CERF-funded Project


Mitigating public health risks of floods in Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubaland, Puntland, Somaliland and South West of Somalia, 2020 (20-RR-WHO-027)

Project overview

WHO will use the $2.8 million in CERF funding to reach an estimated 170,869 vulnerable Somalis with health interventions and strengthen readiness for disease outbreak detection and response ahead of malaria, measles, and cholera outbreaks. This will include deployment of 50 Rapid Response Teams, providing equipment and reagents for analysis of priority epidemic-prone diseases for three public health laboratories, providing emergency medical supplies (severe acute malnutrition kits, inter-agency health kits and diarrhoeal kits) and material for health risk awareness raising. In addition, WHO will conduct indoor residual spraying (IRS) to prevent outbreaks of malaria. To enable fast and effective detection and response to outbreaks, WHO will train 200 volunteers as disease surveillance focal points, 120 health workers on management of epidemic-prone diseases (cholera and measles), 106 health workers on case management of severe acute malnutrition with medical complications, 100 health workers on event and syndromic surveillance, 200 health workers and volunteers on infection prevention and control, 50 district officers on water quality surveillance, 50 staff on sample collection and shipment, and 100 community social mobilizers in health risk communication.