CERF projects by year


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Allocation code Allocation Emergency type Agency Country Project code Project Window Sector Approved amount in US$ Approval date Disbursement date
18-RR-MMR-28491 Myanmar RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict in Rakhine) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Myanmar 18-RR-WHO-001 Lifesaving health care provision to conflict-affected population from 25 August 2017 crisis in northern Rakhine (18-RR-WHO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$126,095 Approval date:05 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-28491 Myanmar RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict in Rakhine) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Myanmar 18-RR-WFP-001 Life-saving food security assistance for conflict affected people in northern Rakhine (18-RR-WFP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,880,090 Approval date:10 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-28491 Myanmar RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict in Rakhine) Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 18-RR-FAO-001 Life-saving food security assistance for conflict affected people in northern Rakhine (18-RR-FAO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$750,000 Approval date:10 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-28491 Myanmar RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict in Rakhine) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 18-RR-CEF-001 Life-saving child protection and women’s wellness services for communities affected by violence in northern Rakhine (18-RR-CEF-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$226,760 Approval date:10 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-28491 Myanmar RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict in Rakhine) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 18-RR-FPA-001 Life-saving child protection and women’s wellness services for communities affected by violence in northern Rakhine (18-RR-FPA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$263,862 Approval date:10 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:16 Jan 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 18-RR-CEF-002 Strengthen Protection of Asylum Seekers from DRC (18-RR-CEF-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$125,704 Approval date:29 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 18-RR-CEF-003 Enhance access to quality education for refugees arriving in Zambia from DRC (18-RR-CEF-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$257,620 Approval date:29 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 18-RR-CEF-004 Support Emergency Nutrition Services to DRC Refugee population in Mantapala Resettlement Site (18-RR-CEF-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$113,685 Approval date:29 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 18-RR-CEF-005 Provision of WASH Services to Congolese Refugees in Mantapala Refugee Settlement (18-RR-CEF-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,823,045 Approval date:29 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Zambia 18-RR-HCR-001 Multi sectoral assistance to Congolese Refugees and Asylum seekers in Nchelenge District (Luapula Province of Zambia) (18-RR-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,025,521 Approval date:29 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement International Organization for Migration Zambia 18-RR-IOM-001 Provision of transportation assistance to DRC Refugees in Luapula Province of Zambia (18-RR-IOM-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$560,002 Approval date:29 Jan 2018 Disbursement date:02 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement World Food Programme Zambia 18-RR-WFP-002 Integrated Support to the food insecure DRC Refugee/Asylum Seekers in Luapula and Northern Provinces of Zambia (18-RR-WFP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,058,885 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Zambia 18-RR-CEF-006 Support to Emergency health services to DRC Refugee population in Luapula Province (18-RR-CEF-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$234,341 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement World Health Organization Zambia 18-RR-WHO-002 Support to Emergency health services to DRC Refugee population in Luapula Province (18-RR-WHO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$185,866 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:08 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZMB-28517 Zambia RR Application Jan 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Zambia 18-RR-FPA-002 Support to Emergency health services to DRC Refugee population in Luapula Province (18-RR-FPA-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$175,103 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:06 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WHO-003 Réponse rapide aux épidémies de choléra et de rougeole en faveur des populations déplacées, retournées et hôtes, victimes de conflits armés dans les provinces du Kasaï, du Sud-Kivu, du Lomami et du Haut-Lomami en République Démocratique du Congo. (18-RR-WHO-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,777,601 Approval date:02 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:08 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-007 Assurer l’accès à un paquet EHA aux enfants et leurs familles affectées par les conflits dans les provinces du Tanganyika, Kasaï, Lomami, Haut Katanga, Haut Lomami, Sud-Kivu et Maniema (18-RR-CEF-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,467,855 Approval date:02 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:06 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-008 Assistance en articles ménagers essentiels aux personnes déplacées internes dans les provinces du Haut Katanga, Tanganyika, Haut Lomami, Maniema et Sud Kivu (18-RR-CEF-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,364,399 Approval date:07 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:09 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-009 Prise en charge transitoire, réunification familiale et appui psychosocial aux enfants affectes par la crise dans le Kasaï et Kasaï central (18-RR-CEF-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$499,984 Approval date:02 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:06 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-FPA-003 Offre des services de santé de reproduction d’urgence, de prévention et prise en charge des violences basées sur le genre dans les communautés affectées par les conflits dans les provinces du Kasaï, Lomami, Tanganyika, Haut Lomami Sud Kivu et Haut Katanga (18-RR-FPA-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,664,793 Approval date:15 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:20 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-IOM-002 Contribuer à l’amélioration de la rapidité, l’efficacité et l’impact de la réponse humanitaire dans les zones L3 à travers le renforcement des capacités communes en gestion de l’information et en évaluation rapide (18-RR-IOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,200,467 Approval date:06 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:08 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-FAO-002 Projet de production alimentaire en appui aux distributions des vivres effectuées par le PAM dans les provinces du Kasaï (18-RR-FAO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$499,640 Approval date:09 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:14 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WFP-003 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux populations affectées par la crise dans la Région du Kasaï, Province du Tanganyika et Sud Kivu (18-RR-WFP-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$7,482,717 Approval date:08 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:12 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WFP-006 Soutien au renforcement des capacités logistiques, en télécommunication d’urgence et de transport aérien en faveur des acteurs humanitaires dans les hubs opérationnels dans la région du Grand Kasaï, provinces du Tanganyika et Sud Kivu/Maniema. (18-RR-WFP-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$2,751,814 Approval date:09 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:15 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-28606 DR Congo RR Application Jan 2018 (L3 emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-FPA-018 Amélioration de la rédévabilité vers les personnes affectées, y compris la prévention des abus et exploitation sexuelles au sein de la réponse humanitaire de niveau trois en République Démocratique du Congo (18-RR-FPA-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$272,728 Approval date:09 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-YEM-28632 Yemen RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Yemen 18-RR-WHO-004 Provision of essential and lifesaving health services and control of communicable disease outbreaks for vulnerable population groups in priority governorates (18-RR-WHO-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$9,169,997 Approval date:02 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:08 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-YEM-28632 Yemen RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Yemen 18-RR-WFP-004 Logistics Augmentation and Coordination to Support Humanitarian Operations in Yemen (18-RR-WFP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$5,500,008 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-YEM-28632 Yemen RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Yemen 18-RR-WFP-005 Immediate, Integrated and Sustained Response to Avert Famine in Yemen (18-RR-WFP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$19,989,834 Approval date:02 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-YEM-28632 Yemen RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 18-RR-CEF-010 Integrated Emergency WASH Response in prioritized areas affected by malnutrition and in areas with influx of IDPs affected by the recent conflict. (18-RR-CEF-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$6,434,013 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-YEM-28632 Yemen RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 18-RR-CEF-011 Emergency lifesaving Nutrition Response to the most affected children and women in the 27 priority districts of Yemen (18-RR-CEF-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,729,299 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-YEM-28632 Yemen RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict) Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 18-RR-HCR-003 Provision of Shelter and Protection Assistance to IDPs in Yemen (18-RR-HCR-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$5,970,599 Approval date:01 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-YEM-28632 Yemen RR Application Jan 2018 (Conflict) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Development Programme Yemen 18-RR-UDP-001 Security Support to Humanitarian Operations (18-RR-UDP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$115,540 Approval date:02 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:06 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-UGA-28663 Uganda RR Application Feb 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement International Organization for Migration Uganda 18-RR-IOM-003 Emergency sanitation, hygiene and protection assistance to Congolese refugees (18-RR-IOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$499,729 Approval date:15 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:16 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-UGA-28663 Uganda RR Application Feb 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Uganda 18-RR-FPA-005 Provision of life saving Sexual and Reproductive Health services including emergency obstetrical and new-born care and response to gender-based violence for DRC Refugees in Uganda. (18-RR-FPA-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$499,830 Approval date:15 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:20 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-UGA-28663 Uganda RR Application Feb 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 18-RR-HCR-005 Critical Life-Saving Humanitarian Assistance in Protection, Shelter/Site/NFIs, Health and WASH to DRC Refugees in Uganda. (18-RR-HCR-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$3,300,000 Approval date:15 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:20 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-UGA-28663 Uganda RR Application Feb 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 18-RR-CEF-012 Multi-sector response to the escalated refugee influx from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (18-RR-CEF-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,099,884 Approval date:15 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:20 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-UGA-28663 Uganda RR Application Feb 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement World Food Programme Uganda 18-RR-WFP-007 Food and nutrition support for refugees from the DRC in Uganda (18-RR-WFP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$500,003 Approval date:15 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:20 Feb 2018 Read more
