CERF projects by year


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Allocation code Allocation Emergency type Agency Country Project code Project Window Sector Approved amount in US$ Approval date Disbursement date
14-RR-LBY-12884 14-RR-LBY-12884_Libya_Dec2014_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Libya 14-RR-HCR-063 Emergency relief and response to internally displaced people in Libya and the promotion of psycho-social well-being of children and youth (14-RR-HCR-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,491,012 Approval date:02 Jan 2015 Disbursement date:13 Jan 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13459 15-RR-MOZ-13459_Mozambique_Jan2015_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Mozambique 15-RR-FAO-001 Emergency livelihoods assistance for flood-affected households in Zambezia Province (15-RR-FAO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$308,484 Approval date:05 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13459 15-RR-MOZ-13459_Mozambique_Jan2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 15-RR-CEF-002 Emergency WASH – Zambezia Province (15-RR-CEF-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$533,395 Approval date:06 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13459 15-RR-MOZ-13459_Mozambique_Jan2015_Application Flood World Food Programme Mozambique 15-RR-WFP-001 Relief Food Assistance To Flood-Affected Population in Zambezia Province (15-RR-WFP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$864,457 Approval date:04 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13459 15-RR-MOZ-13459_Mozambique_Jan2015_Application Flood World Food Programme Mozambique 15-RR-WFP-002 Common Logistics Service to Ensure Appropriate Access to Populations Affected by Floods in Zambézia Province (15-RR-WFP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$887,625 Approval date:03 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13459 15-RR-MOZ-13459_Mozambique_Jan2015_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Mozambique 15-RR-IOM-001 Life-saving humanitarian shelter and response to populations displaced by flooding in Zambezia Province (15-RR-IOM-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$478,825 Approval date:03 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:09 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13459 15-RR-MOZ-13459_Mozambique_Jan2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 15-RR-CEF-003 Protection of flood-affected families and children in Zambezia Province (15-RR-CEF-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$174,722 Approval date:06 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-13471 15-RR-MWI-13471_Malawi_Jan2015_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Malawi 15-RR-FAO-002 Emergency Assistance to Support Food Insecure Rural Communities whose Food Production Cycle was Severely Disrupted by Floods during the 2014 – 2015 Cropping Season in Nsanje, Phalombe and Chikwawa Districts in the southern region of Malawi (15-RR-FAO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,001,909 Approval date:04 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-13471 15-RR-MWI-13471_Malawi_Jan2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 15-RR-CEF-004 Education Cluster Flood Response (15-RR-CEF-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$248,775 Approval date:09 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-13471 15-RR-MWI-13471_Malawi_Jan2015_Application Flood World Food Programme Malawi 15-RR-WFP-004 Emergency Food Assistance to People Displaced by Floods in Malawi (15-RR-WFP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,073,239 Approval date:09 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:17 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-13471 15-RR-MWI-13471_Malawi_Jan2015_Application Flood World Food Programme Malawi 15-RR-WFP-005 Humanitarian Aviation Services, Logistics Augmentation and Cluster Coordination in Response to Floods in Malawi (15-RR-WFP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$800,020 Approval date:09 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:17 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-13471 15-RR-MWI-13471_Malawi_Jan2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 15-RR-CEF-005 WASH EMEREGENCY CLUSTER RESPONSE TO FLOOD AFFECTED POPULATION IN MALAWI (15-RR-CEF-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$400,000 Approval date:06 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-13471 15-RR-MWI-13471_Malawi_Jan2015_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Malawi 15-RR-IOM-002 Camp coordination and camp management (CCCM) and Shelter assistance response to severe flooding and displacement in Malawi (15-RR-IOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$866,694 Approval date:11 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:17 Feb 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-13471 15-RR-MWI-13471_Malawi_Jan2015_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Malawi 15-RR-HCR-001 Provision of Emergency Assistance to 7,000 Most Vulnerable Flood Affected Households in the Worst Affected Districts of Chikwawa, Nsanje and Phalombe in Malawi (15-RR-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$570,760 Approval date:11 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:19 Feb 2015 Read more
15-UF-BDI-13583 15-UF-BDI-13583_Burundi_Feb2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Burundi 15-UF-FAO-003 Emergency response in support of Burundian households expelled from Tanzania (15-UF-FAO-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$446,749 Approval date:03 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-BDI-13583 15-UF-BDI-13583_Burundi_Feb2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Burundi 15-UF-IOM-003 Provision of life saving psychosocial support and reinforcement of community-based protection mechanisms targeting expelled Burundian migrants from Tanzania (15-UF-IOM-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$201,265 Approval date:04 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-BDI-13583 15-UF-BDI-13583_Burundi_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 15-UF-CEF-006 Access to safe drinking water, basic sanitation and hygiene for the expelled Burundian population from Tanzania (15-UF-CEF-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$796,080 Approval date:27 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-BDI-13583 15-UF-BDI-13583_Burundi_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 15-UF-CEF-007 Protective environment for returnee children and families expelled from Tanzania (15-UF-CEF-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$100,559 Approval date:27 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-BDI-13583 15-UF-BDI-13583_Burundi_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Burundi 15-UF-WFP-006 Assistance to Refugees and vulnerable food-insecure population (PRRO 200655) (15-UF-WFP-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$201,029 Approval date:02 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-BDI-13583 15-UF-BDI-13583_Burundi_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Burundi 15-UF-WFP-007 Assistance to Refugees and vulnerable food-insecure population (PRRO 200655) (15-UF-WFP-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$749,564 Approval date:02 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-TUR-13581 15-UF-TUR-13581_Turkey_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Türkiye 15-UF-HCR-002 Provision of core relief items to the new refugee camp in Suruc (15-UF-HCR-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$834,600 Approval date:24 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-TUR-13581 15-UF-TUR-13581_Turkey_Feb2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Türkiye 15-UF-IOM-004 Rapid Relief Assistance to Syrian refugees and other vulnerable population living in South east of Turkey (Suruc and the surrounding areas) (15-UF-IOM-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$845,000 Approval date:07 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-TUR-13581 15-UF-TUR-13581_Turkey_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Türkiye 15-UF-FPA-001 Emergency Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) Response for Syrian Women and Girls (15-UF-FPA-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$872,900 Approval date:10 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-TUR-13581 15-UF-TUR-13581_Turkey_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Türkiye 15-UF-WHO-001 Provision of emergency health services to most vulnerable Syrian refugees newly arrived in Turkey following the recent events in the city of Kobane and surrounding areas (15-UF-WHO-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$806,951 Approval date:01 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:07 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-TUR-13581 15-UF-TUR-13581_Turkey_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Türkiye 15-UF-WFP-008 Vital Food Assistance for Syrian Refugees in Turkey (15-UF-WFP-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$4,800,393 Approval date:01 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-TUR-13581 15-UF-TUR-13581_Turkey_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Türkiye 15-UF-CEF-008 Sanliurfa Province Child-focused Syrian crisis response (15-UF-CEF-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$840,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-EGY-13584 15-UF-EGY-13584_Egypt_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Egypt 15-UF-WFP-009 Food assistance to vulnerable Syrian populations in Egypt affected by the conflict in Syria (15-UF-WFP-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,000 Approval date:06 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-EGY-13584 15-UF-EGY-13584_Egypt_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Egypt 15-UF-HCR-003 Reduction of mortality for acute lifesaving health conditions for Syrian refugees in Egypt (15-UF-HCR-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$299,975 Approval date:03 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-EGY-13584 15-UF-EGY-13584_Egypt_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Egypt 15-UF-WHO-002 Provision of emergency Care for life threatening conditions to Syrian refugees in Egypt (15-UF-WHO-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$200,090 Approval date:03 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-DJI-13593 15-UF-DJI-13593_Djibouti_Feb2015_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Djibouti 15-UF-HCR-004 Basic assistance and protection services solutions for refugees in Djibouti (15-UF-HCR-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$350,143 Approval date:10 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-DJI-13593 15-UF-DJI-13593_Djibouti_Feb2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 15-UF-CEF-009 Equitable access to drinkable water and sanitation services for emergency-affected rural population in Obock and refugees in Ali-Addeh camp (15-UF-CEF-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$400,000 Approval date:12 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-DJI-13593 15-UF-DJI-13593_Djibouti_Feb2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 15-UF-FAO-004 Restoration and protection of food availability and livelihoods (15-UF-FAO-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:06 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-DJI-13593 15-UF-DJI-13593_Djibouti_Feb2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Djibouti 15-UF-WFP-010 Assistance to vulnerable groups including refugees (15-UF-WFP-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$899,916 Approval date:12 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-DJI-13593 15-UF-DJI-13593_Djibouti_Feb2015_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Djibouti 15-UF-IOM-005 Improving lifesaving capacities, health care access and protection of vulnerable migrants and surrounding host communities in Djibouti (15-UF-IOM-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$300,000 Approval date:12 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-DJI-13593 15-UF-DJI-13593_Djibouti_Feb2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 15-UF-CEF-010 Access to quality management and prevention of acute malnutrition (15-UF-CEF-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$450,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-DJI-13593 15-UF-DJI-13593_Djibouti_Feb2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 15-UF-FAO-005 Equitable access to water for emergency-affected rural population, migrants and refugees to improve living conditions and safeguard livelihood assets (15-UF-FAO-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$200,000 Approval date:12 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-PRK-13598 15-UF-PRK-13598_DPR Korea_Feb2015_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-UF-CEF-011 Establishing and delivering Nutrition-specific life-saving interventions and enhancing support for survival of low birth weight newborns and the most vulnerable women and children in the four north eastern provinces of the DPR Korea (15-UF-CEF-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$520,251 Approval date:13 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-PRK-13598 15-UF-PRK-13598_DPR Korea_Feb2015_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-UF-WFP-011 Establishing and delivering Nutrition-specific life-saving interventions and enhancing support for survival of low birth weight newborns and the most vulnerable women and children in the four north eastern provinces of the DPR Korea (15-UF-WFP-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$800,000 Approval date:13 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-PRK-13598 15-UF-PRK-13598_DPR Korea_Feb2015_Application Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-UF-WHO-003 Establishing and delivering Nutrition-specific life-saving interventions and enhancing support for survival of low birth weight newborns and the most vulnerable women and children in the four north eastern provinces of the DPR Korea (15-UF-WHO-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$380,034 Approval date:13 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-PRK-13598 15-UF-PRK-13598_DPR Korea_Feb2015_Application Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-UF-FAO-006 Emergency support to increase soybean production during the main cropping season 2015 (15-UF-FAO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$300,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-JOR-13602 15-UF-JOR-13602_Jordan_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Jordan 15-UF-WFP-012 Food assistance to vulnerable Syrian populations in Jordan affected by the events in Syria (15-UF-WFP-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,000 Approval date:25 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-JOR-13602 15-UF-JOR-13602_Jordan_Feb2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Jordan 15-UF-FAO-007 Enhance food security and nutrition for the most vulnerable Jordanians and Syrian refugee households through improved access to safe and nutritious foods (15-UF-FAO-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$500,000 Approval date:13 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-JOR-13602 15-UF-JOR-13602_Jordan_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Jordan 15-UF-UDP-001 Provision of Life-saving Income Generation Activities for the most vulnerable Jordanian households (15-UF-UDP-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$400,000 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-JOR-13602 15-UF-JOR-13602_Jordan_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Jordan 15-UF-CEF-012 Assist vulnerable refugee families in covering needs and expenses specific to each child through an unconditional child cash grant (15-UF-CEF-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,800,250 Approval date:03 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-JOR-13602 15-UF-JOR-13602_Jordan_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Jordan 15-UF-RWA-001 Syria Regional Crisis Response 2015, Jordan: Essential Food and NFI Assistance (15-UF-RWA-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,300,033 Approval date:25 Feb 2015 Disbursement date:04 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-JOR-13602 15-UF-JOR-13602_Jordan_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Jordan 15-UF-HCR-005 Provision of Cash Assistance to Vulnerable Urban Refugees (15-UF-HCR-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,000,063 Approval date:04 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-WFP-013 Emergency Food Assistance to People Affected by unrest in Syria (EMOP 200339) (15-UF-WFP-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$5,500,002 Approval date:26 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-FAO-008 Emergency agriculture assistance for food and nutrition security of smallholder livestock keepers and vulnerable households affected by crisis in Syria (15-UF-FAO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:24 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-IOM-006 Emergency Health Assistance to Displaced and Affected Populations in Syria (15-UF-IOM-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:20 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-FPA-002 Reproductive health care in affected areas in Syria (15-UF-FPA-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$501,286 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-HCR-006 Support primary health care and emergency life-saving referrals (15-UF-HCR-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,498,184 Approval date:24 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:31 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-WHO-004 Strengthening life-saving medical interventions for the most vulnerable (15-UF-WHO-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$3,271,700 Approval date:26 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-CEF-013 Provision of primary health care services to IDPs in Aleppo, Idleb, Raqqa, Hassakeh and Deir Ez-zor (15-UF-CEF-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,728,264 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-CEF-014 Provision of winter clothing kits for vulnerable internally displaced children (15-UF-CEF-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,500,000 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-IOM-007 Emergency Winterization Assistance to Displaced and Affected Population in Syria (15-UF-IOM-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,000 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-HCR-007 Core Relief Items (CRIs) for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Syria (15-UF-HCR-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$5,000,139 