CERF projects by year


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Allocation code Allocation Emergency type Agency Country Project code Project Window Sector Approved amount in US$ Approval date Disbursement date
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-IOM-038 Assistance directe aux migrants vulnérables expulsés et retournés d’Angola en République Démocratique du Congo (18-RR-IOM-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$2,000,000 Approval date:15 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:17 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WHO-050 Améliorer l''accès aux soins de santé de base et aux services de reproduction d''urgence dans les zones sanitaires réceptrices des populations de l''Angola retournées et expulsées du Kasaï, du Kasaï central et du Kwango en RDC (18-RR-WHO-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$751,258 Approval date:02 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-125 Améliorer l''accès aux soins de santé de base et aux services de reproduction d''urgence dans les zones sanitaires réceptrices des populations de l''Angola retournées et expulsées du Kasaï, du Kasaï central et du Kwango en RDC (18-RR-CEF-125) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$647,515 Approval date:02 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:04 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-FPA-048 Améliorer l''accès aux soins de santé de base et aux services de reproduction d''urgence dans les zones sanitaires réceptrices des populations de l''Angola retournées et expulsées du Kasaï, du Kasaï central et du Kwango en RDC (18-RR-FPA-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$700,102 Approval date:02 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Lesotho 19-RR-FAO-001 FAO Emergency and Early Action Support to Affected Communities caused by Drought conditions in Lesotho (19-RR-FAO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,462,944 Approval date:11 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:15 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Lesotho 19-RR-WFP-001 Assistance to populations affected by drought (19-RR-WFP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,716,917 Approval date:18 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Lesotho 19-RR-WHO-001 Response to the health effects of drought in Lesotho (19-RR-WHO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,337 Approval date:11 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:17 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Lesotho 19-RR-CEF-001 Drought Nutrition Support (19-RR-CEF-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$157,427 Approval date:11 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:15 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Lesotho 19-RR-CEF-002 Hygiene promotion (19-RR-CEF-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$591,175 Approval date:15 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Lesotho 19-RR-FPA-001 Provision of Life-Saving Protection, Gender Based Violence services and Psychosocial support to drought affected population (19-RR-FPA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,195 Approval date:15 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Lesotho 19-RR-IOM-001 Provision of Life-Saving Protection, Gender Based Violence services and Psychosocial support to drought affected population (19-RR-IOM-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$301,655 Approval date:15 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:17 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-LSO-33695 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Lesotho 19-RR-CEF-003 Provision of Life-Saving Protection, Gender Based Violence services and Psychosocial support to drought affected population (19-RR-CEF-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$119,883 Approval date:15 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-RWA-33824 Rwanda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Health Organization Rwanda 19-RR-WHO-002 Rwanda Ebola Virus Disease Readiness Project (19-RR-WHO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,400,000 Approval date:25 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-RWA-33824 Rwanda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Rwanda 19-RR-CEF-004 Strengthen the capacity of Rwanda, both the Government and population to prepare for and respond to a potential EVD outbreak. (19-RR-CEF-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$398,007 Approval date:21 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:24 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-33820 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola International Organization for Migration South Sudan 19-RR-IOM-002 Screening and Prevention Activities to Support EVD Preparedness in South Sudan (19-RR-IOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$349,997 Approval date:25 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:29 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-33820 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 19-RR-CEF-005 Improving Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) through safe Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Targeted Frontline Healthcare Facilities and public places. (19-RR-CEF-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$528,792 Approval date:25 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:29 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-33820 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Food Programme South Sudan 19-RR-WFP-002 Dedicated UNHAS air support for the Ebola Virus Disease readiness in South Sudan . (19-RR-WFP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$119,493 Approval date:25 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-33820 South Sudan RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Health Organization South Sudan 19-RR-WHO-003 Strengthening coordination, surveillance, laboratory capacity and case management for prevention, detection and response to a threat of EVD outbreak in South Sudan (19-RR-WHO-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,016,882 Approval date:25 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-YEM-33901 Yemen RR Application Jan 2019 (Logistics/UNHAS Scale-Up) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Yemen 19-RR-WFP-003 Expansion of common services to enable the scale-up of the humanitarian activities in Yemen (19-RR-WFP-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$31,666,052 Approval date:25 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-33930 Malawi RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Malawi 19-RR-FPA-002 Prevention of and response to Gender Based Violence (GBV) and addressing other protection needs of women and children (19-RR-FPA-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$397,294 Approval date:31 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-33930 Malawi RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 19-RR-CEF-006 Strengthening management of severe acute malnutrition in 8 food insecure districts (19-RR-CEF-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,009,202 Approval date:07 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-33930 Malawi RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 19-RR-CEF-007 Emergency WASH Response to 8 Food Insecure districts in Malawi (19-RR-CEF-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$599,995 Approval date:07 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-33930 Malawi RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Malawi 19-RR-WFP-004 Management of moderate acute malnutrition in the most affected food insecure districts (19-RR-WFP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,490,546 Approval date:31 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-33930 Malawi RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Malawi 19-RR-WFP-006 Support to the Government Lean Season Response with Cash-Based Transfer top-up (19-RR-WFP-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$5,996,866 Approval date:31 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-33930 Malawi RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Malawi 19-RR-WHO-005 Health Emergency Response to Peak Lean Season 2018/19. (19-RR-WHO-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$506,523 Approval date:31 Jan 2019 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-BDI-33879 Burundi RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Food Programme Burundi 19-RR-WFP-005 Ebola preparedness, logistic support in six priority provinces in Burundi (19-RR-WFP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$559,796 Approval date:01 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-BDI-33879 Burundi RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola International Organization for Migration Burundi 19-RR-IOM-003 Assessing Population Mobility Dynamics and Patterns To Strengthen the Ebola Virus Disease Readiness Activities In Burundi (19-RR-IOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$254,994 Approval date:01 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-BDI-33879 Burundi RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Health Organization Burundi 19-RR-WHO-004 Strengthening Ebola Virus Disease Operational Readiness and Preparedness in Burundi. (19-RR-WHO-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$819,999 Approval date:12 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:15 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-BDI-33879 Burundi RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 19-RR-CEF-008 EVD Preparedness Project in 14 Entry Points in Burundi (19-RR-CEF-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$600,000 Approval date:01 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-BDI-33879 Burundi RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burundi 19-RR-HCR-001 Implementation of the Ebola Prevention, Preparedness and Response Plan for Congolese (DRC) Refugees in Burundi (19-RR-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,092 Approval date:01 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:06 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 19-RR-FAO-002 Critical support to ensure food security and agriculture-based subsistence livelihoods of drought affected population in Balochistan and Sindh provinces of Pakistan (19-RR-FAO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,500,000 Approval date:01 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:06 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Pakistan 19-RR-WFP-007 Provision of Life Saving Food Security Support to Drought Affected Communities in Balochistan and Sindh Provinces of Pakistan (19-RR-WFP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,500,000 Approval date:05 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:07 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 19-RR-FPA-003 Multisectoral GBV prevention and response services for women and girls in drought affected areas of Baluchistan and Sindh (19-RR-FPA-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$518,201 Approval date:19 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 19-RR-FPA-004 Safeguarding women and girls in drought affected areas in Pakistan (19-RR-FPA-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$371,263 Approval date:19 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 19-RR-CEF-009 Emergency health assistance for mothers, new-born and children in the drought affected districts of Sindh (Tharparker) and Balochistan (Killa Abdullah) (19-RR-CEF-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$377,443 Approval date:13 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:15 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Pakistan 19-RR-WHO-006 Delivering essential life-saving health interventions for the drought affected population in Tharparker (Sindh) and Killa Abdullah (Baluchistan) (19-RR-WHO-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$631,788 Approval date:14 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:19 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 19-RR-CEF-010 Severe acute malnutrition management services for children and pregnant and lactating mothers in two districts of Balochistan and Sindh provinces (19-RR-CEF-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$725,371 Approval date:12 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:14 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Pakistan 19-RR-WHO-007 Acute malnutrition management including inpatient treatment for children and pregnant and lactating mothers in two districts of Sindh and Balochistan (19-RR-WHO-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$207,948 Approval date:14 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:19 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Pakistan 19-RR-WFP-008 Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition services for children and pregnant and lactating mothers in two districts of Sindh and Baluchistan (19-RR-WFP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,500,015 Approval date:12 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:14 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-PAK-33969 Pakistan RR Application Jan 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 19-RR-CEF-011 WASH Interventions in Priority Drought Affected Districts of Sindh and Balochistan, Pakistan (19-RR-CEF-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$948,619 Approval date:12 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:14 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-UGA-33993 Uganda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola International Organization for Migration Uganda 19-RR-IOM-004 Improving national preparedness and information management for Ebola virus disease surveillance at Ugandan points of entry (19-RR-IOM-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$717,544 Approval date:27 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:01 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-UGA-33993 Uganda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 19-RR-HCR-002 Targeted Ebola preparedness activities in Refugee hosting districts (19-RR-HCR-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$969,738 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:27 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-UGA-33993 Uganda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 19-RR-CEF-012 Multi-sectoral Mitigation of high-risk EVD outbreak in Uganda (19-RR-CEF-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$950,044 Approval date:26 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:28 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-UGA-33993 Uganda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Food Programme Uganda 19-RR-WFP-009 Enhancing Ebola prevention and response preparedness through logistics support. (19-RR-WFP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$449,743 Approval date:19 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:22 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-UGA-33993 Uganda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Food Programme Uganda 19-RR-WFP-010 Enhancing Ebola readiness and response capacity through coordinated and scalable regional inter-agency common logistics services facilitated by staging area in Entebbe/Kampala (19-RR-WFP-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$499,467 Approval date:26 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:28 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-UGA-33993 Uganda RR Application Jan 2019 (Ebola readiness) Ebola World Health Organization Uganda 19-RR-WHO-009 Strengthening Country Readiness to Respond to the Imminent Spill-over of Ebola Virus Disease into Uganda from the DRC (19-RR-WHO-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$718,227 Approval date:16 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:20 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-COG-34189 Congo RR Application Feb 2019 (Assistance for DRC Refugees ) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of Congo 19-RR-FAO-003 Appui d’urgence pour le renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire des demandeurs d’asile de la RDC à Makotipoko et des communautés hôtes (19-RR-FAO-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$100,000 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:27 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-COG-34189 Congo RR Application Feb 2019 (Assistance for DRC Refugees ) Displacement World Food Programme Republic of Congo 19-RR-WFP-011 Améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des demandeurs d’asile de la RDC au Congo (19-RR-WFP-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,136,000 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:27 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-COG-34189 Congo RR Application Feb 2019 (Assistance for DRC Refugees ) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 19-RR-FPA-005 Offre des services de santé sexuelle et reproductive pour la réduction de la morbidité et la mortalité auprès des demandeurs d’asile de la RDC et populations hôtes dans le Département des Plateaux (19-RR-FPA-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$129,923 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:25 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-COG-34189 Congo RR Application Feb 2019 (Assistance for DRC Refugees ) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of Congo 19-RR-HCR-003 Projet de Protection et d’assistance multisectorielle aux demandeurs d’asile dans le Département des Plateaux (19-RR-HCR-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$807,871 Approval date:26 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:28 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-COG-34189 Congo RR Application Feb 2019 (Assistance for DRC Refugees ) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 19-RR-CEF-013 Assistance humanitaire dans les secteurs de la Nutrition et du WASH, pour les demandeurs d’asile de la RDC et les populations hôtes les plus vulnérables, dans le département des Plateaux, République du Congo. (19-RR-CEF-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$497,372 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:25 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-COG-34189 Congo RR Application Feb 2019 (Assistance for DRC Refugees ) Displacement World Health Organization Republic of Congo 19-RR-WHO-010 Amélioration de l’état de santé des populations demandeurs d’asile de la RDC (19-RR-WHO-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$316,256 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:28 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-34221 Mozambique RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Mozambique 19-RR-FAO-004 Emergency Assistance for Livelihoods of People Affected by Drought in the Province of Gaza (19-RR-FAO-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$899,535 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:27 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-34221 Mozambique RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 19-RR-FPA-006 Protection Interventions on Drought Response areas in Mozambique (19-RR-FPA-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$299,450 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:26 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-34221 Mozambique RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-014 Nutrition screenings in Mozambique’s high food and nutrition insecure areas to assure access to treatment for children affected with Acute Malnutrition (19-RR-CEF-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$148,369 Approval date:26 