CERF Allocation


Cholera, 16 Jan 2024

Overview of the humanitarian situation

Mozambique is currently facing its worst cholera outbreak in 25 years, with over 42,000 in-patient cholera cases reported since September 2022 across seven provinces. While the situation initially improved during the 2023 dry season, it worsened again in September. From 16 October to 23 November 2023, there was an average of 300 new cases each week. The last week of November then saw a concerning 24% increase in cases, and the outbreak expanded to nine more districts. This trend continued into the new year. In the first week of January 2024, the outbreak reached three more districts, resulting in 585 new cases of cholera and 4 associated deaths. Additionally, 27 districts are reporting acute watery diarrhea. Cases and fatalities are likely to increase with the onset of the rainy season and dwindling treatment supplies. The spread of cholera is fueled by insufficient access to clean water, poor sanitation and hygiene infrastructure, as well as a lack of preparedness and weak surveillance. This is compounded by a health system stretched thin by limited resources and workforces, and strained by recent challenges like COVID-19, polio, measles, and cyclones. Additionally, there is a regional dimension to this outbreak, with ongoing outbreaks in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Zambia raising concerns about cross-border transmission into Mozambique, especially from Zimbabwe.

CERF-funded assistance

In response, on 24 December 2023, the Emergency Relief Coordinator allocated $1.5 million from CERF’s rapid response window for life-saving humanitarian action. This allocation will enable agencies to respond to those affected by the cholera outbreak by providing assistance in the Health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sectors.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
UNICEF Early action to provide emergency access to community health services, safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) in cholera-affected communities and health centres in Mozambique 24-RR-CEF-001 US$855,000 Read more
WHO Reinforce the timely detection and respond to cholera acute watery diarrhea in 7 priority provinces of Mozambique 24-RR-WHO-001 US$645,000 Read more