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-CEF-015 Integrated WASH programme and assistance for internally displaced and host communities (15-UF-CEF-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,944,507 Approval date:24 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-FPA-004 Promote and conserve personal hygiene of affected men and women (15-UF-FPA-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$839,287 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-WHO-005 Upgrading supply of clean water to MoH and NGO Hospitals in Damascus and rural Damascus (15-UF-WHO-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$392,651 Approval date:24 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:31 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-SYR-13605 15-UF-SYR-13605_Syria_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Syrian Arab Republic 15-UF-RWA-002 Cash assistance for food, NFIs and shelter to conflict-affected Palestine refugees in Syria (15-UF-RWA-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$3,750,001 Approval date:13 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COD-13652 15-UF-COD-13652_DR Congo_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-UF-HCR-008 Profiling and protection monitoring of affected populations (including referral pathways, reporting and advocacy) in Katanga and North Kivu (15-UF-HCR-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$2,700,001 Approval date:01 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-COD-13652 15-UF-COD-13652_DR Congo_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-UF-CEF-016 To facilitate access to quality education and psychosocial support in a safe, peaceful and protective learning environment for all boys and girls aged 6 to 11 affected by conflict in North Kivu and Katanga (15-UF-CEF-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$2,660,470 Approval date:24 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:31 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COD-13652 15-UF-COD-13652_DR Congo_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-UF-CEF-017 Improving response for children affected by conflict in Katanga and North Kivu (15-UF-CEF-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$2,287,199 Approval date:20 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COD-13652 15-UF-COD-13652_DR Congo_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-UF-OPS-001 Risk Education and Reporting in Katanga and North Kivu (15-UF-OPS-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$400,000 Approval date:07 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:20 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-LBN-13680 15-UF-LBN-13680_Lebanon_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Lebanon 15-UF-WFP-014 Food assistance to vulnerable Syrian refugee families with children under the age of five in Lebanon (15-UF-WFP-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$4,000,000 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-LBN-13680 15-UF-LBN-13680_Lebanon_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Lebanon 15-UF-WFP-015 Food assistance to vulnerable Lebanese affected by the Syrian crisis (15-UF-WFP-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-LBN-13680 15-UF-LBN-13680_Lebanon_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Lebanon 15-UF-FPA-005 Providing quality and timely Reproductive Health and SGBV life-saving services through national systems (15-UF-FPA-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,003,740 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-LBN-13680 15-UF-LBN-13680_Lebanon_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Lebanon 15-UF-RWA-003 Critical Health Support for Conflict-affected Palestine Refugees from Syria in Lebanon (15-UF-RWA-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,000,001 Approval date:20 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-LBN-13680 15-UF-LBN-13680_Lebanon_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 15-UF-CEF-018 Emergency WASH response in Lebanon (15-UF-CEF-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$6,000,001 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-LBN-13680 15-UF-LBN-13680_Lebanon_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Lebanon 15-UF-HCR-009 Primary and Secondary Health interventions for Syrian refugees the North and Bekaa Valley of Lebanon (15-UF-HCR-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$5,000,397 Approval date:24 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:31 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-RWA-13702 15-UF-RWA-13702_Rwanda_Feb2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Rwanda 15-UF-IOM-008 Provision of critical health and WASH Services in new transit centre (TC) (15-UF-IOM-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$250,004 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-RWA-13702 15-UF-RWA-13702_Rwanda_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Rwanda 15-UF-FPA-006 Improved Reproductive, Maternal and Neonatal Health services in Kigeme and Mugombwa refugee camps (15-UF-FPA-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$150,000 Approval date:12 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-RWA-13702 15-UF-RWA-13702_Rwanda_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Rwanda 15-UF-HCR-010 Improved conditions of sanitation and hygiene in Kigeme and Mugombwa Refugee Camps (15-UF-HCR-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$650,000 Approval date:13 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-RWA-13702 15-UF-RWA-13702_Rwanda_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Rwanda 15-UF-CEF-019 Access to water in Gihembe camp (15-UF-CEF-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$348,285 Approval date:10 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-RWA-13702 15-UF-RWA-13702_Rwanda_Feb2015_Application Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Rwanda 15-UF-WOM-001 Improving Refugees’ Access to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Prevention and Response Services in Kigeme and Mugombwa Camps (15-UF-WOM-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$100,171 Approval date:10 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:17 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-RWA-13702 15-UF-RWA-13702_Rwanda_Feb2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Rwanda 15-UF-WFP-016 Critical food aid and management of acute and chronic malnutrition under PRRO 200744: Food and Nutrition Assistance to Refugees and Returnees (15-UF-WFP-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$999,760 Approval date:10 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights Food and Agriculture Organization Colombia 15-UF-FAO-009 Rapid rehabilitation of food security for vulnerable people affected by conflict with strategies for restoring agriculture livelihoods and the right to food (15-UF-FAO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$465,732 Approval date:24 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:01 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights World Health Organization Colombia 15-UF-WHO-006 Increase the access of the communities affected by the conflict to the response of health in emergency in order to save lives and guarantee the basic services of health care in Arauca and communities of the peaceful Coast of Chocó, Cauca, and Cauca Valley (15-UF-WHO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$382,500 Approval date:20 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights United Nations Development Programme Colombia 15-UF-UDP-002 Protection of affected children, adolescent and youth, women and men against GBV, forced recruitment and APM/UXO accidents in Chocó and Cauca (15-UF-UDP-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$350,000 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:08 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Colombia 15-UF-HCR-011 Response to the humanitarian situation through protection by presence and strengthened self-protection mechanisms of communities in situation or at risk of displacement and confinement (15-UF-HCR-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$244,996 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:13 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 15-UF-CEF-020 Integrated Protection of Children Affected by Armed Conflict in the specifically areas of recruitment and APM/UXO/IED (15-UF-CEF-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$229,836 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 15-UF-CEF-021 Nutrition assistance to boys, girls, pregnant and lactating women affected by armed conflict in Putumayo (15-UF-CEF-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$200,004 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 15-UF-CEF-022 Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices for rural communities and families affected by complex emergencies (15-UF-CEF-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$705,001 Approval date:13 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-COL-13727 15-UF-COL-13727_Colombia_Feb2015_Application Human Rights World Food Programme Colombia 15-UF-WFP-017 Emergency Food Assistance for Indigenous and afro Colombian Communities in Litoral del San Juan – Chocó and Buenaventura –Valle del Cauca (15-UF-WFP-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$416,313 Approval date:17 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13756 15-RR-MOZ-13756_Mozambique_Feb2015_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 15-RR-CEF-023 Cholera outbreak response - Tete Province (15-RR-CEF-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$301,217 Approval date:02 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2015 Read more
15-RR-MOZ-13756 15-RR-MOZ-13756_Mozambique_Feb2015_Application Cholera World Health Organization Mozambique 15-RR-WHO-007 Emergency health response to outbreak of cholera in Tete City, Moatize and Mutarara districts in Tete province (15-RR-WHO-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$447,640 Approval date:03 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:11 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Iraq 15-UF-FAO-010 Emergency supplementary feeding of productive animals to ensure their survival (15-UF-FAO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,099,924 Approval date:31 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Iraq 15-UF-FPA-007 Supporting the reproductive health needs of Syrian Refugees in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (15-UF-FPA-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$199,999 Approval date:23 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Iraq 15-UF-HCR-012 Ensure access to the territory and facilitate timely registration and documentation of new arrivals; conduct verification and biometric registration (15-UF-HCR-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$615,250 Approval date:23 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Iraq 15-UF-HCR-013 Support to maintenance of sanitation facilities (de-sludging of septic tank and holding tank) (15-UF-HCR-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$283,684 Approval date:23 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Iraq 15-UF-CEF-024 To respond to un-met high priority lifesaving needs in WASH for 70,000 Syrian refugees in four specific camps of Basirma, Qushtapa and Kawegorsk in Erbil and Domiz in Dohuk for nine (9) months (15-UF-CEF-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$417,503 Approval date:01 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:07 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Iraq 15-UF-CEF-025 Child protection services for Kobane refugee children and other children at risk (15-UF-CEF-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$725,002 Approval date:23 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Iraq 15-UF-WFP-018 Food assistance to vulnerable Syrian populations in Iraq affected by conflict in Syria (15-UF-WFP-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,900,002 Approval date:26 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Iraq 15-UF-HCR-014 Prevention and Response of SGBV by mitigating the risks and providing quality services (15-UF-HCR-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$248,775 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:13 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Iraq 15-UF-FPA-008 Prevention and Response of SGBV by mitigating the risks and providing quality services (15-UF-FPA-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$249,985 Approval date:01 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2015 Read more
15-UF-IRQ-13828 15-UF-IRQ-13828_Iraq_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Iraq 15-UF-UDP-003 Prevention and Response of SGBV by mitigating the risks and providing quality services (15-UF-UDP-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$248,775 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:15 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Niger 15-RR-FPA-009 Offre de services de santé de la reproduction en situation de crise dans les îles du Lac Tchad à Diffa (15-RR-FPA-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$314,658 Approval date:23 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:01 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 15-RR-HCR-015 Réponse d’urgence aux déplacés en provenance du Nigeria et aux déplacés internes (région de Diffa – Niger) (15-RR-HCR-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,442,944 Approval date:27 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:01 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 15-RR-CEF-026 Réponse d’urgence aux besoins en matière d’eau potable, d’hygiène et d’assainissement des déplacés nigérians, des déplacés internes et des communautés hôtes, dans la région de Diffa (15-RR-CEF-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$376,000 Approval date:28 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:05 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 15-RR-CEF-027 Renforcement de l’accès aux services de soins de santé de base pour les enfants et les femmes de Diffa afin de réduire le risque de morbidité et mortalité dans la région (15-RR-CEF-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$349,995 Approval date:28 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:05 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 15-RR-CEF-028 Prise en charge de la malnutrition aiguë sévère dans la région de Diffa (15-RR-CEF-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$649,977 Approval date:23 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 15-RR-CEF-030 Prévenir et répondre aux violences contre les enfants affectés par le conflit du Nigéria dans la zone de Diffa (15-RR-CEF-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$619,958 Approval date:24 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Niger 15-RR-WFP-019 Sauver des vies et fournir de l’aide alimentaire d’urgence aux populations qui sont directement affectés par l'insécurité dans le nord du Nigeria (opération d'urgence régionale 200777) (15-RR-WFP-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,314,083 Approval date:23 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Niger 15-RR-WFP-020 Sauver des vies et fournir de l’aide alimentaire d’urgence aux populations qui sont directement affectés par l'insécurité dans le nord du Nigeria (opération d'urgence régionale 200777) (15-RR-WFP-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$249,955 Approval date:23 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:01 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Niger 15-RR-WFP-021 Provision du service aérien humanitaire au Niger (15-RR-WFP-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$499,706 Approval date:27 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:05 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Niger 15-RR-IOM-009 Assistance en abris et biens non alimentaires pour les populations vulnérables déplacées du Nord du Nigéria vers la région de Diffa et les déplacés internes causées par les violences des groupes terroristes (15-RR-IOM-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$595,185 Approval date:27 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:01 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-14142 15-RR-NER-14142_Niger_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Niger 15-RR-WHO-009 Réponse d’urgence aux besoins sanitaires de base des populations affectées par la crise nigériane dans la région de Diffa au Niger (15-RR-WHO-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$297,679 Approval date:28 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:05 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Cameroon 15-RR-IOM-010 Emergency assistance to Conflict-Afflicted Populations in Cameroon: Displacement Tracking Matrix of vulnerable IDPs and returnees (15-RR-IOM-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$148,741 Approval date:30 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Cameroon 15-RR-IOM-011 Emergency assistance to Conflict-Afflicted Populations in Cameroon: Lifesaving NFI assistance to most vulnerable IDPs and returnees (15-RR-IOM-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$200,796 Approval date:27 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:05 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Cameroon 15-RR-WOM-002 Psychosocial support and protection of women and girls IDPs, in host communities, victims /survivors of SGBV, in the Far-North Region of Cameroon (15-RR-WOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$200,039 Approval date:01 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cameroon 15-RR-FPA-010 Strengthen provision of essential health care services to 200 000 IDPs and refugees in the Far North region of Cameroon (15-RR-FPA-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,744 Approval date:30 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Cameroon 15-RR-WHO-010 Strengthen provision of essential health care services to 200,000 IDPs and refugees in the Far North region of Cameroon (15-RR-WHO-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$346,402 Approval date:30 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:11 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Cameroon 15-RR-FAO-013 Improving the food security of internally displaced persons and their host communities in the Far North region through cereal and leguminous crop productio (15-RR-FAO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$418,129 Approval date:30 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 15-RR-CEF-031 Emergency Child Protection support to boys and girls affected by the Nigeria crisis (Refugees and IDPs) (15-RR-CEF-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$138,413 Approval date:30 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 