CERF Allocation

Burkina Faso

Violence/Clashes, 11 Jun 2024

Overview of the humanitarian situation

Burkina Faso is facing the worst security crisis it has ever known, mainly due to activities carried out by armed groups and also because of community tensions exacerbated by climate change (drought , floods, extreme heat). Operational and insecurity constraints have become progressively more restraining, leading to an increasing number of hard-to-reach, enclaved areas since 2022 where arrival of humanitarian assistance is limited and where populations are most vulnerable. According to the latest Cadre Harmonise, nearly 3 million people are expected to face acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and above) during the June to September lean season and will require humanitarian assistance; most of these people are in the Centre-Nord, Sahel and Est regions of Burkina Faso, where several hard-to-reach areas are located. The approach of the lean season, coupled with insecurity and disruptions to assistance, implies a life-threatening danger for the population.

CERF-funded assistance

In response to the crisis, the Emergency Relief Coordinator allocated $5 million from CERF’s Rapid Response window for the immediate commencement of life-saving activities. This funding enables UN agencies and partners to provide life-saving assistance to approximately 117,700 people, including over 29,000 women, over 67,000 children, and including 7,000 people with disabilities in the food security, nutrition, WASH, health and protection sectors. The allocation also allows the continuation of the UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), which is essential in enabling humanitarian to access hard-to-reach areas where people often depend on aid delivered by humanitarian helicopters.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
UNHCR Renforcement de la protection et assistance d’urgence aux personnes affectées par la crise de déplacement dans les régions du Sahel, du Centre-Nord et de l’Est 24-RR-HCR-014 US$750,000 Read more
UNICEF Assistance nutritionnelle et accès aux services d’eau, hygiène et assainissement aux populations vulnérables dans les provinces en crise alimentaire et sécuritaire. 24-RR-CEF-037 US$750,004 Read more
WFP Renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des personnes vulnérables au Burkina Faso avec le soutien logistique de l'UNHAS pour une réponse humanitaire efficace 24-RR-WFP-035 US$2,900,000 Read more
WHO Offre des soins de santé d’urgence critique aux personnes déplacées internes et populations hôtes incluant des traitements vitaux aux enfants atteints de malnutrition aiguë sévère avec complications dans les régions du Sahel, Centre-Nord et de l’Est. 24-RR-WHO-018 US$600,003 Read more