 Emergency response to the conflict in Ukraine through multi-purpose cash, shelter and non-food items (22-RR-IOM-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$5,000,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ukraine 22-RR-HCR-011 Emergency Protection, Shelter and MPC assistance for IDPs and conflict-affected in Ukraine (22-RR-HCR-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$6,000,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Ukraine 22-RR-CEF-023 Ensuring access to lifesaving health and nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, child protection, education and cash assistance, supplies and services for children and families in Ukraine (22-RR-CEF-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Health, Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$6,000,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes World Health Organization Ukraine 22-RR-WHO-013 Health emergency response scale-up in Ukraine – delivery of critical medical items and extension of the surveillance system (22-RR-WHO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$5,000,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Ukraine 22-RR-CHR-002 Expansion of HRMMU activities aimed at protection of civilian population, and promotion of remedy and reparation to survivors and their families in response to the 2022 Conflict in Ukraine (22-RR-CHR-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$2,006,966 Approval date:18 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations Population Fund Ukraine 22-RR-FPA-015 Emergency response to the acute SRH needs and GBV risks of vulnerable women and girls in western Ukraine (22-RR-FPA-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$1,999,805 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2022 Read more
22-RR-UKR-51803 Ukraine RR Application Mar 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Ukraine 22-RR-WFP-020 Provision of Food Assistance to Crisis-Affected People and Common Services (Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications) to support coordinated and efficient humanitarian responses in priority region (22-RR-WFP-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance US$14,000,052 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 22-UF-CEF-016 Crisis-affected children, adolescents, and their caregivers are provided with mental health and psychosocial well-being (MHPSS) and case management (CM) services in Chin, Sagaing, Kayah, Kayin, Tanintharyi and Southern Shan. (22-UF-CEF-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,116,851 Approval date:14 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 22-UF-CEF-017 Provision of emergency education services to crises affected girls and (22-UF-CEF-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$1,117,129 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 22-UF-CEF-018 Improved access to emergency primary health care services including Maternal Newborn and Child Health for vulnerable populations in Chin, Sagaing, Kayah, Kayin and Shan (22-UF-CEF-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$759,500 Approval date:14 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 22-UF-CEF-019 Emergency Nutrition services to conflict-affected areas and IDP camps during COVID-19 pandemic and military takeover (22-UF-CEF-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$894,750 Approval date:14 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 22-UF-CEF-020 Lifesaving WASH services to crisis-affected population (22-UF-CEF-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,114,440 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 22-UF-FAO-009 Emergency Support to Safeguard Food Security and Livelihoods for Most Vulnerable Farming Households in Kayin and Shan (South) States. (22-UF-FAO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 22-UF-FPA-013 Provision of life saving sexual and reproductive health services, gender–based violence response and mental health and psychosocial support in Chin, Kayah, Mon, and Shan (northern and southern) States (22-UF-FPA-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 22-UF-HCR-009 Emergency grant to support life-saving protection, shelter and non-food items humanitarian response activities in Myanmar (22-UF-HCR-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,000,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-51342 Myanmar UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 22-UF-WFP-018 Cash Assistance to Displaced and Conflict-affected Persons (22-UF-WFP-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,500,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-COD-51517 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-UF-CEF-022 Réponse d'urgence intégrée pour répondre aux besoins des enfants, des femmes et des personnes vulnérables touchées par les conflits armés et les épidémies de maladies infectieuses en RDC. (22-UF-CEF-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$8,849,996 Approval date:11 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-COD-51517 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-UF-FAO-010 Amélioration des conditions de vie et réduction de la vulnérabilité de 10,500 ménages dans les zones de santé de Bunia et Rwampara dans le territoire d’Irumu en Ituri et Masisi dans le territoire de Masisi au Nord-Kivu (22-UF-FAO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,800,000 Approval date:17 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-COD-51517 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-UF-FPA-014 Réponse d'urgence en prévention, prise en charge des Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) et protection contre l’exploitation et les abus sexuels dans les provinces de l'Ituri, Nord-Kivu, Sud- Kivu, Kasaï, Kasaï Central et Tanganyika (22-UF-FPA-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$2,250,000 Approval date:14 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-COD-51517 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-UF-HCR-010 Renforcement de la protection et mobilisation communautaire dans le Nord et Sud-Kivu  (22-UF-HCR-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$2,500,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-COD-51517 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-UF-WFP-019 Amélioration de l’accès aérien et assistance alimentaire nutrition-sensible dans l’Ituri, le Nord-Kivu et le Sud-Kivu (22-UF-WFP-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services, Multi-Purpose Cash, Nutrition US$4,600,000 Approval date:11 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-COD-51517 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2022 (Multiple) Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-UF-WHO-012 Amélioration de la résilience du système de santé dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu, Ituri, Sud-Kivu, Kasaï, Kasaï-Central et Tanganyika, en RDC. (22-UF-WHO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,007,513 Approval date:17 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MDG-52486 Madagascar UF Application Mar 2022 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 22-UF-FAO-012 Assistance d''urgence pour la réhabilitation des moyens de subsistance des ménages vulnérables affectés par la sécheresse prolongée dans le district d''Ampanihy, Région d''Atsimo Andrefana (22-UF-FAO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,000 Approval date:29 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-MDG-52486 Madagascar UF Application Mar 2022 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Madagascar 22-UF-IOM-012 Renforcer une réponse humanitaire adaptée aux besoins des personnes affectées par la sècheresse dans le Grand sud de Madagascar (22-UF-IOM-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$250,000 Approval date:29 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:31 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MDG-52486 Madagascar UF Application Mar 2022 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Madagascar 22-UF-WHO-014 Offre de soins de santé aux plus vulnérables, alerte précoce et réponse aux épidémies dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar (22-UF-WHO-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$700,000 Approval date:30 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-MDG-52486 Madagascar UF Application Mar 2022 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Madagascar 22-UF-WFP-021 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle d’urgence en réponse à la sécheresse dans les districts en IPC4 et appui logistique à la communauté humanitaire pour accéder aux communautés affectées dans le Sud de Madagascar (22-UF-WFP-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance, Nutrition US$3,006,156 Approval date:30 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-MDG-52486 Madagascar UF Application Mar 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 22-UF-CEF-024 Réponse multisectorielle à l’urgence sècheresse sud (Nutrition, WASH et Protection de l’Enfant (22-UF-CEF-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,303,437 Approval date:28 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2022 Read more
22-UF-MDG-52486 Madagascar UF Application Mar 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Madagascar 22-UF-FPA-016 Renforcement de la réponse humanitaire pour la réduction du haut risque de mortalité maternelle, et néonatale, des violences basées sur le genre et des abus et exploitation sexuels liés à l’insécurité alimentaire dans quatre districts sanitaires du Grand (22-UF-FPA-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$800,003 Approval date:30 Mar 2022 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-FAO-013 Emergency support for crisis-affected livestock herders to improve their food and nutrition security (22-UF-FAO-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,999,999 Approval date:21 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:25 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-CHR-003 Human rights protection through increasing monitoring, reporting, legal advice, capacity building and advocacy on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL) in the United Nations Syria response (22-UF-CHR-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$475,805 Approval date:21 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:09 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-FPA-017 Provision of Essential Lifesaving SRH and GBV Services to Displaced and Vulnerable Women and Girls (22-UF-FPA-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:22 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:26 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-HCR-012 Provision of shelter assistance and emergency NFI kits to people in need (22-UF-HCR-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$5,000,000 Approval date:21 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:26 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-CEF-025 Provision of multi-sectoral emergency life-saving support to children and their families in Syria (22-UF-CEF-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Multi-Purpose Cash, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$5,000,551 Approval date:21 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:22 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-WFP-022 Emergency food assistance and bread value chain rehabilitation targeting the underserved and food insecure communities of Hama, Homs and Quneitra (22-UF-WFP-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$6,000,000 Approval date:21 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:22 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Development Programme Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-UDP-002 Resilience building through integrated early recovery interventions (22-UF-UDP-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Early Recovery US$1,500,000 Approval date:21 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:05 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-SYR-52447 Syria UF Application Mar 2022 (Response to protracted needs) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 22-UF-WHO-015 Provision of life-saving and life-sustaining PHC, Trauma and Secondary healthcare services in under-served Syrian subdistricts – a Whole of Syria Proposal (22-UF-WHO-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$3,000,000 Approval date:21 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:25 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-52564 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2022 (Tropical Cyclone Gombe) Storm International Organization for Migration Mozambique 22-RR-IOM-013 Provision of immediate lifesaving emergency shelter and non-food item (NFI) assistance for cyclone affected populations in Nampula and Zambezia provinces, Mozambique (22-RR-IOM-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$822,720 Approval date:07 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:08 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-52564 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2022 (Tropical Cyclone Gombe) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 22-RR-CEF-026 Provision of multisector lifesaving assistance to cyclone-affected people in Nampula and Zambezia provinces (22-RR-CEF-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,056,603 Approval date:12 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:13 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-52564 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2022 (Tropical Cyclone Gombe) Storm World Health Organization Mozambique 22-RR-WHO-016 Provide primary care health services and strengthen the capacity to respond to infectious disease outbreaks of cholera, acute watery diarrhoea and dysentery to affected populations of Tropical Cyclone Gombe and flood-affected population in Mozambique (22-RR-WHO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$321,910 Approval date:13 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-52564 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2022 (Tropical Cyclone Gombe) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 22-RR-WFP-023 Life-saving food assistance to cyclone-affected populations impacted by Tropical Cyclone Gombe (22-RR-WFP-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,303,155 Approval date:07 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:08 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-52564 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2022 (Tropical Cyclone Gombe) Storm United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mozambique 22-RR-HCR-013 Shelter repair support for shock affected households in Nampula Province. (22-RR-HCR-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$214,294 Approval date:12 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:14 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-52564 Mozambique RR Application Apr 2022 (Tropical Cyclone Gombe) Storm United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 22-RR-FPA-018 Support ensuring the provision of lifesaving Sexual and Reproductive Health response services to Women, girls and young people affected by the Tropical Storm GOMBE in Nampula and Zambézia provinces, in Mozambique (22-RR-FPA-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,000 Approval date:12 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:14 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52708 South Sudan RR Application Apr 2022 (Abyei conflict) Displacement International Organization for Migration South Sudan 22-RR-IOM-014 Provision of Emergency and Lifesaving Multisectoral Assistance in Response to Conflict affected population in Twic and Abyei Administrative Area (22-RR-IOM-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,000,000 Approval date:27 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:03 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52708 South Sudan RR Application Apr 2022 (Abyei conflict) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 22-RR-HCR-014 Support to IDP/host community in Abyei and Twic through provision of protection and promotion of solutions (22-RR-HCR-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,500,000 Approval date:27 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52708 South Sudan RR Application Apr 2022 (Abyei conflict) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 22-RR-CEF-027 Emergency Nutrition and Child Protection Response in Abyei Administrative Area and Twic county (22-RR-CEF-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Protection US$1,196,221 Approval date:27 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52708 South Sudan RR Application Apr 2022 (Abyei conflict) Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 22-RR-WFP-024 Emergency food and nutrition assistance to vulnerable people affected by the recent outbreak of violence in the Abyei Region (22-RR-WFP-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$3,320,000 Approval date:27 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2022 Read more