15-RR-CEF-033 Providing therapeutic nutritional support to nutrition centers to ensure the management of severe acute malnutrition cases amongst U5 children refugees and IDP in affected areas in the Far North region (15-RR-CEF-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$149,832 Approval date:27 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:05 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 15-RR-CEF-034 Rapid WASH response to IDPs and host communities affected by Boko Haram crisis in Far North Region of Cameroon (15-RR-CEF-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$200,037 Approval date:24 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:30 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 15-RR-HCR-016 Protection and Multi-sectoral Emergency Response to Nigerian Refugees in Cameroon. (15-RR-HCR-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,872,184 Approval date:01 May 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 15-RR-WFP-022 Lifesaving nutrition support to refugees based in the Minawao Camp, in the Far North region (15-RR-WFP-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$240,317 Approval date:24 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:05 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CMR-14196 15-RR-CMR-14196_Cameroon_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 15-RR-WFP-023 Providing life-saving support to populations in Cameroon affected by the insecurity in Northern Nigeria, especially towards refugees, IDPs. Local vulnerable groups suffering from lack of resources (15-RR-WFP-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,540 Approval date:27 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:11 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Nigeria 15-RR-UDP-004 UNDSS Security Support for Humanitarian Operations (15-RR-UDP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$199,837 Approval date:29 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:20 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 15-RR-CEF-035 Establishing an effective system of identification and interim care for unaccompanied and separated children displaced by the conflict in Adamawa State (15-RR-CEF-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$403,254 Approval date:01 May 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Nigeria 15-RR-FAO-014 Food Security and Livelihood Support for Most Vulnerable Households Affected by the Insurgency in N. E. Nigeria (15-RR-FAO-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,199,134 Approval date:30 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 15-RR-CEF-036 Nutrition intervention and response to the Humanitarian crisis in North East states under state of emergency in Nigeria (15-RR-CEF-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$3,295,934 Approval date:04 May 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Nigeria 15-RR-WFP-024 Provision of humanitarian air services in response to the Nigerian Crisis (UNHAS) (15-RR-WFP-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$700,001 Approval date:04 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Nigeria 15-RR-FPA-011 Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) (15-RR-FPA-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$501,670 Approval date:01 May 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Nigeria 15-RR-IOM-012 Emergency Shelter & NFI Assistance for affected populations in North East Nigeria (15-RR-IOM-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,479,870 Approval date:01 May 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NGA-14217 15-RR-NGA-14217_Nigeria_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Nigeria 15-RR-HCR-017 Improved access to protection and assistance to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their host communities (15-RR-HCR-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,109,375 Approval date:01 May 2015 Disbursement date:08 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-MDG-14228 15-RR-MDG-14228_Madagascar_Mar2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 15-RR-CEF-037 Appui en WASH aux familles ayant des enfants malnutris (15-RR-CEF-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$104,004 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:07 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-MDG-14228 15-RR-MDG-14228_Madagascar_Mar2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Madagascar 15-RR-WFP-025 Réponse à la crise nutritionnelle survenue suite à une sécheresse prolongée dans les districts du sud de Madagascar affectées. (15-RR-WFP-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$506,458 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:14 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-MDG-14228 15-RR-MDG-14228_Madagascar_Mar2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 15-RR-CEF-038 Réponse à la crise nutritionnelle survenue suite à une sécheresse prolongée dans les districts du sud de Madagascar affectées (15-RR-CEF-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$324,330 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-MDG-14228 15-RR-MDG-14228_Madagascar_Mar2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Madagascar 15-RR-WFP-026 Assistance alimentaire et appui à la relance agricole d’urgence aux ménages en difficulté alimentaire aigüe suite à la sécheresse dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar. (15-RR-WFP-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,060,005 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:14 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-MDG-14228 15-RR-MDG-14228_Madagascar_Mar2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 15-RR-FAO-015 Assistance alimentaire et appui à la relance agricole d’urgence aux ménages en difficulté alimentaire aigüe suite à la sécheresse dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar. (15-RR-FAO-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$300,001 Approval date:02 Apr 2015 Disbursement date:13 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm World Food Programme Vanuatu 15-RR-WFP-027 Emergency Food Assistance to Victims of Cyclone Pam (15-RR-WFP-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,200,484 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Vanuatu 15-RR-FAO-016 Immediate assistance to re-establish food security in communities affected by TC Pam (15-RR-FAO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$211,375 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Vanuatu 15-RR-CEF-039 Vanuatu Cyclone Pam Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) response (15-RR-CEF-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$907,914 Approval date:30 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:07 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm United Nations Population Fund Vanuatu 15-RR-FPA-013 Ensuring lifesaving sexual reproductive health including GBV services in cyclone affected provinces (15-RR-FPA-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$231,436 Approval date:30 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Vanuatu 15-RR-CEF-040 Emergency health and nutrition support for cyclone PAM affected areas (15-RR-CEF-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$324,948 Approval date:30 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:07 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm World Food Programme Vanuatu 15-RR-WFP-028 Logistics Cluster Augmentation in response to Cyclone PAM. (15-RR-WFP-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$481,500 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm World Food Programme Vanuatu 15-RR-WFP-029 Telecommunications augmentation in response to Cyclone Pam (15-RR-WFP-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$150,000 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm World Health Organization Vanuatu 15-RR-WHO-012 Restoration and Improvement of health services and public health interventions in cyclone affected areas (15-RR-WHO-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$600,334 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm International Organization for Migration Vanuatu 15-RR-IOM-013 Provision of Emergency Shelter and NFI Support to Communities Affected by Cyclone Pam (PESCA) (15-RR-IOM-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$446,376 Approval date:27 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:06 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-VUT-14293 15-RR-VUT-14293_Vanuatu_Mar2015_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Vanuatu 15-RR-CEF-041 Education and Protection support to affected children in Vanuatu (15-RR-CEF-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$484,041 Approval date:30 Mar 2015 Disbursement date:07 Apr 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Chad 15-RR-IOM-014 Assistance abris/NFIs d’urgence aux populations vulnérables déplacées, retournées et sinistrées de la région du Lac au Tchad (15-RR-IOM-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$401,616 Approval date:07 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Chad 15-RR-UDP-005 Reinforcing security for humanitarian staff in the Lake Chad region (15-RR-UDP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$167,134 Approval date:22 May 2015 Disbursement date:27 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Chad 15-RR-WFP-030 Life-Saving Emergency Food Assistance for people affected by the crisis in Northern Nigeria (15-RR-WFP-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,244,447 Approval date:15 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Chad 15-RR-WHO-013 Emergency Health Care to refugees, IDPs, returnees and host population affected by the Nigerian crisis on the Lac Region in Chad (15-RR-WHO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,000 Approval date:13 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-RR-CEF-043 Emergency Health Care to refugees, IDPs, returnees and host population affected by the Nigerian crisis on the Lac Region in Chad (15-RR-CEF-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$125,000 Approval date:13 May 2015 Disbursement date:15 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 15-RR-HCR-018 Provision of life-saving assistance to Nigerian refugees at the site “Dar-Es-Salam” through registration and through the provision of emergency shelter (15-RR-HCR-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$474,947 Approval date:13 May 2015 Disbursement date:20 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-RR-CEF-044 Emergency nutrition and child survival response to the refugees, returnees and internally displaced population in the lake region of Chad (15-RR-CEF-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$175,005 Approval date:15 May 2015 Disbursement date:20 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 15-RR-HCR-019 Profilage, enregistrement et assistance psychosociale des populations déplacées et retournées de la région du Lac au Tchad (Baga Sola, Bol, Liwa, Daboua) (15-RR-HCR-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,580 Approval date:14 May 2015 Disbursement date:20 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Chad 15-RR-IOM-015 Profilage, enregistrement et assistance psychosociale des populations déplacées et retournées de la région du Lac au Tchad (Baga Sola, Bol, Liwa, Daboua) (15-RR-IOM-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$209,399 Approval date:14 May 2015 Disbursement date:20 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-RR-CEF-045 Ensuring protection and dignity for boys, girls, and young women affected by the conflict in Northern Nigeria (15-RR-CEF-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$119,754 Approval date:15 May 2015 Disbursement date:20 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-14349 15-RR-TCD-14349_Chad_Mar2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-RR-CEF-046 Emergency water and sanitation service provisions for displaced and returnees in the Bagasola district in Lac region, Western Chad (15-RR-CEF-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$400,000 Approval date:13 May 2015 Disbursement date:15 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-14565 15-RR-SDN-14565_Sudan_Apr2015_Application Measles World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-WHO-014 Measles outbreak response vaccination campaign and proper case management to reduce avoidable child morbidity and mortality in 22 high risk localities of Central, West, East and North Darfur (15-RR-WHO-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$910,494 Approval date:08 May 2015 Disbursement date:14 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-14565 15-RR-SDN-14565_Sudan_Apr2015_Application Measles United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-CEF-047 Reduce avoidable child morbidity and mortality through measles outbreak response campaign and proper case management (15-RR-CEF-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,081,271 Approval date:08 May 2015 Disbursement date:14 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CHL-14696 15-RR-CHL-14696_Chile_Apr2015_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Chile 15-RR-IOM-016 Facilitation of the immediate return of IDPs and vulnerable migrants affected by recent floods and alluvium in Chile (15-RR-IOM-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$338,220 Approval date:08 May 2015 Disbursement date:14 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CHL-14696 15-RR-CHL-14696_Chile_Apr2015_Application Flood World Health Organization Chile 15-RR-WHO-015 Improvement of hygiene behaviours and water and sanitation situation of the affected population, to reduce the risk of water borne diseases (15-RR-WHO-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$169,649 Approval date:08 May 2015 Disbursement date:14 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-CHL-14696 15-RR-CHL-14696_Chile_Apr2015_Application Flood World Health Organization Chile 15-RR-WHO-016 Protecting the health of the flood-affected population and individuals at high risk in the region of Atacama (15-RR-WHO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$269,985 Approval date:13 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake World Food Programme Nepal 15-RR-WFP-031 Emergency Food Assistance to Populations Affected by Earthquake in Nepal (15-RR-WFP-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,920,199 Approval date:04 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake World Food Programme Nepal 15-RR-WFP-032 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services and Logistics Augmentation in Nepal (15-RR-WFP-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$2,000,000 Approval date:04 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake World Health Organization Nepal 15-RR-WHO-018 Addressing health needs in the earthquake affected population (15-RR-WHO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$978,836 Approval date:06 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Nepal 15-RR-CEF-052 Addressing health needs in the earthquake affected population (15-RR-CEF-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,004,901 Approval date:06 May 2015 Disbursement date:11 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Nepal 15-RR-FPA-016 Addressing health needs in the earthquake affected population (15-RR-FPA-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$499,690 Approval date:06 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake International Organization for Migration Nepal 15-RR-IOM-017 Emergency shelter/non-food item and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) support for populations affected by 2015 Earthquake in Nepal (15-RR-IOM-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,500,000 Approval date:05 May 2015 Disbursement date:13 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Nepal 15-RR-CEF-053 Ensuring protection of earthquake affected women and children in Nepal (15-RR-CEF-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$255,195 Approval date:04 May 2015 Disbursement date:07 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Nepal 15-RR-FPA-017 Ensuring protection of earthquake affected women and children in Nepal (15-RR-FPA-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$254,125 Approval date:04 May 2015 Disbursement date:07 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-14845 15-RR-NPL-14845_Nepal_May2015_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Nepal 15-RR-CEF-054 Increasing access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for earthquake affected population in Nepal (15-RR-CEF-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,500,770 Approval date:04 May 2015 Disbursement date:07 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-RWA-15006 15-RR-RWA-15006_Rwanda_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Rwanda 15-RR-HCR-020 Multisectoral lifesaving assistance in response to emergency influx of Burundi refugees in Rwanda (15-RR-HCR-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$5,973,333 Approval date:20 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-RWA-15006 15-RR-RWA-15006_Rwanda_May2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Rwanda 15-RR-WFP-033 Critical food and Nutrition assistance to Burundian Refugees (WFP PRRO 200744: Food and Nutrition Assistance to Refugees and Returnees) (15-RR-WFP-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,499,768 Approval date:18 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-RWA-15006 15-RR-RWA-15006_Rwanda_May2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Rwanda 15-RR-WHO-019 Health emergency response to Burundian refugees in Rwanda (15-RR-WHO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$120,071 Approval date:20 May 2015 Disbursement date:26 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-RWA-15006 15-RR-RWA-15006_Rwanda_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Rwanda 15-RR-FPA-018 Lifesaving Maternal and Neonatal Health services in Mahama refugee camp (15-RR-FPA-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$120,001 Approval date:19 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-RWA-15006 15-RR-RWA-15006_Rwanda_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Rwanda 15-RR-CEF-056 Protection of Burundian refugee children from violence, abuse and exploitation (15-RR-CEF-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$109,461 Approval date:19 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-RWA-15006 15-RR-RWA-15006_Rwanda_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Rwanda 15-RR-CEF-057 Effective management of severe acute malnutrition in children under five in Mahama refugee camp (15-RR-CEF-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$162,112 Approval date:20 May 2015 Disbursement date:22 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-WFP-034 Emergency Food Assistance