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:28 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-34221 Mozambique RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-015 Improving access to safe water and promotion of key hygiene practices in three of the most drought-affected districts in Gaza, Mozambique (19-RR-CEF-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$552,281 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:26 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-34221 Mozambique RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-012 Emergency food assistance to drought affected people in southern and central Mozambique (19-RR-WFP-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,900,189 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:27 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-34221 Mozambique RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-013 Support to life saving services for the management of moderate acute malnutrition in children 6 – 59 months (19-RR-WFP-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$163,834 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:27 Feb 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Zimbabwe 19-RR-FAO-005 Emergency Assistance to Drought Affected Households in Zimbabwe. . (19-RR-FAO-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$800,000 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-FPA-007 Enhancing safety and mitigating risks of abuse, exploitation and neglect of adolescents, GBV survivors and expecting mothers in districts affected by drought (19-RR-FPA-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$200,583 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-016 Strengthening Emergency Health Response to Drought Affected Districts (19-RR-CEF-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,188,633 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-017 Improving Psychosocial Wellbeing of Children, Adolescent Girls and Young Mothers at risk of exploitation and abuse in families affected by food insecurity in Chitungwiza, Binga, Epworth and Rushinga (19-RR-CEF-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$275,968 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-018 Providing lifesaving nutrition intervention to children living in the affected rural districts of Hurungwe and Mutare and urban areas of Harare and Bulawayo. (19-RR-CEF-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$580,584 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-019 Restoring access to safe water improving hygiene practices in 6 of the most food insecure and drought affected districts in Zimbabwe. (19-RR-CEF-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,493,891 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Zimbabwe 19-RR-WFP-014 Lean Season Assistance (LSA): Cash and/or food transfers to the most vulnerable households affected by seasonal food shortages. (19-RR-WFP-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,900,936 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-34298 Zimbabwe RR Application Feb 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Zimbabwe 19-RR-WHO-011 Strengthening Emergency Health Response to Drought Affected Districts (19-RR-WHO-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$610,194 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:13 Mar 2019 Read more
19-UF-MDG-34350 Madagascar UF Application Feb 2019 (Drought and Measles) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 19-UF-CEF-020 Contribution aux campagnes de vaccination à travers l’acquisition de vaccins et de consommables pour la réponse à l''épidémie de rougeole à Madagascar (19-UF-CEF-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$856,144 Approval date:21 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:26 Feb 2019 Read more
19-UF-MDG-34350 Madagascar UF Application Feb 2019 (Drought and Measles) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Madagascar 19-UF-WHO-012 Intervention sanitaire d''urgence dans deux districts sanitaires du Grand Sud les plus affectés par les effets de la sècheresse (Beloha, Ampanihy) et 15 districts en épidémie de rougeole dans les trois régions du Grand Sud. (19-UF-WHO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$368,856 Approval date:26 Feb 2019 Disbursement date:28 Feb 2019 Read more
19-UF-MDG-34350 Madagascar UF Application Feb 2019 (Drought and Measles) Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 19-UF-FAO-006 Appui à la restauration rapide des moyens de subsistance des ménages en difficulté alimentaire sévère dans les zones en phases IPC 4 et 3 dans le Grand Sud. (19-UF-FAO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,449,142 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:13 Mar 2019 Read more
19-UF-MDG-34350 Madagascar UF Application Feb 2019 (Drought and Measles) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Madagascar 19-UF-FPA-008 Réponse sanitaire d''urgence aux risques d''excès de mortalité maternelle et néonatale dans deux districts de santé en phase urgence (IPC 4) dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar (19-UF-FPA-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$175,000 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2019 Read more
19-UF-MDG-34350 Madagascar UF Application Feb 2019 (Drought and Measles) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 19-UF-CEF-021 Prevention et traitement des cas de malnutrition aiguë dans les districts affectés par les effets de la sécheresse par le biais de services de nutrition et WASH (19-UF-CEF-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$399,965 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2019 Read more
19-UF-MDG-34350 Madagascar UF Application Feb 2019 (Drought and Measles) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Madagascar 19-UF-WFP-015 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence et nutritionnelle pour la prise en charge de la Malnutrition Aigüe Modérée dans les districts en IPC 4 et les poches d’urgence dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar (19-UF-WFP-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,649,812 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2019 Read more
19-UF-MDG-34350 Madagascar UF Application Feb 2019 (Drought and Measles) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Development Programme Madagascar 19-UF-UDP-001 Facilitation de l’aide humanitaire par la réhabilitation d’une piste rurale à travers le transfert monétaire (argent contre travail) dans le district de Beloha (19-UF-UDP-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$100,000 Approval date:12 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-BFA-34491 Burkina Faso RR Application Feb 2019 (Intercommunal violence-Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Burkina Faso 19-RR-WHO-013 Fourniture de services de soins de santé de base aux personnes déplacées internes et aux communautés d''accueil au Burkina Faso (19-RR-WHO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$142,124 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:13 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-BFA-34491 Burkina Faso RR Application Feb 2019 (Intercommunal violence-Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Burkina Faso 19-RR-FPA-009 Assurer l’accès aux femmes et des filles, victimes des attaques terroristes et conflits communautaires, aux services de Santé de la Reproduction et de prise en charge intégrée des Violences Basées sur le Genre (19-RR-FPA-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$400,000 Approval date:07 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-BFA-34491 Burkina Faso RR Application Feb 2019 (Intercommunal violence-Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burkina Faso 19-RR-HCR-004 Assistance d’urgence aux IDPs des régions du Sahel et du Centre Nord du Burkina Faso (19-RR-HCR-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,060,000 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-BFA-34491 Burkina Faso RR Application Feb 2019 (Intercommunal violence-Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 19-RR-CEF-022 REPONSE WASH, PROTECTION et SANTE A LA CRISE DES PDI DES REGIONS DU CENTRE NORD ET SAHEL (19-RR-CEF-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,107,435 Approval date:07 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-BFA-34491 Burkina Faso RR Application Feb 2019 (Intercommunal violence-Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Burkina Faso 19-RR-WFP-016 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux personnes déplacées internes (19-RR-WFP-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,289,088 Approval date:07 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-CUB-34583 Cuba RR Application Feb 2019 (Tornado) Storm International Organization for Migration Cuba 19-RR-IOM-005 Emergency assistance to evacuees’ people affected by the 27 January tornado in five municipalities of Cuba (19-RR-IOM-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$205,729 Approval date:08 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-CUB-34583 Cuba RR Application Feb 2019 (Tornado) Storm United Nations Development Programme Cuba 19-RR-UDP-002 Immediate response to provide temporary emergency shelter and restore basic living conditions for tornado affected people in Havana, Cuba (19-RR-UDP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$899,999 Approval date:12 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:18 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-CUB-34583 Cuba RR Application Feb 2019 (Tornado) Storm United Nations Population Fund Cuba 19-RR-FPA-010 Support sexual and reproductive health services for the affected population of the 27 January tornado in Havana (19-RR-FPA-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$110,000 Approval date:06 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-CUB-34583 Cuba RR Application Feb 2019 (Tornado) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Cuba 19-RR-CEF-023 Rapid return to safe, protective and functional learning spaces for children affected by the 27 January tornado in Cuba (19-RR-CEF-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$177,636 Approval date:06 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-CUB-34583 Cuba RR Application Feb 2019 (Tornado) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Cuba 19-RR-CEF-024 WASH intervention in three municipalities of Havana in response to the 27 January Tornado damages (19-RR-CEF-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$251,895 Approval date:06 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-CUB-34583 Cuba RR Application Feb 2019 (Tornado) Storm World Food Programme Cuba 19-RR-WFP-017 Emergency food assistance to the populations most affected by the 27 January tornado in Havana (19-RR-WFP-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$149,962 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-CUB-34583 Cuba RR Application Feb 2019 (Tornado) Storm World Health Organization Cuba 19-RR-WHO-014 Response to essential health needs and public health emergencies caused by the impact of the 27 January 2019 tornado in Havana (19-RR-WHO-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$200,000 Approval date:05 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:13 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-34983 South Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (IDP returns) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization South Sudan 19-RR-FAO-007 Emergency support to enable food production and rebuild the livelihoods of vulnerable returnees in South Sudan (19-RR-FAO-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,102,366 Approval date:26 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-34983 South Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (IDP returns) Displacement International Organization for Migration South Sudan 19-RR-IOM-006 Multi-sectoral lifesaving assistance to returnees in South Sudan (19-RR-IOM-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture, Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Health, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,650,001 Approval date:26 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-34983 South Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (IDP returns) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 19-RR-HCR-005 Support IDP returns in South Sudan through provision of protection, assistance and promotion of solutions (19-RR-HCR-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,400,035 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-34983 South Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (IDP returns) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 19-RR-CEF-025 Provision of integrated preventive and lifesaving activities for returnees and host communities in Jonglei, Unity, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Western Equatoria (19-RR-CEF-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Nutrition, Protection US$1,109,954 Approval date:01 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-34983 South Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (IDP returns) Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 19-RR-WFP-018 Provision of food assistance and emergency nutrition support to returnees in Jonglei, Unity, Western Bahr el Ghazal, and Western Equatoria (19-RR-WFP-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,262,977 Approval date:26 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-34983 South Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (IDP returns) Displacement World Health Organization South Sudan 19-RR-WHO-015 Provision of lifesaving health services to IDP returnees and host community in six priority counties of Jonglei, Unity ,Western Bar Ghazal , and Western Equatoria States of South Sudan (19-RR-WHO-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$498,592 Approval date:26 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-34983 South Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (IDP returns) Displacement United Nations Population Fund South Sudan 19-RR-FPA-011 Provide quality sexual and reproductive health services and support to survivors of gender-based violence in conflict affected population in Koch, Leer and Wau (19-RR-FPA-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$893,907 Approval date:26 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-WHO-016 Improve the access and quality of life saving SAM inpatient care services in 11 localities in 7 states of Sudan through support of 13 Stabilization Centers. (19-RR-WHO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$684,889 Approval date:02 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-FPA-012 Integrated life-saving Sexual Reproductive Health services for vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian crisis (19-RR-FPA-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,431,495 Approval date:03 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-WHO-017 Integrated primary health care including prevention, detection and control of public health hazards, curative, maternal and child health, and EPI for vulnerable population in 7 states of Sudan (19-RR-WHO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,894,915 Approval date:04 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-CEF-026 Lifesaving nutrition response– SAM treatment and IYCF counselling (19-RR-CEF-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$5,001,933 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-WFP-019 Emergency nutrition response to vulnerable populations in South and East Darfur, West Darfur, North Darfur, White Nile, West Kordofan States (19-RR-WFP-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$3,808,700 Approval date:03 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:08 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-WHO-018 Enhanced access to safe water and integrated vector control interventions for IDPs, refugee and GAM affected communities in 7 prioritized localities/locations in Sudan over a period of 6 months (19-RR-WHO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$654,536 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-FAO-008 Restoring and improving crop and livestock-based livelihoods of IDPs, Returnees, Vulnerable Resident Population and Refugees in South Darfur, West Darfur, North Darfur and West Kordofan states (19-RR-FAO-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$4,749,999 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-CEF-027 Support provision of life-saving health services to the vulnerable under-five years age children in 15 targeted localities (19-RR-CEF-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,048,542 Approval date:05 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-CEF-028 Provision of lifesaving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services to 805,000 people in seven States affected by deteriorating economy in Sudan (19-RR-CEF-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,595,466 Approval date:03 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-35023 Sudan RR Application Mar 2019 (economic crisis and food insecurity) Economic Disruption International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-IOM-007 Providing Emergency Water Sanitation and Hygiene Assistance to Vulnerable Crisis Affected Populations to Reduce Malnutrition and Health Risks (19-RR-IOM-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,492,346 Approval date:03 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Somalia 19-RR-FAO-009 Rapid response to address the emergency needs of pastoralists in northwest Somalia (19-RR-FAO-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,964,785 Approval date:03 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 19-RR-IOM-008 Provision of emergency integrated primary health care to drought-affected communities in Sool, Sanaag, and Bari regions of Somalia (19-RR-IOM-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$493,573 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 19-RR-IOM-009 Provision of life-saving water, sanitation and hygiene services to prevent deteriorating malnutrition of vulnerable communities in Sool region (19-RR-IOM-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$800,000 Approval date:27 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Somalia 19-RR-FPA-013 Ensuring access to integrated sexual and reproductive health/maternal health services to support nutrition recovery in affected areas of Somaliland/Puntland (19-RR-FPA-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:26 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-029 Emergency WASH Response to drought affected people in Bari Region of Puntland and Sanaag Region, Somaliland (19-RR-CEF-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,200,006 Approval date:27 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-030 Provision of emergency lifesaving healthcare services to vulnerable communities impacted by deteriorating nutritional status in Sanaag and Sool regions in Somalia (19-RR-CEF-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,107 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-031 Provision of life-saving nutrition services to children affected by SAM in Puntland and Somaliland with persistent and projected emergency GAM prevalence (19-RR-CEF-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,986,424 Approval date:09 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 19-RR-WFP-020 Emergency Response to drought and cyclone affected households in Awdal Region (19-RR-WFP-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,000,229 Approval date:01 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 19-RR-WFP-021 Provision of life-saving nutrition services to children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women with persistent Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) prevalence (19-RR-WFP-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,000,245 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-34946 Somalia RR Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Somalia 19-RR-WHO-019 Provision of life-saving emergency health services to drought affected communities in Sool, Sanaag and Bari regions of Somalia (19-RR-WHO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$501,492 Approval date:26 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2019 Read more