22-UF-BFA-52240 Burkina Faso UF Application Apr 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 22-UF-CEF-028 Fourniture d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence intégrée en eau, assainissement et hygiène, santé, éducation et services de protection aux enfants et personnes déplacées internes et aux populations hôtes (22-UF-CEF-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,954,456 Approval date:28 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:03 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-BFA-52240 Burkina Faso UF Application Apr 2022 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Burkina Faso 22-UF-FAO-014 Protection des moyens d’existence des personnes déplacées internes et vulnérables dans les zones difficiles d’accès (22-UF-FAO-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,200,000 Approval date:28 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:05 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-BFA-52240 Burkina Faso UF Application Apr 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Burkina Faso 22-UF-FPA-019 Renforcement de l’accès des femmes et des filles déplacées internes et des survivantes de VBG aux services qui sauvent des vies dans le context de la crise de protection (22-UF-FPA-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$428,012 Approval date:28 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:03 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-BFA-52240 Burkina Faso UF Application Apr 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burkina Faso 22-UF-HCR-015 Améliorer la sécurité et la dignité des personnes déplacées internes et des populations hôtes très vulnérables sans habitation en les relogeant dans des abris d’urgence et en leur fournissant des articles ménagers essentiels (22-UF-HCR-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$498,231 Approval date:28 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:03 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-BFA-52240 Burkina Faso UF Application Apr 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Burkina Faso 22-UF-WFP-025 Assistance alimentaire et fourniture de services aériens humanitaires (UNHAS) pour sauver les vies des personnes déplacées internes dans les zones difficiles d’accès (22-UF-WFP-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance US$3,380,405 Approval date:28 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:03 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-BFA-52240 Burkina Faso UF Application Apr 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Burkina Faso 22-UF-UDP-003 Security risk management support to enable improved humanitarian access (22-UF-UDP-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$260,985 Approval date:28 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:09 May 2022 Read more
22-UF-BFA-52240 Burkina Faso UF Application Apr 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Burkina Faso 22-UF-OPS-002 Menace explosive au Burkina Faso – éducation aux risques des communautés et sensibilisation des humanitaires (22-UF-OPS-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$400,000 Approval date:28 Apr 2022 Disbursement date:04 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SDN-52762 Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 22-RR-FAO-015 Restoring food and nutrition security (22-RR-FAO-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$12,000,000 Approval date:13 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SDN-52762 Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 22-RR-CEF-029 Addressing nutrition and WASH needs of children and their communities impacted by dry spells (drought) and compounded crises. (22-RR-CEF-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$7,000,094 Approval date:13 May 2022 Disbursement date:17 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SDN-52762 Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 22-RR-WFP-026 Provision of Emergency Logistics Services Amid Soaring Food Insecurity in Sudan (22-RR-WFP-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,000,000 Approval date:13 May 2022 Disbursement date:17 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-COL-52811 Colombia RR Application May 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes World Health Organization Colombia 22-RR-WHO-017 Increasing life-saving health services in communities affected by conflict in Choco and Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura), Colombia (22-RR-WHO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$890,000 Approval date:06 May 2022 Disbursement date:13 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-COL-52811 Colombia RR Application May 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Colombia 22-RR-WFP-027 Providing life-saving food assistance and restore food security of vulnerable communities affected by multiple crisis including internal violence in the Department of Chocó. (22-RR-WFP-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture, Food Assistance US$1,110,002 Approval date:06 May 2022 Disbursement date:10 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-COL-52811 Colombia RR Application May 2022 (Conflict) Violence/Clashes United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Colombia 22-RR-HCR-016 Protection for victims of confinement by non-state armed groups (NSAGs) in the Departments of Chocó, Antioquia and Valle del Cauca (22-RR-HCR-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,000,511 Approval date:09 May 2022 Disbursement date:13 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52855 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Early action for floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 22-RR-CEF-030 Mitigating projected flood-related impacts in Unity State through targeted early action interventions in the WASH and Nutrition sectors (22-RR-CEF-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,000,000 Approval date:16 May 2022 Disbursement date:23 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52855 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Early action for floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization South Sudan 22-RR-FAO-016 Life-saving emergency livelihood support to flood- affected agro-pastoralist communities in Unity State (22-RR-FAO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:17 May 2022 Disbursement date:25 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52855 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Early action for floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund South Sudan 22-RR-FPA-020 Provision of Integrated Lifesaving Reproductive Health and GBV Prevention and Response Services for floods and crisis Affected Communities (22-RR-FPA-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$1,000,015 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:25 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52855 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Early action for floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 22-RR-HCR-017 Provision of GBV and CCCM support to mitigate the effects of potential flooding in Bentiu (22-RR-HCR-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection US$1,089,994 Approval date:17 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52855 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Early action for floods) Flood World Food Programme South Sudan 22-RR-WFP-028 Mitigation of further deterioration of vulnerable people’s health and nutrition status during flood shocks (22-RR-WFP-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$500,000 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:25 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52855 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Early action for floods) Flood World Health Organization South Sudan 22-RR-WHO-018 Early and anticipatory action for effective health response to flood-affected communities in Rubkona County. (22-RR-WHO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,000,000 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52855 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Early action for floods) Flood International Organization for Migration South Sudan 22-RR-IOM-015 Provision of Multisectoral Lifesaving Assistance for Flood-Affected population in Bentiu and Rubkona (22-RR-IOM-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Health, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$8,000,001 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:25 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-ERI-53046 Eritrea RR Application May 2022 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Eritrea 22-RR-FAO-017 Distribution of Livestock Feed to Drought Affected Communities of Northern and Southern Red Sea Regions (22-RR-FAO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,022 Approval date:23 May 2022 Disbursement date:26 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-ERI-53046 Eritrea RR Application May 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Development Programme Eritrea 22-RR-UDP-004 Emergency food assistance for drought-affected households and communities, to enhance resilience to shocks (22-RR-UDP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$1,000,423 Approval date:23 May 2022 Disbursement date:25 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-ERI-53046 Eritrea RR Application May 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Eritrea 22-RR-CEF-031 Integrated WASH and Nutrition response to drought emergency in Northern Red Sea, Southern Red Sea and Anseba, Eritrea (22-RR-CEF-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,007,384 Approval date:19 May 2022 Disbursement date:23 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-KEN-52746 Kenya RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Kenya 22-RR-FAO-018 Emergency assistance to safeguard livelihoods and sustain the nutrition of drought-affected pastoralist households in Marsabit and Mandera counties (22-RR-FAO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-KEN-52746 Kenya RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Kenya 22-RR-FPA-021 Responding to the drought emergency in Kenya through provision of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) services in Mandera and Marsabit counties. (22-RR-FPA-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$300,000 Approval date:19 May 2022 Disbursement date:23 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-KEN-52746 Kenya RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 22-RR-CEF-032 Provision of essential life-saving Health, Nutrition, WASH and Child Protection interventions to vulnerable girls, boys, women, and men affected by drought in the Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) counties of Kenya (22-RR-CEF-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,900,000 Approval date:26 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-KEN-52746 Kenya RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought World Food Programme Kenya 22-RR-WFP-029 Food Assistance to Populations Affected by Drought and Nutrition Support for Treatment of Acute Malnutrition in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya (22-RR-WFP-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,000,000 Approval date:20 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-KEN-52746 Kenya RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought World Health Organization Kenya 22-RR-WHO-019 Emergency lifesaving health response to drought disaster in Kenya targeting affected children, women and men (22-RR-WHO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,000 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-CMR-52854 Cameroon RR Application May 2022 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 22-RR-CEF-033 Mise en échelle de la réponse Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA) à l’épidémie de choléra dans les régions du Sud-Ouest et du Littoral au Cameroun (22-RR-CEF-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,220,506 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:25 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-CMR-52854 Cameroon RR Application May 2022 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Cameroon 22-RR-WHO-020 Réponse d'urgence à l'épidémie de choléra dans les régions du Sud-Ouest et du Littoral (22-RR-WHO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$499,989 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-52744 Somalia RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 22-RR-IOM-016 Emergency drought response through provision of integrated water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) services in Somalia (22-RR-IOM-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,750,011 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-52744 Somalia RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 22-RR-HCR-018 Provision of protection and specialised protection assistance to drought affected populations (vulnerable IDPs and host communities) in Benadir, South West States and Mudug. (22-RR-HCR-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:26 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-52744 Somalia RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 22-RR-CEF-034 Provision of emergency WASH services to drought and disease affected communities in Banadir and Bay regions of South-Central Somalia (22-RR-CEF-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,750,032 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-52744 Somalia RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 22-RR-WFP-030 WFP Integrated Response to Prevent Famine in Bay, Banadir and Mudug regions of Somalia. (22-RR-WFP-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance, Nutrition US$8,500,000 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:27 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-52744 Somalia RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and