to Burundian Refugees in Tanzania (15-RR-WFP-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,302,922 Approval date:27 May 2015 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-WHO-020 Emergency basic health services in support to the population influx from Burundi into Tanzania (15-RR-WHO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$496,731 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-CEF-058 Emergency Life Saving health services in support to the population influx from Burundi into Tanzania (15-RR-CEF-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$119,126 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-HCR-021 Emergency Life Saving services in support to the population influx from Burundi into Tanzania (15-RR-HCR-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$252,909 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-FPA-019 Emergency Life Saving health services in support to the population influx from Burundi into Tanzania (15-RR-FPA-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$126,564 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-HCR-022 Protection and Mixed Solutions to Burundian Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Tanzania (15-RR-HCR-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,500,579 Approval date:27 May 2015 Disbursement date:29 May 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-HCR-023 Provision of Emergency WASH services for Burundian refugees (15-RR-HCR-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$600,521 Approval date:29 May 2015 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-CEF-059 Provision of Emergency WASH services for Burundian refugees (15-RR-CEF-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$400,025 Approval date:29 May 2015 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-HCR-024 Providing international legal protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance including safe transportation to Nyaragusu refugee camp to Burundian refugees in Tanzania. (15-RR-HCR-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$540,870 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-IOM-018 Providing international legal protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance including safe transportation to Nyaragusu refugee camp to Burundian refugees in Tanzania. (15-RR-IOM-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,188,947 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:16 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-15113 15-RR-TZA-15113_Tanzania_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-CEF-060 Providing international legal protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance including safe transportation to Nyaragusu refugee camp to Burundian refugees in Tanzania. (15-RR-CEF-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$126,811 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:10 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-PER-15160 15-RR-PER-15160_Peru_May2015_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Peru 15-RR-FAO-018 Emergency Agriculture support for families of Las Amazonas and Indiana districts in Maynas province (15-RR-FAO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$183,266 Approval date:03 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:15 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-PER-15160 15-RR-PER-15160_Peru_May2015_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Peru 15-RR-IOM-019 Provision of repair kits and NFIs to vulnerable populations and returning families affected by floods in Iquitos (15-RR-IOM-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$182,827 Approval date:05 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:15 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-PER-15160 15-RR-PER-15160_Peru_May2015_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Peru 15-RR-FPA-020 Improve access to hygiene supplies of women in reproductive age affected by the floods (15-RR-FPA-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$163,679 Approval date:03 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:12 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-PER-15160 15-RR-PER-15160_Peru_May2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 15-RR-CEF-061 Improve access to safe water, proper sanitation and hygiene practices as well as prevention of illness for children and adolescents affected by the floods (15-RR-CEF-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$384,623 Approval date:03 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:15 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15159 15-RR-SSD-15159_South Sudan_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 15-RR-HCR-025 Protection and life-saving assistance for 10,000 newly arrived refugees in Ajuong Thok camp (15-RR-HCR-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,451,678 Approval date:04 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15159 15-RR-SSD-15159_South Sudan_May2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 15-RR-WFP-035 Life-saving food and nutrition assistance in response to new refugee arrivals in Unity state (15-RR-WFP-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$992,092 Approval date:03 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15159 15-RR-SSD-15159_South Sudan_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 15-RR-CEF-062 Provision of integrated education in emergencies package to ensure access to lifesaving inclusive and quality education for the newly arrived refugees in Ajuong Thok (15-RR-CEF-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$285,668 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:12 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15159 15-RR-SSD-15159_South Sudan_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 15-RR-CEF-063 Scaling Up Provision of Life-saving Health Services in Ajuong Thok (15-RR-CEF-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$214,638 Approval date:04 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:12 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15159 15-RR-SSD-15159_South Sudan_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 15-RR-CEF-064 Life-saving assistance for 10,000 newly arrived refugees in Ajuong Thok camp (15-RR-CEF-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$845,921 Approval date:02 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:12 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15159 15-RR-SSD-15159_South Sudan_May2015_Application Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services South Sudan 15-RR-OPS-002 Protection and life-saving assistance for 10,000 newly arrived refugees in Ajuong Thok camp (15-RR-OPS-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,826,619 Approval date:04 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:15 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15203 15-RR-YEM-15203_Yemen_May2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Yemen 15-RR-WFP-036 Safeguarding Lives, Improving Food Security and Nutrition, and Building Resilience (15-RR-WFP-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,440,633 Approval date:22 May 2015 Disbursement date:01 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-UKR-15384 15-RR-UKR-15384_Ukraine_Jun2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Ukraine 15-RR-CEF-065 WASH assistance to most vulnerable affected people in Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine (15-RR-CEF-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,493,132 Approval date:17 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-UKR-15384 15-RR-UKR-15384_Ukraine_Jun2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Ukraine 15-RR-WFP-037 Logistics Augmentation and Cluster Coordination in Response to Crisis in Ukraine (15-RR-WFP-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$304,115 Approval date:17 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:22 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-UKR-15384 15-RR-UKR-15384_Ukraine_Jun2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Ukraine 15-RR-WHO-021 Delivery of emergency, trauma and primary health care services (15-RR-WHO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,687,699 Approval date:19 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:24 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-UKR-15384 15-RR-UKR-15384_Ukraine_Jun2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Ukraine 15-RR-WFP-038 Delivery of emergency, trauma and primary health care services (15-RR-WFP-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$435,226 Approval date:19 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:24 Jun 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 15-RR-IOM-020 Management and treatment of acute malnutrition (15-RR-IOM-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$500,011 Approval date:02 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:08 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 15-RR-HCR-026 Life-Saving Assistance to Vulnerable IDPs through Provision of Essential Relief Items (15-RR-HCR-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,000,014 Approval date:25 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:01 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 15-RR-CEF-066 Response to Severe Acute Malnutrition in 5 Conflict Affected Governorates (15-RR-CEF-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,492,647 Approval date:02 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:09 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 15-RR-CEF-067 WASH emergency response for most affected people in Yemen (15-RR-CEF-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,999,169 Approval date:01 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:07 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Yemen 15-RR-WFP-039 Logistics Augmentation and Coordination to Support Humanitarian Operations in Yemen including provision of Humanitarian Air Services (15-RR-WFP-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$6,260,680 Approval date:01 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:09 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Yemen 15-RR-WFP-040 Safeguarding Lives, Improving Food Security and Nutrition, and Building Resilience (15-RR-WFP-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$749,936 Approval date:01 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:09 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 15-RR-WHO-022 Emergency Response to the needs of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Yemen (15-RR-WHO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$8,021,884 Approval date:25 Jun 2015 Disbursement date:01 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15526 15-RR-YEM-15526_Yemen_Jun2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 15-RR-WHO-023 Ensuring continued provision of nutrition services, and reduce morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition (15-RR-WHO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$249,952 Approval date:01 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:06 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-COD-15556 15-RR-COD-15556_DR Congo_Jun2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-RR-FAO-019 Rapid response to food security needs of Burundian refugees and vulnerable host families (15-RR-FAO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$498,686 Approval date:16 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:30 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-COD-15556 15-RR-COD-15556_DR Congo_Jun2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-RR-WFP-041 General Food Assistance to Burundian Refugees and affected host communities (15-RR-WFP-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,499,755 Approval date:16 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:24 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-COD-15556 15-RR-COD-15556_DR Congo_Jun2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-RR-FPA-021 Emergency response to the priority needs in sexual and reproductive health of Burundian refugees and host communities in South Kivu in Democratic Republic of Congo (15-RR-FPA-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,796 Approval date:28 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-COD-15556 15-RR-COD-15556_DR Congo_Jun2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-RR-WHO-024 Improve and increase access to primary and secondary health services for new refugees and repatriated Congolese refugees from Burundi, IDPS and host population in 13 health centers in South Kivu Province (15-RR-WHO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$612,171 Approval date:31 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-COD-15556 15-RR-COD-15556_DR Congo_Jun2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-RR-CEF-069 Emergency Nutrition Assistance to Burundian Refugees in South Kivu province in DRC (15-RR-CEF-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$228,784 Approval date:16 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:22 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-COD-15556 15-RR-COD-15556_DR Congo_Jun2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-RR-HCR-027 Protection monitoring and response to the new Burundian refugees in host families (15-RR-HCR-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$652,730 Approval date:31 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-COD-15556 15-RR-COD-15556_DR Congo_Jun2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-RR-HCR-028 Multi-sectoral assistance for new Burundian refugees in Lusenda camp (15-RR-HCR-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$3,000,001 Approval date:31 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15657 15-RR-SSD-15657_South Sudan_Jul2015_Application Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization South Sudan 15-RR-FAO-020 Provision of Emergency Survival Kits to conflict affected households in remote locations of Greater Upper Nile Region (15-RR-FAO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$203,086 Approval date:16 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:29 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15657 15-RR-SSD-15657_South Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration South Sudan 15-RR-IOM-021 Provision of Emergency Survival Kits to conflict affected households in remote locations (15-RR-IOM-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,532,689 Approval date:16 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:22 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15657 15-RR-SSD-15657_South Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 15-RR-CEF-070 Provision of Emergency Survival Kits to conflict affected households in remote locations of Greater Upper Nile Region (15-RR-CEF-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,317,078 Approval date:16 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:22 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15657 15-RR-SSD-15657_South Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 15-RR-WFP-042 Provision of Emergency Survival Kits to conflict affected households in remote locations of Greater Upper Nile Region (15-RR-WFP-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$2,140,000 Approval date:16 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:22 Jul 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-WFP-043 Transition towards Food and Nutrition Security for Conflict-Affected and Chronically Vulnerable Populations (15-RR-WFP-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,548,984 Approval date:31 Jul 2015 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-WFP-044 Emergency nutrition response to new influx of South Sudanese refugees in White Nile State (15-RR-WFP-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$372,873 Approval date:17 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-CEF-071 Emergency nutrition response to new influx of South Sudanese refugees in White Nile State (15-RR-CEF-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$100,638 Approval date:17 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-WHO-025 Life-saving primary health care services and vital public health interventions for 30,000 newly arrived South Sudanese refugees in Sudan (15-RR-WHO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$641,806 Approval date:12 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:17 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-CEF-072 Life-saving primary health care services and vital public health interventions for 30,000 newly arrived South Sudanese refugees in Sudan (15-RR-CEF-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$520,014 Approval date:12 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:18 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-FPA-022 Life-saving primary health care services and vital public health interventions for 30,000 newly arrived South Sudanese refugees in Sudan (15-RR-FPA-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$168,367 Approval date:12 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:18 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-HCR-029 Protection and Assistance for South Sudanese Refugees in White Nile State (15-RR-HCR-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$456,246 Approval date:14 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:19 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-FPA-023 Protection and Assistance for South Sudanese Refugees in White Nile State (15-RR-FPA-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$274,990 Approval date:14 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:20 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-CEF-073 Protection and Assistance for South Sudanese Refugees in White Nile State (15-RR-CEF-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$458,656 Approval date:14 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:20 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-CEF-074 Emergency WASH support to new refugee arrivals in White Nile State (15-RR-CEF-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$785,725 Approval date:17 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-HCR-030 Emergency WASH support to new refugee arrivals in White Nile State (15-RR-HCR-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$748,416 Approval date:17 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:24 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-WHO-026 Emergency WASH support to new refugee arrivals in White Nile State (15-RR-WHO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$177,823 Approval date:17 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:24 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SDN-15745 15-RR-SDN-15745_Sudan_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 15-RR-HCR-031 Shelter and Non-food