19-UF-UKR-35074 Ukraine UF Application Mar 2019 (conflict) Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Ukraine 19-UF-FAO-010 Emergency agricultural livelihood support in hard-to-reach areas along the ‘contact line’ of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (19-UF-FAO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$557,963 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:26 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-UKR-35074 Ukraine UF Application Mar 2019 (conflict) Post-conflict Needs International Organization for Migration Ukraine 19-UF-IOM-010 Provision of Lifesaving Non-Food Items, WASH and Livelihood Support for the Most Vulnerable Households in Luhansk and Donetsk (NGCA) (19-UF-IOM-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,116,000 Approval date:10 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-UKR-35074 Ukraine UF Application Mar 2019 (conflict) Post-conflict Needs Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Ukraine 19-UF-CHR-001 Protection of civilian population along the contact line, including non-Government controlled area of eastern Ukraine (Donetska and Luhanska oblast) (19-UF-CHR-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$414,346 Approval date:03 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UKR-35074 Ukraine UF Application Mar 2019 (conflict) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Ukraine 19-UF-FPA-014 Emergency response to the acute sexual and reproductive health needs of most vulnerable women and adolescent girls (19-UF-FPA-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$642,646 Approval date:01 May 2019 Disbursement date:03 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UKR-35074 Ukraine UF Application Mar 2019 (conflict) Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ukraine 19-UF-HCR-006 Protection and shelter for internally displaced and conflict affected persons in east Ukraine. (19-UF-HCR-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$928,181 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-UKR-35074 Ukraine UF Application Mar 2019 (conflict) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Ukraine 19-UF-CEF-032 Provision of essential basic services for conflict affected children in government controlled areas & non-government controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (19-UF-CEF-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,415,169 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-UKR-35074 Ukraine UF Application Mar 2019 (conflict) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Ukraine 19-UF-WHO-020 Delivery of Life-saving Health Care Interventions in NGCA and Contact Line of Eastern Ukraine (19-UF-WHO-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$928,760 Approval date:03 May 2019 Disbursement date:14 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 19-UF-FAO-011 Appui d’Urgence à la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle dans la Province du Wadi Fira (19-UF-FAO-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:15 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Chad 19-UF-WHO-021 Intervention médicale d''urgence visant à sauver des vies d''enfants gravement malnutris (19-UF-WHO-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$200,181 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Chad 19-UF-FPA-015 Renforcer l’Accès aux services essentiels pour les survivants de violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre (19-UF-FPA-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$692,528 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 19-UF-HCR-007 Protection et assistance multisectorielle en faveur des réfugiés soudanais et des populations d’accueil dans l’est du Tchad (19-UF-HCR-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,000,500 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 19-UF-CEF-033 Approche intégrée pour améliorer la situation nutritionnelle des populations hôtes et refugiées à l’est du Tchad (19-UF-CEF-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,229,165 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Chad 19-UF-WFP-022 Projet d’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire, des moyens d’existence et de nutrition des populations réfugiées et hôtes dans l’est et le sud du Tchad. (19-UF-WFP-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture, Food Assistance, Nutrition US$3,957,000 Approval date:09 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:15 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Chad 19-UF-WFP-023 Assurer les services aériens de l’UNHAS pour permettre aux partenaires d’atteindre les zones d’intervention humanitaire (19-UF-WFP-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$999,866 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:15 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 19-UF-CEF-034 Renforcement de la réponse de protection de l’enfance pour les enfants affectés par la crise centrafricaine (19-UF-CEF-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$250,000 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TCD-35117 Chad UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple) Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 19-UF-HCR-008 Protection des réfugiés centrafricains accueillis dans les villages et les populations hôtes de la zone de Moissala dans le sud du Tchad (19-UF-HCR-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$150,073 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-HND-34980 Honduras UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Honduras 19-UF-FAO-012 Food Security emergency support for drought-affected and vulnerable households (19-UF-FAO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$749,994 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-HND-34980 Honduras UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Honduras 19-UF-CEF-035 Humanitarian WASH response for communities affected by drought in the Valle, Francisco Morazán and Choluteca departments (19-UF-CEF-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$440,000 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-HND-34980 Honduras UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Honduras 19-UF-WFP-024 Emergency Food assistance for people affected by Severe Food Insecurity in the Southern Region of Honduras. (19-UF-WFP-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,809,930 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Colombia 19-UF-FAO-013 Rapid recovery of essential agricultural livelihoods of communities affected by armed violence in the departments of Chocó and Nariño (19-UF-FAO-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$758,967 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Colombia 19-UF-FPA-016 Access to life-saving sexual and reproductive health services for women in reproductive age and access to safe, confidential and timely life-saving services for survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV) (19-UF-FPA-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Colombia 19-UF-HCR-009 Protection for IDPs and others affected by armed conflict and violence (19-UF-HCR-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$699,915 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 19-UF-CEF-036 Safe schools for access and retention of children and adolescents affected by conflict in the prioritized municipalities in Norte de Santander, Chocó, Arauca and Nariño (19-UF-CEF-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$903,477 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 19-UF-CEF-037 Provide access to life-saving safe water sanitation and hygiene in Norte de Santander, Arauca, Chocó and Nariño Departments (19-UF-CEF-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,200,000 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Office for Project Services Colombia 19-UF-OPS-001 Emergency Mine Risk Education and Victim Assistance to communities in regions of Colombia highly-affected by explosive hazards (19-UF-OPS-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$800,131 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Colombia 19-UF-WFP-025 Ensuring food availability through food assistance to victims of confinement, forced displacement and host communities (19-UF-WFP-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$742,038 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Colombia 19-UF-WHO-022 Addressing the urgent health needs of confined communities affected by armed violence in the departments of Norte de Santander, Arauca, Choco, and Nariño (19-UF-WHO-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$887,317 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Colombia 19-UF-WOM-001 Community-based protection mechanisms for women human rights defenders and social leaders in Nariño and Chocó (19-UF-WOM-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$600,000 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COL-35000 Colombia UF Application Mar 2019 (Conflict) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 19-UF-CEF-038 Care in health and nutrition for girls, boys, pregnant and lactating mothers residing in six conflict-affected municipalities in the departments of Arauca, Chocó and Nariño (19-UF-CEF-038) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$400,000 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-HTI-34979 Haiti UF Application Mar 2019 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 19-UF-CEF-039 Fostering the Cholera Response System in Haiti, in Support to the National Elimination Plan, Towards the Final Elimination of the Epidemic (19-UF-CEF-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,400,714 Approval date:30 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:02 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-HTI-34979 Haiti UF Application Mar 2019 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Haiti 19-UF-WHO-023 Epidemiological Surveillance, Laboratory Capacity and Emergency Medical Response for Cholera Control in Haiti (19-UF-WHO-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,617,652 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-HCR-010 Protection communautaire en provinces d’Ituri, du Nord Kivu, et du Sud Kivu (19-UF-HCR-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,073,052 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-CEF-040 Prise en charge et réintégration socio-économique des enfants et adolescents vulnérables et affectés par les conflits en Ituri et Nord Kivu (19-UF-CEF-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$834,013 Approval date:12 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Office for Project Services Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-OPS-002 Protection de la population dans les provinces de l’Ituri et du Nord-Kivu en RDC contre les risques posés par les mines, REG et ALPC (19-UF-OPS-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$398,807 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:01 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-WFP-026 Programme d’assistance alimentaire et de cantines scolaires aux populations vulnérables des territoires de Miabi et Demba (19-UF-WFP-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,386,575 Approval date:12 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-FAO-014 . Amélioration de l’accès aux biens et à la sécurité alimentaire des ménages vulnérables y compris les personnes vivant avec handicap dans les provinces du Grand Kasaï et du Tanganyika (19-UF-FAO-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,861,912 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:26 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-CEF-041 Appui à la prise en charge des enfants de moins de 5 ans souffrant de malnutrition aigüe sévère dans les provinces du Kasai (19-UF-CEF-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$4,075,672 Approval date:15 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-WHO-024 Accès aux soins de santé essentiels d’urgence dans les zones de retour des populations les plus vulnérables (déplacées, retournées et hôtes) en RDC (19-UF-WHO-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,153,302 Approval date:30 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:03 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-FPA-017 Accès aux droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes et des filles dans les communautés affectées par les conflits au Kasaï, Kasaï Central, Nord Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Ituri et Tanganyika (19-UF-FPA-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$7,158,021 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-CEF-042 Fourniture d’une éducation de qualité inclusive pour les filles et garçons de 6-11 ans affectés par les conflits au Tanganyika, Sud Kivu, Nord Kivu, Ituri et Grand Kasaï (19-UF-CEF-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$4,550,968 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-CEF-043 Réponse d’appui en WASH et NFI dans les zones de retour et de déplacement des communautés vulnérables des provinces de Kasaï et Tanganyika (19-UF-CEF-043) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,909,576 Approval date:12 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-HCR-011 Assistance en abris et amélioration de l’accès aux biens et services essentiels pour les populations déplacées et retournées dans les provinces du Kasaï et du Tanganyika (19-UF-HCR-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,606,532 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-COD-34978 DR Congo UF Application Mar 2019 (Multiple emergencies) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-UF-WFP-027 Amélioration de l’accès physique au Kasai et Tanganyika pour faciliter l’assistance humanitaire  (19-UF-WFP-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$2,745,023 Approval date:17 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 19-UF-FAO-015 Critical food security interventions for drought-affected, food insecure population  (19-UF-FAO-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$800,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Djibouti 19-UF-HCR-012 Emergency protection for conflict affected refugees (19-UF-HCR-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$150,000 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies International Organization for Migration Djibouti 19-UF-IOM-011 Emergency WASH along migration and transhumance routes (19-UF-IOM-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$503,158 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 19-UF-CEF-044 Emergency Measles vaccination campaign (19-UF-CEF-044) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$210,000 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 19-UF-CEF-045 Emergency WASH along migration and transhumance routes (19-UF-CEF-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$849,999 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Djibouti 19-UF-WFP-028 Provision of nutritional assistance (prevention and treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition) (19-UF-WFP-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$750,000 Approval date:23 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:26 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Djibouti 19-UF-WHO-025 Emergency Nutrition interventions / SAM (19-UF-WHO-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$130,000 Approval date:23 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Djibouti 19-UF-WHO-026 Emergency Measles vaccination campaign (19-UF-WHO-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$259,968 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-DJI-35058 Djibouti UF Application Mar 2019 (Drought and Refugees) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Djibouti 19-UF-WHO-027 Emergency Response to Malaria Outbreak in Djibouti (19-UF-WHO-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$350,000 Approval date:23 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-PSE-34982 oPt UF Application Mar 2019 (Internal strife) Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization occupied Palestinian territory 19-UF-FAO-016 Protection of Bedouins’ and Herders’ Livelihoods in the West Bank (19-UF-FAO-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,500,000 Approval date:05 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-PSE-34982 oPt UF Application Mar 2019 (Internal strife) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme occupied Palestinian territory 19-UF-WFP-029 State of Palestine Country Strategic Plan (2018-2022). Food Assistance to Vulnerable Bedouin and Herding Communities in Area C of the West Bank. (19-UF-WFP-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$783,409 Approval date:05 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-PSE-34982 oPt UF Application Mar 2019 (Internal strife) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization occupied Palestinian territory 19-UF-WHO-028 Provision of life-saving primary and secondary healthcare services for the most vulnerable communities in the Gaza Strip and Area C of the West Bank (19-UF-WHO-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,100,000 Approval date:05 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-PSE-34982 oPt UF Application Mar 2019 (Internal strife) Human Rights United Nations Relief and Works Agency occupied Palestinian territory 19-UF-RWA-001 Integrated Psychosocial Support to Vulnerable Palestine Refugee Children (19-UF-RWA-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$758,000 Approval date:05 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-PSE-34982 oPt UF Application Mar 2019 (Internal strife) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund occupied Palestinian territory 19-UF-CEF-046 Providing essential integrated protection, education, Health and WASH services to vulnerable children and their families in Gaza Strip (19-UF-CEF-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,664,310 Approval date:16 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-PSE-34982 oPt UF Application Mar 2019 (Internal strife) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund occupied Palestinian territory 19-UF-CEF-047 Providing essential integrated protection, education, Health and WASH services to vulnerable children and their families in the H2 area in Hebron city and Emergency WASH interventions for unconnected vulnerable communities in Area C (19-UF-CEF-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,000 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-PSE-34982 oPt UF Application Mar 2019 (Internal strife) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund occupied Palestinian territory 19-UF-FPA-020 Supporting Gaza Health system in providing life-saving reproductive health services, and ensuring access to life saving primary health care to the most vulnerable communities in the West Bank (19-UF-FPA-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$942,764 Approval date:05 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 19-UF-FAO-017 Support pastoralists affected by the cumulative effects of the protracted humanitarian-natural and human-induced crises in Tahoua and Tillabery regions, Niger (19-UF-FAO-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$900,001 Approval date:23 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:26 