drought) Drought World Health Organization Somalia 22-RR-WHO-021 Response to the epidemic prone disease outbreak and mitigation through integrated primary health and nutrition services including immunization in Mudug (22-RR-WHO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,500,000 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NGA-52749 Nigeria RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 22-RR-CEF-035 Multisectoral Rapid Response to the people affected by the lean season (22-RR-CEF-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$5,000,000 Approval date:18 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-NGA-52749 Nigeria RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Nigeria 22-RR-WFP-031 Food assistance to the most vulnerable conflict affected people in the northeast Nigeria (22-RR-WFP-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$10,000,000 Approval date:19 May 2022 Disbursement date:23 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-52742 Yemen RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption Food and Agriculture Organization Yemen 22-RR-FAO-019 Emergency Livelihood Assistance to Address the Negative Impact of Rising Food Prices in Yemen (22-RR-FAO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,027,000 Approval date:23 May 2022 Disbursement date:27 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-52742 Yemen RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Population Fund Yemen 22-RR-FPA-022 Reducing the risks from, and responding to GBV driven by food insecurity (22-RR-FPA-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$750,513 Approval date:20 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-52742 Yemen RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 22-RR-HCR-019 Provision of multipurpose cash assistance to displaced Yemeni families facing acute food insecurity (22-RR-HCR-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$2,000,185 Approval date:20 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-52742 Yemen RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 22-RR-CEF-036 Multi-sectorial support to communities in IPC 4 and IPC 5 areas in Hajjah, Hodeidah, and Taiz with timely and high impact interventions (Health, WASH, Nutrition and Child Protection). (22-RR-CEF-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$7,023,000 Approval date:24 May 2022 Disbursement date:31 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-52742 Yemen RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption World Food Programme Yemen 22-RR-WFP-032 Deliver nutrition treatment and prevention activities for children and PLWGs in Yemen (22-RR-WFP-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$4,999,926 Approval date:20 May 2022 Disbursement date:24 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-52742 Yemen RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Yemen 22-RR-WHO-022 Maintaining Health/Nutrition Life Saving services in 19 TFCs and 5 hospitals covering targeted districts in Yemen (22-RR-WHO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition US$1,200,000 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-YEM-52742 Yemen RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Economic Disruption International Organization for Migration Yemen 22-RR-IOM-018 Providing emergency multipurpose cash assistance to crisis-affected populations in Yemen (22-RR-IOM-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$2,000,000 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:27 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-53127 DR Congo RR Application May 2022 (Ebola) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-CEF-037 Appui multi-sectoriel à la réponse à l’épidémie MVE dans la province de l’Equateur (22-RR-CEF-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$899,999 Approval date:27 May 2022 Disbursement date:01 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-53127 DR Congo RR Application May 2022 (Ebola) Ebola United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-FPA-023 Protection des populations vulnérables contre l''Exploitation et les Abus Sexuels dans la riposte à la 14ème épidémie de la Maladie à Virus Ebola dans la province de l''Equateur (22-RR-FPA-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$99,993 Approval date:27 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-53127 DR Congo RR Application May 2022 (Ebola) Ebola International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-IOM-017 Surveillance active des voyageurs et des populations mobiles lors de l''épidémie de maladie à virus Ebola dans la province de l''Équateur, République démocratique du Congo. (22-RR-IOM-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,000 Approval date:27 May 2022 Disbursement date:01 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-53127 DR Congo RR Application May 2022 (Ebola) Ebola World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-WFP-033 Provision of passenger and light Cargo Humanitarian Air Transportation Services for Ebola response in Equateur Province (22-RR-WFP-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$200,000 Approval date:23 May 2022 Disbursement date:26 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-53127 DR Congo RR Application May 2022 (Ebola) Ebola World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-WHO-023 Rapid Response to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemic in Equateur province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (22-RR-WHO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,010 Approval date:27 May 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-MRT-53067 Mauritania RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 22-RR-CEF-038 Prise en charge intégrée de la malnutrition aigüe sévère chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les districts sanitaires de Néma, Oualata et Bassikounou (région de Hodh Chargui) (22-RR-CEF-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,000 Approval date:02 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-MRT-53067 Mauritania RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mauritania 22-RR-HCR-020 Protection et assistance d’urgence aux réfugiés maliens (22-RR-HCR-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,001 Approval date:02 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-MRT-53067 Mauritania RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Mauritania 22-RR-IOM-019 Assistance humanitaire urgente multisectorielle pour les populations retournées au Hodh Ech Chargui (22-RR-IOM-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,000 Approval date:03 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-MRT-53067 Mauritania RR Application May 2022 (Food insecurity and displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Mauritania 22-RR-WFP-034 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux refugies maliens et aux populations mauritaniennes vulnérables (22-RR-WFP-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,500,000 Approval date:02 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52756 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 22-RR-CEF-039 Contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality among vulnerable groups in most affected counties by severe acute food insecurity in South Sudan (22-RR-CEF-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$6,000,030 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52756 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Violence/Clashes Food and Agriculture Organization South Sudan 22-RR-FAO-020 2022 Life-saving Emergency Livelihood Response in South Sudan (22-RR-FAO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,800,000 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52756 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Violence/Clashes International Organization for Migration South Sudan 22-RR-IOM-020 Provision of Multipurpose Cash (MPC) to communities affected by the food insecurity in South Sudan (22-RR-IOM-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$1,200,000 Approval date:27 May 2022 Disbursement date:01 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52756 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme South Sudan 22-RR-WFP-035 Emergency food assistance and nutrition support to vulnerable populations in Pibor and Fangak (22-RR-WFP-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$3,999,999 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:31 May 2022 Read more
22-RR-SSD-52756 South Sudan RR Application May 2022 (Food Insecurity) Violence/Clashes World Health Organization South Sudan 22-RR-WHO-024 Emergency health assistance to communities in IPC 4 and 5; acute food insecurity in Fangak, Leer, Mayendit, and Pibor counties in South Sudan (22-RR-WHO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,999,999 Approval date:25 May 2022 Disbursement date:02 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-DJI-53179 Djibouti RR Application May 2022 (drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 22-RR-FAO-021 Critical food security interventions for saving life assets of drought-affected and food insecure rural populations. (22-RR-FAO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:01 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-DJI-53179 Djibouti RR Application May 2022 (drought) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Djibouti 22-RR-HCR-021 Multipurpose CASH for refugee women and girls to access essential hygiene items (22-RR-HCR-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,004 Approval date:27 May 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-DJI-53179 Djibouti RR Application May 2022 (drought) Drought World Food Programme Djibouti 22-RR-WFP-036 Emergency Response to Drought – averting further food security crisis in rural Djibouti (22-RR-WFP-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,000,000 Approval date:06 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-DJI-53179 Djibouti RR Application May 2022 (drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 22-RR-CEF-040 Life-Saving Assistance to Drought Affected Populations in Djibouti trough sectoral response in Nutrition, WASH, GBV and Child Protection (22-RR-CEF-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$501,737 Approval date:07 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-ETH-52743 Ethiopia RR Application May 2022 (Food Security) Drought International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 22-RR-IOM-021 Multi-Purpose Cash Response for Food Insecure Households impacted by Drought (22-RR-IOM-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$2,500,000 Approval date:07 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-ETH-52743 Ethiopia RR Application May 2022 (Food Security) Drought World Health Organization Ethiopia 22-RR-WHO-025 Responding to health needs due to the impact of food insecurity in drought -affected areas. (22-RR-WHO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,499,748 Approval date:08 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:16 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-ETH-52743 Ethiopia RR Application May 2022 (Food Security) Drought World Food Programme Ethiopia 22-RR-WFP-037 Emergency response in the drought-affected woredas of the Somali, Oromia, and Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples (SNNP) regions (22-RR-WFP-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,500,000 Approval date:14 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:16 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-ETH-52743 Ethiopia RR Application May 2022 (Food Security) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 22-RR-CEF-041 Provision of Integrated emergency nutrition, child and social protection services in drought-affected communities in Oromia, Somali and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples regions (22-RR-CEF-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Nutrition, Protection US$3,900,000 Approval date:08 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-ETH-52743 Ethiopia RR Application May 2022 (Food Security) Drought United Nations Population Fund Ethiopia 22-RR-FPA-024 Responding to increased GBV risks and the needs of mainly women and girls who are food insecure in drought-affected areas (22-RR-FPA-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$600,000 Approval date:07 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-BFA-53665 Burkina Faso RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption Food and Agriculture Organization Burkina Faso 22-RR-FAO-022 Lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire et renforcement de la résilience des ménages vulnérables des communes difficiles d’accès du Nord et du Sahel (22-RR-FAO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:22 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-BFA-53665 Burkina Faso RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 22-RR-CEF-042 Projet de réponse à la dégradation de la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans la région du Nord du Burkina Faso (22-RR-CEF-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$800,039 Approval date:17 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:22 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-BFA-53665 Burkina Faso RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption World Food Programme Burkina Faso 22-RR-WFP-038 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle pour sauver les vies des personnes déplacées internes et des personnes vulnérables pendant la période de soudure au Burkina Faso, et fourniture de services logistiques pour l’accès aux zones d'interventions humani (22-RR-WFP-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance US$4,200,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:22 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-BFA-53665 Burkina Faso RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Burkina Faso 22-RR-WHO-026 Offre des soins de santé primaires d’urgence aux personnes déplacées internes et populations hôtes incluant des traitements vitaux aux enfants atteints de malnutrition aiguë sévère (MAS) avec complications dans les régions du Sahel et du Nord (22-RR-WHO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:22 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-53587 Niger RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 22-RR-FAO-023 Appui aux moyens de subsistance des ménages d’agropasteurs vulnérables dans les départements en phase 3 ou plus du Cadre Harmonisé des régions de Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri au Niger (22-RR-FAO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,500,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:22 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-53587 Niger RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption International Organization for Migration Niger 22-RR-IOM-022 Assistance humanitaire en abris et biens non-alimentaires pour les populations déplacées en situation de vulnérabilité dans les régions de Tahoua et Tillabéri au Niger (22-RR-IOM-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:17 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-53587 Niger RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption United Nations Population Fund Niger 22-RR-FPA-025 Mise en œuvre des services intégrés SR/VBG dans les 4 régions affectées par les mouvements des populations consécutifs à l’insécurité (22-RR-FPA-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$799,999 