CERF-funded Project


Provision of life saving WASH Services to drought affected population in Somali and Oromia regions of Ethiopia (21-RR-CEF-055)

Project overview

Through this CERF allocation, UNICEF with its partners provided life-saving WASH services to 242,473 drought-affected people in Oromia and Somali Regions, including 46,070 women, 43,645 men, 77,591 girls and 75,167 boys. 26,672 people with disabilities were reached. These increased numbers of people reached reflect an amendment of activities to meet increasing WASH needs. Major activities were water supply through rehabilitation of non-functional water systems, water supply through emergency water trucking and distribution of life-saving WASH NFIs and hygiene promotion. Accordingly, in Oromia, 67,513 people received emergency water rationing and 84,760 people have accessed potable water supply through rehabilitation and extension of 15 non-functional water schemes directly since May 2022. In Somali, water trucking was provided to affected populations in Dawa Zone reaching 45,000 people. Moreover, rehabilitation of 12 water schemes benefited 45,200 people. Over 52,000 people were provided with WASH NFIs in the two regions of Oromia and Somali.