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Niger 19-UF-IOM-012 Shelter and NFIs Assistance to conflict affected populations in Tillabéry and Tahoua regions of Niger (19-UF-IOM-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$750,007 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:23 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Niger 19-UF-FPA-018 Implementation of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for sexual and reproductive health, including GVB interventions in emergency situations to save lives of women and girls affected by insecurity and measures of the state of emergency (19-UF-FPA-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$899,977 Approval date:23 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:25 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 19-UF-HCR-013 Multisectoral Response for the Malian Refugees and Protection for IDPs in the Tillaberi and Tahoua Regions (19-UF-HCR-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance, Protection US$1,200,000 Approval date:30 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:02 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 19-UF-CEF-048 Child protection promotion and access to education in a safe protecting environment for children affected by the Malian crisis (19-UF-CEF-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Protection US$1,138,628 Approval date:06 May 2019 Disbursement date:08 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 19-UF-CEF-049 Reducing mortality among boys and girls under 5 years in Tillabery and Tahoua regions (19-UF-CEF-049) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$599,817 Approval date:23 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:25 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 19-UF-CEF-050 Emergency WASH response to displaced populations, host communities and malnourished child-caregiver pairs in Tillabery and Tahoua regions. (19-UF-CEF-050) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,008 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Niger 19-UF-WFP-030 Providing food assistance to IDPs affected by the insecurity in the Tillabéry and Tahoua regions (19-UF-WFP-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,251,346 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-NER-35355 Niger UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Niger 19-UF-WHO-029 Improve access to basic and emergencies health services for vulnerable people (refugees, IDPs, and host population), and reinforcing epidemic control through diseases surveillance in Tillabery and Tahoua Health Regions. (19-UF-WHO-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$750,003 Approval date:20 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda 19-UF-FAO-018 Emergency Agricultural Livelihood Support for Food and Nutrition Self-sufficiency of Newly Arrived Refugees and PSN/EVI Households in Refugee Hosting Districts (19-UF-FAO-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:30 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:06 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Uganda 19-UF-IOM-013 Provision of Emergency WASH Assistance to Refugees and Host Communities (19-UF-IOM-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,000 Approval date:07 May 2019 Disbursement date:10 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Uganda 19-UF-WOM-002 Emergency Protection of South Sudanese Refugee Women and Girls, including SGBV response and community-based protection (19-UF-WOM-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$550,257 Approval date:10 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Uganda 19-UF-UDP-004 Emergency employment, and provision of non-agricultural productive assets toward immediate income generation (19-UF-UDP-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,507,667 Approval date:14 May 2019 Disbursement date:17 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Uganda 19-UF-FPA-019 Provision of Life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Including Emergency Obstetrical and New-born Care and Gender–based Violence Response for Refugees in Uganda. (19-UF-FPA-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,094,874 Approval date:30 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:02 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 19-UF-HCR-014 Targeted protection services and emergency response for refugees in healthcare, shelter/NFI and WASH (19-UF-HCR-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$5,105,000 Approval date:16 May 2019 Disbursement date:20 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 19-UF-CEF-051 Critical Lifesaving Response to Refugee Influx in Uganda with Basic Services in Health, Nutrition, WASH and Child Protection (19-UF-CEF-051) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,660,000 Approval date:25 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Uganda 19-UF-WFP-031 Provide Food and Nutrition Assistance for Refugees (19-UF-WFP-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,483,802 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:03 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-UGA-35202 Uganda UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Uganda 19-UF-WHO-030 Provision of life-saving primary and secondary healthcare services for the most vulnerable communities living in the refugees settlements with a focus on Adjumani, Arua, Isingiro, Kikuube, Kyegegwa, Lamwo; and Moyo districts (19-UF-WHO-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$589,973 Approval date:16 May 2019 Disbursement date:20 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-TZA-35239 Tanzania UF Application Mar 2019 (refugees and asylum-seeker from DRC and Burundi) Displacement International Organization for Migration United Republic of Tanzania 19-UF-IOM-014 Transport support including pre-embarkation medical screening for refugees (19-UF-IOM-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$700,006 Approval date:25 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TZA-35239 Tanzania UF Application Mar 2019 (refugees and asylum-seeker from DRC and Burundi) Displacement United Nations Population Fund United Republic of Tanzania 19-UF-FPA-021 Emergency basic health services in support of the Burundian refugee influx into Tanzania (19-UF-FPA-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$300,008 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:01 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-TZA-35239 Tanzania UF Application Mar 2019 (refugees and asylum-seeker from DRC and Burundi) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Republic of Tanzania 19-UF-HCR-015 Protection and basic services to refugees in camps (19-UF-HCR-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,500,000 Approval date:14 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-TZA-35239 Tanzania UF Application Mar 2019 (refugees and asylum-seeker from DRC and Burundi) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 19-UF-CEF-052 Enhanced protection of refugee children and basic services for health, nutrition, water and sanitation and hygiene. (19-UF-CEF-052) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,007 Approval date:25 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:29 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-TZA-35239 Tanzania UF Application Mar 2019 (refugees and asylum-seeker from DRC and Burundi) Displacement World Food Programme United Republic of Tanzania 19-UF-WFP-032 Food Assistance to Refugees Living in Official Camps in Western Tanzania (19-UF-WFP-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,989,324 Approval date:14 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-053 Access to emergency education for children affected by IDAI (19-RR-CEF-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$699,058 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-033 Provision of ETC Services to support response community (19-RR-WFP-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$99,363 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-034 Provision of common logistical services and logistics augmentation in Mozambique (19-RR-WFP-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$2,660,000 Approval date:02 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Mozambique 19-RR-FAO-019 Emergency Assistance for Livelihoods of People Affected by Floods in the provinces of Zambezia and Tete (19-RR-FAO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,500,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-035 Provide immediate life-saving Food Assistance to 115,700 people affected by IDAI cyclone and floods (19-RR-WFP-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,549,841 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Mozambique 19-RR-AID-001 Support adherence and retention on antiretroviral treatment among people living with HIV in areas affected by Tropical Cyclone Idai (19-RR-AID-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$149,650 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 19-RR-FPA-022 Provide life saving clinical sexual and reproductive health services to Cyclone Idai and flood affected people in Mozambique (19-RR-FPA-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$349,350 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-054 Support to restoration of lifesaving primary healthcare services, including malaria and other potential disease outbreaks focusing on children and women after Cyclone Idai and related floods (19-RR-CEF-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$523,976 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Health Organization Mozambique 19-RR-WHO-031 Provision of primary health care services including the prevention, detection and response to infectious disease outbreaks in provinces affected by the Tropical Cyclone Idai in Mozambique (19-RR-WHO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$318,076 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-055 Support to life saving services for the management of severe acute malnutrition in children 6 – 59 months (19-RR-CEF-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$210,940 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm International Organization for Migration Mozambique 19-RR-IOM-015 Shelter, Protection and Health support to displaced and the most vulnerable people affected by Cyclone Idai (19-RR-IOM-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,805,122 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-056 Delivering life-saving water, sanitation and hygiene services to people affected by cyclone Idai (19-RR-CEF-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,150,379 Approval date:29 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-036 Support to life saving services for the management of moderate acute malnutrition in children 6 – 59 months (19-RR-WFP-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$290,396 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 19-RR-FPA-023 Ensuring lifesaving GBV assistance to women and young people affected by the flood and cyclone IDAI (19-RR-FPA-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$399,977 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mozambique 19-RR-HCR-016 Life-saving protection assistance to persons affected by Cyclone IDAI (19-RR-HCR-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$99,876 Approval date:28 Mar 2019 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-35492 Mozambique RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-057 Support to interim care, protection and family tracing and reunification (FTR) of separated and unaccompanied children (UASC), orphaned and other vulnerable children (19-RR-CEF-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$212,117 Approval date:02 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Cameroon 19-UF-FAO-020 Improving the food security of the affected populations (IDPs, hosts, refugees and returnees) impacted by the crisis in Cameroon in the Far North and South West/North West (19-UF-FAO-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,155,702 Approval date:06 May 2019 Disbursement date:09 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Cameroon 19-UF-IOM-016 Emergency Assistance to Conflict-Affected Populations of the Far North, South-West and North-West regions of Cameroon: Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) (19-UF-IOM-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$500,024 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:01 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Cameroon 19-UF-WOM-003 Empowering and Providing GBV Survivors/Victims Affected by Boko Haram Crisis with Integrated Services (Psychosocial, Medical, Economic, Legal and Judicial) (19-UF-WOM-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$502,087 Approval date:01 May 2019 Disbursement date:06 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Cameroon 19-UF-UDP-005 Enable access for humanitarian actors in the NW and SW region (19-UF-UDP-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$104,617 Approval date:02 May 2019 Disbursement date:08 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cameroon 19-UF-FPA-024 Lifesaving Gender-based Violence and Sexual Reproductive Health interventions for IDPs and refugees in the North West, South West and Far North Cameroon (19-UF-FPA-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,229,413 Approval date:01 May 2019 Disbursement date:03 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 19-UF-HCR-017 Improving the protection of IDPs and host communities in the Far North of Cameroon (19-UF-HCR-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$794,014 Approval date:07 May 2019 Disbursement date:09 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 19-UF-HCR-018 Provision of Protection Assistance (Protection, Emergency Shelter and Basic Domestic Items) to Internally Displaced Persons in the North West and South-West region of Cameroun (19-UF-HCR-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,499,811 Approval date:07 May 2019 Disbursement date:09 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 19-UF-CEF-058 Psychosocial support and protection from violence, exploitation and abuse for children affected by the Nigerian crisis in the Far North and the Anglophone crisis in North West and South West Regions, Cameroon (19-UF-CEF-058) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,500,001 Approval date:02 May 2019 Disbursement date:06 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 19-UF-CEF-059 Implementing Innovative Approaches Towards Improving Access to Quality Education for Internally Displaced and Host Communities’ Children in a Safe and Protective Learning Environment. (19-UF-CEF-059) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$508,053 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:01 May 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-35569 Cameroon UF Application Mar 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 19-UF-WFP-037 Unconditional Food Assistance to IDPs and Populations Affected by the Crisis in the North West and South West Regions (19-UF-WFP-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,501,436 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:02 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 19-RR-CEF-060 Education Cluster Flood Response in Malawi (19-RR-CEF-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$300,938 Approval date:10 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 19-RR-CEF-061 Protection of vulnerable groups from violence, abuse, exploitation and ensure human rights are respected (19-RR-CEF-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$165,957 Approval date:05 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 19-RR-CEF-062 Integrated Mobile Outreach Clinic and Cholera Preparedness/Response Services for Flood Affected Districts in Malawi - 2019 (19-RR-CEF-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$450,000 Approval date:10 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 19-RR-CEF-063 Prevention and treatment of severe acute malnutrition among flood affected populations. (19-RR-CEF-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$200,000 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:15 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Population Fund Malawi 19-RR-FPA-025 Prevention of GBV and other forms of violence against women and girls affected by floods in Malawi. (19-RR-FPA-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$208,526 Approval date:04 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Malawi 19-RR-WOM-004 Engendering the Humanitarian Response due to the disaster caused by Tropical Cyclone Idai (19-RR-WOM-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$125,163 Approval date:10 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Malawi 19-RR-HCR-019 Life-saving emergency response to Cyclone Idai affected persons in Malawi (19-RR-HCR-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$343,409 Approval date:04 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm International Organization for Migration Malawi 19-RR-IOM-017 Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) and Shelter assistance in response to severe flooding and displacement in Malawi (19-RR-IOM-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$257,399 Approval date:09 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Malawi 19-RR-WFP-038 Provision of common logistics services and logistics augmentation in Malawi (19-RR-WFP-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$200,070 Approval date:10 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Malawi 19-RR-WFP-039 Responding to urgent food needs of floods-affected population in Southern Malawi (19-RR-WFP-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:10 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-MWI-35650 Malawi RR Application Mar 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Malawi 19-RR-WFP-040 Accelerating nutrition screening and treatment of acute malnutrition in the flood-affected areas (19-RR-WFP-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$100,583 Approval date:09 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-AGO-35794 Angola RR Application Apr 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Angola 19-RR-CEF-064 Life-saving nutrition screenings and treatment of children with severe and moderate acute malnutrition in the most food insecure municipalities in Cunene, Huíla, Namibe and Bié provinces in Angola (19-RR-CEF-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,799,851 Approval date:14 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-AGO-35794 Angola RR Application Apr 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Angola 19-RR-CEF-065 Improving access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and promotion of hygiene practices for the population most affected by drought in the southern provinces of Cunene, Huíla, and Bié. (19-RR-CEF-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,768,269 Approval date:20 May 2019 Disbursement date:23 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-AGO-35794 Angola RR Application Apr 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Angola 19-RR-FAO-021 Improved food security for drought affected households in Cunene and Huila Province of Angola (19-RR-FAO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$743,083 Approval date:08 May 2019 Disbursement date:14 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-AGO-35794 Angola RR Application Apr 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Angola 19-RR-FPA-026 Life-saving interventions to prevent gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and promote health, autonomy and dignity particularly among women and adolescent girls in the drought affected municipalities of Bie, Cunene, Huila and Namibe Provinces