items assistance for refugees (15-RR-HCR-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$832,844 Approval date:04 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:12 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-PRK-15797 15-RR-PRK-15797_DPR Korea_Jul2015_Application Drought World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-RR-WHO-027 Life-saving drinking water safety and prevention of escalation of incidence of diarrhoea among 11 million people directly affected by prevailing drought in DPRK (15-RR-WHO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$452,141 Approval date:05 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:12 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-PRK-15797 15-RR-PRK-15797_DPR Korea_Jul2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-RR-WFP-045 Saving lives of under five children, pregnant and lactating women through implementation of nutrition-specific interventions in the drought affected provinces of DPR Korea (15-RR-WFP-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$3,070,643 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-PRK-15797 15-RR-PRK-15797_DPR Korea_Jul2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-RR-CEF-075 Life-saving drinking water safety and prevention of escalation of incidence of diarrhoea among 11 million people directly affected by prevailing drought in DPRK (15-RR-CEF-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,294,968 Approval date:05 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:11 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-PRK-15797 15-RR-PRK-15797_DPR Korea_Jul2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 15-RR-CEF-076 Saving lives of under five children, pregnant and lactating women through implementation of nutrition-specific interventions in the drought affected provinces of DPR Korea (15-RR-CEF-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,458,949 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15809 15-RR-YEM-15809_Yemen_Jul2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Yemen 15-RR-WFP-046 Establishment of emergency telecommunication services for humanitarian community in Yemen (15-RR-WFP-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$678,302 Approval date:04 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:11 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15809 15-RR-YEM-15809_Yemen_Jul2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Yemen 15-RR-WFP-047 Security Support for Humanitarian Operations (15-RR-WFP-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$288,900 Approval date:04 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:11 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15809 15-RR-YEM-15809_Yemen_Jul2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 15-RR-CEF-077 Security Support for Humanitarian Operations (15-RR-CEF-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$288,900 Approval date:04 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15809 15-RR-YEM-15809_Yemen_Jul2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 15-RR-HCR-032 Security Support for Humanitarian Operations (15-RR-HCR-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$153,010 Approval date:04 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:11 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-15809 15-RR-YEM-15809_Yemen_Jul2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Development Programme Yemen 15-RR-UDP-008 Security Support for Humanitarian Operations (UNDSS) (15-RR-UDP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,183,399 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15810 15-RR-SSD-15810_South Sudan_Jul2015_Application Cholera World Health Organization South Sudan 15-RR-WHO-028 Responding to the acute needs of the cholera epidemic in Juba and Bor south Counties of South Sudan (15-RR-WHO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$766,687 Approval date:08 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-SSD-15810 15-RR-SSD-15810_South Sudan_Jul2015_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 15-RR-CEF-078 Responding to the acute needs of the cholera epidemic in Juba and Bor south Counties of South Sudan (15-RR-CEF-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,870,338 Approval date:08 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-15837 15-RR-HTI-15837_Haiti_Jul2015_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 15-RR-CEF-079 Support to nationwide cholera prevention and response activities (15-RR-CEF-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,366,305 Approval date:17 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:24 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-15837 15-RR-HTI-15837_Haiti_Jul2015_Application Cholera World Health Organization Haiti 15-RR-WHO-029 Ensure adequate and rapid response to cholera alerts and outbreaks by the Health sector in Haiti (15-RR-WHO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,456,087 Approval date:20 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-15837 15-RR-HTI-15837_Haiti_Jul2015_Application Cholera International Organization for Migration Haiti 15-RR-IOM-022 Ensure adequate and rapid response to cholera alerts and outbreaks by the Health sector in Haiti (15-RR-IOM-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$322,762 Approval date:20 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-15845 15-RR-HTI-15845_Haiti_Jul2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Haiti 15-RR-FAO-022 Emergency agricultural assistance to family farmers affected by drought in the South-East and North-West Departments (15-RR-FAO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$945,422 Approval date:17 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:24 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-15845 15-RR-HTI-15845_Haiti_Jul2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Haiti 15-RR-WFP-048 Emergency assistance to vulnerable households affected by drought in the South-East department (15-RR-WFP-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,080,323 Approval date:20 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-15845 15-RR-HTI-15845_Haiti_Jul2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 15-RR-CEF-080 Response to the nutritional emergency Haiti through the management and prevention of malnutrition among vulnerable groups (15-RR-CEF-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,022 Approval date:14 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:19 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-UGA-15851 15-RR-UGA-15851_Uganda_Jul2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Uganda 15-RR-WHO-030 Emergency health response to refugees influx from Burundi (15-RR-WHO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$152,466 Approval date:06 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:12 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-UGA-15851 15-RR-UGA-15851_Uganda_Jul2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Uganda 15-RR-WFP-049 Emergency Food Assistance to new Burundian Refugees (15-RR-WFP-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$770,843 Approval date:05 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:10 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-UGA-15851 15-RR-UGA-15851_Uganda_Jul2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Uganda 15-RR-IOM-023 Emergency Household-Level Sanitation Assistance to Burundian Refugees in Uganda (15-RR-IOM-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$217,590 Approval date:05 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:11 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-UGA-15851 15-RR-UGA-15851_Uganda_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Uganda 15-RR-FPA-024 Provision of life saving reproductive health services for Burundian refugees (15-RR-FPA-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$165,212 Approval date:05 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:11 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-UGA-15851 15-RR-UGA-15851_Uganda_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 15-RR-HCR-035 Protection and emergency assistance for new refugee arrivals from Burundi (15-RR-HCR-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,492,665 Approval date:06 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:12 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-UGA-15851 15-RR-UGA-15851_Uganda_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 15-RR-CEF-081 Emergency humanitarian support to Burundi refugees (15-RR-CEF-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$229,941 Approval date:05 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:11 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-UGA-15851 15-RR-UGA-15851_Uganda_Jul2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 15-RR-CEF-082 Emergency humanitarian support to Burundi refugees (15-RR-CEF-082) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$210,071 Approval date:05 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:11 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-15874 15-RR-NPL-15874_Nepal_Jul2015_Application Earthquake World Food Programme Nepal 15-RR-WFP-050 Logistics support for the urgent delivery humanitarian cargo in the far flung earthquake-affected areas of Nepal (15-RR-WFP-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$3,000,000 Approval date:14 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 15-RR-CEF-084 Addressing immediate protection needs of children affected by July and August 2015 flooding and landslides in Myanmar (15-RR-CEF-084) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$286,493 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 15-RR-CEF-085 Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion for flood affected populations in Myanmar (15-RR-CEF-085) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,304,994 Approval date:08 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Myanmar 15-RR-IOM-024 Ensuring lifesaving support to the Myanmar Displaced Population affected by flood and cyclone through the Displacement Tracking Matrix and provision of Emergency Shelter Support (15-RR-IOM-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,065,495 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:17 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 15-RR-FPA-025 Immediate and Rapid Response to Gender-Based Violence through provision of mobile case management and psychosocial support to reach most affected areas (15-RR-FPA-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$366,668 Approval date:07 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:12 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 15-RR-FPA-026 Provision of Life Saving Basic Medical and Reproductive Health Care Services (BMRHs) to peoples affected by floods in Sagaing and Magway Regions and Rakhine State of Myanmar (15-RR-FPA-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$379,251 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 15-RR-HCR-036 Support for shelter for internally displaced persons, recently returned IDPs, and communities affected by Cyclone Komen in Rakhine State (15-RR-HCR-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$480,289 Approval date:08 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:12 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood World Food Programme Myanmar 15-RR-WFP-051 Emergency Food Assistance to Flood Affected People (15-RR-WFP-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,999,245 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood World Health Organization Myanmar 15-RR-WHO-031 Addressing health needs in the flood affected population (15-RR-WHO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$544,459 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:17 Aug 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-15942 15-RR-MMR-15942_Myanmar_Aug2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 15-RR-CEF-086 Addressing health needs in the flood affected population (15-RR-CEF-086) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$478,515 Approval date:11 Aug 2015 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2015 Read more
15-UF-ETH-16220 15-UF-ETH-16220_Ethiopia_Aug2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Ethiopia 15-UF-FAO-023 Nutrition sensitive livelihood support to drought affected pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in selected woredas of Afar and SNNP Regions (15-UF-FAO-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,000 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ETH-16220 15-UF-ETH-16220_Ethiopia_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ethiopia 15-UF-HCR-039 Life-saving assistance for Eritrean-Afar and Urban Refugees (15-UF-HCR-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,499,941 Approval date:11 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ETH-16220 15-UF-ETH-16220_Ethiopia_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 15-UF-CEF-087 Support to Emergency Health and Nutrition Response in Afar and Somali regions, Ethiopia (15-UF-CEF-087) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ETH-16220 15-UF-ETH-16220_Ethiopia_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 15-UF-CEF-088 Ensuring timely and quality management of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in Ethiopia (15-UF-CEF-088) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$2,499,918 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ETH-16220 15-UF-ETH-16220_Ethiopia_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 15-UF-CEF-089 Provision of Emergency WASH services in Afar, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and Somali regions in Ethiopia (15-UF-CEF-089) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,016,109 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ETH-16220 15-UF-ETH-16220_Ethiopia_Aug2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Ethiopia 15-UF-WFP-053 Targeted Supplementary Food Programme (15-UF-WFP-053) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$3,500,000 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-IOM-025 Strengthening humanitarian assistance to IDPs in North Darfur through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (15-UF-IOM-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$200,030 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-CEF-090 Restoring access to lifesaving quality education in emergencies for most vulnerable boys and girls in North Darfur (15-UF-CEF-090) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$1,015,729 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-HCR-040 Emergency Shelter & Non-food items response to newly displaced and protracted IDPs in North Darfur (15-UF-HCR-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$900,050 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-FAO-024 Life-saving food assistance and livelihood support to IDPs and vulnerable households affected by conflict in North Darfur State (15-UF-FAO-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:21 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-WFP-054 Life-saving food assistance and livelihood support to IDPs and vulnerable households affected by conflict in North Darfur State (15-UF-WFP-054) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,000 Approval date:21 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-WHO-032 Essential emergency primary health care services including emergency reproductive health to vulnerable populationS (men, women, boys and girls) affected by conflict in North Darfur (15-UF-WHO-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,497,200 Approval date:30 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-CEF-091 Essential emergency primary health care services including emergency reproductive health to vulnerable populations (men, women, boys and girls) affected by conflict in North Darfur (15-UF-CEF-091) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$610,000 Approval date:30 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-FPA-027 Essential emergency primary health care services including emergency reproductive health to vulnerable populations (men, women, boys and girls) affected by conflict in North Darfur (15-UF-FPA-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$349,953 Approval date:30 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-CEF-092 Emergency nutrition response in North Darfur (15-UF-CEF-092) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,125,000 Approval date:11 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-WFP-055 Emergency nutrition response to communities affected by conflict and displacement in North Darfur (15-UF-WFP-055) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,183,080 Approval date:11 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-WHO-033 Increased access to inpatient treatment of SAM in high risk localities in North Darfur (15-UF-WHO-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$336,511 Approval date:11 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-FPA-028 Sectoral Prevention and Response to GBV survivors in North Darfur state (15-UF-FPA-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$320,000 Approval date:10 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-HCR-041 Life-saving Protection interventions and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in North Darfur (15-UF-HCR-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$490,000 Approval date:16 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-CEF-093 Preventing and responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against girls and boys affected by conflict and displacement in Sudan (Darfur) (15-UF-CEF-093) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$590,000 Approval date:11 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:16 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-IOM-026 Emergency critical life-saving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene response to new displacements and underserved populations in North Darfur (15-UF-IOM-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$691,323 Approval date:18 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-WHO-034 Emergency critical life-saving Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene response to new displacements and underserved populations in North Darfur (15-UF-WHO-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$469,953 Approval date:11 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SDN-16232 15-UF-SDN-16232_Sudan_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 15-UF-CEF-094 Emergency critical life-saving Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene response to new displacements and underserved populations in North Darfur (15-UF-CEF-094) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,337,910 Approval date:16 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ERI-16263 