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:17 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-53587 Niger RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 22-RR-HCR-022 Appui au renforcement de la réponse de Protection et de la cohabitation pacifique dans la région de Tillabéri (22-RR-HCR-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:20 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-53587 Niger RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 22-RR-CEF-043 Contribution à la prise en charge de l’émaciation sévère chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les zones affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire au Niger. (22-RR-CEF-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$700,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:17 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-53587 Niger RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption World Food Programme Niger 22-RR-WFP-039 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux personnes vulnérables au Niger en soutien au plan d'urgence du gouvernement (22-RR-WFP-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,500,000 Approval date:15 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:23 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-UGA-53777 Uganda RR Application Jun 2022 (Karamoja drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 22-RR-CEF-045 Multi-sector response to the drought affected population in Karamoja sub-region regions of Uganda (22-RR-CEF-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,850,000 Approval date:30 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:05 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-UGA-53777 Uganda RR Application Jun 2022 (Karamoja drought) Drought World Food Programme Uganda 22-RR-WFP-041 Karamoja Lean Season Response (22-RR-WFP-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,300,000 Approval date:28 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:30 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-UGA-53777 Uganda RR Application Jun 2022 (Karamoja drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda 22-RR-FAO-025 Reducing Food Insecurity through Cash Assistance to the Drought Affected Communities in Karamoja region. (22-RR-FAO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:28 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:01 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-UGA-53777 Uganda RR Application Jun 2022 (Karamoja drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Uganda 22-RR-FPA-027 Addressing protection risks and strengthening access to SRHR in drought affected districts of Karamoja region (22-RR-FPA-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$450,000 Approval date:28 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:30 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-NPL-53977 Nepal RR Application Jun 2022 (Anticipatory Action) Flood World Food Programme Nepal 22-RR-WFP-043 Forecast based Anticipatory Action to Strengthen Food Security and Coping Capacity of Households-at-highest risk (WEST) (22-RR-WFP-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$2,508,426 Approval date:02 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:06 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-NPL-53977 Nepal RR Application Jun 2022 (Anticipatory Action) Flood United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Nepal 22-RR-WOM-002 Gender and Social Inclusion responsive AA for the mitigation and prevention of flood-related risks on women and other vulnerable groups (WEST) (22-RR-WOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$127,090 Approval date:02 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:12 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-NPL-53977 Nepal RR Application Jun 2022 (Anticipatory Action) Flood United Nations Population Fund Nepal 22-RR-FPA-029 Anticipatory action to reduce the impact of floods on vulnerable women and girls through provision of essential SRH and GBV services (WEST) (22-RR-FPA-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$551,175 Approval date:02 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-53741 Mali RR Application Jun 2022 (Food insecurity) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 22-RR-CEF-047 Réponse nutritionnelle d’urgence pour les populations vulnérables dans les régions de Ménaka, Ségou, Mopti, Gao, Tombouctou et les sites des déplacés de Bamako (22-RR-CEF-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,800,003 Approval date:23 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:27 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-53741 Mali RR Application Jun 2022 (Food insecurity) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 22-RR-FAO-026 Réponse rapide aux besoins immédiats des populations vulnérables en situation d’insécurité alimentaire (22-RR-FAO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,500,000 Approval date:28 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:05 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-53741 Mali RR Application Jun 2022 (Food insecurity) Drought World Food Programme Mali 22-RR-WFP-044 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle d’urgence dans les régions du centre et du nord du Mali (22-RR-WFP-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$3,700,000 Approval date:28 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:30 Jun 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-53949 Chad RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 22-RR-CEF-048 Réponse à la crise nutritionnelle dans les provinces du Batha, N’Djaména et Wadi Fira (22-RR-CEF-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,800,000 Approval date:29 Jun 2022 Disbursement date:01 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-53949 Chad RR Application Jun 2022 (Food security) Economic Disruption World Food Programme Chad 22-RR-WFP-045 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle pour les personnes en insécurité alimentaire sévère pendant la période de soudure (22-RR-WFP-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$5,200,000 Approval date:11 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:15 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-LKA-54074 Sri Lanka RR Application Jun 2022 (economic disruption) Economic Disruption Food and Agriculture Organization Sri Lanka 22-RR-FAO-027 Address urgent food security needs of marginal farmers and fishers in the most vulnerable districts in Sri Lanka (22-RR-FAO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,900,000 Approval date:05 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-LKA-54074 Sri Lanka RR Application Jun 2022 (economic disruption) Economic Disruption United Nations Development Programme Sri Lanka 22-RR-UDP-005 Provision of essential medicines and medical supplies (22-RR-UDP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,249,987 Approval date:14 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:19 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-LKA-54074 Sri Lanka RR Application Jun 2022 (economic disruption) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Sri Lanka 22-RR-CEF-049 Providing lifesaving protection, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, and education services to crisis-affected children and their families in Sri Lanka (22-RR-CEF-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$850,001 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-LKA-54074 Sri Lanka RR Application Jun 2022 (economic disruption) Economic Disruption World Food Programme Sri Lanka 22-RR-WFP-046 WFP cash-based assistance to vulnerable populations in Colombo and (22-RR-WFP-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$1,000,000 Approval date:05 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-CAF-53935 CAR RR Application Jun 2022 (CAR Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes Food and Agriculture Organization Central African Republic 22-RR-FAO-028 Assistance d’urgence au renforcement des capacités de production alimentaire des populations vulnérables centrafricaines affectées par l’impact des conflits internes et de la crise en Ukraine (22-RR-FAO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$3,500,000 Approval date:05 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-CAF-53935 CAR RR Application Jun 2022 (CAR Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 22-RR-HCR-023 Suivi de la Situation de Protection et Réponses Multisectorielles (22-RR-HCR-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$400,000 Approval date:11 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:14 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-CAF-53935 CAR RR Application Jun 2022 (CAR Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Central African Republic 22-RR-WFP-047 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux personnes vulnérable en RCA (22-RR-WFP-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$5,200,000 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-CAF-53935 CAR RR Application Jun 2022 (CAR Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes World Health Organization Central African Republic 22-RR-WHO-027 Appui à l’offre des soins de santé d’urgence de base aux populations des sous-préfectures de Kouango et Bozoum en République Centrafricaine (22-RR-WHO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$900,495 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:14 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-CAF-53935 CAR RR Application Jun 2022 (CAR Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 22-RR-CEF-050 Accès aux services vitaux de nutrition, d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement et de protection aux personnes les plus vulnérables, en particulier les enfants, les femmes et les personnes déplacées le long des axes des zones cibles avec un focus particulie (22-RR-CEF-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,500,000 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-CAF-53935 CAR RR Application Jun 2022 (CAR Food insecurity) Violence/Clashes United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 22-RR-FPA-030 Améliorer l’accès des femmes et des filles aux services de prise en charge de VBG dans les communautés affectées par l'insécurité alimentaire et les conflits armées en RCA (22-RR-FPA-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-BDI-54064 Burundi RR Application Jun 2022 (Rift Valley Fever) Animal Disease Food and Agriculture Organization Burundi 22-RR-FAO-029 Projet d’urgence pour faire face à la flambée de la Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift au Burundi (22-RR-FAO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:12 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:15 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-BDI-54064 Burundi RR Application Jun 2022 (Rift Valley Fever) Animal Disease World Health Organization Burundi 22-RR-WHO-028 Projet de riposte face à la flambée de la FVR au Burundi (22-RR-WHO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$501,000 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:14 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-AFG-54169 Afghanistan RR Application Jun 2022 (earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 22-RR-CEF-051 WASH and Education in Emergency Response for Most Vulnerable Population affected by the earthquake in Afghanistan (22-RR-CEF-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,750,000 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-AFG-54169 Afghanistan RR Application Jun 2022 (earthquake) Earthquake World Food Programme Afghanistan 22-RR-WFP-048 Emergency Earthquake Response to Affected Populations in Paktika and Khost (22-RR-WFP-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,000,000 Approval date:12 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:14 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-AFG-54169 Afghanistan RR Application Jun 2022 (earthquake) Earthquake World Health Organization Afghanistan 22-RR-WHO-029 Provision of emergency healthcare to the victims of earthquake in SER of Afghanistan (22-RR-WHO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,250,000 Approval date:07 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-54124 Mali RR Application Jul 2022 (Menaka displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mali 22-RR-FPA-031 Réponse aux besoins accrus sexuels et reproductifs des femmes et des filles à travers une approche holistique et intégrée de la fourniture de services de qualité dans la région de Ménaka. (22-RR-FPA-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$830,000 Approval date:18 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:26 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-54124 Mali RR Application Jul 2022 (Menaka displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mali 22-RR-HCR-024 Protection et assistance multisectorielle aux personnes affectées par les déplacements forcés à Ménaka (22-RR-HCR-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,330,000 Approval date:15 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:20 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-54124 Mali RR Application Jul 2022 (Menaka displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 22-RR-CEF-052 Réponse d’urgence en matière d''accès à l’eau, hygiène et assainissement et à des services de protection de l’enfant dans la région de Ménaka (22-RR-CEF-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,330,000 Approval date:14 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:18 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-MLI-54124 Mali RR Application Jul 2022 (Menaka displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Mali 22-RR-WHO-030 Assistance médico-nutritionnelle aux populations affectées par la crise humanitaire dans la région de Menaka (22-RR-WHO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$509,999 Approval date:15 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:19 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-BGD-54477 Bangladesh RR Application Jul 2022 (floods) Flood United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Bangladesh 22-RR-WOM-003 Interim protection arrangements for flood affected most-at-risk women and girls (22-RR-WOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$200,012 Approval date:25 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:02 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-BGD-54477 Bangladesh RR Application Jul 2022 (floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Bangladesh 22-RR-FAO-030 Emergency livestock support for small-scale farmers in severe flash flood-affected communities in Northeastern districts of Bangladesh (22-RR-FAO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:25 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:28 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-BGD-54477 Bangladesh RR Application Jul 2022 (floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 22-RR-CEF-053 Provision of life-saving WASH, Child Protection and Nutrition services for the flood affected people in Bangladesh (22-RR-CEF-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,650,000 Approval date:27 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:29 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-BGD-54477 Bangladesh RR Application Jul 2022 (floods) Flood World Food Programme Bangladesh 22-RR-WFP-049 Emergency food assistance to flood affected population in North-eastern Bangladesh (22-RR-WFP-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,800,000 Approval date:27 Jul 2022 Disbursement date:29 Jul 2022 Read more
