CERF Allocation


Violence/Clashes, 25 Apr 2024

Overview of the humanitarian situation

The humanitarian, protection and human rights situation in Haiti, already very worrying since mid-2022, has deteriorated significantly after 29 February 2024, when the country experienced a sudden wave of violence. Coordinated attacks orchestrated by armed gangs targeted critical infrastructure in Port-au-Prince first, and later in Artibonite. It is estimated that the wave of violence has displaced 50,000 people since the beginning of the year, affecting an additional 50,000 as host families. This happened amid a worsening food security context in Haiti where, according to recent IPC data (22 March 2024), 5 million people were found in IPC 3+ (+600,000 compared to August 2023), including 1.6 million in IPC4 (+200,000). As attacks target medical facilities, amongst other infrastructure, access to medical services has been severely compromised. Only 20-30% of hospitals and health facilities in Port-au-Prince and Artibonite are still functioning, while health care partners are facing a shortage of medicines, medical equipment and supplies. The increased humanitarian funding requirements following the recent conflict escalation are not available; however, the 2024 HRP with the total funding requirements of $674 million was only 7% funded at the time of the CERF application.

CERF-funded assistance

In response to the crisis, CERF on 29 March allocated $12 million from its Rapid Response window for the immediate commencement of life-saving activities. The CERF-funded response aims to address critical gaps in response created by the ongoing violence. This funding will enable UN agencies and partners to provide life-saving assistance to 359,221 people, including 57,010 men, 124,160 women, 178,051 children, and 23,573 people with disabilities. The allocation will provide a multi-sectoral response (food security, water, sanitation and hygiene, protection and health care) to displaced people and host communities, treatment for acute malnutrition among children, and support to hospitals. It also provides logistics support to sustain the operations of the humanitarian community in Haiti at large. The areas of operations are limited to Port-au-Prince and Artibonite. The CERF funds will enable implementing agencies and partners to reach the hardest-hit people more quickly, including in hard-to-reach areas under the control or influence of armed gangs, and thus maintain people's access to services and humanitarians' access to populations.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
WHO Increasing access to lifesaving health services for Haitians affected by insecurity caused by gang violence. 24-RR-WHO-011 US$2,830,000 Read more
UNICEF Apporter une réponse rapide et essentielle pour les enfants déplacés les plus vulnérables et leurs familles, les populations hôtes, ainsi que pour ceux qui se trouvent dans des zones touchées par la violence des groupes armés en assurant la disponibilité 24-RR-CEF-019 US$2,960,000 Read more
UNFPA La réponse d’urgence aux violences basées sur le genre et aux besoins en matière de santé reproductive en faveur des personnes déplacées et communautés affectées dans la Zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince suite aux violences des gangs armés. 24-RR-FPA-005 US$1,910,000 Read more
WFP Rapid Response to food insecurity crisis and support to UNHAS 24-RR-WFP-017 US$4,300,000 Read more