15-UF-ERI-16263_Eritrea_Aug2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Eritrea 15-UF-FAO-025 Support agro-pastoralists in three sub-zones of Northern Red Sea region affected by the outbreak of desert locust and drought spell, restore their livelihoods through the distribution of pear millet seed and processed animal feed (15-UF-FAO-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$397,787 Approval date:03 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ERI-16263 15-UF-ERI-16263_Eritrea_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations Development Programme Eritrea 15-UF-UDP-007 Emergency response addressing livelihood security for drought and desert-locust-affected population of the Northern and Southern Red Sea regions (15-UF-UDP-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$499,992 Approval date:03 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ERI-16263 15-UF-ERI-16263_Eritrea_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Eritrea 15-UF-FPA-029 Providing life-saving nutritional support to expectant and lactating mothers, and newborns through maternity waiting homes in Eritrea (15-UF-FPA-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$200,000 Approval date:16 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ERI-16263 15-UF-ERI-16263_Eritrea_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Eritrea 15-UF-HCR-042 Protection and assistance for Somali refugees to respond to basic needs and provide essential services (15-UF-HCR-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$500,000 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ERI-16263 15-UF-ERI-16263_Eritrea_Aug2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Eritrea 15-UF-CEF-095 Saving lives of the most vulnerable through nutrition interventions (15-UF-CEF-095) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$796,076 Approval date:03 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-ERI-16263 15-UF-ERI-16263_Eritrea_Aug2015_Application Drought World Health Organization Eritrea 15-UF-WHO-035 Prioritised emergency health interventions for the most vulnerable segment of the population (15-UF-WHO-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$600,041 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 15-UF-HCR-043 Improving Food security and Livelihood for Sudanese refugees and surrounding communities in Chad (15-UF-HCR-043) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$431,230 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 15-UF-FAO-026 Improving Food security and Livelihood for Sudanese refugees and surrounding communities in Chad (15-UF-FAO-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$565,251 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:22 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Chad 15-UF-WHO-036 Emergency Health Care to refugees and host populations affected by the Darfur crisis in the Eastern part of Chad (15-UF-WHO-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$400,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-UF-CEF-096 Emergency Health Care to refugees and host populations affected by the Darfur crisis in the Eastern part of Chad (15-UF-CEF-096) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$400,000 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 15-UF-HCR-044 Emergency Health Care to refugees and host populations affected by the Darfur crisis in the Eastern part of Chad (15-UF-HCR-044) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$401,845 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Chad 15-UF-WFP-056 Providing life-saving assistance for the Sudanese refugees having fled the conflict in Darfur (15-UF-WFP-056) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,000,000 Approval date:16 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:22 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-UF-CEF-097 Improving access to equitable and sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services to refugees and host populations in the refugee camps and communities around the Guereda and Iriba sub-prefectures in the Wadi Fira region, Chad (15-UF-CEF-097) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 15-UF-HCR-045 Improving access to equitable and sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services to refugees and host populations in the refugee camps and communities around the Guereda and Iriba sub-prefectures in the Wadi Fira region, Chad (15-UF-HCR-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-TCD-16304 15-UF-TCD-16304_Chad_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-UF-CEF-098 Strengthening lifesaving nutrition emergency intervention in Sudanese refugees camps and host community in eastern Chad (15-UF-CEF-098) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$800,241 Approval date:18 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-AFG-16317 15-UF-AFG-16317_Afghanistan_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Afghanistan 15-UF-HCR-047 Humanitarian Support for Vulnerable Returning Afghan Refugees (15-UF-HCR-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,700,048 Approval date:18 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-AFG-16317 15-UF-AFG-16317_Afghanistan_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs International Organization for Migration Afghanistan 15-UF-IOM-027 Post-arrival Humanitarian Assistance for Vulnerable Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (15-UF-IOM-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:18 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-AFG-16317 15-UF-AFG-16317_Afghanistan_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Afghanistan 15-UF-HCR-048 Humanitarian Support for Newly Displaced Conflict-IDPs (15-UF-HCR-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$299,942 Approval date:16 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-AFG-16317 15-UF-AFG-16317_Afghanistan_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Afghanistan 15-UF-WFP-057 Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO 200447) (15-UF-WFP-057) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$4,000,006 Approval date:30 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-AFG-16317 15-UF-AFG-16317_Afghanistan_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Afghanistan 15-UF-WHO-037 Improve access to emergency health services in high risk provinces (15-UF-WHO-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$695,236 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-AFG-16317 15-UF-AFG-16317_Afghanistan_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 15-UF-CEF-099 Improve access to emergency health services in high risk provinces (15-UF-CEF-099) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$113,142 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-AFG-16317 15-UF-AFG-16317_Afghanistan_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Afghanistan 15-UF-FPA-030 Improve access to emergency health services in high risk provinces (15-UF-FPA-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$175,272 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Bangladesh 15-UF-WFP-058 Food security and nutrition in Cox’s Bazar (15-UF-WFP-058) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$900,248 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 15-UF-CEF-100 Treatment of severe acute malnutrition for Rohingyas and host communities (15-UF-CEF-100) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$112,736 Approval date:18 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 15-UF-CEF-101 Improved WASH services to Rohingyas in host communities (15-UF-CEF-101) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$297,000 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 15-UF-CEF-102 Protective environment for Rohingya children alongside with children from host communities in Teknaf and Ukhiya (15-UF-CEF-102) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$269,997 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 15-UF-FPA-031 Improve maternal and neonatal health in Nayapara and Kutupalang official camps and among immediate host communities (15-UF-FPA-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$225,000 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs International Organization for Migration Bangladesh 15-UF-IOM-028 Improved Water and Sanitation for Leda and Shamlapur Makeshift Settlements (15-UF-IOM-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$373,937 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs International Organization for Migration Bangladesh 15-UF-IOM-029 Providing primary health care in Shamlapur and Leda make-shift camps and immediate surrounding host communities (15-UF-IOM-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$307,574 Approval date:18 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-BGD-16330 15-UF-BGD-16330_Bangladesh_Aug2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Bangladesh 15-UF-HCR-046 Provision of Health and Nutrition Services for the Refugees in Nayapara and Kutupalong official camps (15-UF-HCR-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$506,467 Approval date:15 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Somalia 15-RR-IOM-030 Provision of core relief items, onward transportation, and temporary accommodation for vulnerable Yemen arrivals (15-RR-IOM-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,038,776 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 15-RR-HCR-049 Provision of core relief items, onward transportation, and temporary accommodation for vulnerable Yemen arrivals (15-RR-HCR-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$184,345 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 15-RR-HCR-050 Supporting immediate protection and lifesaving needs of Yemen refugees and Somali returnees from Yemen (15-RR-HCR-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,156,701 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Somalia 15-RR-IOM-031 Supporting immediate protection and lifesaving needs of Yemen refugees and Somali returnees from Yemen (15-RR-IOM-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$210,458 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Somalia 15-RR-WFP-059 Strengthening Nutrition Security and Enhancing Resilience in Somalia (15-RR-WFP-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$164,389 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Somalia 15-RR-WFP-060 Strengthening Food and Nutrition Security and Enhancing Resilience (15-RR-WFP-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,878,788 Approval date:23 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Somalia 15-RR-WHO-038 Provision of lifesaving health services to the vulnerable returnees and refugees from Yemen, at the transit centers in Bossaso, Berbera and Mogadishu, in order to limit excess preventable mortality and diseases (15-RR-WHO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$447,470 Approval date:30 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-SOM-16347 15-RR-SOM-16347_Somalia_Aug2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Somalia 15-RR-FPA-032 Provision of lifesaving health services to the vulnerable returnees and refugees from Yemen, at the transit centers in Bossaso, Berbera and Mogadishu, in order to limit excess preventable mortality and diseases (15-RR-FPA-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$219,157 Approval date:30 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 15-UF-WFP-061 Lifesaving Assistance for Most Vulnerable Populations in Rakhine State under WFP Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation Supporting Transition by Reducing Food Insecurity and Undernutrition among the Most Vulnerable (15-UF-WFP-061) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,172,706 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 15-UF-FAO-027 Livelihoods recovery support for conflict-affected communities in Northern Rakhine State, Myanmar (15-UF-FAO-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$500,000 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Myanmar 15-UF-IOM-032 Support to Emergency Health Referrals in Northern Rhakine State (15-UF-IOM-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$517,489 Approval date:01 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Myanmar 15-UF-WHO-039 Bridging The Gap For Saving Mother’s And Newborn Lives Around The Time Of Birth (15-UF-WHO-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$200,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 15-UF-CEF-103 Addressing immediate protection needs of conflict-affected children in Rakhine State (15-UF-CEF-103) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 15-UF-FPA-033 Gender based violence prevention and response through the provision of comprehensive multi-sectoral care and response in Northern Shan and hard to reach areas of Southern Kachin States (15-UF-FPA-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$405,000 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 15-UF-HCR-051 Shelter support to IDPs in Kachin and northern Shan states (15-UF-HCR-051) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$497,561 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 15-UF-CEF-104 Emergency WASH services for IDPs in hard to reach areas of Kachin and northern Shan (15-UF-CEF-104) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$400,000 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 15-UF-FPA-034 Provision of Access to Life Saving Reproductive Health Services to the Displaced and Local Population in Hard-to-Reach Areas in Kachin (15-UF-FPA-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$482,178 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 15-UF-CEF-105 Addressing immediate protection needs of children and women, including survivors of GBV, in select hard-to-reach areas of Kachin State (15-UF-CEF-105) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$196,240 Approval date:22 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 15-UF-CEF-106 Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) (15-UF-CEF-106) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$299,841 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-MMR-16415 15-UF-MMR-16415_Myanmar_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 15-UF-WFP-062 Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) (15-UF-WFP-062) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$196,636 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:06 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 15-UF-CEF-107 Education in Emergencies for vulnerable displaced children in Central-South Somalia (15-UF-CEF-107) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$999,854 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Somalia 15-UF-WFP-063 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Somalia (15-UF-WFP-063) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$1,000,000 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Somalia 15-UF-FAO-028 Emergency Livelihoods Support to Drought and Flood Affected Riverine, Agro-Pastoral and Pastoral Communities in Southern Somalia (15-UF-FAO-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$3,000,000 Approval date:02 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 15-UF-IOM-033 Improving immediate access to food in areas affected by new displacement (Baidoa and Garbaharey) (15-UF-IOM-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$600,867 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Somalia 15-UF-WFP-064 Provide immediate food assistance to people in emergency throughout the year, and those in crisis during the livelihood lean season (15-UF-WFP-064) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,199,968 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 15-UF-CEF-108 Meeting urgent food security needs of vulnerable households in Lower Shabelle through unconditional cash transfers (15-UF-CEF-108) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$700,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought World Health Organization Somalia 15-UF-WHO-040 Improved access to lifesaving emergency primary and secondary health care services with a focus on the provision of essential maternal, newborn and child health services (15-UF-WHO-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$867,629 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 15-UF-CEF-109 Improved access to lifesaving emergency primary and secondary health care services with a focus on the provision of essential maternal, newborn and child health services (15-UF-CEF-109) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$984,210 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Somalia 15-UF-FPA-035 Improved access to lifesaving emergency primary and secondary health care services with a focus on the provision of essential maternal, newborn and child health services (15-UF-FPA-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$694,402 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 15-UF-IOM-034 Improved access to lifesaving emergency primary and secondary health care services with a focus on the provision of essential maternal, newborn and child health services (15-UF-IOM-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$747,411 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Somalia 15-UF-WFP-065 Provision of life-saving curative and preventive services to children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women in selected regions of South-Central Somalia (15-UF-WFP-065) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,999,613 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 15-UF-IOM-035 Provision of emergency shelter and NFI assistance to the most vulnerable IDPs affected through floods, forced evictions and military operations (15-UF-IOM-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$398,395 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 15-UF-HCR-052 Provision of emergency shelter and NFI assistance to the most vulnerable displaced people affected through forced evictions and the offensive (15-UF-HCR-052) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,001 Approval date:29 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 15-UF-CEF-110 Safe water supply, improved sanitation and hygiene practices in Nugaal, Mudug, Middle Shabelle, Banadir, Gedo, and Lower Juba regions in Somalia (15-UF-CEF-110) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,300,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 15-UF-IOM-036 Safe water supply, improved sanitation and hygiene practices in Nugaal, Mudug, Middle Shabelle, Banadir, Gedo, and Lower Juba regions in Somalia (15-UF-IOM-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,200,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2015 Disbursement date:29 Sep 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Somalia 15-UF-FPA-036 Protecting IDPs and other vulnerable communities in Somalia (15-UF-FPA-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$725,320 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 