18-RR-UGA-28663 Uganda RR Application Feb 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement World Health Organization Uganda 18-RR-WHO-005 Institution of emergency measures for communicable disease management and control among the new refugees from the DRC and the host communities (18-RR-WHO-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$199,173 Approval date:15 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:20 Feb 2018 Read more
18-UF-ERI-28520 Eritrea UF Application Feb 2018 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Eritrea 18-UF-FAO-003 Emergency livelihood support to drought-affected farmers through the provision of seed and livestock vaccine in Gash Barka Region (18-UF-FAO-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$476,593 Approval date:01 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-ERI-28520 Eritrea UF Application Feb 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Development Programme Eritrea 18-UF-UDP-002 Emergency livelihood response to support drought-affected livestock-dependent communities (18-UF-UDP-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$556,101 Approval date:22 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:01 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-ERI-28520 Eritrea UF Application Feb 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Eritrea 18-UF-FPA-006 Provision of life-saving nutritional support to pregnant mothers and new-borns through maternity waiting homes (18-UF-FPA-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$350,010 Approval date:22 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:26 Feb 2018 Read more
18-UF-ERI-28520 Eritrea UF Application Feb 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Eritrea 18-UF-HCR-006 Multi-sectorial assistance to Somali refugees in the Umkulu Camp (18-UF-HCR-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$407,719 Approval date:19 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2018 Read more
18-UF-ERI-28520 Eritrea UF Application Feb 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Eritrea 18-UF-CEF-013 Saving lives with an integrated nutrition response (18-UF-CEF-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$2,695,432 Approval date:12 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-ERI-28520 Eritrea UF Application Feb 2018 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Eritrea 18-UF-WHO-006 Prioritarised emergency health interventions for the most vulnerable segment of the population (18-UF-WHO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$508,440 Approval date:22 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:26 Feb 2018 Read more
18-UF-MLI-28522 Mali UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 18-UF-CEF-014 Projet intégré WASH in Nut d’appui à la prévention et au traitement de la malnutrition (18-UF-CEF-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,950,000 Approval date:01 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-MLI-28522 Mali UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Mali 18-UF-WFP-008 Assistance nutritionnelle pour la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe modérée chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes (18-UF-WFP-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,200,000 Approval date:28 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-MLI-28522 Mali UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 18-UF-FAO-004 Protection des moyens d’existence des ménages pastoraux et agropastoraux affectés par l’insécurité alimentaire et les crises pastorales dans les régions du nord et du centre du Mali (18-UF-FAO-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,099,960 Approval date:05 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-MLI-28522 Mali UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Mali 18-UF-WFP-010 Réponse aux besoins alimentaires immédiats des personnes en insécurité alimentaire sévère (18-UF-WFP-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,699,841 Approval date:05 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-MLI-28522 Mali UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 18-UF-CEF-018 La prise en charge intégrée de la malnutrition aigüe sévère au Mali dans les regions du nord et du centre du Mali affectés par les conflits (18-UF-CEF-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,200,000 Approval date:05 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-MLI-28522 Mali UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Mali 18-UF-IOM-005 Améliorer l’accès à l’eau, l’hygiène et assainissement dans les zones à forte concentration de PDI et retournés (18-UF-IOM-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$849,999 Approval date:12 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-TZA-28525 Tanzania UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 18-UF-CEF-015 Emergency basic health and nutrition services in support of the Burundian refugees into Tanzania (18-UF-CEF-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$401,647 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-TZA-28525 Tanzania UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement International Organization for Migration United Republic of Tanzania 18-UF-IOM-004 Providing Life-Saving Transportation Assistance to Refugees in Tanzania (18-UF-IOM-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$555,386 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-TZA-28525 Tanzania UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Population Fund United Republic of Tanzania 18-UF-FPA-007 Emergency basic health services in support of the Burundian refugee influx into Tanzania (18-UF-FPA-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$350,000 Approval date:28 Feb 2018 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-TZA-28525 Tanzania UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 18-UF-CEF-016 Providing protection and humanitarian assistance to Burundian and Congolese refugee children in Nduta, Mtendeli and Nyaragusu camps (18-UF-CEF-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$298,528 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-TZA-28525 Tanzania UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund United Republic of Tanzania 18-UF-CEF-017 Provision of Emergency WASH services for Burundian and Congolese refugees (18-UF-CEF-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$450,470 Approval date:05 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:07 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-TZA-28525 Tanzania UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement World Food Programme United Republic of Tanzania 18-UF-WFP-009 Emergency Food Assistance to Refugees in Tanzania (18-UF-WFP-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,792,763 Approval date:02 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-TZA-28525 Tanzania UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Republic of Tanzania 18-UF-HCR-007 Protection and life-saving assistance to Burundian refugees in camps (18-UF-HCR-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$4,146,664 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 18-UF-FPA-008 Protecting Women and Girls Affected by the Marawi Armed Conflict in Mindanao (18-UF-FPA-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$400,018 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 18-UF-FPA-009 Ensuring access to reproductive health services to the vulnerable displaced population (18-UF-FPA-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$399,841 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Philippines 18-UF-FAO-005 Improve food security through access to food, livelihoods restoration and increased agricultural capacities (18-UF-FAO-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$849,997 Approval date:09 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Philippines 18-UF-UDP-003 Targeted Cash Transfers to Vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Affected by the Marawi Conflict (18-UF-UDP-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Early Recovery US$691,923 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines 18-UF-HCR-008 Provision of protection and assistance to IDPs in Lanao del Sur province (18-UF-HCR-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 18-UF-CEF-019 Life-saving nutrition interventions for children, and pregnant and lactating women (18-UF-CEF-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$453,766 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement World Food Programme Philippines 18-UF-WFP-011 Addressing food security, nutrition and livelihood activities of households affected by the Marawi conflict (18-UF-WFP-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,200,000 Approval date:13 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PHL-28524 Philippines UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement and returns) Displacement World Health Organization Philippines 18-UF-WHO-007 Provide access to essential health services for populations affected by the Marawi conflict (18-UF-WHO-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$536,158 Approval date:06 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:09 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PAK-28523 Pakistan UF Application Feb 2018 (IDP returnees) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Development Programme Pakistan 18-UF-UDP-004 Continuation of education for children in areas of return in SWA and Kurram Agencies (18-UF-UDP-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$1,150,000 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PAK-28523 Pakistan UF Application Feb 2018 (IDP returnees) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 18-UF-CEF-020 Continuation of education for children in areas of return in SWA and Kurram Agencies (18-UF-CEF-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$1,345,190 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PAK-28523 Pakistan UF Application Feb 2018 (IDP returnees) Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 18-UF-FAO-006 Critical support to ensure food security and agriculture based subsistence livelihoods for recently returned families to FATA (18-UF-FAO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,800,432 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-PAK-28523 Pakistan UF Application Feb 2018 (IDP returnees) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Pakistan 18-UF-WFP-012 Critical support to ensure food security and agriculture based subsistence livelihoods for recently returned families to FATA (18-UF-WFP-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,199,936 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-PAK-28523 Pakistan UF Application Feb 2018 (IDP returnees) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 18-UF-CEF-021 Girls and boys less than five years of age and pregnant and lactating mothers with acute malnutrition in targeted Agencies of FATA accessing appropriate acute malnutrition management services (18-UF-CEF-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$702,009 Approval date:09 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PAK-28523 Pakistan UF Application Feb 2018 (IDP returnees) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Pakistan 18-UF-WFP-013 Girls and boys less than five years of age and pregnant and lactating mothers with acute malnutrition in targeted Agencies of FATA accessing appropriate acute malnutrition management services (18-UF-WFP-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$550,238 Approval date:09 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-PAK-28523 Pakistan UF Application Feb 2018 (IDP returnees) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Pakistan 18-UF-WHO-008 Girls and boys less than five years of age and pregnant and lactating mothers with acute malnutrition in targeted Agencies of FATA accessing appropriate acute malnutrition management services (18-UF-WHO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$246,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Cameroon 18-UF-WHO-009 Appui sanitaire aux populations vulnérables pour l’amélioration des soins de santé primaires et promotionnels dans les départements du Mayo Sava et Mayo Tsanaga (18-UF-WHO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$901,411 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cameroon 18-UF-FPA-010 Amélioration de l’accès aux services de SR, VBG et de santé mentale aux PDI, réfugiés hors, retournés et populations hôtes dans la Région de l’Extrême-Nord (18-UF-FPA-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$700,072 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Cameroon 