CERF-funded Project


Assurer l'accès des femmes et filles affectées, aux services existants de Santé de la Reproduction et Violences basées sur le genre par le renforcement des structures existantes et l'établissement de cliniques mobiles de prise en charge des VBG grâce aux (24-RR-FPA-014)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to create a safer environment for individuals affected by the floods and landslides in Burundi. Key activities include strengthening gender-based violence and reproductive health service structures by providing reproductive health kits, including post-violence kits to women and girls, offering holistic support to individuals at risk or victims of gender-based violence, providing dignity kits to women and girls of reproductive age, organizing awareness campaigns to prevent gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse, and strengthening reporting mechanisms on gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse. The project provides life-saving assistance to 43,000 people, of whom 17,018 are women and 11,382 are girls. Additionally, 420 people with disabilities benefit from this project.