CERF Allocation

occupied Palestinian territory

Violence/Clashes, 25 Oct 2023

Overview of the humanitarian situation

The occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) is one of the most complex and challenging environments in which the United Nations operates. The OPT remains a protracted political crisis characterized by 55 years of Israeli military occupation. This crisis is exacerbated by a lack of adherence to international humanitarian and human rights law, internal Palestinian divisions and the recurrent escalation of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups, with the most severe and deadly of these cycles currently ongoing since 7 October. Even prior to the current crisis, there have been increased vulnerabilities and needs resulting from 16 years of Israeli-imposed blockade on Gaza, repeated closure of Israeli-controlled borders, frequent displacement, the excessive use of force on Palestinians, as well as the consequences of demolitions, evictions, settler expansion and settler violence. Israeli-controlled border closures, which have limited travel, ability to see family or access work, have had an impact on mental wellbeing and socio-economic status of Palestinians. Displacement has resulted in negative health and education outcomes, and affected the access to water, hygiene and sanitation. The destruction of productive assets has contributed to unemployment, poverty, food insecurity, and eventually aid dependency. Finally, the consistent denial of rights and threats to Palestinian wellbeing and living standards, have hindered socioeconomic progress, further contributing to insecurity. Meanwhile, funding levels for the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) remained exceptionally low, requiring the humanitarian community to prioritize life-saving activities, unable to meet all the humanitarian needs. Just prior to events of 7 October, there has been an increase in conflict-related injuries and fatalities across the West Bank, increase in settler violence, and stringent movement restrictions amidst a shrinking funding environment. Tensions have risen in both Gaza and the West Bank. The escalation since October 7 has turned an already serious humanitarian situation into a catastrophic one. The entire Strip is under a full blackout, fuel for essential services is scarce with services collapsing, while intense airstrikes continue across the Gaza Strip, resulting in a cumulative fatality toll of over 7,000 among Palestinians in Gaza, where 66 percent are children and women. More than 18,000 Palestinians have been reported injured, and approximately 1,500 are believed to be trapped or dead under the rubble.

CERF-funded assistance

The overarching objective of the CERF allocation is to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable populations affected by conflict and reinforce their resilience and well-being in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). Priorities will include access to life saving services with a focus on protection, responding to the effects of settler violence and military incursions in the Gaza strip and West Bank. The allocation targets a combined total of 1.2 million people, with activities in the Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Protection (including child protection, protection from gender-based violence and mine action), Education, and Health sectors. The allocation also supports UN Women's project to promote collective Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) by establishing gender-responsive and inclusive Community Feedback Mechanism (CFM) in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
UNFPA Lifesaving GBV Response: Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence in Gaza and the West Bank amidst exceptional humanitarian crisis. 23-UF-FPA-041 US$700,000 Read more
UNICEF Providing Essential Integrated WASH, Protection and Education Services to the Most Vulnerable Children in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 23-UF-CEF-053 US$1,300,000 Read more
UNOPS Emergency Response for Mitigation of Threats of Explosive Remnants of War in Gaza and the West Bank. 23-UF-OPS-003 US$500,000 Read more
WFP Provision of emergency cash-based transfers in the form of electronic food vouchers to vulnerable Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 23-UF-WFP-046 US$3,000,000 Read more
WHO Enhance the trauma preparedness and response capacity across the West Bank. 23-UF-WHO-038 US$500,000 Read more
UN Women Strengthening Collective Gender Responsive and inclusive Accountability to Affected People in OPT 23-UF-WOM-005 US$700,000 Read more