18-UF-WOM-001 Prise en charge multisectorielle des survivantes des VBG et amélioration de la protection des femmes et des filles de l’Extrême Nord (18-UF-WOM-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$795,668 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 18-UF-CEF-022 Mise en place d’un environnement protecteur pour les enfants affectés par la crise nigériane dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord (18-UF-CEF-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$712,635 Approval date:14 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 18-UF-HCR-009 Amélioration de la protection des personnes déplacées à l'intérieur du pays (hors du camp) - réfugiés, déplacés internes et communautés d'accueil dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord du Cameroun (18-UF-HCR-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$908,839 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Cameroon 18-UF-IOM-006 Assistance d’urgence aux populations du Cameroun affectées par le conflit : Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements – Évaluation ciblée des Besoins et Tendance (18-UF-IOM-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$389,300 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 18-UF-CEF-023 Amélioration de l’accès aux services WASH dans les communautés hôtes et sites abritant les déplacés internes et réfugiés de l’Extrême Nord (18-UF-CEF-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,001 Approval date:14 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 18-UF-WFP-014 Assistance alimentaire aux personnes récemment déplacées et aux réfugiés hors camp à l’Extrême-Nord (18-UF-WFP-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,500,492 Approval date:14 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Cameroon 18-UF-FAO-007 Amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations vulnérables de l’Extrême Nord à travers la production des cultures maraichères et l’éducation nutritionnelle (18-UF-FAO-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$501,629 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-CMR-28518 Cameroon UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 18-UF-WFP-015 Sauver des vies à travers une assistance en CASH Multifonctionnel pour répondre aux besoins les plus pressants de 25,000 personnes retournées dans le Département du Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga et Logone-et-Chari (18-UF-WFP-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,474,440 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-FAO-008 Assistance et production alimentaire dans les zones L3 et non L3 en soutien aux familles d’accueil vivant les répercussions des mouvements de population. (18-UF-FAO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$4,461,914 Approval date:16 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-WFP-016 Assistance et production alimentaire dans les zones L3 et non L3 en soutien aux familles d’accueil vivant les répercussions des mouvements de population. (18-UF-WFP-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,400,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-IOM-007 Assistance en Abris d’urgence et articles ménagers essentiels (AME) pour les personnes déplacées internes dans le territoire de Masisi, Nord-Kivu (18-UF-IOM-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,089,413 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-WFP-017 Coordination de la réponse logistique au Nord Kivu (18-UF-WFP-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$999,853 Approval date:12 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:16 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-FPA-011 Amélioration de l’accès aux services de santé reproductive de qualité chez les populations affectées par le conflit dans les 8 zones de santé des provinces du Kasaï-Central, Kasai Oriental, Nord Kivu et Sud Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo (18-UF-FPA-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$600,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-HCR-010 Assistance en Abris aux personnes déplacées internes dans les provinces des Kasais, Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu et Maniema (18-UF-HCR-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,726,305 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-HCR-011 Création d’une plateforme inter-agences et multisectorielle de collecte de données opérationnelles et de monitoring dans la province du Tanganyika (18-UF-HCR-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$200,317 Approval date:14 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-HCR-012 Protection et assistance multisectorielle en faveur des nouveaux réfugiés centrafricains en République Démocratique du Congo (18-UF-HCR-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,000,108 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-CEF-024 Assistance en articles ménagers essentiels bénéficiant 51,133 personnes déplacées internes dans les provinces du Nord Kivu et Ituri (18-UF-CEF-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,658,421 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-CEF-025 Projet d’appui à l’amélioration de la réponse d’éducation-protection pour les enfants (filles et garçons) affectés par les conflits (18-UF-CEF-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$6,084,537 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-CEF-026 Amélioration de l’accès à l’eau potable, l’assainissement de base et des pratiques d’hygiène pour les populations autochtones, déplacés et communautés hôtes dans les Provinces du Tanganyika, Kasaï, Nord Kivu et Ituri. (18-UF-CEF-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,548,230 Approval date:12 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-CEF-027 Appui à la prise en charge de la malnutrition aïgue sévère dans les zones de santé de Pweto et Kilwa, Kongolo, Tshikapa, Kansala, Mulumba et Kalambayi (18-UF-CEF-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,410,608 Approval date:16 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-OPS-001 Réduction des risques des accidents posés par la présence des restes explosifs des guerres en faveur des populations affectées dans les provinces de l’Ituri, Sud Kivu et Tanganyika (18-UF-OPS-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$549,995 Approval date:14 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-COD-28519 DR Congo UF Application Feb 2018 (conflict displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-UF-WHO-010 Améliorer l'accès aux soins de santé primaires et la réponse aux épidémies en faveur des IDPs, retournées et hôtes, victimes de conflits armés (18-UF-WHO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,110,403 Approval date:12 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Storm International Organization for Migration Haiti 18-UF-IOM-008 Shelter and NFI Assistance for the Most Vulnerable People Affected by Hurricane Matthew (18-UF-IOM-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,779,840 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Haiti 18-UF-FAO-009 Emergency agricultural assistance to family farmers affected by Hurricanes Matthew and Irma in the North-East and Grande Anse Departments (18-UF-FAO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$984,569 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Cholera World Health Organization Haiti 18-UF-WHO-011 Improving the Detection, Case Management and Response to Cholera and Diphtheria Cases in Haiti (18-UF-WHO-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,723,155 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Storm United Nations Population Fund Haiti 18-UF-FPA-012 Improve access to sexual and reproductive health services for Haitian women of reproductive age affected by Hurricane Matthew and/or displaced in Grand Anse, South and West Departments (18-UF-FPA-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$497,717 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 18-UF-CEF-028 Preventing cholera in areas prone to regular outbreaks and quickly circumscribing flash outbreaks (18-UF-CEF-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,300,018 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 18-UF-CEF-029 Treatment of acute malnutrition in vulnerable communities impacted by natural disasters (18-UF-CEF-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$699,977 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 18-UF-CEF-030 Preventing cholera in areas prone to regular outbreaks and quickly circumscribing flash outbreaks (18-UF-CEF-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$250,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-HTI-28521 Haiti UF Application Feb 2018 (unmet hurricane needs and disease outbreaks) Storm World Food Programme Haiti 18-UF-WFP-018 Provision of nutrition-sensitive, targeted food assistance to families with moderate or severe acute malnourished children 6-23 months in Grande Anse department (18-UF-WFP-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$749,901 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement International Organization for Migration Uganda 18-UF-IOM-009 Strengthening emergency WASH response for refugees and host communities in Palorinya and Kyaka II settlements (18-UF-IOM-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,100,000 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 18-UF-CEF-031 Protecting children affected by humanitarian situation through child protection systems strengthening (18-UF-CEF-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$595,548 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Uganda 18-UF-FPA-013 Provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health services including emergency obstetrical and new born care, prevention and response to GBV for refugees (18-UF-FPA-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,500,124 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement World Food Programme Uganda 18-UF-WFP-019 Food and nutrition support to refugees in Uganda (18-UF-WFP-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$4,500,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 18-UF-HCR-013 Targeted protection services and emergency response for refugees in primary healthcare, shelter/site/NFI and WASH (18-UF-HCR-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$4,810,721 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement World Health Organization Uganda 18-UF-WHO-012 Provision of emergency health assistance in underserved settlements in Uganda (18-UF-WHO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,088 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 18-UF-CEF-032 Emergency Humanitarian Support through Health, Nutrition and WASH interventions (18-UF-CEF-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,100,000 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda 18-UF-FAO-010 Assistance to strengthening refugee and host community households’ self reliance, income generation and resilience to food and nutrition insecurity (18-UF-FAO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$784,555 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:29 Mar 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Uganda 18-UF-WOM-002 Emergency Protection of South Sudanese Refugee Women and Girls (18-UF-WOM-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$500,094 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-UF-UGA-28526 Uganda UF Application Feb 2018 (Refugees) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Uganda 18-UF-UDP-005 Emergency livelihood support through cash for work for refugees from South Sudan (18-UF-UDP-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$597,062 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-PSE-28903 oPt RR Application Mar 2018 (UNRWA) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Relief and Works Agency occupied Palestinian territory 18-RR-RWA-001 Life-saving food security assistance for vulnerable Palestine refugees in Gaza and West Bank (18-RR-RWA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$15,005,129 Approval date:09 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-28650 Ethiopia RR Application Mar 2018 (displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 18-RR-IOM-010 Emergency and Recovery Support to Internally Displaced Persons in Oromia and Somali Ethiopia (18-RR-IOM-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,499,420 Approval date:02 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-28650 Ethiopia RR Application Mar 2018 (displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 18-RR-CEF-033 First emergency response to IDPs and host communities in Oromia and Somali Regions (18-RR-CEF-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$6,431,275 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:28 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-BDI-29151 Burundi RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burundi 18-RR-HCR-014 Please reformulate the title. Emergency response to the Congolese Refugee