22-RR-BGD-54477 Bangladesh RR Application Jul 2022 (floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 22-RR-FPA-032 Addressing protection and sexual and reproductive health needs of flash flood affected women, adolescents, and transgenders (22-RR-FPA-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$850,001 Approval date:01 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:05 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-54660 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2022 (M23 Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-FAO-031 Assistance d’urgence en intrants agricoles aux personnes déplacées par les affrontements armés dans les provinces du Nord Kivu (territoire de Beni) et de l’Ituri (territoire d’Irumu) ainsi qu’aux familles d’accueil (22-RR-FAO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,198,603 Approval date:23 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-54660 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2022 (M23 Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-IOM-023 Assistance humanitaire en abris pour les populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits en Ituri et au Nord-Kivu, République démocratique du Congo (RDC) (22-RR-IOM-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,040,000 Approval date:24 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-54660 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2022 (M23 Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-FPA-033 Amélioration de la prévention et réponse holistique aux VBG et EAS dans les territoires affectés par les crises humanitaires, Nyiragongo et Rutshuru au Nord Kivu, et Irumu en Ituri, de septembre 2022 à février 2023. (22-RR-FPA-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:24 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-54660 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2022 (M23 Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-HCR-025 Réponse d’urgence aux besoins des personnes déplacées, retournées et hôtes affectées par la crise M23 dans la province du Nord-Kivu (22-RR-HCR-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,120,000 Approval date:24 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-54660 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2022 (M23 Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-CEF-054 Life-saving assistance to children and their families affected by armed conflicts in Eastern DR Congo (22-RR-CEF-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,639,882 Approval date:23 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:24 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-54660 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2022 (M23 Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-WFP-050 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence au Rutshuru, province du Nord-Kivu (22-RR-WFP-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,000 Approval date:24 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COL-54690 Colombia RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods La Mojana) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 22-RR-CEF-055 Water, sanitation, and hygiene response to floods in the La Mojana region (22-RR-CEF-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$585,000 Approval date:17 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COL-54690 Colombia RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods La Mojana) Flood World Food Programme Colombia 22-RR-WFP-051 Provide life-saving food assistance to people affected by extensive floods in the Mojana Subregion  (22-RR-WFP-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$934,856 Approval date:17 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-COL-54690 Colombia RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods La Mojana) Flood World Health Organization Colombia 22-RR-WHO-031 Response to emergency health needs in flood-affected communities in La Mojana Region, Colombia (22-RR-WHO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$485,000 Approval date:17 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:24 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-GMB-54900 Gambia RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Gambia 22-RR-WFP-052 Emergency food assistance to flood victims (22-RR-WFP-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$650,000 Approval date:26 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:31 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-GMB-54900 Gambia RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Gambia 22-RR-CEF-056 Emergency WASH support for Flood Victims in Gambia (22-RR-CEF-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$351,643 Approval date:26 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:31 Aug 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-54991 Niger RR Application Aug 2022 (Anticipatory Action - Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 22-RR-FAO-032 Protéger les moyens de subsistance agro-pastoraux des ménages les plus vulnérables, en anticipant sur les sécheresses. (22-RR-FAO-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,500,000 Approval date:09 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-54991 Niger RR Application Aug 2022 (Anticipatory Action - Drought) Drought United Nations Development Programme Niger 22-RR-UDP-006 Réduire la vulnérabilité des populations des communes ciblées face aux risques de sècheresse. (22-RR-UDP-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$713,791 Approval date:14 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-54991 Niger RR Application Aug 2022 (Anticipatory Action - Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Niger 22-RR-FPA-035 Réduire l'impact de la sécheresse sur les femmes et les filles dans les domaines de santé de la reproduction et la lutte contre les VBG (22-RR-FPA-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$600,000 Approval date:14 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-54991 Niger RR Application Aug 2022 (Anticipatory Action - Drought) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 22-RR-HCR-026 Monitoring de protection et sensibilisation des communautés sur les risques de violations de droits du fait de la sécheresse. (22-RR-HCR-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$400,017 Approval date:21 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:05 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-54991 Niger RR Application Aug 2022 (Anticipatory Action - Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 22-RR-CEF-058 Contribution à la réduction de l’impact d’humanitaire de la sécheresse sur les personnes vulnérables au Niger. Action – Anticipatoire – 2022 (22-RR-CEF-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,250,000 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-54991 Niger RR Application Aug 2022 (Anticipatory Action - Drought) Drought World Health Organization Niger 22-RR-WHO-033 Assistance sanitaire anticipatoire des populations affectées par la sècheresse (22-RR-WHO-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$549,987 Approval date:09 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:19 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-NER-54991 Niger RR Application Aug 2022 (Anticipatory Action - Drought) Drought World Food Programme Niger 22-RR-WFP-053 Appuyer les moyens de subsistance des personnes en situation d'insécurité alimentaire ou à risque d'insécurité alimentaire (22-RR-WFP-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,500,007 Approval date:19 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:22 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 22-RR-FAO-033 Livestock Protection in flood-affected areas of Balochistan (22-RR-FAO-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$546,000 Approval date:30 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:02 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 22-RR-FPA-034 Ensuring access to life saving reproductive health services, including basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care and integrated GBV services in the floods affected districts in Balochistan (22-RR-FPA-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$447,646 Approval date:30 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:02 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 22-RR-CEF-057 Lifesaving severe acute malnutrition treatment services for children under five and pregnant and lactating mothers and provision of WASH response for flood affected populations in Lasbela, and Jhal Magsi Balochistan (22-RR-CEF-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,117,153 Approval date:30 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:02 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Pakistan 22-RR-WHO-032 Ensuring continued access to essential lifesaving health and nutrition services to the floods affected population (22-RR-WHO-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$954,000 Approval date:30 Aug 2022 Disbursement date:02 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 22-RR-FAO-035 Emergency response to support livestock owners in floods-affected districts of Sindh province (22-RR-FAO-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,404,280 Approval date:14 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:19 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 22-RR-CEF-062 Provision of lifesaving preventive and curative nutrition services for children under five and pregnant and lactating mothers, and WASH response (22-RR-CEF-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,717,116 Approval date:14 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Pakistan 22-RR-WHO-035 Ensuring continued access to essential lifesaving health and nutrition services including disease surveillance and response for the floods affected population (22-RR-WHO-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition US$2,082,884 Approval date:14 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:19 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-PAK-54917 Pakistan RR Application Aug 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 22-RR-FPA-038 Ensuring access to life reproductive health services, including basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care and integrated GBV services in the floods affected districts in Sindh. (22-RR-FPA-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$802,354 Approval date:14 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-HTI-54830 Haiti RR Application Aug 2022 (Gang Violence) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 22-RR-CEF-059 Provision of life saving assistance to people affected by the intensification of the conflict in Cité Soleil (22-RR-CEF-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,000,018 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:09 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-HTI-54830 Haiti RR Application Aug 2022 (Gang Violence) Violence/Clashes World Food Programme Haiti 22-RR-WFP-054 Provide life-saving food assistance to vulnerable people living in areas controlled by armed gangs in the Port au Prince metropolitan area (22-RR-WFP-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,000,000 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:09 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-55116 Somalia RR Application Sep 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 22-RR-CEF-060 Emergency WASH and nutrition (preventative and curative) services for drought-affected children and families (22-RR-CEF-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,000,002 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:12 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-55116 Somalia RR Application Sep 2022 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 22-RR-IOM-024 Emergency drought response through provision of integrated water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) services (22-RR-IOM-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,500,000 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:12 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-55116 Somalia RR Application Sep 2022 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 22-RR-WFP-055 Enabling access to drought-affected and hard-to-reach areas in Somalia through UNHAS and Logistics Cluster services. (22-RR-WFP-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,000,001 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:09 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-55116 Somalia RR Application Sep 2022 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Somalia 22-RR-FPA-036 Improving access to life-saving quality and confidential GBV services to women and girls in drought-impacted locations of Kahda, Daynile, Baidoa, Galkacyo, Beletweyne and Kismayo (22-RR-FPA-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,499,801 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:09 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-SOM-55116 Somalia RR Application Sep 2022 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Somalia 22-RR-WHO-034 Rapid Response to mitigate the negative impact of drought in Southwest, Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubaland states, and Banadir region (22-RR-WHO-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$3,000,000 Approval date:07 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-55016 Mozambique RR Application Sep 2022 (Response to internal displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mozambique 22-RR-FAO-034 Emergency livelihoods response to newly displaced people in the Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces (22-RR-FAO-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:21 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-55016 Mozambique RR Application Sep 2022 (Response to internal displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Mozambique 22-RR-IOM-025 Multisectoral humanitarian assistance for people affected by Ancuabe attacks in Cabo Delgado (22-RR-IOM-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Health, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,050,000 Approval date:23 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-55016 Mozambique RR Application Sep 2022 (Response to internal displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mozambique 22-RR-HCR-027 Multisectoral assistance to new arrivals from Ancuabe (22-RR-HCR-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$921,092 Approval date:23 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-55016 Mozambique RR Application Sep 2022 (Response to internal displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 22-RR-CEF-061 Multi-sectoral emergency assistance to respond to new displacement populations with critical WASH, protection, health, and nutrition services and items (22-RR-CEF-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,518,101 Approval date:21 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-55016 Mozambique RR Application Sep 2022 (Response to internal displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Mozambique 22-RR-WFP-056 Food assistance in response to recent displacements in Northern Mozambique (22-RR-WFP-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$350,002 Approval date:23 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-MOZ-55016 Mozambique RR Application Sep 2022 (Response to internal displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 22-RR-FPA-037 Provision of lifesaving SRH and GBV response services to displaced and vulnerable IDP women and girls and host communities affected by the insecurity in the Southern districts of Cabo Delgado and Nampula. (22-RR-FPA-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$550,000 Approval date:23 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2022 Read more