of An (19-RR-FPA-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$586,647 Approval date:08 May 2019 Disbursement date:10 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-AGO-35794 Angola RR Application Apr 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Angola 19-RR-WHO-032 Mitigation and prevention of complicated SAM in Southern Angola Drought (19-RR-WHO-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$444,882 Approval date:08 May 2019 Disbursement date:14 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm International Organization for Migration Zimbabwe 19-RR-IOM-018 PROVISION OF CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR AFFECTED POPULATION BY CYCLONE IDAI IN ZIMBABWE (19-RR-IOM-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$202,901 Approval date:15 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm International Organization for Migration Zimbabwe 19-RR-IOM-019 PROVISION OF SHELTER AND NFI MATIERIALS FOR THE POPULATION AFFECED BY CYCLONE IDAI IN ZIMBABWE (19-RR-IOM-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$747,170 Approval date:15 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Population Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-FPA-027 Enhancing safety, mitigating risks of GBV, sexual exploitation and abuse and providing lifesaving GBV services in cyclone Idai affected districts of Chimanimani and Chipinge (19-RR-FPA-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$265,039 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Population Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-FPA-028 Increasing Access to sexual reproductive health services for women and girls in the cyclone Idai affected districts (19-RR-FPA-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$258,610 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Food Programme Zimbabwe 19-RR-WFP-041 Provision of Common Services Post-Cyclone Idai (19-RR-WFP-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$498,009 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm World Health Organization Zimbabwe 19-RR-WHO-033 Early detection and response to epidemics in cyclone Idai affected districts (19-RR-WHO-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$296,726 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Zimbabwe 19-RR-HCR-020 Provision of shelter, core relief items to IDPs – Cyclone Idai Response (19-RR-HCR-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$250,020 Approval date:11 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:15 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-066 Providing lifesaving nutrition intervention to children living in the cyclone affected districts of Chimanimani, Chipinge and Buhera (19-RR-CEF-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$204,025 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-067 Improving protection of children and adolescents affected by cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe (19-RR-CEF-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$267,496 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-068 Strengthening health emergency response to cyclone affected children and women in Chimanimani and Chipinge districts, Manicaland Province (19-RR-CEF-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$264,729 Approval date:09 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZWE-35840 Zimbabwe RR Application Apr 2019 (Cyclone Idai) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 19-RR-CEF-069 Providing access to water, sanitation and hygiene in cyclone Idai affected districts in Zimbabwe (19-RR-CEF-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$800,381 Approval date:08 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-IRN-36632 Iran RR Application Apr 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Islamic Republic of Iran 19-RR-HCR-021 Emergency Response to the Immediate Humanitarian Basic Needs of Refugees and Host Communities Affected by the Large-Scale Floods in Iran (19-RR-HCR-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$685,705 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-IRN-36632 Iran RR Application Apr 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Islamic Republic of Iran 19-RR-FPA-029 Providing lifesaving sexual and reproductive health, hygiene and sanitation supplies to women and young people affected by flooding in Iran (19-RR-FPA-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$189,715 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:01 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-IRN-36632 Iran RR Application Apr 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Islamic Republic of Iran 19-RR-CEF-070 Ensuring Uninterrupted Vaccination Services to Children Most Affected by Flood (19-RR-CEF-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$251,150 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-IRN-36632 Iran RR Application Apr 2019 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Islamic Republic of Iran 19-RR-WHO-034 Provision of Life-saving Medical Supplies for Populations Affected by Floods (19-RR-WHO-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$329,122 Approval date:29 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:03 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-IRN-36632 Iran RR Application Apr 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Islamic Republic of Iran 19-RR-CEF-071 Safe Drinking Water and Hygiene Support to Most Affected People Due to Flood (19-RR-CEF-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$515,784 Approval date:26 Apr 2019 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2019 Read more
19-RR-LBY-36788 Libya RR Application Apr 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Libya 19-RR-FPA-030 Provide life-saving and multi-sectoral response to survivors of gender-based violence among internally displaced persons in Libya. (19-RR-FPA-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$225,000 Approval date:02 May 2019 Disbursement date:03 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-LBY-36788 Libya RR Application Apr 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Libya 19-RR-HCR-022 Provision of lifesaving assistance through relocation of vulnerable refugees from detention centers in areas of conflict and distribution of core relief items (CRIs). (19-RR-HCR-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$275,000 Approval date:06 May 2019 Disbursement date:08 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-LBY-36788 Libya RR Application Apr 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Libya 19-RR-CEF-072 Provision of life-saving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) WASH services to conflict-affected persons, including children, in Tripoli and Western Libya (19-RR-CEF-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$400,001 Approval date:03 May 2019 Disbursement date:07 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-LBY-36788 Libya RR Application Apr 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Libya 19-RR-WFP-042 Emergency food assistance to conflict-affected population in Libya (19-RR-WFP-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$300,000 Approval date:03 May 2019 Disbursement date:08 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-LBY-36788 Libya RR Application Apr 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Libya 19-RR-WHO-035 Saving Lives through Timely Provision of Emergency Health Services (19-RR-WHO-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$800,000 Approval date:02 May 2019 Disbursement date:06 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Comoros 19-RR-CEF-073 Première assistance aux populations les plus affectées par le cyclone Kenneth en Union des Comores pour les secteurs EHA, Education/Protection et Santé/Nutrition. (19-RR-CEF-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$983,500 Approval date:17 May 2019 Disbursement date:20 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Comoros 19-RR-FAO-022 Appui à la restauration rapide des moyens de subsistances des ménages en difficultés alimentaires sévères dans les zones (19-RR-FAO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$359,386 Approval date:17 May 2019 Disbursement date:21 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Development Programme Comoros 19-RR-UDP-006 Appui au retour des personnes déplacées à cause de la destruction de leurs maisons suite au passage du cyclone Kenneth (19-RR-UDP-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$436,288 Approval date:17 May 2019 Disbursement date:23 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Development Programme Comoros 19-RR-UDP-007 Restauration des moyens de subsistance et facilitation de l’accès humanitaire par des petites réhabilitations d’urgence des pistes rurales et des infrastructures agricoles à travers le transfert monétaire (argent contre travail) (19-RR-UDP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$200,001 Approval date:21 May 2019 Disbursement date:23 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm World Food Programme Comoros 19-RR-WFP-043 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence post-cyclone Kenneth au Comores (19-RR-WFP-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$405,798 Approval date:13 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm World Food Programme Comoros 19-RR-WFP-044 Appui en coordination logistiques des acteurs humanitaries aux (19-RR-WFP-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$129,000 Approval date:13 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm World Health Organization Comoros 19-RR-WHO-036 Fourniture de soins et services de santé aux populations affectées par le cyclone Kenneth aux Comores (19-RR-WHO-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$237,703 Approval date:13 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-COM-37104 Comoros RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Population Fund Comoros 19-RR-FPA-031 Réponse sanitaire d''urgence aux risques d''excès de morbidité et de mortalité maternelle et néonatale suite au cyclone Kenneth dans 8 préfectures touchées et prioritaires dans la Grande Comores et Mohéli (19-RR-FPA-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$242,508 Approval date:13 May 2019 Disbursement date:16 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-045 Provide Immediate Life-saving Food Assistance to Populations Affected by Tropical Cyclone Kenneth (19-RR-WFP-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,217,883 Approval date:16 May 2019 Disbursement date:21 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-046 Provision of ETC Services to Support Response Community (19-RR-WFP-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$249,114 Approval date:20 May 2019 Disbursement date:23 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm World Food Programme Mozambique 19-RR-WFP-047 Provision of Logistics Cluster Common Services in Support of the Humanitarian Community Responding to Cyclone Kenneth in Mozambique (19-RR-WFP-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,486,034 Approval date:16 May 2019 Disbursement date:21 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm World Health Organization Mozambique 19-RR-WHO-037 Scale Up the Capacity to Respond to Infectious Disease Outbreaks of Cholera and Acute Watery Diarrhea for Tropical Cyclone Kenneth Affected Populations in Mozambique (19-RR-WHO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$408,373 Approval date:16 May 2019 Disbursement date:20 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 19-RR-FPA-032 Ensuring Lifesaving GBV Assistance to Women and Young People Affected by the Flood and Cyclone Kenneth (19-RR-FPA-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$605,042 Approval date:16 May 2019 Disbursement date:20 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 19-RR-FPA-033 Provide Life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to Cyclone Kenneth and Flood-affected People in Cabo Delgado and Nampula, Mozambique (19-RR-FPA-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$302,082 Approval date:21 May 2019 Disbursement date:23 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm International Organization for Migration Mozambique 19-RR-IOM-020 Immediate Provision of Temporary Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items for Flood and Cyclone Kenneth Affected Populations (19-RR-IOM-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,303,409 Approval date:24 May 2019 Disbursement date:29 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm International Organization for Migration Mozambique 19-RR-IOM-021 Provision of Lifesaving Protection Assistance for Persons Affected by Cyclone Kenneth in Mozambique (19-RR-IOM-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$150,000 Approval date:24 May 2019 Disbursement date:29 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-074 Delivering Life-saving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services to People Affected by Cyclone Kenneth (19-RR-CEF-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,739,927 Approval date:23 May 2019 Disbursement date:30 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-075 Support to the Restoration of Lifesaving Primary Healthcare Services, Including Malaria and Other Potential Disease Outbreaks Focusing on Children and Women after Cyclone Kenneth and Related Floods (19-RR-CEF-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,397 Approval date:16 May 2019 Disbursement date:20 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MOZ-37184 Mozambique RR Application May 2019 (Cyclone Kenneth) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 19-RR-CEF-076 Provision of Psychosocial Support, Life-saving Information and Services to Respond to Violence, Including GBV and VAC in the Areas Affected by the Cyclone Kenneth in Mozambique (19-RR-CEF-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$202,646 Approval date:20 May 2019 Disbursement date:23 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MMR-37457 Myanmar RR Application May 2019 (Rakhine displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 19-RR-CEF-077 Provision of Emergency WASH and MHPS services to internally displaced children and their families affected by conflict in Rakhine state 2019 (19-RR-CEF-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$599,852 Approval date:31 May 2019 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2019 Read more
19-RR-MMR-37457 Myanmar RR Application May 2019 (Rakhine displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 19-RR-FAO-023 Emergency support through nutritious food production for host communities of the newly displaced people in Rakhine (19-RR-FAO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$300,000 Approval date:30 May 2019 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2019 Read more
19-RR-MMR-37457 Myanmar RR Application May 2019 (Rakhine displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 19-RR-FPA-034 Life-saving GBV and SRH services for conflict-affected and newly-displaced women and girls in Rakhine state (19-RR-FPA-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$221,950 Approval date:03 Jun 2019 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2019 Read more
19-RR-MMR-37457 Myanmar RR Application May 2019 (Rakhine displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 19-RR-HCR-023 Integrated Protection, Shelter and NFI response to newly displaced people in Rakhine State (19-RR-HCR-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$986,598 Approval date:29 May 2019 Disbursement date:31 May 2019 Read more
19-RR-MMR-37457 Myanmar RR Application May 2019 (Rakhine displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 19-RR-WFP-048 Food and Nutrition Assistance for Newly Displaced Populations in Rakhine State (19-RR-WFP-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,250,000 Approval date:03 Jun 2019 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2019 Read more
19-RR-MMR-37457 Myanmar RR Application May 2019 (Rakhine displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Myanmar 19-RR-WHO-038 Provision of life-saving health care services to the new displaced people and host communities arising from the armed conflict in Rakhine State (19-RR-WHO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$135,997 Approval date:29 May 2019 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2019 Read more
19-RR-LBY-37490 Libya RR Application May 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Libya 19-RR-UDP-008 Additional security support to support the expansion of humanitarian operations in Greater Tripoli and other parts of Libya requiring humanitarian assistance. (19-RR-UDP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$156,254 Approval date:29 May 2019 Disbursement date:04 Jun 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37661 Ethiopia RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Ethiopia 19-RR-FAO-024 Emergency Livestock Response to Drought Affected Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Communities in Oromia and Somali Regions of Ethiopia (19-RR-FAO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$6,500,000 Approval date:01 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:03 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37661 Ethiopia RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 19-RR-CEF-078 First emergency response for drought relief in Somali and Oromia regions  (19-RR-CEF-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,498,667 Approval date:01 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:03 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-GTM-37683 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Guatemala 19-RR-FAO-025 Restoring food security and small-scale agriculture production capacities in communities affected by drought and loss of harvest in Guatemala (19-RR-FAO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$300,031 Approval date:03 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:08 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-GTM-37683 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Guatemala 19-RR-CEF-079 Assuring survival through urgent treatment to acutely malnourished children in 7 municipalities in Alta Verapaz (19-RR-CEF-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$604,711 Approval date:03 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:08 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-GTM-37683 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Guatemala 19-RR-WFP-049 Life-saving food assistance to food-insecure households and acutely malnourished children in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (19-RR-WFP-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$711,228 Approval date:03 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:08 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-GTM-37683 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Guatemala 19-RR-WHO-039 Health assistance to children under 5 years of age who are suffering from acute malnutrition and associated complications in Guatemala. (19-RR-WHO-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$370,629 Approval date:03 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:08 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 19-RR-CEF-080 Prevention and response to protection and GBV risks of 8,000 most vulnerable children (girls and boys) affected by droughts in five priority counties. (19-RR-CEF-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$250,139 Approval date:10 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 19-RR-CEF-081 Life-saving Emergency Health Response to Drought and diseases outbreaks in selected Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) Counties of Kenya (19-RR-CEF-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$250,018 Approval