Crisis in Burundi (18-RR-HCR-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$987,994 Approval date:12 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-BDI-29151 Burundi RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement World Food Programme Burundi 18-RR-WFP-020 Emergency Food Assistance to new Congolese refugees in Burundi (18-RR-WFP-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$615,018 Approval date:15 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-BDI-29151 Burundi RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Burundi 18-RR-FPA-014 UNFPA response to urgent and immediate needs of the refugees from DRC (18-RR-FPA-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$297,610 Approval date:16 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-BDI-29151 Burundi RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 18-RR-CEF-034 Emergency Child Protection Services for refugees in hosts communities and transit centers (18-RR-CEF-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$149,997 Approval date:16 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-BDI-29151 Burundi RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from DRC) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 18-RR-CEF-035 Emergency WaSH and Nutrition services for refugees in hosts communities and transit centers (18-RR-CEF-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$299,953 Approval date:16 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-MRT-28922 Mauritania RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Mauritania 18-RR-WFP-021 Provide life-saving and emergency food and nutrition assistance to vulnerable Mauritanians affected by the 2017 drought. (18-RR-WFP-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$975,875 Approval date:28 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-MRT-28922 Mauritania RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Mauritania 18-RR-WFP-022 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Mauritania in 2018 (18-RR-WFP-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$999,998 Approval date:28 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-MRT-28922 Mauritania RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 18-RR-CEF-036 Provide life-saving and emergency assistance to vulnerable Mauritania affected by the 2017 drought (18-RR-CEF-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-MRT-28922 Mauritania RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Mauritania 18-RR-FAO-011 Emergency assistance to vulnerable pastoral households affected by the drought. (18-RR-FAO-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,000 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Papua New Guinea 18-RR-CEF-037 Health Emergency interventions to the Earthquake affected populations of Papua New Guinea, particularly for children under five years (18-RR-CEF-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$434,422 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Papua New Guinea 18-RR-CEF-038 Life-saving nutrition interventions to the Earthquake affected populations of Papua New Guinea, particularly for children under five years (18-RR-CEF-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,333,351 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Papua New Guinea 18-RR-CEF-039 Provision of centre and community based psychosocial support services to facilitate the healing and restore sense of normalcy for children affected by earthquake (18-RR-CEF-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$404,436 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Papua New Guinea 18-RR-CEF-040 Provision of life-saving water, sanitation and hygiene services to emergency care centers in earthquake affected communities in Hela and Southern Highlands (18-RR-CEF-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$422,986 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Papua New Guinea 18-RR-FPA-015 Ensuring Lifesaving Sexual and Reproductive Health services (18-RR-FPA-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$228,474 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake International Organization for Migration Papua New Guinea 18-RR-IOM-011 Emergency shelter assistance to earthquake affected communities in the highland province of Papua New Guinea (18-RR-IOM-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$997,881 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake International Organization for Migration Papua New Guinea 18-RR-IOM-012 WASH Emergency Response in Earthquake Affected Populations in Southern Highlands and Hela Provinces (18-RR-IOM-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$831,247 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Papua New Guinea 18-RR-WOM-003 Addressing Humanitarian and Protection Needs of Earthquake Affected Women and Girls in PNG (18-RR-WOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$200,518 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake World Food Programme Papua New Guinea 18-RR-WFP-023 Emergency Food Assistance for Earthquake-affected Persons in Papua New Guinea (18-RR-WFP-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,235,587 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake World Food Programme Papua New Guinea 18-RR-WFP-024 Emergency Logistics coordination and Information management in response to the Earthquake in Papua New Guinea (18-RR-WFP-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$262,874 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake World Health Organization Papua New Guinea 18-RR-WHO-013 Life-Saving Health Sector Response to PNG Highland Earthquakes (18-RR-WHO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$612,288 Approval date:21 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-PNG-29464 PNG RR Application Mar 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Development Programme Papua New Guinea 18-RR-UDP-006 UNDSS Security Support for Humanitarian Operations to 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake affected areas in Southern Highlands and Hela Province (18-RR-UDP-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$222,646 Approval date:23 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 18-RR-CEF-041 Projet d’appui à l’éducation de base pour les réfugiés centrafricains et les communautés hôtes dans le sud du Tchad (18-RR-CEF-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$116,997 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 18-RR-CEF-042 Appui à la réponse pour l’accès à l’eau potable et aux services d’hygiène et assainissement de base au bénéfice des réfugiés centrafricains et de la communauté hote dans la Région du Logone Oriental (18-RR-CEF-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$421,006 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement World Food Programme Chad 18-RR-WFP-025 Appui aux services aériens au profit de la communauté humanitaire répondant à la crise d’afflux de réfugiés centrafricains (18-RR-WFP-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$227,825 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 18-RR-HCR-015 Réponse d’urgence aux nouveaux réfugiés de la République Centrafricaine et les communautés des villages hôtes affectés (18-RR-HCR-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,141,563 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 18-RR-CEF-043 Prévention et réponse multisectorielle d’urgence aux survivantes des VBG et Appui à la protection et assistance des filles et des garçons Refugiés dans les Départements de la Nya Pende et Monts de Lam (18-RR-CEF-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$242,655 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Chad 18-RR-FPA-016 Prévention et réponse multisectorielle d’urgence aux survivantes des VBG et Appui à la protection et assistance des filles et des garçons Refugiés dans les Départements de la Nya Pende et Monts de Lam (18-RR-FPA-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$238,824 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 18-RR-FAO-012 Projet d’urgence de sécurité alimentaire et de protection des moyens d’existence des populations réfugiées et hôtes dans le sud du Tchad. (18-RR-FAO-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$758,815 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement World Food Programme Chad 18-RR-WFP-026 Projet d’urgence de sécurité alimentaire et de protection des moyens d’existence des populations réfugiées et hôtes dans le sud du Tchad. (18-RR-WFP-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,260,999 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement World Health Organization Chad 18-RR-WHO-014 Soins de santé d''urgence aux personnes réfugiés et aux populations d''accueil touchées par la crise centrafricaine dans le Sud du Tchad (18-RR-WHO-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$450,011 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 18-RR-CEF-044 Soins de santé d''urgence aux personnes réfugiés et aux populations d''accueil touchées par la crise centrafricaine dans le Sud du Tchad (18-RR-CEF-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$140,629 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Chad 18-RR-FPA-017 Soins de santé d''urgence aux personnes réfugiés et aux populations d''accueil touchées par la crise centrafricaine dans le Sud du Tchad (18-RR-FPA-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$256,448 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 18-RR-CEF-045 Renforcement de la prise en charge et de la prevention de la malnutrition en reponse à l’afflux des réfugiés de RCA au sud du Tchad (18-RR-CEF-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$324,855 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:22 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-29154 Chad RR Application Mar 2018 (Refugees from CAR) Displacement World Food Programme Chad 18-RR-WFP-027 Renforcement de la prise en charge et de la prevention de la malnutrition en reponse à l’afflux des réfugiés de RCA au sud du Tchad (18-RR-WFP-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$184,982 Approval date:20 Mar 2018 Disbursement date:26 Mar 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 18-RR-CEF-046 Emergency WASH assistance to drought affected people in Puntland (18-RR-CEF-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$966,169 Approval date:09 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Somalia 18-RR-FAO-013 Rapid Response for Severely Food Insecure Drought-Affected Rural Populations in Northern Somalia (18-RR-FAO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$3,016,164 Approval date:10 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:13 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Somalia 18-RR-WHO-015 Emergency health care service provision through rapid response teams to drought affected target populations in North zones of Somalia. (18-RR-WHO-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:12 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 18-RR-CEF-049 Provision of life-saving curative and preventive nutrition services to children, and pregnant and lactating mothers (18-RR-CEF-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$800,000 Approval date:06 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 18-RR-WFP-028 Provision of life-saving curative and preventive nutrition services to children,a nd pregnant and lactating mothers (18-RR-WFP-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,200,979 Approval date:06 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 18-RR-IOM-013 Provision of lifesaving and sustainable WASH services to drought affected populations in Northern Somalia (18-RR-IOM-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$975,370 Approval date:09 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 18-RR-CEF-050 Provision of emergency lifesaving healthcare services to the drought affected populations in Somalia (18-RR-CEF-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$484,785 Approval date:09 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought International Organization for Migration Somalia 18-RR-IOM-014 Provision of emergency lifesaving healthcare services to the drought affected populations in Somalia (18-RR-IOM-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$491,975 Approval date:09 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Population Fund Somalia 18-RR-FPA-020 Provision of emergency lifesaving healthcare services to the drought affected populations in Somalia (18-RR-FPA-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:09 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-28714 Somalia RR Application Mar 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Somalia 18-RR-WFP-029 Emergency relief assistance to households affected by drought in Northern Somalia (18-RR-WFP-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,200,001 Approval date:06 Apr 2018 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2018 Read more
