CERF Allocation


Violence/Clashes, 02 Mar 2022

Overview of the humanitarian situation

The security situation in Ukraine deteriorated rapidly following the launch of a Russian Federation military offensive on 24 February 2022. The armed violence escalated in at least eight oblasts (regions), including Kyivska oblast and the capital city of Kyiv, as well as in the eastern oblasts Donetska and Luhanska which were already affected by conflict. The intense military escalation has resulted in loss of life, injuries and mass movement of civilian population throughout the country and to neighbouring countries, as well as severe destruction and damage to civilian infrastructure and residential housing. Public service provision - water, electricity, heating and emergency health and social services - was under severe pressure, and people’s access to health care was limited by insecurity. Primary services such as banking, social transfers and transport had been affected, as have basic services, such as health, water, and electricity, and local administration. With the continuation of the military operation and mounting insecurity, supply chains were disrupted. The ability of local authorities to sustain a minimum level of services was also severely hampered, as employees have fled or can no longer access their workplace.

CERF-funded assistance

In the morning of 24 February, CERF allocated US$20 million to immediately scale up life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection to civilians in Ukraine following the recent increase in hostilities. On 14 March, CERF allocated a further $40 million for a total of $60 million. The funds supported emergency operations along the contact line in the eastern oblasts of Donetska and Luhanska and in other areas of the country. The ERC warned that the military escalation would have a high impact on civilian lives, and he reiterated the UN Secretary-General’s call for an immediate ceasefire. CERF funds helped with health care, shelter, food, and water and sanitation to the most vulnerable people affected by the conflict, including women and girls, the elderly and the displaced. The allocation also supported the prevention of gender-based violence and other protection-related services, as well as education, logistics and telecommunications. This funding enabled UN agencies and partners to provide life-saving assistance to 697,141 people, including 223,085 women, 334,628 men, 139,248 children, and 99,475 people with disabilities.

CERFs Strategic Added Value

CERF led to fast delivery of assistance to beneficiaries, enabling agencies to quickly scale up their response and pre-finance activities from the date of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation. It also helped respond to time-critical needs by prioritizing assistance across sectors, including logistics and emergency telecommunications, facilitating timely aid provision and information sharing. However, CERF's direct contribution to improving resource mobilization from other sources was considered limited, despite the overall strong funding of the Ukraine response efforts. CERF did improve coordination amongst the humanitarian community, contributing to better integration with local authorities, sectoral partners, and facilitating cross-sector operations in various locations.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
FAO Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods Assistance to Conflict Affected People in Eastern Ukraine 22-RR-FAO-008 US$500,000 Read more
IOM Provision of life-saving assistance to conflict-affected populations fleeing from Ukraine to Poland and Moldova 22-RR-IOM-009 US$499,997 Read more
IOM Multi-purpose cash, shelter and non-food items emergency response to the conflict in Ukraine 22-RR-IOM-010 US$4,499,999 Read more
UNFPA Emergency Response to support women and girls, including tackling gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and empowerment 22-RR-FPA-012 US$996,980 Read more
UNHCR Life-saving assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova 22-RR-HCR-007 US$1,000,090 Read more
UNHCR Emergency Protection, Shelter and MPC assistance for IDPs and conflict-affected in Ukraine 22-RR-HCR-008 US$5,000,000 Read more
WFP Provision of Logistics and Emergency Telecommunication common services to support coordinated and efficient humanitarian responses in priority regions. 22-RR-WFP-017 US$1,000,000 Read more
WHO CERF health emergency response to the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine – delivery of critical medical items and strengthening of the surveillance system 22-RR-WHO-011 US$3,000,000 Read more
UNICEF Ensuring access to lifesaving health and nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, child protection, education and cash assistance, supplies and services for children and families in Ukraine 22-RR-CEF-021 US$4,000,000 Read more
IOM Emergency response to the conflict in Ukraine through multi-purpose cash, shelter and non-food items 22-RR-IOM-011 US$5,000,000 Read more
UNHCR Emergency Protection, Shelter and MPC assistance for IDPs and conflict-affected in Ukraine 22-RR-HCR-011 US$6,000,000 Read more
UNICEF Ensuring access to lifesaving health and nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, child protection, education and cash assistance, supplies and services for children and families in Ukraine 22-RR-CEF-023 US$6,000,000 Read more
WHO Health emergency response scale-up in Ukraine – delivery of critical medical items and extension of the surveillance system 22-RR-WHO-013 US$5,000,000 Read more
OHCHR Expansion of HRMMU activities aimed at protection of civilian population, and promotion of remedy and reparation to survivors and their families in response to the 2022 Conflict in Ukraine 22-RR-CHR-002 US$2,006,966 Read more
UNFPA Emergency response to the acute SRH needs and GBV risks of vulnerable women and girls in western Ukraine 22-RR-FPA-015 US$1,999,805 Read more
WFP Provision of Food Assistance to Crisis-Affected People and Common Services (Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications) to support coordinated and efficient humanitarian responses in priority region 22-RR-WFP-020 US$14,000,052 Read more