15-UF-IOM-037 Protecting IDPs and other vulnerable communities in Somalia (15-UF-IOM-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$260,000 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 15-UF-CEF-111 Protecting IDPs and other vulnerable communities in Somalia (15-UF-CEF-111) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$690,000 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-UF-SOM-16433 15-UF-SOM-16433_Somalia_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 15-UF-HCR-053 Protecting IDPs and other vulnerable communities in Somalia (15-UF-HCR-053) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$621,564 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 15-RR-CEF-112 Support resumption of education services in areas of return in FATA (15-RR-CEF-112) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$500,071 Approval date:07 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 15-RR-FPA-037 Implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health for IDP returnees in Kurram and South Waziristan Agency, FATA (15-RR-FPA-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$396,234 Approval date:08 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:13 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 15-RR-CEF-113 Provision of Maternal, New born and Child health ( MNCH) and EPI services in the return areas of Kurram, Khyber and South Waziristan Agency (15-RR-CEF-113) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$800,018 Approval date:14 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 15-RR-WHO-041 Responding to the critical health needs of returning IDPs in return areas of South Waziristan, Kurram & Khyber Agencies in FATA (15-RR-WHO-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,499,994 Approval date:14 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 15-RR-CEF-114 Emergency life-saving nutrition services for conflict affected IDP children and women in return areas of Kurram, Khyber and South Waziristan Agency FATA (15-RR-CEF-114) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$800,000 Approval date:14 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Pakistan 15-RR-WFP-066 Emergency Life-saving Nutrition services for the returning IDPS (Moderately acute malnourished children (6-59 months) and Pregnant & lactating women) in Kurram, Khyber and South Waziristan agencies of FATA (15-RR-WFP-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$200,000 Approval date:08 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:14 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 15-RR-WHO-042 Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for FATA Returnees (15-RR-WHO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$200,000 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 15-RR-FPA-038 Provision of Multi-Sectoral GBV Prevention and Response Services to the returnees of South Waziristan (15-RR-FPA-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$330,166 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 15-RR-CEF-115 Enhanced protection of vulnerable girls, boys and women in areas of return in South Waziristan Agency (SWA) and Kurram Agency, FATA (15-RR-CEF-115) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$380,000 Approval date:08 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:13 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 15-RR-HCR-055 Life-Saving Protection Assistance to returnee IDP families of FATA (15-RR-HCR-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$499,904 Approval date:08 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:14 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 15-RR-HCR-056 Life-Saving Shelter/NFIs to returnee IDP families of FATA (15-RR-HCR-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,794,145 Approval date:02 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 15-RR-CEF-116 Emergency WASH services in Areas of Return-FATA (15-RR-CEF-116) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,100,015 Approval date:14 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-PAK-16807 15-RR-PAK-16807_Pakistan_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Pakistan 15-RR-WFP-067 Emergency Food Assistance to Returnees of FATA (15-RR-WFP-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,500,000 Approval date:08 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:14 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-16892 15-RR-MWI-16892_Malawi_Sep2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Malawi 15-RR-FAO-029 Emergency Agricultural Assistance to Support Food Insecure Rural Households who’s Food Production Cycle was Severely Disrupted by Drought During the 2014 – 2015 Cropping Season in Malawi. (15-RR-FAO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,999,987 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-16892 15-RR-MWI-16892_Malawi_Sep2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Malawi 15-RR-WFP-068 Emergency Food Assistance to Populations Affected by Prolonged Dry Spells in Malawi (15-RR-WFP-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$7,200,932 Approval date:12 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:20 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-16892 15-RR-MWI-16892_Malawi_Sep2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 15-RR-CEF-118 Management of Severe and Moderate Acute Malnutrition in 25 drought affected districts. (15-RR-CEF-118) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$487,639 Approval date:14 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MWI-16892 15-RR-MWI-16892_Malawi_Sep2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Malawi 15-RR-WFP-069 Management of Severe and Moderate Acute Malnutrition in 25 drought affected districts. (15-RR-WFP-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$275,070 Approval date:14 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 15-RR-IOM-038 Life-saving health care assistance to IDPs and conflict affected communities (15-RR-IOM-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,000 Approval date:20 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 15-RR-IOM-039 Life-saving Humanitarian Assistance to Migrants in Yemen (15-RR-IOM-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$500,000 Approval date:26 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:28 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 15-RR-IOM-040 Enhancing access to NFIs for vulnerable IDP and other conflict-affected communities in war-torn Yemen (15-RR-IOM-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,750,000 Approval date:26 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:28 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 15-RR-IOM-041 Enhancing access to WASH for vulnerable IDP and other conflict-affected communities in war-torn Yemen (15-RR-IOM-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$800,000 Approval date:26 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:29 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Yemen 15-RR-UDP-009 UNDP response to address critical Early Recovery needs in Mine Action and Solid Waste Management (15-RR-UDP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$1,476,374 Approval date:28 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 15-RR-FPA-040 Strengthening life-saving multi-sectorial response and prevention to gender-based violence (15-RR-FPA-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:26 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:28 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 15-RR-FPA-041 Provision of Lifesaving Reproductive Health Services to The Conflict Affected communities (15-RR-FPA-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$599,189 Approval date:26 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:28 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 15-RR-HCR-057 Rapid Response Assistance to vulnerable asylum seekers, refugees and mixed migrants through essential relief items and rehabilitation interventions to existing infrastructure to also benefit the host community (15-RR-HCR-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$496,990 Approval date:23 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:28 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 15-RR-HCR-058 Improve IDPs’ Access to Information through a Call Centre (15-RR-HCR-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:26 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:29 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 15-RR-HCR-059 Life-Saving Assistance to Vulnerable IDPs through Provision of Essential Relief Items (15-RR-HCR-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$2,240,126 Approval date:23 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:28 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 15-RR-CEF-119 Protection of the most vulnerable IDP and host community children from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect (15-RR-CEF-119) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$979,724 Approval date:30 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 15-RR-CEF-120 Maternal and New born Health (15-RR-CEF-120) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$900,916 Approval date:28 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 15-RR-CEF-121 WASH emergency response for most affected people in Yemen (15-RR-CEF-121) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,200,000 Approval date:20 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-YEM-16888 15-RR-YEM-16888_Yemen_Sep2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 15-RR-WHO-043 Support PHC services through facilitating availability life-saving medical and surgical medicines/supplies in conflict affected areas (15-RR-WHO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$699,348 Approval date:26 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:29 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MRT-17143 15-RR-MRT-17143_Mauritania_Oct2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 15-RR-CEF-122 Integrated Management of severe acute malnutrition in OTP and TFC within 10 moughataas affected by the nutritional crisis (15-RR-CEF-122) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,448,189 Approval date:20 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:26 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MRT-17143 15-RR-MRT-17143_Mauritania_Oct2015_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Mauritania 15-RR-FPA-042 Integrated management of severe acute malnutrition in the 10 districts most affected by malnutrition (15-RR-FPA-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$199,020 Approval date:20 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MRT-17143 15-RR-MRT-17143_Mauritania_Oct2015_Application Drought World Health Organization Mauritania 15-RR-WHO-044 Integrated Management of severe acute malnutrition in OTP and TFC within 10 moughataas affected by the nutritional crisis (15-RR-WHO-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$288,519 Approval date:20 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:26 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-MRT-17143 15-RR-MRT-17143_Mauritania_Oct2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Mauritania 15-RR-WFP-070 Integrated Management of severe acute malnutrition in OTP and TFC within 10 moughataas affected by the nutritional crisis (15-RR-WFP-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$596,435 Approval date:20 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-ZWE-17191 15-RR-ZWE-17191_Zimbabwe_Oct2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Zimbabwe 15-RR-WFP-071 Responding to humanitarian needs of people severely affected by drought (15-RR-WFP-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,250,000 Approval date:02 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:06 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-ZWE-17191 15-RR-ZWE-17191_Zimbabwe_Oct2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Zimbabwe 15-RR-FAO-030 Improved food security of drought affected households in Zimbabwe (15-RR-FAO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,128,136 Approval date:02 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:06 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-ZWE-17191 15-RR-ZWE-17191_Zimbabwe_Oct2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 15-RR-CEF-123 Restoring access to safe water improving hygiene practices in 6 of the most food insecure and drought affected districts in Zimbabwe (15-RR-CEF-123) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,159,131 Approval date:28 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-ZWE-17191 15-RR-ZWE-17191_Zimbabwe_Oct2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 15-RR-CEF-124 Providing lifesaving nutrition intervention and care to 33,012 PLW and children under age 5 living in 4 districts worst affected by drought (15-RR-CEF-124) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$573,445 Approval date:30 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-IRQ-17252 15-RR-IRQ-17252_Iraq_Oct2015_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Iraq 15-RR-CEF-125 Immediate UNICEF WASH and Health responses for Cholera Outbreak (15-RR-CEF-125) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,295,299 Approval date:30 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-IRQ-17252 15-RR-IRQ-17252_Iraq_Oct2015_Application Cholera World Health Organization Iraq 15-RR-WHO-046 Reinforcement of the emergency rapid response to cholera outbreak in Iraq (15-RR-WHO-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,194,741 Approval date:30 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-MMR-17338 15-RR-MMR-17338_Myanmar_Oct2015_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 15-RR-FAO-031 Emergency livelihood response for flood-affected communities in Sagaing Region, Union of Myanmar (15-RR-FAO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,500,000 Approval date:23 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:28 Oct 2015 Read more
15-RR-NPL-17376 15-RR-NPL-17376_Nepal_Oct2015_Application Heat/Cold Wave World Food Programme Nepal 15-RR-WFP-072 Aviation Services for the humanitarian community in response to winterisation needs in earthquake-affected Nepal (15-RR-WFP-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,200,000 Approval date:28 Oct 2015 Disbursement date:04 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-17379 15-RR-TZA-17379_Tanzania_Oct2015_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-CEF-126 Lifesaving Health & WASH Interventions in Response to the Cholera Outbreaks in Tanzania (15-RR-CEF-126) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$796,142 Approval date:05 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:09 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-TZA-17379 15-RR-TZA-17379_Tanzania_Oct2015_Application Cholera World Health Organization United Republic of Tanzania 15-RR-WHO-047 Lifesaving Health & WASH Interventions in Response to the Cholera Outbreaks in Tanzania (15-RR-WHO-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$704,172 Approval date:05 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:10 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-HND-17502 15-RR-HND-17502_Honduras_Oct2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Honduras 15-RR-CEF-127 Joint Humanitarian response to water, sanitation and hygiene needs in communities affected by the drought (15-RR-CEF-127) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$300,028 Approval date:11 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:16 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-HND-17502 15-RR-HND-17502_Honduras_Oct2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Honduras 15-RR-WFP-073 Drought emergency food assistance for food insecure people in the Southern Region of Honduras. (15-RR-WFP-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,345,382 Approval date:13 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-HND-17502 15-RR-HND-17502_Honduras_Oct2015_Application Drought World Health Organization Honduras 15-RR-WHO-048 Strengthening the health response to face drought emergency (15-RR-WHO-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$315,010 Approval date:09 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:16 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-HND-17502 15-RR-HND-17502_Honduras_Oct2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Honduras 15-RR-WFP-074 Emergency Nutrition Response for the treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition in boys and girls under-five in 21 municipalities of the Dry Corridor Area of Honduras (15-RR-WFP-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$120,244 Approval date:12 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:17 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-HND-17502 15-RR-HND-17502_Honduras_Oct2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Honduras 15-RR-CEF-128 Emergency Nutrition Response for the treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition in boys and girls under-five in 21 municipalities of the Dry Corridor Area of Honduras (15-RR-CEF-128) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$107,244 Approval date:12 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:16 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-ETH-17557 15-RR-ETH-17557_Ethiopia_Oct2015_Application Drought World Food Programme Ethiopia 15-RR-WFP-075 Responding to Humanitarian Crises and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity (15-RR-WFP-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$17,003,929 Approval date:11 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:16 Nov 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 15-RR-CEF-129 Support to the response for emergency WASH needs and WASH-related NFI needs of internally displaced persons and vulnerable populations including school children, children affected by severe and moderate malnutrition, and pregnant women in the Central Afri (15-RR-CEF-129) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,856,001 Approval date:17 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 15-RR-CEF-130 Contribute to the reduction of maternal and under five morbidity and mortality among 52,000 IDPs and 50,000 persons in host populations in the localities of Bangui, Bimbo, Dekoa, Kaga Bandoro, Bossangoa, Bambari and Kouango from 1 November 2015 to 31 Janu (15-RR-CEF-130) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$600,061 Approval date:09 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:15 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 15-RR-CEF-131 Release of children from armed groups and provision of psychosocial support to children in the most affected conflict areas (15-RR-CEF-131) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$367,973 Approval date:04 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:09 