18-RR-LBY-30399 Libya RR Application Apr 2018 (UNHAS) Displacement World Food Programme Libya 18-RR-WFP-030 Provision of Humanitarian Air Service in Libya (18-RR-WFP-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,153,061 Approval date:02 May 2018 Disbursement date:07 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-30426 Nigeria RR Application Apr 2018 (Lassa Fever) Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Nigeria 18-RR-WHO-016 Support the containment of the Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria (18-RR-WHO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$655,049 Approval date:10 May 2018 Disbursement date:14 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-PSE-30459 oPt RR Application May 2018 (Gaza Fence Crisis) Human Rights World Health Organization occupied Palestinian territory 18-RR-WHO-017 Responding to the trauma injuries and emergency casualties in the Gaza Strip (18-RR-WHO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$645,161 Approval date:10 May 2018 Disbursement date:14 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-PSE-30459 oPt RR Application May 2018 (Gaza Fence Crisis) Human Rights United Nations Children’s Fund occupied Palestinian territory 18-RR-CEF-051 Responding to the trauma injuries and emergency casualties in the Gaza Strip (18-RR-CEF-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$614,919 Approval date:10 May 2018 Disbursement date:14 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-LBN-30469 Lebanon RR Application May 2018 (Measles) Measles United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 18-RR-CEF-052 Measles outbreak control response in Lebanon (18-RR-CEF-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,127,942 Approval date:11 May 2018 Disbursement date:15 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-30443 Somalia RR Application May 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 18-RR-HCR-017 Provision of Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items support to populations affected by flooding in Banadir, Bay, Gedo and Hiraan regions (18-RR-HCR-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$970,705 Approval date:18 May 2018 Disbursement date:23 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-30443 Somalia RR Application May 2018 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Somalia 18-RR-WFP-031 Provision of Dedicated Humanitarian Air Services in Response to the Flood Emergency in Somalia (18-RR-WFP-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$600,000 Approval date:18 May 2018 Disbursement date:22 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-30443 Somalia RR Application May 2018 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Somalia 18-RR-WFP-032 Emergency relief assistance to flood affected populations in Somalia (18-RR-WFP-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,949,955 Approval date:22 May 2018 Disbursement date:24 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-30443 Somalia RR Application May 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 18-RR-CEF-053 Emergency WASH assistance to flood affected people in South Central Somalia (18-RR-CEF-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,105,778 Approval date:18 May 2018 Disbursement date:22 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-SOM-30443 Somalia RR Application May 2018 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Somalia 18-RR-WHO-018 Emergency health care service through Early detection of Alerts, verification and Rapid response to provide integrated rapid response team to flood affected target populations residing in south central states of Somalia. (18-RR-WHO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$507,150 Approval date:18 May 2018 Disbursement date:24 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-VZR-30453 VZ Region RR Application May 2018 (Regional UNHCR/IOM allocation) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migration Crisis 18-RR-HCR-018 Protection and multi-sectoral life saving assistance to Venezuelans refugees and asylum seekers and other persons of concern to UNHCR (18-RR-HCR-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$4,603,340 Approval date:25 May 2018 Disbursement date:30 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-VZR-30453 VZ Region RR Application May 2018 (Regional UNHCR/IOM allocation) Displacement International Organization for Migration Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migration Crisis 18-RR-IOM-015 Life saving assistance to Venezuelan migrants in vulnerable situations and host communities (18-RR-IOM-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,600,000 Approval date:24 May 2018 Disbursement date:31 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-30550 DR Congo RR Application May 2018 (Ebola - Equateur) Ebola World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WHO-019 Réponse rapide à l’épidémie de la maladie à virus Ebola (MVE) dans la province de l’Equateur de la République Démocratique du Congo (18-RR-WHO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$798,502 Approval date:25 May 2018 Disbursement date:31 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-30550 DR Congo RR Application May 2018 (Ebola - Equateur) Ebola World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WFP-033 Hélicoptère en soutien de la riposte Ebola (18-RR-WFP-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$797,272 Approval date:24 May 2018 Disbursement date:29 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-30550 DR Congo RR Application May 2018 (Ebola - Equateur) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-054 Réponse d’urgence Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA) pour le contrôle de l’épidémie Ebola dans les zones des santé de Bikoro, Iboko, Ingende et Wangata. (18-RR-CEF-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$399,730 Approval date:24 May 2018 Disbursement date:31 May 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 18-RR-CEF-055 Flood emergency response for 142,500 people at risk of water borne diseases in 8 Counties (18-RR-CEF-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,332,064 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood International Organization for Migration Kenya 18-RR-IOM-016 Emergency Assistance of Temporary Shelter and Non-Food Items to Flood Affected Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya (18-RR-IOM-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$734,548 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 18-RR-CEF-056 Emergency Assistance of Temporary Shelter and Non-Food Items to Flood Affected Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya (18-RR-CEF-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$550,069 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 18-RR-CEF-057 Prevention and response to protection and GBV risks of 7,200 most vulnerable children and 1,556 women affected by floods in seven priority counties. (18-RR-CEF-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$345,001 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood United Nations Population Fund Kenya 18-RR-FPA-021 Prevention and response to protection and GBV risks of 7,200 most vulnerable children and 1,556 women affected by floods in seven priority counties. (18-RR-FPA-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$118,196 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood World Health Organization Kenya 18-RR-WHO-020 Life-saving Emergency Response to floods and disease outbreaks in Kenya (18-RR-WHO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$747,374 Approval date:06 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 18-RR-CEF-058 Life-saving Emergency Response to floods and disease outbreaks in Kenya (18-RR-CEF-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$598,695 Approval date:06 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood United Nations Population Fund Kenya 18-RR-FPA-022 Life-saving Emergency Response to floods and disease outbreaks in Kenya (18-RR-FPA-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$367,866 Approval date:06 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-KEN-30594 Kenya RR Application May 2018 (floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood International Organization for Migration Kenya 18-RR-IOM-017 Life-saving Emergency Response to floods and disease outbreaks in Kenya (18-RR-IOM-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$151,689 Approval date:06 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-30657 Chad RR Application May 2018 (food insecurity) Drought World Food Programme Chad 18-RR-WFP-034 Projet d’urgence pour répondre à l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages tchadiens vulnérables vivant dans la bande sahélienne (18-RR-WFP-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$5,003,111 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-30657 Chad RR Application May 2018 (food insecurity) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 18-RR-FAO-014 Projet d’urgence pour répondre à l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages tchadiens vulnérables vivant dans la bande sahélienne (18-RR-FAO-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$800,000 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-30657 Chad RR Application May 2018 (food insecurity) Drought World Food Programme Chad 18-RR-WFP-035 Intensification des activités de prise en charge de la malnutrition aiguë dans les régions de la bande sahélienne affectées par la crise alimentaire (18-RR-WFP-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,814,217 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-TCD-30657 Chad RR Application May 2018 (food insecurity) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 18-RR-CEF-059 Intensification des activités de prise en charge de la malnutrition aiguë dans les régions de la bande sahélienne affectées par la crise alimentaire (18-RR-CEF-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,599,401 Approval date:04 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-BFA-30726 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2018 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Burkina Faso 18-RR-FAO-015 Assistance d’urgence aux pasteurs et agro-pasteurs vulnérables victimes de la crise pastorale au Burkina Faso (18-RR-FAO-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,035,022 Approval date:05 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-BFA-30726 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 18-RR-CEF-060 Life Saving Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition Programme for Children under five years old in the Sahel, Est and Centre-Nord regions (18-RR-CEF-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$3,000,000 Approval date:05 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:07 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-BFA-30726 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Burkina Faso 18-RR-WFP-036 Response and support to vulnerable populations for the 2018 lean season (18-RR-WFP-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,999,616 Approval date:06 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-BFA-30726 Burkina Faso RR Application May 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Burkina Faso 18-RR-WFP-037 Nutrition response and support to vulnerable persons during the lean season 2018 (18-RR-WFP-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,980,392 Approval date:06 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-30739 Ethiopia RR Application May 2018 (Floods in the Horn of Africa) Flood International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 18-RR-IOM-018 Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items for Flood-Affected Internally Displaced Persons (18-RR-IOM-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$5,343,942 Approval date:18 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:20 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-MLI-30933 Mali RR Application Jun 2018 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 18-RR-FAO-016 Interventions d’urgence pour protéger et restaurer les moyens d’existence des ménages vulnérables affectés par la crise pastorale dans les régions du nord et du centre du Mali (18-RR-FAO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,500,000 Approval date:19 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:22 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-MLI-30933 Mali RR Application Jun 2018 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Mali 18-RR-WHO-021 Renforcer l’accès aux soins de santé y compris la prise en charge intégrée des maladies de l’enfance et la lutte contre les épidémies dans les zones affectées par la crise agropastorale (18-RR-WHO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$497,550 Approval date:24 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:27 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-MLI-30933 Mali RR Application Jun 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Mali 18-RR-WFP-038 Réponse d’urgence aux besoins alimentaires et nutritionnels des populations vulnérables au