22-RR-MWI-55260 Malawi RR Application Sep 2022 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Malawi 22-RR-WHO-036 Support to Strengthen Surveillance and Case Management Response to Cholera Outbreak in Malawi (22-RR-WHO-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$256,000 Approval date:30 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:05 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-MWI-55260 Malawi RR Application Sep 2022 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 22-RR-CEF-063 Integrated Cholera response for Malawi (22-RR-CEF-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$744,000 Approval date:30 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2022 Read more
22-UF-NGA-55396 Nigeria UF Application Sep 2022 (Malnutrition) Displacement International Organization for Migration Nigeria 22-UF-IOM-026 Supporting humanitarian responders with access to hard to reach locations to operationalize life-saving activities (22-UF-IOM-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$500,000 Approval date:28 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2022 Read more
22-UF-NGA-55396 Nigeria UF Application Sep 2022 (Malnutrition) Violence/Clashes United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 22-UF-CEF-064 Multisectoral Response to the communities affected by malnutrition (22-UF-CEF-064) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$8,500,000 Approval date:03 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:05 Oct 2022 Read more
22-UF-NGA-55396 Nigeria UF Application Sep 2022 (Malnutrition) Violence/Clashes Food and Agriculture Organization Nigeria 22-UF-FAO-036 Addressing Acute Malnutrition through Agriculture and Nutrition-sensitive Interventions in Borno and Yobe States (22-UF-FAO-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture, Nutrition US$1,000,000 Approval date:29 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Chad 22-RR-WHO-037 Appui sanitaire d’urgence aux sinistrés des inondations dans les provinces du Mandoul, logone Occidental, Sila, le Lac et Ndjamena (22-RR-WHO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$799,459 Approval date:29 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Chad 22-RR-WFP-057  (22-RR-WFP-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,500,000 Approval date:29 Sep 2022 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 22-RR-HCR-028 Réponse d’urgence aux réfugiés affectés par les inondations dans les camps des réfugiés de N’Djamena, Sila, Chari-Baguirmi et le Lac (22-RR-HCR-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$900,855 Approval date:05 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:12 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 22-RR-CEF-065 Réponse multisectorielle aux inondations dans les provinces de N’Djaména, du Logone Occidental et du Mandoul (22-RR-CEF-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,800,020 Approval date:05 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 22-RR-CEF-077 Réponse multisectorielle aux inondations dans les provinces de N’Djaména et Lac (22-RR-CEF-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$950,060 Approval date:28 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:30 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Chad 22-RR-IOM-033 Assistance d’urgence en abris et articles ménagers essentiels pour les personnes déplacées à cause des inondations à N'Djamena et dans le Lac. (22-RR-IOM-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$800,000 Approval date:28 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:30 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 22-RR-HCR-032 Amélioration du cadre de protection des personnes victimes d’inondations déplacées à N’Djamena et dans la province du Lac (22-RR-HCR-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$700,000 Approval date:24 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:30 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Chad 22-RR-WFP-066 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux personnes affectées par les inondations dans les (22-RR-WFP-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,300,000 Approval date:24 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:28 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-TCD-55359 Chad RR Application Sep 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Chad 22-RR-FPA-042 Offre de services pour la réponse aux Violences Basées sur le Genre et Abus et Exploitation Sexuels, incluant l’accès aux services de santé reproductive (SR) (22-RR-FPA-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$250,000 Approval date:28 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:01 Dec 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-55354 DR Congo RR Application Sep 2022 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-CEF-066 Réponse rapide à l’épidémie de choléra dans la province du Sankuru et dans les hotspot de la République Démocratique du Congo (22-RR-CEF-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,011 Approval date:03 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:05 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-COD-55354 DR Congo RR Application Sep 2022 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 22-RR-WHO-038 Réponse d’urgence pour réduire la morbidité et mortalité liées aux épidémies de choléra dans 4 provinces hots spots en RDC. (Sankuru, Sud-Kivu, Tanganyika, Haut-Lomami) (22-RR-WHO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,000,000 Approval date:10 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:13 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-SDN-55370 Sudan RR Application Oct 2022 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 22-RR-IOM-027 Providing operational and logistical assistance to humanitarian actors supporting flood-affected populations across Sudan (22-RR-IOM-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,000 Approval date:05 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-SDN-55370 Sudan RR Application Oct 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 22-RR-HCR-029 Shelter and NFI assistance to communities affected by floods in 2022 (22-RR-HCR-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,500,000 Approval date:05 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:12 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-SDN-55370 Sudan RR Application Oct 2022 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 22-RR-CEF-067 Provision of essential and lifesaving WASH and Education services to flood affected population across nine states (22-RR-CEF-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,701,935 Approval date:05 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-SDN-55370 Sudan RR Application Oct 2022 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 22-RR-WHO-039 Improving access to essential and life-saving health care services, through supporting WASH in health facilities and vector control interventions for flood-affected population in 31 localities in 9 states (22-RR-WHO-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,299,676 Approval date:07 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:13 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-ZWE-55485 Zimbabwe RR Application Oct 2022 (Measles response) Measles World Health Organization Zimbabwe 22-RR-WHO-040 Strengthening Measles outbreak response in 10 most affected districts in Zimbabwe (22-RR-WHO-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$618,888 Approval date:19 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-ZWE-55485 Zimbabwe RR Application Oct 2022 (Measles response) Measles United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 22-RR-CEF-068 Strengthening Measles outbreak response in 10 most affected districts in Zimbabwe (22-RR-CEF-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$889,759 Approval date:19 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:21 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-CUB-55712 Cuba RR Application Oct 2022 (Emergency response Hurrican Ian) Storm World Food Programme Cuba 22-RR-WFP-058 Response to hurrican Ian (22-RR-WFP-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,798,106 Approval date:18 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:20 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-CUB-55712 Cuba RR Application Oct 2022 (Emergency response Hurrican Ian) Storm United Nations Population Fund Cuba 22-RR-FPA-039 Sexual and reproductive health, including sexual violence services revitalized (22-RR-FPA-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$400,000 Approval date:18 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:20 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-CUB-55712 Cuba RR Application Oct 2022 (Emergency response Hurrican Ian) Storm World Health Organization Cuba 22-RR-WHO-041 Health Response to the impact of Hurricane Ian in western provinces of Pinar del Rio and Artemisa, Cuba (22-RR-WHO-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$899,997 Approval date:21 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:27 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-CUB-55712 Cuba RR Application Oct 2022 (Emergency response Hurrican Ian) Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Cuba 22-RR-FAO-037 Rehabilitation of short-cycle crops production to the food and nutritional security of vulnerable people affected by Hurricane Ian (22-RR-FAO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,085 Approval date:21 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-CUB-55712 Cuba RR Application Oct 2022 (Emergency response Hurrican Ian) Storm United Nations Development Programme Cuba 22-RR-UDP-007 Immediate response to provide temporary emergency shelter and restore basic living conditions for hurricane Ian affected people in the province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. (22-RR-UDP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,700,001 Approval date:21 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-CUB-55712 Cuba RR Application Oct 2022 (Emergency response Hurrican Ian) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Cuba 22-RR-CEF-069 WASH intervention and rehabilitation of educational centers to benefit children, families, and communities in 8 municipalities of Pinar del Río. (22-RR-CEF-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,529,545 Approval date:18 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:20 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-HTI-55716 Haiti RR Application Oct 2022 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 22-RR-CEF-071 Supporting emergency response to the cholera outbreak (22-RR-CEF-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,500,000 Approval date:27 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:31 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-HTI-55716 Haiti RR Application Oct 2022 (Cholera) Cholera World Food Programme Haiti 22-RR-WFP-061 UNHAS support for the Cholera Response (22-RR-WFP-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$2,000,000 Approval date:20 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-HTI-55716 Haiti RR Application Oct 2022 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Haiti 22-RR-WHO-042 Scaling-up the Health Response to the Resurgence of Cholera in Haiti (22-RR-WHO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,538,539 Approval date:20 Oct 2022 Disbursement date:27 Oct 2022 Read more
22-RR-UGA-55796 Uganda RR Application Oct 2022 (Ebola) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 22-RR-CEF-072 Prevention of Ebola viruses’ disease and mitigation of its impact through provision of WASH services, supplies, capacity building, risk communication and community engagement (22-RR-CEF-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,050,000 Approval date:07 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:08 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-UGA-55796 Uganda RR Application Oct 2022 (Ebola) Ebola World Food Programme Uganda 22-RR-WFP-062 Supporting Ebola virus disease containment efforts in Uganda through food assistance (22-RR-WFP-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$250,000 Approval date:07 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:10 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-UGA-55796 Uganda RR Application Oct 2022 (Ebola) Ebola World Health Organization Uganda 22-RR-WHO-043 Response to Sudan Ebolavirus Outbreak in Uganda (22-RR-WHO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,700,000 Approval date:07 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-KGZ-55989 Kyrgyzstan RR Application Oct 2022 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Kyrgyzstan 22-RR-IOM-030 Shelter and non-food items emergency assistance to affected people in Batken region of the Kyrgyz Republic (22-RR-IOM-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,000 Approval date:02 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-KGZ-55989 Kyrgyzstan RR Application Oct 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Kyrgyzstan 22-RR-WFP-063 Food assistance to Internally Displaced People (IDPs), host communities and returnees affected by the escalation of violence at the Kyrgyz-Tajik border (22-RR-WFP-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$353,000 Approval date:02 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-KGZ-55989 Kyrgyzstan RR Application Oct 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Kyrgyzstan 22-RR-CEF-073 Delivery of critical WASH supplies and winterised bathing facilities for the most vulnerable people in affected areas of Batken and Osh oblasts (22-RR-CEF-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$157,290 Approval date:02 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-NGA-56022 Nigeria RR Application Oct 2022 (Flood) Flood International Organization for Migration Nigeria 22-RR-IOM-031 Enhancing the protection, living conditions, and reducing the vulnerabilities of IDPs and host communities among the flood-affected populations in Nigeria (22-RR-IOM-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Early Recovery, Health, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,492,510 Approval date:09 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-NGA-56022 Nigeria RR Application Oct 2022 (Flood) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 22-RR-CEF-074 Multisectoral Rapid Response for flood-affected people in Bayelsa, Anambra, and Niger States (22-RR-CEF-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,500,000 Approval date:10 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2022 Read more
22-RR-NGA-56022 Nigeria RR Application Oct 2022 (Flood) Flood World Food Programme Nigeria 22-RR-WFP-064 Enabling UN Common Services for the Humanitarian Operations in Northeast Nigeria (22-RR-WFP-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$501,158 Approval date:09 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2022 Read more
