CERF-funded Project


Unconditional emergency food assistance to acutely food-insecure people in vulnerable rural areas (21-UF-WFP-025)

Project overview

Through the CERF contribution, WFP provided emergency food assistance to a total 157,350 people living in IPC 3 and 4 areas for a period of four months, as part of WFP’s 2022 scale-up in response to unprecedented food needs across Afghanistan. In order to ensure that lifesaving assistance reached extremely vulnerable populations in a timely manner, WFP utilised existing stocks in-country to serve the five priority provinces originally proposed under this contribution, including Faryab, Daikundi, Ghor, Nangarhar, and Balkh. CERF commodities were subsequently used to replenish WFP’s pipeline to serve additional areas when they arrived in-country. A total 3,828.69 MT of mixed food commodities were procured and distributed under this award. Of the 157,350 people assisted under this contribution, 77,101 were female and 80,249 were male. WFP reached 48,082 children and an estimated 31,470 persons with disabilities.