CERF Allocation


Flood, 07 Nov 2023

Overview of the humanitarian situation

From early October 2023, flash flooding occurred across Somalia with over 405,000 people affected by 4 November. In addition, over the weekend of 4/5 November the Juba river reached “bank full” in several locations leading to riverine flooding, raising the number of people affected to over 700,000. With continuing heavy rains, the Juba and Shabelle river levels rose further leading to flooding in additional locations and bringing the total number of people affected to over 1.7m by 17 November. Due to the onset of El Niño, in addition to a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), the October to December rainy season in Somalia had an 85% likelihood of being above average (an exceptionally high certainty level). Already ahead of the start of the season, FAO’s Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) anticipated a major flood event of a magnitude statistically likely only once in 100 years.

CERF-funded assistance

On 6 November, the ERC agreed to a $10m CERF allocation. Thanks to preparatory work by OCHA Somalia, partners, and the CERF secretariat in view of seasonal forecasts, CERF was able to approve all projects under this allocation within 24 hours of the ERC decision to allocate funds. The CERF-funded response focuses on flood-affected, displaced people and host communities in four districts at high flood risk: Belet Weyne and Jowhar on the Shabelle River, Baardheere on the Juba River and Kismaayo just off the Juba River as a cholera hotspot and location that will host flood-displaced people. The allocation is enabling six agencies to provide critical assistance across four sectors: food security and livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, and shelter/NFI. Activities include rehabilitation of water facilities, construction of flood-proof latrines, provision of sandbags, shelter kits, unconditional cash transfers, and disease surveillance and outbreak response. In total, the CERF allocation targets approximately 333,000 people.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
FAO Anticipating and Responding to El Niño, a multi-sectoral Early Warning and Livelihood Response Project (REACT) 23-RR-FAO-032 US$1,375,000 Read more
IOM Emergency floods response through provision of integrated water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) services in Somalia 23-RR-IOM-035 US$1,200,000 Read more
UNHCR El Nino response through distribution of Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item Kits 23-RR-HCR-033 US$2,000,000 Read more
UNICEF El Nino response project to support 60,000 people in Hirshabelle State of Central South Region of Somalia. 23-RR-CEF-056 US$1,800,009 Read more
WFP WFP relief response to flood-affected population 23-RR-WFP-050 US$1,375,000 Read more
WHO Scaling up the implementation of integrated primary health care services to anticipate and mitigate the negative health impact of anticipated El Niño 23-RR-WHO-042 US$2,250,000 Read more