CERF Allocation


Violence/Clashes, 07 Sep 2022

Overview of the humanitarian situation

Starting in July, new clashes between gangs broke out in Haiti's Cité Soleil, killing more than 500 people within one month. Cité Soleil's inhabitants were trapped in the fighting, depriving many of access to drinking water, food and health care, and causing many protection issues. 277,000 people were affected by this situation, which was exacerbating communities’ pre-existing vulnerabilities, negatively impacting livelihoods and the provision of basic social services.

CERF-funded assistance

In response to the crisis, CERF allocated $5 million from its Rapid Response window for the immediate commencement of life-saving activities. This funding enabled UN agencies and partners to provide life-saving assistance to 208,646 people, including 55,080 women, 52,920 men, 51,416 children, and 100,646 people with disabilities in Education, Food Security, Nutrition, Child Protection and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sectors. The CERF allocation served as a critical injection of early funds for the flash appeal and enabled UN agencies and partners to timely start the emergency response.

CERFs Strategic Added Value

CERF led to fast delivery of assistance to beneficiaries, the assistance provided under this project was delivered quickly. Even before CERF funds were available, agencies had begun to intervene. However, new episodes of "Peyi lock" (blockade of the country) in September-October 2022 and supply constraints delayed the implementation of certain activities, particularly in-kind activities. CERF also helped respond to time-critical needs, this allocation has been implemented at a time when hunger has reached catastrophic levels, 5 on the Integrated Food Security Phase (IPC) classification, in Cité Soleil. The number of people in phase 5 (September 2022 to February 2023) is estimated at 19,200. The response provided by this allocation, in the form of cash or food distribution, has been crucial in helping these people move from phase 5 to phase 4.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
UNICEF Provision of life saving assistance to people affected by the intensification of the conflict in Cité Soleil 22-RR-CEF-059 US$3,000,018 Read more
WFP Provide life-saving food assistance to vulnerable people living in areas controlled by armed gangs in the Port au Prince metropolitan area 22-RR-WFP-054 US$2,000,000 Read more