Mali. (18-RR-WFP-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$600,113 Approval date:21 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:26 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-MLI-30933 Mali RR Application Jun 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Mali 18-RR-WFP-039 Réponse d’urgence aux besoins alimentaires et nutritionnels des populations vulnérables au Mali. (18-RR-WFP-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,700,000 Approval date:21 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:26 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-MLI-30933 Mali RR Application Jun 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 18-RR-CEF-061 Renforcement de la prise en charge intégrée de la malnutrition aigüe sévère au Mali dans les regions du nord et du centre affectées par la soudure agropastorale précoce (18-RR-CEF-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,700,000 Approval date:24 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:27 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-DJI-30969 Djibouti RR Application Jun 2018 (Tropical Cyclone Sagar) Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 18-RR-CEF-062 Life-saving WASH response to Cyclone Sagar (18-RR-CEF-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$916,791 Approval date:21 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:26 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-DJI-30969 Djibouti RR Application Jun 2018 (Tropical Cyclone Sagar) Storm World Health Organization Djibouti 18-RR-WHO-022 Strengthening disease surveillance and response of epidemic-prone diseases in the areas affected by Cyclone Sagar (18-RR-WHO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$180,000 Approval date:24 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:27 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-DJI-30969 Djibouti RR Application Jun 2018 (Tropical Cyclone Sagar) Storm International Organization for Migration Djibouti 18-RR-IOM-019 Strengthening disease surveillance and response of epidemic-prone diseases in the areas affected by cyclone Sagar. (18-RR-IOM-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,000 Approval date:24 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:27 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano United Nations Children’s Fund Guatemala 18-RR-CEF-063 Humanitarian response to water, sanitation and hygiene needs in communities affected by the Volcano eruption (18-RR-CEF-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$173,083 Approval date:06 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano International Organization for Migration Guatemala 18-RR-IOM-020 Comprehensive response for the Volcán de Fuego emergency (18-RR-IOM-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$319,980 Approval date:02 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Guatemala 18-RR-HCR-019 Protection emergency response to affected population caused by the eruption of the de Fuego volcano (18-RR-HCR-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$192,601 Approval date:03 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:06 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano United Nations Children’s Fund Guatemala 18-RR-CEF-064 Prevention of morbidity and mortality associated with acute malnutrition in children from communities affected by the Fuego Volcano Eruption (18-RR-CEF-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$111,280 Approval date:07 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano United Nations Children’s Fund Guatemala 18-RR-CEF-065 Children affected by the Fuego Volcano Emergency return to safe and protective learning spaces (18-RR-CEF-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$117,576 Approval date:06 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano United Nations Children’s Fund Guatemala 18-RR-CEF-066 Psychosocial support to children and their families affected by Volcan de Fuego Eruption (18-RR-CEF-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$179,063 Approval date:06 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano World Food Programme Guatemala 18-RR-WFP-040 Assistance to families affected by Fuego Volcano eruption through cash transfers, as well as logistic support to shelters and collecting centres (18-RR-WFP-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$154,598 Approval date:06 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-GTM-30994 Guatemala RR Application Jun 2018 (Volcano) Volcano World Health Organization Guatemala 18-RR-WHO-024 Support to the emergency health system caused by the eruption of de Fuego Volcano in Guatemala (18-RR-WHO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$311,786 Approval date:06 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-UKR-30772 Ukraine RR Application Jun 2018 (New access) Post-conflict Needs International Organization for Migration Ukraine 18-RR-IOM-021 Provision of Lifesaving Non-Food Items and WASH a Support for the Most Vulnerable Households in Luhansk and Donetsk (NGCA) (18-RR-IOM-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,170,039 Approval date:28 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:02 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-UKR-30772 Ukraine RR Application Jun 2018 (New access) Post-conflict Needs Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Ukraine 18-RR-CHR-002 Protection of civilians living along the ‘contact line’ in NGCA in the context of armed hostilities in eastern Ukraine, and promotion of remedy and reparation to survivors (18-RR-CHR-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$350,058 Approval date:21 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:28 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-UKR-30772 Ukraine RR Application Jun 2018 (New access) Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ukraine 18-RR-HCR-020 Protection and shelter for internally displaced and conflict affected persons in east Ukraine (18-RR-HCR-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$849,099 Approval date:27 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:28 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-UKR-30772 Ukraine RR Application Jun 2018 (New access) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Ukraine 18-RR-CEF-067 Provision of essential basic services for conflict affected children in non-government controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk (18-RR-CEF-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$1,910,750 Approval date:27 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:28 Jun 2018 Read more
18-RR-UKR-30772 Ukraine RR Application Jun 2018 (New access) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Ukraine 18-RR-WHO-025 Delivery of emergency, trauma and essential emergency health care services in non-Government controlled area of eastern Ukraine July to December 2018 (18-RR-WHO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$624,666 Approval date:28 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:02 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement International Organization for Migration Colombia 18-RR-IOM-022 Temporary shelter contribution for people affected by the Venezuelan crisis (18-RR-IOM-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$233,146 Approval date:10 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement World Health Organization Colombia 18-RR-WHO-026 Increase the access of the migrant population to complementary health services that protect and save lives in La Guajira, Norte de Santander and Arauca (18-RR-WHO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$965,182 Approval date:07 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Colombia 18-RR-FPA-025 Sexual and Reproductive health rights for migrant population, with emphasis on women, adolescents and young people (18-RR-FPA-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$286,330 Approval date:06 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:09 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 18-RR-CEF-068 Education in emergencies assistance for children affected by mixed flows from Venezuela (18-RR-CEF-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$649,754 Approval date:29 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:05 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 18-RR-CEF-069 Protection of children against recruitment, sexual violence, landmines and family separation (18-RR-CEF-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$460,999 Approval date:29 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:05 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 18-RR-CEF-070 Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in the context of the Venezuela migration emergency (18-RR-CEF-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$800,000 Approval date:29 Jun 2018 Disbursement date:05 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Colombia 18-RR-WOM-005 Access to protection and lifesaving mechanisms against GBV, trafficking in persons and sexual exploitation (18-RR-WOM-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$284,004 Approval date:06 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Colombia 18-RR-FAO-017 Emergency assistance in food security and nutrition to face the migration flow from Venezuela, in the departments of La Guajira, Norte de Santander and Arauca (18-RR-FAO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$672,143 Approval date:10 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 18-RR-CEF-071 Emergency assistance in food security and nutrition to face the migration flow from Venezuela, in the departments of La Guajira, Norte de Santander and Arauca (18-RR-CEF-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$235,935 Approval date:10 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-COL-30738 Colombia RR Application Jun 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement World Food Programme Colombia 18-RR-WFP-041 Emergency assistance in food security and nutrition to face the migration flow from Venezuela, in the departments of La Guajira, Norte de Santander and Arauca (18-RR-WFP-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,342,000 Approval date:10 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-31283 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2018 (Gedeo-West Guji insecurity) Displacement World Food Programme Ethiopia 18-RR-WFP-042 Emergency Nutrition Response in Gedeo and West Guji zones (18-RR-WFP-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,496,790 Approval date:13 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:18 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-31283 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2018 (Gedeo-West Guji insecurity) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 18-RR-CEF-072 First emergency response to IDPs and host communities in Oromia and SNNP regions (18-RR-CEF-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,518,999 Approval date:13 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:18 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-31283 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2018 (Gedeo-West Guji insecurity) Displacement World Health Organization Ethiopia 18-RR-WHO-027 Lifesaving health services to conflict IDPs and host community, in West Guji zone (Oromia region) and Gedeo zone (SNNPR region) (18-RR-WHO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,173,719 Approval date:16 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:19 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-31283 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2018 (Gedeo-West Guji insecurity) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ethiopia 18-RR-HCR-021 Life Saving NFI kits for IDPs in Gedeo and West Guji (18-RR-HCR-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$7,500,076 Approval date:13 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:19 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-ETH-31283 Ethiopia RR Application Jul 2018 (Gedeo-West Guji insecurity) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 18-RR-CEF-073 Lifesaving health services to conflict IDPs and host community, in West Guji zone (Oromia region) and Gedeo zone (SNNPR region) (18-RR-CEF-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$324,673 Approval date:13 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:18 Jul 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Niger 18-RR-WFP-043 Providing food assistance to IDPs affected by the insecurity in the Tillabéry and Tahoua regions (18-RR-WFP-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:08 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:10 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 18-RR-CEF-074 Emergency WASH response to displaced populations and host communities in Tillabery and Tahoua regions (18-RR-CEF-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$950,056 Approval date:31 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 18-RR-CEF-075 Protective environment for children affected by armed conflict (18-RR-CEF-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$199,997 Approval date:31 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:03 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 18-RR-HCR-022 Prevention and response to protection needs for IDPs in Tillabery and Tahoua areas (18-RR-HCR-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$809,241 Approval date:31 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:03 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Niger 18-RR-FPA-027 Prevention and response to GBV in IDPs and host communities in the conflict-affected region of Tillabery (18-RR-FPA-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$150,040 Approval date:31 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:07 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Niger 18-RR-IOM-023 Humanitarian Assistance to Newly Displaced Population in Niger along Malian-Niger Border communities (18-RR-IOM-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,550,001 Approval date:31 Jul 2018 Disbursement date:03 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 18-RR-FAO-018 Securing the main livelihood of livestock farmers in the regions of Tahoua and Tillabéry (18-RR-FAO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,365,883 Approval date:02 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-31416 Niger RR Application Jul 2018 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Niger 18-RR-WFP-061 “Airlift of CERF-funded relief items to inaccessible areas in Tillabery and Tahoua” (18-RR-WFP-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,087,503 Approval date:11 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-AFG-31254 Afghanistan RR Application Aug 2018 (Drought) Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Afghanistan 18-RR-FAO-019 Emergency food security, agriculture and livestock assistance for drought affected populations. (18-RR-FAO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:13 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:16 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-AFG-31254 Afghanistan RR Application Aug 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Afghanistan 18-RR-WFP-044 Emergency food security, agriculture and livestock assistance for drought affected populations. (18-RR-WFP-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$5,000,000 Approval date:13 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:16 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-AFG-31254 Afghanistan RR Application Aug 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 18-RR-CEF-076 Humanitarian WASH assistance to drought affected families and communities in Afghanistan (18-RR-CEF-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,199,929 Approval date:13 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:14 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-AFG-31254 Afghanistan RR Application Aug 2018 (Drought) Drought World Food Programme Afghanistan 18-RR-WFP-045 Emergency Nutrition Response to drought affected vulnerable children and women in Afghanistan (18-RR-WFP-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,362,704 Approval date:13 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:16 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-AFG-31254 Afghanistan RR Application Aug 2018 (Drought) Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 18-RR-CEF-077 Emergency Nutrition Response to drought affected vulnerable children and women in Afghanistan (18-RR-CEF-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,186,992 Approval date:13 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:17 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-AFG-31254 Afghanistan RR Application Aug 2018 (Drought) Drought World Health Organization Afghanistan 18-RR-WHO-028 Emergency Nutrition Response to drought affected vulnerable children and women in Afghanistan (18-RR-WHO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$187,844 Approval date:13 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:15 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-31591 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2018 (Ebola) Ebola World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WHO-029 Réponse rapide à l’épidémie de la maladie à virus Ebola (MVE) dans les provinces du Nord Kivu et de l’Ituri en République Démocratique du Congo (18-RR-WHO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,701,255 Approval date:20 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-31591 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2018 (Ebola) Ebola World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WFP-046 Soutien aérien de la riposte Ebola (18-RR-WFP-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$207,031 Approval date:13 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:16 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-31591 DR Congo RR Application Aug 2018 (Ebola) Ebola United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-078 Réponse d’urgence Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), Communication (C4D), et Psychosociale pour le contrôle de l’épidémie Ebola dans le territoire de Beni , province du Nord-Kivu (18-RR-CEF-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$900,450 Approval date:23 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 18-RR-CEF-079 Strengthening community-based mechanisms for prevention and response to Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the North West and South West Region (18-RR-CEF-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$399,996 Approval date:28 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:30 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cameroon 18-RR-FPA-028 Provision of psychological first aid to IDPs in South West and North West Regions, notably women, girls and boys (18-RR-FPA-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$312,801 Approval date:28 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:30 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 18-RR-CEF-080 Water, sanitation and hygiene emergency assistance for IDP and affected person in South West and North-West region in Cameroon (18-RR-CEF-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$899,876 Approval date:28 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:30 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Cameroon 18-RR-FAO-020 Improving the food security of IDPs and their host communities in some divisions of the North West and South West regions of Cameroon following the Anglophone crisis (18-RR-FAO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$387,475 Approval date:28 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:31 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Cameroon 18-RR-WOM-006 Improving the protection of women and girls affected by the conflict in Fako Division , South-West region of Cameroon (18-RR-WOM-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$148,652 Approval date:29 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:05 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Cameroon 18-RR-IOM-024 Emergency Assistance to Conflict Affected Populations of the South-West and North West Regions of Cameroon: Displacement Tracking Matrix (18-RR-IOM-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$197,847 Approval date:28 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:30 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 18-RR-HCR-023 Provision of Emergency Shelter and Basic Domestic Items to Internally Displaced Persons in the South-West region of Cameroun (18-RR-HCR-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$949,970 Approval date:29 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:31 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Cameroon 18-RR-WHO-030 Emergency health assistance to internally displaced populations in the North West and South West Regions (18-RR-WHO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$599,906 Approval date:30 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:05 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Cameroon 18-RR-UDP-007 Enable access for humanitarians in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon (18-RR-UDP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$100,473 Approval date:31 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:05 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-CMR-31414 Cameroon RR Application Aug 2018 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 18-RR-WFP-047 Unconditional food assistance to IDPs affected by the crisis in South-West region in Cameroon (18-RR-WFP-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,099,998 Approval date:28 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:30 Aug 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-31712 Myanmar RR Application Aug 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 18-RR-FPA-029 Ensuring women and children protection needs in support to 2018 Floods (18-RR-FPA-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$88,150 Approval date:06 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:10 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-31712 Myanmar RR Application Aug 2018 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Myanmar 18-RR-IOM-025 Ensuring women and children protection needs in support to 2018 Floods (18-RR-IOM-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$71,107 Approval date:06 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:12 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-31712 Myanmar RR Application Aug 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 18-RR-CEF-081 Ensuring women and children protection needs in support to 2018 Floods (18-RR-CEF-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$89,570 Approval date:06 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:11 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-31712 Myanmar RR Application Aug 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 18-RR-CEF-082 Emergency WASH for 2018 flood-affected population in Myanmar (18-RR-CEF-082) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$399,217 Approval date:06 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:11 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-31712 Myanmar RR Application Aug 2018 (Floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 18-RR-FAO-021 Emergency Food and WASH Unrestricted Cash Assistance and Immediate Agriculture LivelihoodAssistance to Flood Affected People in Bago Region, Kayin State, and Mon State in Myanmar (18-RR-FAO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$849,998 Approval date:07 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:12 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-31712 Myanmar RR Application Aug 2018 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Myanmar 18-RR-WFP-048 Emergency Food and WASH Unrestricted Cash Assistance and Immediate Agriculture LivelihoodAssistance to Flood Affected People in Bago Region, Kayin State, and Mon State in Myanmar (18-RR-WFP-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,199,964 Approval date:07 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:11 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-MMR-31712 Myanmar RR Application Aug 2018 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Myanmar 18-RR-WHO-031 Emergency health assistance to flood-affected population in Myanmar (18-RR-WHO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$261,440 Approval date:30 Aug 2018 Disbursement date:05 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-AGO-31870 Angola UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Angola 18-UF-FPA-030 Improving access to sexual reproductive health services, information, and provision of dignity and safe and clean delivery kits (18-UF-FPA-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$150,000 Approval date:13 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-AGO-31870 Angola UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Angola 18-UF-HCR-024 Provide primary health care services to refugees from DRC in Lunda Norte (18-UF-HCR-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$450,000 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-AGO-31870 Angola UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Angola 18-UF-HCR-025 Improving the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene at the Lóvua Refugee Settlement and in hosting communities (18-UF-HCR-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,947 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-AGO-31870 Angola UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement World Food Programme Angola 18-UF-WFP-049 Emergency Food Assistance for Refugees from DRC in Angola (18-UF-WFP-049) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$900,003 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Central African Republic 18-UF-FAO-022 Assistance d’urgence pour l’amélioration de la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations affectées par les conflits à Bangassou