date:09 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 19-RR-CEF-082 Accelerate nutrition response to the drought emergency in priority arid counties (19-RR-CEF-082) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,190 Approval date:09 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 19-RR-CEF-083 Improving access to safe water and hygiene education for 100,000 girls, boys, women and men in 8 drought affected Counties in Kenya (19-RR-CEF-083) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$899,999 Approval date:10 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Kenya 19-RR-FAO-026 Protecting livestock assets and safeguarding livelihoods in Kenya’s Arid and Semi Arid Lands. (19-RR-FAO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$800,000 Approval date:11 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:16 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Kenya 19-RR-FPA-035 Provision of multi-sectoral life-saving gender based violence (GBV) prevention and response services in 8 drought affected counties in Kenya. (19-RR-FPA-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$249,845 Approval date:09 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Kenya 19-RR-FPA-036 Provision of Life-saving Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Eight Drought Affected Counties in Kenya (19-RR-FPA-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$199,127 Approval date:10 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Kenya 19-RR-WFP-050 Accelerate nutrition response to the drought emergency in priority arid counties - WFP (19-RR-WFP-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,000 Approval date:11 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:16 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-37704 Kenya RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Kenya 19-RR-WHO-040 Emergency Response to Disease outbreaks especially among children in Marsabit, Wajir, Turkana, Isiolo, Garissa, Tana River, Baringo and Mandera (19-RR-WHO-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$349,999 Approval date:16 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:19 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-SLV-37678 El Salvador RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme El Salvador 19-RR-WFP-051 Food Assistance Intervention in Response to the 2019 Drought in Five Municipalities in El Salvador (19-RR-WFP-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$958,859 Approval date:11 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:16 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-SLV-37678 El Salvador RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization El Salvador 19-RR-FAO-027 Contribute with Immediate Assistance to Restore Food Security and Livelihoods of Households Farming Affected by the Prolonged Drought 2018-2019 in Eastern El Salvador (19-RR-FAO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$345,000 Approval date:11 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:15 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-SLV-37678 El Salvador RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund El Salvador 19-RR-CEF-084 Nutrition and WASH assistance intervention in response to the 2019 drought in five municipalities in El Salvador. (19-RR-CEF-084) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$480,000 Approval date:11 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:15 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-SLV-37678 El Salvador RR Application Jun 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization El Salvador 19-RR-WHO-041 Health Assistance Intervention in Response to the 2019 Drought in Five Municipalities in El Salvador (19-RR-WHO-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$215,000 Approval date:11 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:15 Jul 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37959 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2019 (secondary displacement / IDP returns) Displacement International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 19-RR-IOM-022 Emergency Shelter Response for Displaced Populations in Ethiopia (19-RR-IOM-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$6,000,000 Approval date:15 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:16 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37959 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2019 (secondary displacement / IDP returns) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Ethiopia 19-RR-FPA-037 Addressing Emergency Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence Responses for IDPs and Returnees in Selected Districts of Oromia and Somali Regions (19-RR-FPA-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$920,824 Approval date:07 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:13 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37959 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2019 (secondary displacement / IDP returns) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ethiopia 19-RR-HCR-024 Community-based Protection and Protection Assistance in West Guji and East Wollega (19-RR-HCR-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:08 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:13 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37959 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2019 (secondary displacement / IDP returns) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 19-RR-CEF-085 Prevention and Response to Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Neglect of the Most Vulnerable Women and Children in Oromia and Somali Regions in Ethiopia (19-RR-CEF-085) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$858,943 Approval date:02 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:08 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37959 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2019 (secondary displacement / IDP returns) Displacement World Health Organization Ethiopia 19-RR-WHO-042 Lifesaving Health Services to Returnees/ secondary displacements and Host Communities in Four Priority Zones of West Guji, East Wellega, East Hararge and Dawa of Ethiopia (19-RR-WHO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,202,013 Approval date:09 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37959 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2019 (secondary displacement / IDP returns) Displacement International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 19-RR-IOM-026 Lifesaving Health Services to Returnees/secondary Displacements and Host Communities in Two Priority Zones of West Guji, East Wellega (19-RR-IOM-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$435,000 Approval date:09 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-ETH-37959 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2019 (secondary displacement / IDP returns) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Ethiopia 19-RR-UDP-009 UNDSS Provision of Safety and Security Services for Humanitarian operation in Ethiopia (19-RR-UDP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$194,312 Approval date:14 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:20 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 19-RR-IOM-023 Emergency drought-response through CCCM and Emergency SNFI response in Gedo and Bay regions, Somalia. (19-RR-IOM-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,300,000 Approval date:31 Jul 2019 Disbursement date:02 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 19-RR-IOM-024 Delivery of emergency primary health-care services to drought-affected and displaced communities in Jubaland and Southwest States of Somalia (19-RR-IOM-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$700,000 Approval date:08 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:13 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 19-RR-IOM-025 Emergency response to drought conditions in Somalia through access to clean safe water, sanitation and hygiene services in Lower Juba and Gedo. (19-RR-IOM-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,900,000 Approval date:06 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:13 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Somalia 19-RR-FAO-028 Rapid response to address the emergency needs of drought impacted farming households in southern Somalia (19-RR-FAO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$4,000,000 Approval date:01 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 19-RR-WFP-052 Emergency Response to drought affected Households in Bay region (19-RR-WFP-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,000,645 Approval date:06 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:13 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 19-RR-WFP-053 Provision of critical lifesaving nutrition interventions and preventive nutrition activities to children 6-59 months, pregnant and lactating mothers in southern and central Somalia. (19-RR-WFP-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$3,480,000 Approval date:07 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:13 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 19-RR-WFP-054 Provision of dedicated humanitarian air services in response to the drought emergency in Somalia (19-RR-WFP-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$500,000 Approval date:01 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:07 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Somalia 19-RR-WHO-043 Provision of life-saving and integrated health services to improve psychosocial support to drought affected and vulnerable communities in South & Central States of Somalia. (19-RR-WHO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,200,000 Approval date:06 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:13 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 19-RR-HCR-025 Protection, Emergency Shelter, NFIs and CCCM services, targeting drought affected populations in South and Central regions of Somalia (19-RR-HCR-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,700,013 Approval date:01 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-086 Emergency WASH Response for drought affected people in Bay, Bakool, Hiraan and Lower Juba Regions of South Central Somalia (19-RR-CEF-086) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,400,005 Approval date:06 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:07 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-087 Emergency response for children affected by drought related incidences and other child protection concerns (19-RR-CEF-087) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$996,378 Approval date:02 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-088 Education in emergencies response for drought affected school aged children in Bay and Bakool, Somalia (19-RR-CEF-088) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$999,976 Approval date:06 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:07 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-089 Provision of emergency lifesaving healthcare services in six drought affected priority regions in Central and Southern Somalia (19-RR-CEF-089) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$726,745 Approval date:15 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:19 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-090 Provision of emergency lifesaving nutrition services to the most vulnerable and drought affected communities in South and Central Somalia. (19-RR-CEF-090) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,318,828 Approval date:01 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-38014 Somalia RR Application Jul 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Somalia 19-RR-FPA-038 Ensuring Access to Life-saving reproductive health/maternal health services and Enhancing GBV services for survivors and vulnerable women and girls in IDP settlements and host communities in the drought affected areas of Southern Somalia. (19-RR-FPA-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$1,699,999 Approval date:01 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:07 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-HTI-37982 Haiti RR Application Aug 2019 (Food Insecurity) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 19-RR-CEF-091 Emergency nutrition assistance to children affected by global acute malnutrition in the Southeast and Northwest departments (19-RR-CEF-091) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$456,432 Approval date:15 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:19 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-HTI-37982 Haiti RR Application Aug 2019 (Food Insecurity) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Haiti 19-RR-FAO-029 Emergency Agricultural Assistance to Family Farmers Affected by Drought in the Departments of Northeast, North and Southeast of Haiti (19-RR-FAO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,625,000 Approval date:16 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:20 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-HTI-37982 Haiti RR Application Aug 2019 (Food Insecurity) Drought World Food Programme Haiti 19-RR-WFP-055 Emergency Food Assistance to Households Facing a Food crisis (IPC 3) or a Food Emergency (IPC 4) in Southeast Department of Haiti (19-RR-WFP-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,000 Approval date:21 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-BGD-38402 Bangladesh RR Application Aug 2019 (Flood) Flood United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Bangladesh 19-RR-WOM-005 Emergency livelihood as life-saving support to the most-at-risk female headed households (FHHs) (19-RR-WOM-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$650,000 Approval date:22 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-BGD-38402 Bangladesh RR Application Aug 2019 (Flood) Flood United Nations Development Programme Bangladesh 19-RR-UDP-010 Emergency shelter support for the most vulnerable flood affected Female Headed families in Jamalpur, Kurigram and Gaibandha districts of Bangladesh. (19-RR-UDP-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$750,000 Approval date:23 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-BGD-38402 Bangladesh RR Application Aug 2019 (Flood) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Bangladesh 19-RR-FAO-030 Emergency support to protect vulnerable livestock and livelihoods in the flood-affected areas (19-RR-FAO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$850,002 Approval date:27 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:30 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-BGD-38402 Bangladesh RR Application Aug 2019 (Flood) Flood United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 19-RR-FPA-039 Ensuring Access to Life-saving Emergency SRHR/GBV Services and Protection for Flood-Affected Women and Girls in Jamalpur, Kurigram, and Gaibandha Districts in Bangladesh (19-RR-FPA-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$1,000,286 Approval date:22 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-BGD-38402 Bangladesh RR Application Aug 2019 (Flood) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 19-RR-CEF-092 Provision of improved WASH services for the flood affected people in Jamalpur, Kurigram and Gaibanda districts of Bangladesh (19-RR-CEF-092) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$988,948 Approval date:28 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:30 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-BGD-38402 Bangladesh RR Application Aug 2019 (Flood) Flood World Food Programme Bangladesh 19-RR-WFP-056 Emergency Food Assistance for the worst flood affected households (19-RR-WFP-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:22 Aug 2019 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2019 Read more
19-RR-COD-38519 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2019 (Ebola) Ebola World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-RR-WHO-044 Réponse rapide à l’épidémie de la maladie à virus Ebola (MVE) dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu et de l’Ituri de la République Démocratique du Congo (19-RR-WHO-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$3,902,590 Approval date:10 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2019 Read more
19-RR-COD-38519 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2019 (Ebola) Ebola International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-RR-IOM-027 Réponse à l’épidémie de la maladie à Virus Ebola dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu et de l''Ituri (19-RR-IOM-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,999,062 Approval date:10 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:12 Sep 2019 Read more
19-RR-COD-38519 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2019 (Ebola) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 19-RR-CEF-093 Réponse multisectorielle d’urgence pour contribuer à l’interruption de la maladie à virus Ebola dans les Provinces du Nord Kivu et de l’Ituri (19-RR-CEF-093) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,935,937 Approval date:10 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:12 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-ERI-38585 Eritrea UF Application Sep 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Eritrea 19-UF-CEF-094 Lifesaving Integrated Management of Malnutrition, Childhood Illnesses and WASH Interventions (19-UF-CEF-094) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$599,842 Approval date:24 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-ERI-38585 Eritrea UF Application Sep 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Eritrea 19-UF-FAO-031 Improved food security and livelihood of vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoral communities affected by successive drought in the Northern Red Sea Region of Eritrea, through immediate assistance that builds resilience among households. (19-UF-FAO-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:19 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-ERI-38585 Eritrea UF Application Sep 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Eritrea 19-UF-FPA-040 Life-saving Nutritional and reproductive health support to pregnant mothers and new born through Maternity Waiting Homes (MWHs) in remote rural area of Eritrea. (19-UF-FPA-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$250,000 Approval date:24 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-ERI-38585 Eritrea UF Application Sep 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Development Programme Eritrea 19-UF-UDP-011 Emergency assistance in restoring food security and agricultural livelihoods in Northern Red Sea and Anseba drought-affected areas through cash transfer-based interventions. (19-UF-UDP-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$500,270 Approval date:19 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-ERI-38585 Eritrea UF Application Sep 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Eritrea 19-UF-WHO-045 Promoting relevant life-saving interventions in hard to reach and drought affected regions in Eritrea (19-UF-WHO-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$250,000 Approval date:13 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-BGD-38582 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2019 (Rohingya refugee crisis) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 19-UF-CEF-095 Enhancing equitable access to quality learning and basic education in safe and protective environments for children affected by the Rohingya humanitarian crisis in Cox’s Bazar District (19-UF-CEF-095) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$3,500,000 Approval date:24 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-BGD-38582 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2019 (Rohingya refugee crisis) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Bangladesh 19-UF-HCR-026 Education in Emergencies (EiE) Support to Rohingya Refugee Children, Adolescents and Youth aged 6-24 living in Cox’s Bazar Camps (19-UF-HCR-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$1,604,491 Approval date:24 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-BGD-38582 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2019 (Rohingya refugee crisis) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Bangladesh 19-UF-HCR-027 Provision of humanitarian assistance through protection services, shelter support and WASH, to respond to the critical needs of Rohingya refugees and host communities in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their resilience (19-UF-HCR-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,366,460 Approval date:25 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-BGD-38582 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2019 (Rohingya refugee crisis) Displacement International Organization for Migration Bangladesh 19-UF-IOM-028 Humanitarian support for life-saving WASH, Shelter and Health services to Rohingya Refugees (19-UF-IOM-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,080,748 Approval date:24 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-BGD-38582 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2019 (Rohingya refugee crisis) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 19-UF-FPA-041 Protection of girls and women among Rohingya and host communities through a package of life-saving interventions (Health and GBV) (19-UF-FPA-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,552,824 Approval date:24 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-AFG-38544 Afghanistan UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Afghanistan 19-UF-IOM-029 Life-Saving Health and Protection Services for Vulnerable Undocumented Afghan Returnees (19-UF-IOM-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,800,001 Approval date:23 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-AFG-38544 Afghanistan UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Afghanistan 19-UF-HCR-028 Community-Based Protection Monitoring among Internally Displaced Communities in Afghanistan (19-UF-HCR-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$200,000 Approval date:23 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-AFG-38544 Afghanistan UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 19-UF-CEF-096 Provision of Life-Saving Health, Nutrition, WASH and Protection Services to Contribute to the Reduction of Mortality in Afghanistan (19-UF-CEF-096) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$7,090,682 Approval date:24 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-AFG-38544 Afghanistan UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Afghanistan 19-UF-OPS-003 Provision of Explosive Ordnance Risk Education to Affected Populations (19-UF-OPS-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$299,997 Approval date:23 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-AFG-38544 Afghanistan UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Afghanistan 19-UF-WFP-057 Treatment of malnourished pregnant and lactating women (19-UF-WFP-057) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$422,360 Approval date:23 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-AFG-38544 Afghanistan UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Afghanistan 19-UF-WHO-046 Health Emergency Response to Ensure Life-Saving Trauma Care and Primary Healthcare (19-UF-WHO-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition US$6,186,957 Approval date:23 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 19-UF-FAO-032 Appui d’urgence à la restauration immédiate des moyens d’existence des ménages pastoraux et agropastoraux déplacés et /ou sédentaires affectés par l’insécurité alimentaire et la crise sécuritaire dans la région de Mopti (19-UF-FAO-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:16 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement World Food Programme Mali 19-UF-WFP-058 Réponse aux besoins alimentaires immédiats et assistance nutritionnelle pour la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe modérée à Mopti et Ségou (19-UF-WFP-058) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,150,000 Approval date:23 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Mali 19-UF-OPS-004 Mécanisme d’identification des survivant(e)s d’engins explosifs et sensibilisation des populations dans les régions de Mopti et Ségou (19-UF-OPS-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$200,000 Approval date:17 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mali 19-UF-FPA-042 Projet de réponse et d''atténuation des risques liés à la violence dans les régions du Nord et du Centre affectées par les conflits au Mali (19-UF-FPA-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$599,988 Approval date:23 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement International Organization for Migration Mali 19-UF-IOM-030 Améliorer l''accès en abris aux populations vulnérables dans les zones à forte concentration de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et retournées à Mopti et Ségou (19-UF-IOM-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$334,001 Approval date:19 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mali 19-UF-HCR-029 Protection et solutions mixtes pour les personnes déplacées internes dans les régions de Mopti et Ségou (19-UF-HCR-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$666,030 Approval date:16 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 19-UF-CEF-097 Prise en charge intégrée de la malnutrition aigüe sévère chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les régions du centre du Mali (19-UF-CEF-097) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$450,068 Approval date:17 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:19 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-MLI-38562 Mali UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement)) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 19-UF-CEF-098 Education et protection des enfants déplacés, affectés par la crise et victimes de violations graves dans les régions du centre du Mali (19-UF-CEF-098) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Protection US$1,199,999 Approval date:17 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:19 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-VZR-38575 VZ Region UF Application Sep 2019 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement International Organization for Migration Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migration Crisis 19-UF-IOM-031 Humanitarian assistance and protection to migrants from Venezuela (19-UF-IOM-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance, Health, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,000,000 Approval date:03 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-VZR-38575 VZ Region UF Application Sep 2019 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migration Crisis 19-UF-HCR-030 Protection and multi-sectoral life-saving assistance to Venezuelans refugees, asylum seekers and other persons of concern (19-UF-HCR-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,000,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2019 Read more
19-UF-VEN-38565 Venezuela UF Application Sep 2019 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Venezuela 19-UF-CEF-099 Provision of child protection, health, nutrition, and WASH services to meet the needs of children in Venezuela (19-UF-CEF-099) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,529,034 Approval date:27 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-VEN-38565 Venezuela UF Application Sep 2019 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Venezuela 19-UF-HCR-031 Community empowerment and strengthening of protection services in Venezuela (19-UF-HCR-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$769,175 Approval date:03 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:08 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-VEN-38565 Venezuela UF Application Sep 2019 (Multiple) Displacement World Health Organization Venezuela 19-UF-WHO-047 Ensuring emergency care delivery capacity in priority health institutions to address essential health needs (19-UF-WHO-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,804,717 Approval date:27 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-VEN-38565 Venezuela UF Application Sep 2019 (Multiple) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Venezuela 19-UF-FPA-043 Reduce maternal mortality, unwanted pregnancies, STIs / HIV & improve clinical management of rape & GBV response (19-UF-FPA-043) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,912,760 Approval date:03 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-SDN-38579 Sudan UF Application Sep 2019 (Economic crisis and food insecurity) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 19-UF-CEF-100 Lifesaving services and supplies for crisis-affected children and women in Sudan (19-UF-CEF-100) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$5,624,990 Approval date:07 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-SDN-38579 Sudan UF Application Sep 2019 (Economic crisis and food insecurity) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 19-UF-FPA-044 Provision of life saving integrated SRH and GBV services for affected population in need humanitarian and protection assistance (19-UF-FPA-044) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$1,340,070 Approval date:27 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-SDN-38579 Sudan UF Application Sep 2019 (Economic crisis and food insecurity) Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 19-UF-FAO-033 Restoring and improving crop and livestock-based livelihoods of IDPs, Returnees, South Sudanese Refugees and the Vulnerable Resident Population in South Darfur, Central Darfur, North Darfur and South Kordofan states (19-UF-FAO-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:03 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-SDN-38579 Sudan UF Application Sep 2019 (Economic crisis and food insecurity) Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 19-UF-HCR-032 Life-saving Protection interventions and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons and refugees in Darfur, Sudan. (19-UF-HCR-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$503,530 Approval date:01 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:05 Nov 2019 Read more
19-UF-SDN-38579 Sudan UF Application Sep 2019 (Economic crisis and food insecurity) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 19-UF-WFP-059 Providing emergency MAM services to most vulnerable populations (19-UF-WFP-059) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,800,117 Approval date:27 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-SDN-38579 Sudan UF Application Sep 2019 (Economic crisis and food insecurity) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 19-UF-WHO-048 Improved the wellbeing and protect the health security of vulnerable communities in 15 localities of Sudan through integrated health, nutrition and WASH humanitarian intervention (19-UF-WHO-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,734,887 Approval date:03 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-BFA-38547 Burkina Faso UF Application Sep 2019 (Insecurity) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Burkina Faso 19-UF-FAO-034 Projet conjoint avec le PAM d’amélioration de l’accès à la sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence des déplacés internes et communauté d’accueil dans les communes de Barsalogho et de Djibo (19-UF-FAO-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$650,000 Approval date:04 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-BFA-38547 Burkina Faso UF Application Sep 2019 (Insecurity) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burkina Faso 19-UF-HCR-033 Assistance d’urgence aux Personnes Déplacées Internes des régions du Sahel et du Centre Nord du Burkina Faso (19-UF-HCR-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,600,000 Approval date:27 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-BFA-38547 Burkina Faso UF Application Sep 2019 (Insecurity) Displacement International Organization for Migration Burkina Faso 19-UF-IOM-032 Amélioration de la protection à travers la provision d’abris d’urgence et le soutien psychosocial auprès des déplacés internes et communautés d’accueil des communes de Barsalogho et de Djibo (19-UF-IOM-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$699,801 Approval date:25 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-BFA-38547 Burkina Faso UF Application Sep 2019 (Insecurity) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Burkina Faso 19-UF-FPA-045 Protection des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et des populations hôtes des zones affectées par la crise humanitaire contre les violences basées sur le genre et amélioration de l''accès aux soins et services de santé sexuelle et reproductive (19-UF-FPA-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection US$412,093 Approval date:03 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-BFA-38547 Burkina Faso UF Application Sep 2019 (Insecurity) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 19-UF-CEF-101 Fourniture d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence en eau, assainissement et hygiène, santé et protection aux IDPs et populations hôtes victimes de la crise dans les communes de Barsalogho et Djibo (19-UF-CEF-101) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,700,000 Approval date:27 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-BFA-38547 Burkina Faso UF Application Sep 2019 (Insecurity) Displacement World Food Programme Burkina Faso 19-UF-WFP-060 Projet d’amélioration de l’accès à la sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence des déplacés internes et communauté d’accueil dans les communes de Barsalogho et de Djibo (19-UF-WFP-060) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$350,020 Approval date:01 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-BFA-38547 Burkina Faso UF Application Sep 2019 (Insecurity) Displacement World Health Organization Burkina Faso 19-UF-WHO-049 Amélioration de l’accès à la santé aux déplacés internes et communauté d’accueil dans les districts sanitaire de Barsalogho et de Djibo (19-UF-WHO-049) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$599,969 Approval date:07 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-38557 Cameroon UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 19-UF-CEF-102 Access to Protective Learning Routines for 17,000 Conflict-affected Children and Adolescents Through Operational Formal Schools and Community-based Learning Platforms (19-UF-CEF-102) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$999,993 Approval date:03 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-38557 Cameroon UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 19-UF-CEF-103 Emergency Nutrition Response in Northwest and Southwest regions in Cameroon (19-UF-CEF-103) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$500,039 Approval date:01 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-38557 Cameroon UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 19-UF-HCR-034 Provision of Protection Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in the North- West and South-West Region of Cameroun (19-UF-HCR-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:22 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-38557 Cameroon UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Cameroon 19-UF-ESC-001 Providing Access to Relevant Quality Education and Psychosocial Support to Conflict-Affected Children in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon (19-UF-ESC-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$500,000 Approval date:30 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-38557 Cameroon UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 19-UF-WFP-061 Targeted Assistance to Households with Pregnant and Lactating Women, Girls and Persons With Special Needs Using Multi-purpose Cash (19-UF-WFP-061) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Purpose Cash US$1,002,597 Approval date:30 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2019 Read more
19-UF-CMR-38557 Cameroon UF Application Sep 2019 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Cameroon 19-UF-WHO-050 Emergency Health Assistance for the Reduction of Excess Mortality and Morbidity Among IDPs in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon (19-UF-WHO-050) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,499,889 Approval date:07 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:10 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-LBY-38781 Libya RR Application Sep 2019 (UNHAS) Displacement World Food Programme Libya 19-RR-WFP-062 Provide Humanitarian Air Service in Libya (19-RR-WFP-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,602,143 Approval date:19 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2019 Read more
19-RR-BHS-38922 Bahamas RR Application Sep 2019 (Hurricane Dorian) Storm World Food Programme Bahamas 19-RR-WFP-063 WFP Support to NEMA & CDEMA through common logistics services for Bahamas Dorian Response (19-RR-WFP-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$400,000 Approval date:26 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-BHS-38922 Bahamas RR Application Sep 2019 (Hurricane Dorian) Storm International Organization for Migration Bahamas 19-RR-IOM-033 Lifesaving Assistance to Persons Affected by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas (19-RR-IOM-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$400,001 Approval date:26 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-BHS-38922 Bahamas RR Application Sep 2019 (Hurricane Dorian) Storm United Nations Population Fund Bahamas 19-RR-FPA-046 Respond to life-saving needs of Hurricane Dorian-affected women and adolescent girls by preventing, mitigating and responding to GBV (19-RR-FPA-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$202,150 Approval date:26 Sep 2019 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2019 Read more
