CERF Allocation


Drought, 29 Jun 2023

Overview of the humanitarian situation

The humanitarian situation in the drought-affected southern and eastern regions of Ethiopia is rapidly deteriorating, outpacing the current response efforts. These regions have endured the effects of five consecutive subpar rainy seasons over the past two years, resulting in an unprecedented impact on the residents. Of the 24 million people living in these drought-affected areas, 13 million are targeted for multi-sector life-saving, and 11 million face extreme food insecurity. The hardest-hit regions include large parts of Oromia and the Somali region, sections of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPR), the South-West Ethiopia Peoples’ Region (SWEPR), and the Afar region. The situation is further compounded by cholera outbreaks in several parts of the country.

CERF-funded assistance

The ERC on 1 March allocated $23 million from CERF’s Underfunded Emergency window for life-saving action, targeting 1,839,414 people, of whom 426,871 are women, 403,368 are men, 1,009,175 are children, and including 306,084 who are persons with disabilities. This allocation, supplementing a parallel $17 million allocation from the Ethiopian Humanitarian Fund, primarily focuses on averting the escalating crisis exacerbated by food insecurity, malnutrition, and associated risks like cholera. Furthermore, this funding bolsters initial efforts to rebuild coping capacities and livelihoods of vulnerable communities. It provides an essential package of critical emergency life-saving assistance, thereby mitigating the risk of morbidity and mortality. The allocation also ensures that these communities are empowered to prioritize their pressing needs in a dignified manner.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
FAO Support for Livelihoods Recovery for Drought-Affected Households in Somali, Oromia, and SNNP Regions of Ethiopia 23-UF-FAO-018 US$4,000,000 Read more
IOM Multi-purpose Cash Response for Food Insecure Households impacted by Drought 23-UF-IOM-023 US$4,000,000 Read more
WFP Targeted supplementary feeding and facilitating access to common logistics services in drought-affected regions of Ethiopia 23-UF-WFP-028 US$3,250,000 Read more
WHO Scale up response against severe acute malnutrition and outbreaks, especially Cholera, in Somali, Oromia and SNNP regions 23-UF-WHO-026 US$5,750,000 Read more
UNICEF Provision of lifesaving nutrition treatment services integrated with prevention in drought-affected regions 23-UF-CEF-033 US$6,000,000 Read more