22-UF-DZA-55677 Algeria UF Application Nov 2022 (Assistance to Sahrawi refugees) Refugees United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Algeria 22-UF-HCR-030 Humanitarian assistance for addressing food security and nutritional needs for Sahrawi Refugees (22-UF-HCR-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$922,306 Approval date:28 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:30 Nov 2022 Read more
22-UF-DZA-55677 Algeria UF Application Nov 2022 (Assistance to Sahrawi refugees) Refugees World Food Programme Algeria 22-UF-WFP-065 Provision of Food Assistance to Sahrawi refugees in Algeria (22-UF-WFP-065) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,077,814 Approval date:28 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:02 Dec 2022 Read more
22-RR-LBN-56227 Lebanon RR Application Nov 2022 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Lebanon 22-RR-HCR-031 Life-saving hospital support and oral cholera vaccine (OCV) administration (22-RR-HCR-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,000,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:08 Dec 2022 Read more
22-RR-LBN-56227 Lebanon RR Application Nov 2022 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 22-RR-CEF-076 WASH response to Cholera in Lebanon (22-RR-CEF-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,000,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:01 Dec 2022 Read more
22-RR-LBN-56227 Lebanon RR Application Nov 2022 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Lebanon 22-RR-WHO-044 Oral Cholera Vaccination to high-risk settings in Lebanon (22-RR-WHO-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,000,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:01 Dec 2022 Read more
22-RR-ETH-56128 Ethiopia RR Application Nov 2022 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 22-RR-CEF-078 Provision of lifesaving WASH services and needs to the most vulnerable cholera-affected populations of Oromia and Somali (22-RR-CEF-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,000,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:01 Dec 2022 Read more
22-RR-ETH-56128 Ethiopia RR Application Nov 2022 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Ethiopia 22-RR-WHO-045 Health Sector preparedness and response to the cholera outbreak in affected woredas in Somali and Oromia regions. (22-RR-WHO-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,999,808 Approval date:28 Nov 2022 Disbursement date:01 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MOZ-55427 Mozambique UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mozambique 22-UF-HCR-033 Provision of lifesaving protection services and assistance for displaced populations (22-UF-HCR-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$320,001 Approval date:15 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MOZ-55427 Mozambique UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 22-UF-CEF-079 Support to women, girls, boys, and their families in conflict-affected in Cabo Delgado (22-UF-CEF-079) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Protection US$2,609,996 Approval date:16 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MOZ-55427 Mozambique UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 22-UF-FPA-043 Provision of lifesaving Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence interventions to the conflict-affected population in Cabo Delgado Province (22-UF-FPA-043) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,400,000 Approval date:16 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MOZ-55427 Mozambique UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement World Health Organization Mozambique 22-UF-WHO-046 Provision of life-sustaining and life-saving interventions to the conflict-affected population with a special focus on the women, adolescent girls and children in Cabo Delgado province north of Mozambique. (22-UF-WHO-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$670,000 Approval date:15 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-UGA-55426 Uganda UF Application Dec 2022 (Refugees) Refugees United Nations Population Fund Uganda 22-UF-FPA-044 Maintaining critical, lifesaving & integrated SRH and GBV services within the Ugandan refugee response (22-UF-FPA-044) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$970,000 Approval date:15 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:16 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-UGA-55426 Uganda UF Application Dec 2022 (Refugees) Refugees United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 22-UF-HCR-034 Emergency protection and assistance to refugees in transit/reception centers and receiving settlements in Uganda (22-UF-HCR-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$3,480,000 Approval date:15 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-UGA-55426 Uganda UF Application Dec 2022 (Refugees) Refugees United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 22-UF-CEF-080 Prevention and Provision of Care for Child Wasting in Refugee Settlements in Uganda (22-UF-CEF-080) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,000 Approval date:14 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:15 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-UGA-55426 Uganda UF Application Dec 2022 (Refugees) Refugees United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Uganda 22-UF-WOM-004 Emergency protection support, including SGBV response and prevention for women and girls in Kisoro and Isingiro Districts (22-UF-WOM-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$350,000 Approval date:15 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-UGA-55426 Uganda UF Application Dec 2022 (Refugees) Refugees World Food Programme Uganda 22-UF-WFP-067 Food Assistance to crisis affected persons in refugee settlements in Uganda (22-UF-WFP-067) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,200,000 Approval date:14 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:15 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MLI-55394 Mali UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement International Organization for Migration Mali 22-UF-IOM-034 Améliorer l'accès en abris d'urgence et bien non-alimentaires des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) de Gao et de Kidal (22-UF-IOM-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,000 Approval date:13 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:15 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MLI-55394 Mali UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement World Health Organization Mali 22-UF-WHO-047 Assistance médico psychologique aux populations affectées par la crise humanitaire et les inondations des régions de Gao, Kidal et Mopti (22-UF-WHO-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:09 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:14 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MLI-55394 Mali UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mali 22-UF-FPA-045 Promouvoir les droits sexuels et reproductifs à travers une approche holistique et intégrée de services de Violences basées sur le Genre (VBG) et de Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive (SSR) dans les régions du centre et du nord affectées par la crise au Mali (22-UF-FPA-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,000,009 Approval date:13 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:15 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MLI-55394 Mali UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mali 22-UF-HCR-035 Projet d’assistance multisectorielle en documentation civile et en abris d’urgence aux personnes affectés par le déplacement forcé au centre (22-UF-HCR-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,350,000 Approval date:09 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:14 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MLI-55394 Mali UF Application Dec 2022 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 22-UF-CEF-081 Réponse multisectorielle (éducation, protection et accès à l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement) au profit des enfants déplacés, affectés par la crise et victimes de violations graves dans les régions de Gao, Mopti et Kidal/Mali (22-UF-CEF-081) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,150,000 Approval date:09 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-CMR-55966 Cameroon UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 22-UF-CEF-082 Addressing the nutritional needs of children among internally-displaced and host population in the Far North Region (22-UF-CEF-082) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$450,000 Approval date:16 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-CMR-55966 Cameroon UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 22-UF-HCR-036 Protection response for the internal displacement situation in the North-West/South-West regions and Shelter/NFI response in the Far North (22-UF-HCR-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,300,000 Approval date:20 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:22 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-CMR-55966 Cameroon UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cameroon 22-UF-FPA-046 Comprehensive life saving GBV services to affected women and girls in the North West and South Regions of Cameroon (22-UF-FPA-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$650,010 Approval date:23 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-CMR-55966 Cameroon UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Cameroon 22-UF-IOM-035 Lifesaving assistance to displaced populations in the Far-North region of Cameroon through Shelter/Non-Food Items (NFI). (22-UF-IOM-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$450,000 Approval date:16 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-CMR-55966 Cameroon UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 22-UF-WFP-068 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle d’urgence aux populations touchées par les crises dans les régions de l'Extrême Nord du Cameroun (22-UF-WFP-068) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,950,099 Approval date:27 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:29 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-CMR-55966 Cameroon UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Cameroon 22-UF-FAO-039 Réponse rapide aux besoins immédiats des populations vulnérables en situation d’insécurité alimentaire (22-UF-FAO-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,200,000 Approval date:16 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-BGD-56290 Bangladesh UF Application Dec 2022 (Rohingya refugees) Refugees International Organization for Migration Bangladesh 22-UF-IOM-036 Providing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to address cooking fuel needs of Rohingya households in Cox's Bazar (22-UF-IOM-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,500,000 Approval date:23 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-BGD-56290 Bangladesh UF Application Dec 2022 (Rohingya refugees) Refugees United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Bangladesh 22-UF-WOM-005 Strengthening GBV mitigation, prevention and response in the Rohingya refugee camps through multi-sectoral services and women-led support (22-UF-WOM-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$250,000 Approval date:27 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-BGD-56290 Bangladesh UF Application Dec 2022 (Rohingya refugees) Refugees United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Bangladesh 22-UF-HCR-037 Providing critical lifesaving support to the most vulnerable Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh to preserve a dignified protection space (22-UF-HCR-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,000,000 Approval date:16 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-BGD-56290 Bangladesh UF Application Dec 2022 (Rohingya refugees) Refugees World Food Programme Bangladesh 22-UF-WFP-069 General Food Assistance for Rohingya Refugees (22-UF-WFP-069) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,500,000 Approval date:20 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:22 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-BGD-56290 Bangladesh UF Application Dec 2022 (Rohingya refugees) Refugees United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 22-UF-CEF-083 Provision of WASH and CP services for Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char (22-UF-CEF-083) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,250,000 Approval date:27 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-BGD-56290 Bangladesh UF Application Dec 2022 (Rohingya refugees) Refugees United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 22-UF-FPA-047 Prevention and provision of lifesaving gender based violence and integrated SRHR in emergencies response services among the Rohingya refugees (22-UF-FPA-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:27 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:29 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-56292 Myanmar UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 22-UF-FAO-040 Lifesaving emergency livelihood support to vulnerable food-insecure farming households through agriculture inputs package and multipurpose cash assistance (22-UF-FAO-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,200,000 Approval date:21 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-56292 Myanmar UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 22-UF-FPA-048 Delivering lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services, gender–based violence response and mental health and psychosocial support in North-West Myanmar (Chin, Rakhine and Sagaing) (22-UF-FPA-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$650,149 Approval date:21 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-56292 Myanmar UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 22-UF-HCR-038 Provision of life-saving protection and shelter assistance to IDPs in Myanmar (22-UF-HCR-038) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,525,001 Approval date:21 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-56292 Myanmar UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 22-UF-CEF-084 Provision of integrated humanitarian lifesaving assistance and services to most vulnerable conflict-affected population, including children and women in Myanmar (22-UF-CEF-084) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,600,001 Approval date:20 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:22 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-56292 Myanmar UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 22-UF-WFP-070 Food, cash and nutrition assistance to displaced, conflict-affected and other vulnerable people (22-UF-WFP-070) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,700,501 Approval date:22 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-56292 Myanmar UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Myanmar 22-UF-WHO-048 Provision of lifesaving essential health services to displaced people and vulnerable host communities in Rakhine (22-UF-WHO-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$550,016 Approval date:21 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-MMR-56292 Myanmar UF Application Dec 2022 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Myanmar 22-UF-IOM-037 Health assistance and distribution of emergency cash and non-food items (NFIs) to conflict-affected households in North-West Myanmar (22-UF-IOM-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$775,233 Approval date:21 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-VEN-55398 Venezuela UF Application Dec 2022 (Human rights) Human Rights World Health Organization Venezuela 22-UF-WHO-049 Increasing access to continued and safe lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services in the states of Amazonas, Apure and Sucre. (22-UF-WHO-049) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$720,000 Approval date:29 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:04 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-VEN-55398 Venezuela UF Application Dec 2022 (Human rights) Human Rights United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Venezuela 22-UF-HCR-039 Strengthening Protection and Shelter Strategies in Venezuela to mitigate the risks associated to Human Trafficking (22-UF-HCR-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$625,000 Approval date:28 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-VEN-55398 Venezuela UF Application Dec 2022 (Human rights) Human Rights Food and Agriculture Organization Venezuela 22-UF-FAO-041 Improvement of Food Security and Nutrition (FSN), integrating gender and intersectional approaches. (22-UF-FAO-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,150,000 Approval date:28 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-VEN-55398 Venezuela UF Application Dec 2022 (Human rights) Human Rights International Organization for Migration Venezuela 22-UF-IOM-038 Protection assistance for vulnerable communities and migrants at risk of human trafficking in Venezuela (22-UF-IOM-038) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$625,000 Approval date:29 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-VEN-55398 Venezuela UF Application Dec 2022 (Human rights) Human Rights United Nations Children’s Fund Venezuela 22-UF-CEF-085 Improved access and provision of lifesaving health, child protection and WASH services in the most vulnerable communities and institutions in the states of Amazonas, Apure, and Sucre. (22-UF-CEF-085) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,778,700 Approval date:28 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2022 Read more
