CERF-funded Project

Burkina Faso

Renforcement de la protection et assistance d’urgence aux personnes affectées par la crise de déplacement dans les régions du Sahel, du Centre-Nord et de l’Est (24-RR-HCR-014)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to comprehensively respond to the protection needs of vulnerable communities in the Sahel, Centre-Nord and Est regions of Burkina Faso. This UNHCR project is an integrated protection intervention which aims to offer a coherent response to the various challenges faced by the populations of these regions by strengthening protection monitoring and rapid alert systems, providing individual protection assistance to people at risk, supporting GBV survivors, educating on risks (Improvised Explosive Devices, GBV and social cohesion), and guaranteeing access to social services by providing identity documentation. The project, which takes into account the context and specific needs of each region, provides humanitarian assistance to over 27,000 people, including almost 8,000 women, over 11,700 children, and including almost 900 persons with disabilities.