19-RR-PRK-39293 DPR Korea RR Application Oct 2019 (Cyclone Lingling) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 19-RR-CEF-104 Life-saving treatment of acute undernutrition among under-five children and prevention of micronutrient deficiencies in PLW and children in flood-affected provinces in DPRK. (19-RR-CEF-104) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,008 Approval date:21 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-PRK-39293 DPR Korea RR Application Oct 2019 (Cyclone Lingling) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 19-RR-CEF-105 Restoring safely-managed drinking water services for vulnerable populations in the DPR of Korea, including those affected by TC Lingling (19-RR-CEF-105) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,000 Approval date:21 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-PRK-39293 DPR Korea RR Application Oct 2019 (Cyclone Lingling) Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 19-RR-FAO-035 Post-disaster assistance to reduce post-harvest loss and replant vegetable crops in typhoon-affected areas of DPR Korea (19-RR-FAO-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,499,890 Approval date:22 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-PRK-39293 DPR Korea RR Application Oct 2019 (Cyclone Lingling) Storm World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 19-RR-WFP-064 Food and Essential nutrition support to disaster affected people, U-5 children, Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLWG) and TB patients (19-RR-WFP-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$2,500,000 Approval date:21 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-39315 Sudan RR Application Oct 2019 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-CEF-106 Integrated three-months response to the cholera epidemic (19-RR-CEF-106) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,450,006 Approval date:31 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-39315 Sudan RR Application Oct 2019 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-HCR-035 Cholera prevention through strengthening community health and hygiene practices in White Nile refugee camps and Khartoum Open areas (19-RR-HCR-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$399,883 Approval date:28 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-SDN-39315 Sudan RR Application Oct 2019 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 19-RR-WHO-051 Integrated response to cholera outbreak in the Republic of Sudan (19-RR-WHO-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,150,000 Approval date:31 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:05 Nov 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39319 Niger RR Application Oct 2019 (Nigerian refugees) Displacement International Organization for Migration Niger 19-RR-IOM-034 Assistance humanitaire en abris et biens non-alimentaires pour les réfugiés nigérians et la population hôte nigérienne à Maradi au Niger (19-RR-IOM-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$680,624 Approval date:28 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39319 Niger RR Application Oct 2019 (Nigerian refugees) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Niger 19-RR-FPA-047 Mise en oeuvre des interventions de lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre (VBG) pour sauver les populations dans la situation d’urgence liée à l’arrivée des réfugiés nigérians à Maradi (19-RR-FPA-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$400,000 Approval date:28 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39319 Niger RR Application Oct 2019 (Nigerian refugees) Displacement World Food Programme Niger 19-RR-WFP-065 Transport du personnel et du cargo humanitaire en support à la situation des réfugiés nigérians à Maradi (19-RR-WFP-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$197,349 Approval date:29 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39319 Niger RR Application Oct 2019 (Nigerian refugees) Displacement World Health Organization Niger 19-RR-WHO-052 Assistance médico-sanitaire d’urgence aux populations affectées par l’afflux des réfugiés nigérians dans la région de Maradi au Niger (19-RR-WHO-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$532,887 Approval date:29 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:05 Nov 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39319 Niger RR Application Oct 2019 (Nigerian refugees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 19-RR-HCR-036 Réponse multisectorielle et de protection en faveur des réfugiés de Maradi (19-RR-HCR-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance, Protection US$3,884,877 Approval date:29 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:31 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39319 Niger RR Application Oct 2019 (Nigerian refugees) Displacement World Food Programme Niger 19-RR-WFP-066 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux réfugiés nigérians et la population hôte dans la région de Maradi (19-RR-WFP-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance, Nutrition US$1,200,000 Approval date:29 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39319 Niger RR Application Oct 2019 (Nigerian refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 19-RR-CEF-107 Réponse d’urgence WASH et Protection de l’Enfance en faveur des réfugiés nigérians et des populations hôtes dans la région de Maradi (Niger) (19-RR-CEF-107) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,100,000 Approval date:29 Oct 2019 Disbursement date:31 Oct 2019 Read more
19-RR-HTI-39492 Haiti RR Application Oct 2019 (UNHAS) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Haiti 19-RR-WFP-067 Supply chain Response – Haiti 2019 (19-RR-WFP-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,054,807 Approval date:13 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:18 Nov 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 19-RR-CEF-108 Humanitarian Response for Immediate WASH and Health needs of flood affected communities in South Sudan (19-RR-CEF-108) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,719,931 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:02 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization South Sudan 19-RR-FAO-036 Emergency assistance to flood affected populations in South Sudan (19-RR-FAO-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:02 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund South Sudan 19-RR-FPA-048 Improving Availability of Life-saving Reproductive Health Commodities to Flood-affected Populations in Prioritized Areas of South Sudan (19-RR-FPA-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$370,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 19-RR-HCR-037 Emergency response to flood-affected refugees and host community members in Maban County, South Sudan (19-RR-HCR-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$3,000,002 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:02 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration South Sudan 19-RR-IOM-036 Provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Shelter-NFI Emergency Supplies For Flood Affected Populations in South Sudan (19-RR-IOM-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,199,896 Approval date:03 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme South Sudan 19-RR-WFP-068 Provision of food assistance to flood affected populations in Jonglei and Upper Nile (19-RR-WFP-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,200,006 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:02 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme South Sudan 19-RR-WFP-069 Dedicated UNHAS air support for the flood emergency (19-RR-WFP-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$110,000 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:02 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SSD-39576 South Sudan RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization South Sudan 19-RR-WHO-053 Provision of emergency health kits deployed in flood response in 14 priority counties in South Sudan (19-RR-WHO-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$900,002 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 19-RR-CEF-110 Life-saving Health Emergency Response to floods and associated diseases outbreaks in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) Counties of Kenya. (19-RR-CEF-110) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$209,496 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:03 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 19-RR-CEF-111 Immediate response to emergency shelter and NFI needs of flood-affected populations in Kenya (19-RR-CEF-111) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$199,999 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:02 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 19-RR-CEF-112 Improving access to safe water for 30,000 flood affected people in 8 Counties in Kenya (19-RR-CEF-112) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,004 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:03 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Kenya 19-RR-FAO-037 Emergency livestock-based livelihoods assistance for flood affected households in Kenya (19-RR-FAO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:06 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Kenya 19-RR-IOM-037 Immediate response to emergency shelter and non-food items (ES/NFI) needs for flood-affected populations in Kenya (19-RR-IOM-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$200,000 Approval date:04 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:06 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Kenya 19-RR-WFP-070 Flood Emergency Response to affected populations in Kenya (19-RR-WFP-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services, Food Assistance US$900,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Kenya 19-RR-WHO-054 Life-saving Health Emergency Response to floods and diseases outbreaks in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) Counties of Kenya. (19-RR-WHO-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$350,000 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-KEN-39625 Kenya RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Kenya 19-RR-FPA-050 Provision of Life-Saving Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to Mitigate Negative Health Effects of the Floods Emergency in Kenya (19-RR-FPA-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$149,773 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-PHL-39649 Philippines RR Application Nov 2019 (Tulunan earthquake) Earthquake International Organization for Migration Philippines 19-RR-IOM-038 Life-saving CCCM and Shelter Assistance to the most vulnerable earthquake affected IDPs in Tulunan, Makilala and Kidapawan, North Cotabato province, Region XII (19-RR-IOM-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,078,715 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-PHL-39649 Philippines RR Application Nov 2019 (Tulunan earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 19-RR-CEF-113 Multi-sector (Education, Child Protection, and WASH) Emergency Response for Most Vulnerable Population affected by earthquake in Region XII, Mindanao, Philippines (19-RR-CEF-113) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,311,572 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-PHL-39649 Philippines RR Application Nov 2019 (Tulunan earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Philippines 19-RR-FPA-049 Ensuring Life-Saving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender-based Violence Services and Information to Women and Girls severely affected by the Mindanao Earthquakes (19-RR-FPA-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection US$675,788 Approval date:27 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZMB-39661 Zambia RR Application Nov 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 19-RR-CEF-114 Zambia Drought Response – Education: Emergency School Feeding Programme (19-RR-CEF-114) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$506,495 Approval date:04 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:06 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZMB-39661 Zambia RR Application Nov 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 19-RR-CEF-115 Emergency Nutrition – Drought response in 14 drought affected districts of Zambia (19-RR-CEF-115) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$498,577 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:03 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZMB-39661 Zambia RR Application Nov 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Zambia 19-RR-FPA-051 Responding to Sexual and Gender Based Violence through integrated and Lifesaving interventions in priority drought affected districts in Zambia (19-RR-FPA-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$685,273 Approval date:03 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZMB-39661 Zambia RR Application Nov 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 19-RR-CEF-116 Provision of water supply services to drought affected communities (19-RR-CEF-116) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,139,550 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:03 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZMB-39661 Zambia RR Application Nov 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Zambia 19-RR-WFP-071 Emergency Food Assistance to Drought Affected People in Zambia Drought Emergency Response (19-RR-WFP-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,360,000 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-ZMB-39661 Zambia RR Application Nov 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Zambia 19-RR-WHO-055 Provision of essential health services to populations most affected by drought in 4 districts of Western and Southern provinces (19-RR-WHO-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$798,779 Approval date:03 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-NER-39692 Niger RR Application Nov 2019 (UNHAS) Human Rights World Food Programme Niger 19-RR-WFP-072 Prestation de services aériens humanitaires au Niger (19-RR-WFP-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$949,945 Approval date:29 Nov 2019 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-39722 Somalia RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 19-RR-CEF-117 Emergency WASH Response for flood affected populations in Bay, Hiraan and Middle Shabelle Regions of South-Central Somalia (19-RR-CEF-117) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,600,215 Approval date:09 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:11 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-39722 Somalia RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 19-RR-HCR-038 Emergency Response through Protection and Emergency Shelter and NFI interventions benefiting Flood Affected populations (19-RR-HCR-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection, Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,400,007 Approval date:10 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:12 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-39722 Somalia RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Somalia 19-RR-IOM-039 Emergency flood-response through Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI) responses in Berdale, Somalia. (19-RR-IOM-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,000 Approval date:06 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:10 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-39722 Somalia RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Somalia 19-RR-WFP-073 Emergency Response to Flood Affected Households in Hiraan, Middle Shabelle & Bay Regions (19-RR-WFP-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,500,000 Approval date:06 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:10 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-39722 Somalia RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Somalia 19-RR-WFP-074 Provision of dedicated humanitarian air services in response to the floods emergency in Somalia (19-RR-WFP-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$700,000 Approval date:03 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:05 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-SOM-39722 Somalia RR Application Nov 2019 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Somalia 19-RR-WHO-056 Provision of primary health care services to flood affected and vulnerable communities in Hiraan and Middle Shabelle Regions (19-RR-WHO-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$800,000 Approval date:06 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:11 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-WSM-40060 Samoa RR Application Dec 2019 (Measles) Measles United Nations Development Programme Samoa 19-RR-UDP-012 Expanded Capacity for Collection, Processing, Analysis and Dissemination of Critical Health Information (19-RR-UDP-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$98,840 Approval date:16 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:18 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-WSM-40060 Samoa RR Application Dec 2019 (Measles) Measles United Nations Children’s Fund Samoa 19-RR-CEF-118 Response to the Measles Outbreak in Samoa and other Pacific Island Countries (19-RR-CEF-118) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,162,299 Approval date:16 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:18 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-WSM-40060 Samoa RR Application Dec 2019 (Measles) Measles World Health Organization Samoa 19-RR-WHO-057 Supporting the Response to the Measles Outbreak with Emergency Medical Teams, Intensive Clinical Care and Public Health Response (19-RR-WHO-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$299,600 Approval date:18 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-WSM-40060 Samoa RR Application Dec 2019 (Measles) Measles United Nations Population Fund Samoa 19-RR-FPA-052 Ensuring universal access to life-saving reproductive health information and services for women and young people of reproductive age during the measles outbreak in Samoa (19-RR-FPA-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$146,329 Approval date:16 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:18 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-LSO-39982 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2019 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Lesotho 19-RR-FAO-038 FAO Integrated Emergency Support to Affected Communities caused by persistent Drought conditions in Lesotho (19-RR-FAO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$879,992 Approval date:31 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2020 Read more
19-RR-LSO-39982 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2019 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Lesotho 19-RR-FPA-053 Preventing and Responding to GBV in Drought Affected Communities (19-RR-FPA-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$300,001 Approval date:31 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2020 Read more
19-RR-LSO-39982 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2019 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Lesotho 19-RR-WFP-075 Support to Drought affected populations in the Southern districts of Lesotho (19-RR-WFP-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$970,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:06 Jan 2020 Read more
19-RR-LSO-39982 Lesotho RR Application Dec 2019 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Lesotho 19-RR-WHO-058 Response to the health effects of drought in Lesotho (19-RR-WHO-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,002 Approval date:31 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:06 Jan 2020 Read more
19-RR-DJI-40092 Djibouti RR Application Dec 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 19-RR-CEF-120 Improving access to lifesaving interventions to families affected by floods in Djibouti (19-RR-CEF-120) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$510,001 Approval date:26 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-DJI-40092 Djibouti RR Application Dec 2019 (Floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 19-RR-FAO-039 Rapid response for food security and livelihood restoration of rural food-insecure communities affected by floods and locust invasion (19-RR-FAO-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$300,000 Approval date:26 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-DJI-40092 Djibouti RR Application Dec 2019 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Djibouti 19-RR-IOM-040 Lifesaving emergency assistance to vulnerable migrants affected by floods in Djibouti (19-RR-IOM-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$338,444 Approval date:27 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2019 Read more
19-RR-DJI-40092 Djibouti RR Application Dec 2019 (Floods) Flood United Nations Development Programme Djibouti 19-RR-UDP-013 Reduce flooding and restoring sanitary conditions through emergency drainage and waste management interventions (19-RR-UDP-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$100,024 Approval date:26 Dec 2019 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2019 Read more
Total 2019 US$538,672,140