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 15-RR-CEF-133 Emergency nutrition response through integrated community-based management of severe acute malnutrition among children in prefectures the most affected by the conflict in CAR (15-RR-CEF-133) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$600,000 Approval date:09 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:15 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Central African Republic 15-RR-FAO-032 Provision of emergency livelihood assistance to respond to new critical needs of host families and IDPs that have arisen in the recent crisis in Bangui (15-RR-FAO-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$398,609 Approval date:02 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:08 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Central African Republic 15-RR-IOM-042 Site Facilitation and Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) for IDPs in host families and sites affected by the recent crisis in Bangui and beyond (15-RR-IOM-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$301,391 Approval date:02 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:07 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 15-RR-HCR-060 Camp Management and Camp Coordination and response in IDP sites (15-RR-HCR-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$486,055 Approval date:27 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:07 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 15-RR-HCR-061 Protection monitoring and response in Ombella Mpoko (Bangui), Kemo (Dekoa) and Ouaka (Bambari) Prefecture (15-RR-HCR-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$513,937 Approval date:30 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:07 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Central African Republic 15-RR-UDP-010 Cash for work intervention to address critical needs of affected households in the 4th district of Bangui (15-RR-UDP-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$200,000 Approval date:30 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:09 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 15-RR-WFP-076 Logistics Cluster Common Services to Support the Humanitarian Community Emergency Response in CAR (15-RR-WFP-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,491,240 Approval date:02 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:09 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 15-RR-WFP-077 Critical support to populations affected by the ongoing crisis in Central African Republic (15-RR-WFP-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,398,291 Approval date:27 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:09 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 15-RR-FPA-043 Prevention and response to gender based violence in the most fragile areas of Ouaka, Kemo, Nana-Gibrizi and Bangui in Central African Republic (15-RR-FPA-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$397,682 Approval date:30 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:07 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Central African Republic 15-RR-WHO-050 Providing life-saving health services to people affected by the crisis in Bangui, Bimbo, Begoua and Dekoa (15-RR-WHO-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$719,762 Approval date:11 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:16 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 15-RR-FPA-044 Providing life-saving health services to people affected by the crisis in Bangui, Bimbo, Begoua and Dekoa (15-RR-FPA-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$369,678 Approval date:11 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:16 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-CAF-17599 15-RR-CAF-17599_CAR_Nov2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 15-RR-WFP-080 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Central African Republic (15-RR-WFP-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,855,910 Approval date:27 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:07 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-AFG-17675 15-RR-AFG-17675_Afghanistan_Nov2015_Application Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Afghanistan 15-RR-FAO-033 Immediate emergency key input assistance to protect and restore agriculture and livestock based livelihoods of 2500 worst affected, and already vulnerable, low income and food insecure farmer households in the earthquake affected provinces of Nangarhar an (15-RR-FAO-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$608,650 Approval date:18 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-AFG-17675 15-RR-AFG-17675_Afghanistan_Nov2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Afghanistan 15-RR-FPA-045 Addressing the immediate needs of GBV survivors and women and girls at risk in the conflict affected area of Kunduz through provision of life saving multi-sectoral services for gender based violence. (15-RR-FPA-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$349,539 Approval date:23 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-AFG-17675 15-RR-AFG-17675_Afghanistan_Nov2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Afghanistan 15-RR-WFP-078 Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO 200447) (15-RR-WFP-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$3,323,284 Approval date:23 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-AFG-17675 15-RR-AFG-17675_Afghanistan_Nov2015_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Afghanistan 15-RR-WHO-051 Respond to urgent health needs arising from the Kunduz crisis (15-RR-WHO-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,254,655 Approval date:17 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-AFG-17675 15-RR-AFG-17675_Afghanistan_Nov2015_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Afghanistan 15-RR-FPA-046 Respond to urgent health needs arising from the Kunduz crisis (15-RR-FPA-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$266,730 Approval date:17 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-DZA-17727 15-RR-DZA-17727_Algeria_Nov2015_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Algeria 15-RR-CEF-134 Emergency health Response to the Saharawi Floods (15-RR-CEF-134) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$299,925 Approval date:10 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:16 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-DZA-17727 15-RR-DZA-17727_Algeria_Nov2015_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Algeria 15-RR-HCR-062 Provision of emergency shelter and core relief items for families affected by the flooding. (15-RR-HCR-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,600,000 Approval date:09 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:16 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-DZA-17727 15-RR-DZA-17727_Algeria_Nov2015_Application Flood World Food Programme Algeria 15-RR-WFP-079 ALGERIA PRRO 200301 : Support to Refugees from Western Sahara (15-RR-WFP-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,000 Approval date:10 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:16 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-DZA-17727 15-RR-DZA-17727_Algeria_Nov2015_Application Flood World Health Organization Algeria 15-RR-WHO-052 Provision of primary health care services (15-RR-WHO-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$151,715 Approval date:10 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:16 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-PHL-17750 15-RR-PHL-17750_Philippines_Nov2015_Application Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Philippines 15-RR-FAO-034 Emergency assistance in restoring food security and agricultural production in Typhoon Koppu affected communities (15-RR-FAO-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,111,305 Approval date:24 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:01 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-PHL-17750 15-RR-PHL-17750_Philippines_Nov2015_Application Storm World Health Organization Philippines 15-RR-WHO-053 Targeted life-saving basic health services and public health interventions in most at risk typhoon affected municipalities (15-RR-WHO-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$400,769 Approval date:30 Nov 2015 Disbursement date:08 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-17758 15-RR-HTI-17758_Haiti_Nov2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Haiti 15-RR-IOM-044 Emergency assistance to migrant population and persons of specific protection needs in Haiti (15-RR-IOM-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,000,000 Approval date:22 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-17758 15-RR-HTI-17758_Haiti_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Haiti 15-RR-HCR-063 Protection assistance to persons born in the Dominican Republic (15-RR-HCR-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$267,984 Approval date:28 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-HTI-17758 15-RR-HTI-17758_Haiti_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 15-RR-CEF-135 Strengthening of support and assistance systems in favour of children affected by deportations including unaccompanied children from the Dominican Republic (15-RR-CEF-135) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$718,880 Approval date:22 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 15-RR-FAO-035 Improving Nutrition for host and displaced population in Lac region (15-RR-FAO-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:24 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Chad 15-RR-IOM-045 Direct Psychosocial Support for the affected persons such as IDPs, returnees, host community members and TCNs in the region of Lac (15-RR-IOM-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$150,000 Approval date:22 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:24 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement World Health Organization Chad 15-RR-WHO-054 Emergency Health Care to IDPs, returnees and host population affected by the Nigerian crisis on the Lac Region in Chad (15-RR-WHO-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:19 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Chad 15-RR-FPA-047 Access to reproductive health and sexual violence services among affected populations Bagasola-Bol (15-RR-FPA-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$400,000 Approval date:28 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:05 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 15-RR-HCR-064 Security from Violence and Exploitation: Strengthening protection of children and reducing risk of SGBV and improving quality of response to SGBV among refugees (15-RR-HCR-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,096 Approval date:18 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:24 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-RR-CEF-136 Access to an equitable and inclusive education in emergencies for IDPs, and host community children in the Lake Region – Mamdi department - affected by the Nigeria crisis (15-RR-CEF-136) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$698,350 Approval date:22 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:24 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-RR-CEF-137 Emergency protection of Boys and Girls affected by Boko Haram-related violence in Lac Region in Chad (15-RR-CEF-137) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$749,139 Approval date:23 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 15-RR-CEF-138 Emergency Health and nutrition Care to refugees IDPs, returnees and host population affected by the Nigerian crisis on the Lac Region in Chad (15-RR-CEF-138) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$800,007 Approval date:23 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-TCD-17787 15-RR-TCD-17787_Chad_Nov2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Chad 15-RR-WFP-081 Providing life-saving support to households displaced by insecurity (15-RR-WFP-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,100,001 Approval date:24 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-SLV-17828 15-RR-SLV-17828_El Salvador_Dec2015_Application Drought World Food Programme El Salvador 15-RR-WFP-082 Emergency food assistance to the population in food insecurity resulting from drought crisis in El Salvador (15-RR-WFP-082) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,600,000 Approval date:17 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:24 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-SLV-17828 15-RR-SLV-17828_El Salvador_Dec2015_Application Drought United Nations Development Programme El Salvador 15-RR-UDP-011 Provide emergency water quality and quantity access to vulnerable families affected by drought in El Salvador (15-RR-UDP-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$340,000 Approval date:18 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:30 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-SLV-17828 15-RR-SLV-17828_El Salvador_Dec2015_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund El Salvador 15-RR-CEF-139 Nutritional recovery of children with severe and moderate acute malnutrition between 0-9 years old (15-RR-CEF-139) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$160,000 Approval date:17 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-SLV-17828 15-RR-SLV-17828_El Salvador_Dec2015_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization El Salvador 15-RR-FAO-036 Immediate assistance in response to the food insecurity of families affected by the 2015 drought in El Salvador (15-RR-FAO-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$610,000 Approval date:18 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-17852 15-RR-NER-17852_Niger_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 15-RR-CEF-140 Prevention and Response to the protection needs of children affected by displacement as a result of armed conflict (15-RR-CEF-140) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$999,915 Approval date:17 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-17852 15-RR-NER-17852_Niger_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 15-RR-CEF-141 Emergency WASH response and strengthening of resilience of internally displaced (IDPs), refugees and host communities in the Diffa region. (15-RR-CEF-141) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$999,513 Approval date:23 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:29 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-17852 15-RR-NER-17852_Niger_Dec2015_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Niger 15-RR-IOM-046 Humanitarian Assistance to displaced population fleeing the violence in Diffa Region (15-RR-IOM-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,273,000 Approval date:29 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-17852 15-RR-NER-17852_Niger_Dec2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Niger 15-RR-WFP-083 Providing life-saving support to households in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger directly affected by insecurity in northern Nigeria (EMOP 200777) (15-RR-WFP-083) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,500,000 Approval date:28 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-17852 15-RR-NER-17852_Niger_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 15-RR-HCR-065 Provision of protection to vulnerable displaced and host populations in the Diffa region (15-RR-HCR-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$996,580 Approval date:17 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:23 Dec 2015 Read more
15-RR-NER-17852 15-RR-NER-17852_Niger_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Niger 15-RR-FPA-048 Offer of Minimum Initial Services Package for Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations (MISP) in Diffa region (15-RR-FPA-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$262,500 Approval date:28 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:05 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-CMR-18002 15-RR-CMR-18002_Cameroon_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 15-RR-CEF-146 Nutrition response in Far North - management of severe acute malnutrition – in health districts affected by displacement of population (15-RR-CEF-146) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$349,922 Approval date:31 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:11 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-CMR-18002 15-RR-CMR-18002_Cameroon_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 15-RR-CEF-147 Emergency Child Protection support to boys and girls affected by the Nigeria crisis (IDPs and host vulnerable population) (15-RR-CEF-147) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$692,127 Approval date:31 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:11 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-CMR-18002 15-RR-CMR-18002_Cameroon_Dec2015_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Cameroon 15-RR-FAO-037 Assistance to improve the livelihood of food-insecure Returnee households in the Far North region following the insurgency of Boko Haram (15-RR-FAO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$400,533 Approval date:30 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-CMR-18002 15-RR-CMR-18002_Cameroon_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cameroon 15-RR-FPA-051 Ensuring life-saving reproductive health services and basic medical care to populations in Cameroon’s Far North region where health infrastructure has been destroyed by Boko Haram (15-RR-FPA-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$384,921 Approval date:30 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-CMR-18002 15-RR-CMR-18002_Cameroon_Dec2015_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 15-RR-HCR-069 Protection and Multi-sectoral Emergency Response to Nigerian refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Cameroon (15-RR-HCR-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,300,050 Approval date:30 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-CMR-18002 15-RR-CMR-18002_Cameroon_Dec2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 15-RR-WFP-084 Life-Saving Support to Households Affected by Insecurity in the Far North Region of Cameroon (15-RR-WFP-084) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,892,380 Approval date:30 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:06 Jan 2016 Read more
15-RR-CMR-18002 15-RR-CMR-18002_Cameroon_Dec2015_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 15-RR-WFP-085 Prevention of acute malnutrition amongst children aged 6-23 months amongst the most vulnerable populations of the Far North region of Cameroon (15-RR-WFP-085) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$985,161 Approval date:31 Dec 2015 Disbursement date:07 Jan 2016 Read more
Total 2015 US$469,650,008