22-UF-VEN-55398 Venezuela UF Application Dec 2022 (Human rights) Human Rights World Food Programme Venezuela 22-UF-WFP-071 Food assistance and livelihoods support to vulnerable people in Amazonas, Apure and Sucre (22-UF-WFP-071) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,350,000 Approval date:30 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:04 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-VEN-55398 Venezuela UF Application Dec 2022 (Human rights) Human Rights United Nations Population Fund Venezuela 22-UF-FPA-049 Provision of Life-Saving Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention, Response and Support Services for the most vulnerable women and adolescent girls in prioritized areas. (22-UF-FPA-049) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$751,299 Approval date:30 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-BDI-56560 Burundi RR Application Dec 2022 (Food insecurity) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Burundi 22-RR-FAO-042 Projet d’appui en intrants agricoles aux ménages affectés par les aléas climatiques et autres chocs. (22-RR-FAO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,400,003 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:09 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-BDI-56560 Burundi RR Application Dec 2022 (Food insecurity) Drought World Food Programme Burundi 22-RR-WFP-072 Assistance alimentaire aux familles vulnérables doublement affectées par le déficit hydrique et les dégâts des pluies sporadiques mais excessives en provinces Kirundo et Muyinga. (22-RR-WFP-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,100,004 Approval date:30 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:04 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-SOM-56717 Somalia RR Application Dec 2022 (conflict displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Somalia 22-RR-IOM-039 Support vulnerable conflict and drought displaced communities through the provision of WASH and SNFI services (22-RR-IOM-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,585,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:06 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-SOM-56717 Somalia RR Application Dec 2022 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Somalia 22-RR-FPA-050 Strengthening - access to life-saving, quality, comprehensive, and confidential GBV services to conflict-affected women and girls in Buulobarde and Balad districts, Hirshabelle state. (22-RR-FPA-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$499,996 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:06 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-SOM-56717 Somalia RR Application Dec 2022 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 22-RR-HCR-040 Provision for Protection, Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items benefiting conflict affected populations in Hirshabelle and Galmudug states (22-RR-HCR-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,230,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:10 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-SOM-56717 Somalia RR Application Dec 2022 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 22-RR-CEF-087 Emergency WASH and Protection support to conflict-displaced communities in Hiraan and Galmudug Regions, Central South Somalia (22-RR-CEF-087) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,685,005 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:11 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-SSD-55400 South Sudan UF Application Dec 2022 (Floods and Conflict) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 22-UF-HCR-041 Strengthening the Emergency Protection Response for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Upper Nile, Unity and Northern Jonglei states (22-UF-HCR-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$2,599,958 Approval date:29 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-SSD-55400 South Sudan UF Application Dec 2022 (Floods and Conflict) Flood International Organization for Migration South Sudan 22-UF-IOM-040 Provision of Multi-Purpose cash assistance (MPCA) to address the most critical needs of crisis-affected communities (22-UF-IOM-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$3,900,000 Approval date:30 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-SSD-55400 South Sudan UF Application Dec 2022 (Floods and Conflict) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 22-UF-CEF-088 Provision of life-saving quality education emergency services, and WASH services to the most vulnerable, crisis-affected girls and boys, including those with disabilities (22-UF-CEF-088) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,999,505 Approval date:29 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-SSD-55400 South Sudan UF Application Dec 2022 (Floods and Conflict) Flood World Food Programme South Sudan 22-UF-WFP-073 Provision of Multi-purpose cash assistance to flood and conflict affected IDPs and host community households in Unity State (22-UF-WFP-073) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$3,500,001 Approval date:29 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-SSD-55400 South Sudan UF Application Dec 2022 (Floods and Conflict) Flood World Health Organization South Sudan 23-UF-WHO-001 Scaling up emergency health assistance to communities in secondary and tertiary displacements in 10 priority counties (23-UF-WHO-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,000,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:11 Jan 2023 Read more
23-RR-COD-57035 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (Anticipatory Action cholera NK) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-CEF-001 Reponse rapide centrée autour des cas suspects de cholera en République démocratique du Congo (23-RR-CEF-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$375,002 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jan 2023 Read more
23-RR-COD-57035 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (Anticipatory Action cholera NK) Cholera World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-WHO-002 Réponse rapide aux épidémies de choléra dans la province de Nord Kivu (23-RR-WHO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$377,249 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:13 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-COD-57067 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (M23 Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-IOM-001 Assistance humanitaire en abris pour les populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits au Nord-Kivu, République démocratique du Congo (RDC) (23-RR-IOM-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:19 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-COD-57067 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (M23 Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-FPA-001 Réponse d'urgence en prévention, prise en charge des Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) et protection contre l’exploitation et les abus sexuels dans la province du Nord Kivu (23-RR-FPA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,050,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:20 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-COD-57067 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (M23 Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-HCR-001 Réponse en abris et AME aux besoins des personnes affectées par la crise M23 dans la province du Nord-Kivu (23-RR-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,550,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:24 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-COD-57067 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (M23 Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-CEF-002 Réponse d'urgence intégrée en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), protection de l'enfance et Violence Basée sur le Genre (VBG) pour répondre aux besoins immédiats des enfants, des femmes et des personnes vulnérables - Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) (23-RR-CEF-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,850,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:26 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-COD-57067 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (M23 Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-WFP-001 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence au Nord-Kivu (23-RR-WFP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,350,009 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:19 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-COD-57067 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2023 (M23 Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-RR-WHO-003 Réponse rapide à la crise humanitaire – M23 dans la province du Nord-Kivu en République démocratique du Congo (23-RR-WHO-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,700,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:26 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-YEM-55728 Yemen UF Application Jan 2023 (Conflict) Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 23-UF-IOM-002 Provision of lifesaving humanitarian assistance through comprehensive site management and coordination services in displacement sites in Ma’rib and Al Hodeidah, Yemen (23-UF-IOM-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,999,999 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:19 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-YEM-55728 Yemen UF Application Jan 2023 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 23-UF-FPA-002 Providing Lifesaving Reproductive Health Services for IDPs affected by escalating Crisis in Ma’rib (23-UF-FPA-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,020,892 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-YEM-55728 Yemen UF Application Jan 2023 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 23-UF-HCR-002 Improving the shelter and living conditions of the most vulnerable IDPs in Yemen through non-food items (NFIs) distributions and shelter interventions (23-UF-HCR-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$4,011,429 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-YEM-55728 Yemen UF Application Jan 2023 (Conflict) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 23-UF-CEF-003 Providing multisectoral lifesaving assistance to the most vulnerable in Yemen (23-UF-CEF-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$6,000,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:19 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-YEM-55728 Yemen UF Application Jan 2023 (Conflict) Displacement World Food Programme Yemen 23-UF-WFP-002 Deliver assistance for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition in children and Pregnant and Lactating Women and Girls (PLWGs). (23-UF-WFP-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$3,000,151 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-YEM-55728 Yemen UF Application Jan 2023 (Conflict) Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 23-UF-WHO-004 Continuum of provision of life-saving emergency nutrition support across 25 therapeutic feeding centres (TFCs) in priority districts in Yemen (23-UF-WHO-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,884 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2023 Read more
22-UF-YEM-55728 Yemen UF Application Jan 2023 (Conflict) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Yemen 23-UF-FAO-001 Emergency livelihood assistance through the distribution of emergency agriculture and livestock kits in Hajjah and Taizz Governorates (23-UF-FAO-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:19 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-ETH-56719 Ethiopia RR Application Jan 2023 (Drought, conflict) Drought International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 23-RR-IOM-003 ​​Provision of Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs) for Populations Affected by drought and the Northern Ethiopian Crisis​  (23-RR-IOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,203,964 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:26 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-ETH-56719 Ethiopia RR Application Jan 2023 (Drought, conflict) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ethiopia 23-RR-HCR-003 Scaling up Protection Assistance to IDPs and IDP returnees in newly accessible woredas of Tigray, Amhara and Afar (23-RR-HCR-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,200,003 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:26 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-ETH-56719 Ethiopia RR Application Jan 2023 (Drought, conflict) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 23-RR-CEF-004 Integrated Nutrition and WASH response to conflicted affected regions in northern Ethiopia and drought-affected regions of Oromia and Somali regions (23-RR-CEF-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,400,001 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:26 Jan 2023 Read more
22-RR-ETH-56719 Ethiopia RR Application Jan 2023 (Drought, conflict) Drought World Health Organization Ethiopia 23-RR-WHO-005 Ensuring availability and access to lifesaving health and nutrition services in conflict and drought affected regions of Ethiopia. (23-RR-WHO-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,199,684 Approval date:31 Dec 2022 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2023 Read more
Total 2022 US$734,646,926