CERF Allocation


Post-conflict Needs, 19 May 2023

Overview of the humanitarian situation

Afghanistan was facing a fragile food security and nutrition situation. Dire economic circumstances, steepened food prices, unfavorable trade deficits, stagnating agricultural yields, cyclical natural hazards exacerbated by climate change, alarming gender inequalities and poor educational access exacerbated the challenges that the population of Afghanistan faced. An Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) assessment estimated that 20 million Afghans were facing acute food insecurity (IPC3+), with 6 million people in ‘emergency’ levels (IPC4). In 2023, 875,000 children were expected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 2.3 million children and 840,000 women from moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). Out of these 20 million people facing acute food insecurity, close to 80 percent were living in rural areas. With drastic reductions in humanitarian and development funding for Afghanistan in 2023, the various forecasting exercises indicated a worrying outlook and a need to ensure robust famine prevention strategy was implemented.

CERF-funded assistance

In response to the crisis, CERF allocated $18 million from its Rapid Response window for the immediate commencement of life-saving activities. This funding enabled UN agencies and partners to provide life-saving assistance to 481,581 people, including 97,909 women, 97,450 men, 286,222 children, and including 102,851 people with disabilities in Food Security (Agriculture and Food Assistance) sectors.

CERFs Strategic Added Value

CERF led to the fast delivery of assistance to people in need. This allocation was fundamental for the fast delivery of assistance, especially because there were little other funds available. CERF also helped improve resource mobilization from other sources. Agencies noted that this CERF allocation helped them to mobilize additional resources to advance the re-scale up of the food security response in Afghanistan.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
WFP Emergency food assistance and emergency resilient livelihoods support to vulnerable households 23-RR-WFP-017 US$10,999,811 Read more
FAO Safeguarding food and nutrition security of vulnerable marginal farming households in Afghanistan 23-RR-FAO-010 US$7,000,000 Read more