et Rafaï (18-UF-FAO-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$799,842 Approval date:26 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Central African Republic 18-UF-IOM-026 Appui d’urgence des PDIs dans le Mbomou en NFIs et emergency shelter kits afin d’améliorer leurs conditions de vie (18-UF-IOM-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$589,840 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 18-UF-FPA-031 Amélioration de la réponse multisectorielle aux violences basées sur le genre et de l’accès aux services de santé de la reproduction pour les populations affectées, y compris les soins obstétricaux et néonataux d''urgence (18-UF-FPA-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$847,836 Approval date:21 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 18-UF-HCR-026 Assistance en articles non alimentaires, abris d’urgence et amélioration de la réponse à travers le monitoring de protection des personnes affectées par les conflits (18-UF-HCR-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,149,979 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 18-UF-CEF-083 Garantir un accès à des opportunités d’education de qualité en urgence aux enfants en rupture scolaire rupture scolaire à Basse Kotto, Mbomou, Haut Mboumou et Nana Gribizi (18-UF-CEF-083) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$600,929 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 18-UF-CEF-084 Réponse nutritionnelle et offre de soins d’urgence aux personnes affectées par la crise en RCA: traitement des cas de MAS intégré aux soins de santé de base (18-UF-CEF-084) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,013,510 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 18-UF-CEF-085 Réponse aux besoins urgents en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement des populations déplacées, retournées, les familles d'accueil et aux besoins spécifiques de Protection de l’Enfant (18-UF-CEF-085) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,500,322 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 18-UF-WFP-050 Assistance alimentaire aux personnes en insécurité alimentaire de Bangassou (18-UF-WFP-050) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,498,676 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 18-UF-WFP-051 Fournir un soutien critique aux populations touchées par la crise en République Centrafricaine à travers le traitement de la malnutrition aigüe modérée (18-UF-WFP-051) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$381,090 Approval date:21 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-CAF-31872 CAR UF Application Sep 2018 (Displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Central African Republic 18-UF-WHO-032 Appui à l’offre des soins de santé d’urgence de base de qualité dans les sous-préfectures de Paoua, Markounda, Bambari et Zemio (18-UF-WHO-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$550,134 Approval date:18 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BDI-31878 Burundi UF Application Sep 2018 (Natural disasters and repatriation) Displacement World Food Programme Burundi 18-UF-WFP-052 Emergency food assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), returnees and food insecure host communities (18-UF-WFP-052) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,099,518 Approval date:21 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BDI-31878 Burundi UF Application Sep 2018 (Natural disasters and repatriation) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burundi 18-UF-HCR-027 Emergency response to the Burundian refugee crisis in the Great Lakes Region (18-UF-HCR-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$1,540,005 Approval date:21 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BDI-31878 Burundi UF Application Sep 2018 (Natural disasters and repatriation) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Burundi 18-UF-FAO-023 Assistance d’urgence en intrants agricoles essentiels aux ménages vulnérables identifiés par l’IPC de juillet 2018 (18-UF-FAO-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$360,000 Approval date:21 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BDI-31878 Burundi UF Application Sep 2018 (Natural disasters and repatriation) Displacement International Organization for Migration Burundi 18-UF-IOM-027 Emergency shelter response for affected populations including internally displaced persons and returnees from the United Republic of Tanzania (18-UF-IOM-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$900,001 Approval date:02 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-BDI-31878 Burundi UF Application Sep 2018 (Natural disasters and repatriation) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Burundi 18-UF-FPA-032 Strengthening the emergency response to GBV and the reproductive health needs of returnees and IDPs in Ruyigi, Rutana, Cankuzo, Makamba, Muyinga, Kirundo and Bujumbura rural provinces in Burundi (18-UF-FPA-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$399,951 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BDI-31878 Burundi UF Application Sep 2018 (Natural disasters and repatriation) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 18-UF-CEF-086 Assistance en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA) aux réfugiés burundais rapatriés de la Tanzanie, y compris les personnes déplacées internes au Burundi liées aux catastrophes naturelles et communautés d’accueils (18-UF-CEF-086) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$699,821 Approval date:21 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement World Food Programme Bangladesh 18-UF-WFP-053 Emergency Food Security and integrated Nutrition intervention for most vulnerable refugee population in Cox’s Bazar (18-UF-WFP-053) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$4,750,011 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 18-UF-CEF-087 Emergency Food Security and integrated Nutrition intervention for most vulnerable refugee population in Cox’s Bazar (18-UF-CEF-087) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$749,997 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement International Organization for Migration Bangladesh 18-UF-IOM-028 Providing life-saving emergency health services – including reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health – to Rohingya refugees (18-UF-IOM-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,600,000 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Bangladesh 18-UF-WOM-007 Providing life-saving emergency health services – including reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health – to Rohingya refugees (18-UF-WOM-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$199,897 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Bangladesh 18-UF-FPA-033 Providing life-saving emergency health services – including reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health – to Rohingya refugees (18-UF-FPA-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$999,959 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 18-UF-CEF-088 Providing life-saving emergency health services – including reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health – to Rohingya refugees (18-UF-CEF-088) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,500,000 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement World Health Organization Bangladesh 18-UF-WHO-033 Providing life-saving emergency health services – including reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health – to Rohingya refugees (18-UF-WHO-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,500,001 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Bangladesh 18-UF-HCR-028 Emergency shelter and protection assistance to refugees in Bangladesh (18-UF-HCR-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,902,556 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Bangladesh 18-UF-CEF-089 WASH Support to the displaced Rohingya population in Ukhiya and Teknaf upazilas, Cox’s Bazar District (18-UF-CEF-089) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,500,094 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-BGD-31909 Bangladesh UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement International Organization for Migration Bangladesh 18-UF-IOM-029 WASH Support to the displaced Rohingya population in Ukhiya and Teknaf upazilas, Cox’s Bazar District (18-UF-IOM-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,300,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-RWA-31913 Rwanda UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Rwanda 18-UF-FPA-034 Life-saving SRH/HIV & AIDS and SGBV services to refugees and host-communities (18-UF-FPA-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$125,067 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-RWA-31913 Rwanda UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Rwanda 18-UF-HCR-029 Time-critical multi-sectoral support to reduce loss of life of refugees and asylum-seekers in Rwanda (18-UF-HCR-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$675,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-RWA-31913 Rwanda UF Application Sep 2018 (refugees) Displacement World Food Programme Rwanda 18-UF-WFP-054 Time-critical life-saving food assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in Rwanda (18-UF-WFP-054) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,200,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IND-31935 India RR Application Sep 2018 (Floods in Kerala) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund India 18-RR-CEF-090 Support to restore water, sanitation and hygiene services, and dissemination of life saving information and feedback mechanism in flood affected areas in Kerala (18-RR-CEF-090) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,120,406 Approval date:14 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-IND-31935 India RR Application Sep 2018 (Floods in Kerala) Flood United Nations Development Programme India 18-RR-UDP-008 Support for Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing (18-RR-UDP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,357,563 Approval date:14 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-IND-31935 India RR Application Sep 2018 (Floods in Kerala) Flood United Nations Development Programme India 18-RR-UDP-009 Time-critical saving of livestock, emergency employment, agriculture, and livelihoods recovery for communities affected by floods in Kerala. (18-RR-UDP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$443,729 Approval date:19 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-IND-31935 India RR Application Sep 2018 (Floods in Kerala) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization India 18-RR-FAO-024 Time-critical saving of livestock, emergency employment, agriculture, and livelihoods recovery for communities affected by floods in Kerala. (18-RR-FAO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$716,790 Approval date:19 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-IND-31935 India RR Application Sep 2018 (Floods in Kerala) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund India 18-RR-CEF-092 Kerala Flood Post Disaster Health Sector Recovery Proposal, 2018. (18-RR-CEF-092) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$671,254 Approval date:19 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:21 Sep 2018 Read more
18-RR-IND-31935 India RR Application Sep 2018 (Floods in Kerala) Flood World Health Organization India 18-RR-WHO-036 Kerala Flood Post Disaster Health Sector Recovery Proposal, 2018. (18-RR-WHO-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$669,444 Approval date:19 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2018 Read more
18-UF-COG-31951 Congo UF Application Sep 2018 (conflict) Displacement World Food Programme Republic of Congo 18-UF-WFP-055 Assistance alimentaire aux personnes déplacées dans le Département du Pool (18-UF-WFP-055) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$700,001 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-COG-31951 Congo UF Application Sep 2018 (conflict) Displacement United Nations Development Programme Republic of Congo 18-UF-UDP-010 Fourniture des outils agricoles aux populations déplacées du Pool (18-UF-UDP-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$452,123 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-COG-31951 Congo UF Application Sep 2018 (conflict) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 18-UF-CEF-091 Amélioration de la qualité de l’offre de soins essentiels (santé et nutrition) pour les populations les plus vulnérables affectées par la crise du Pool (18-UF-CEF-091) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$699,713 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-COG-31951 Congo UF Application Sep 2018 (conflict) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of Congo 18-UF-HCR-030 Projet d’assistance multisectorielle à l’attention des réfugiés centrafricains de la Likouala (18-UF-HCR-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$899,972 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-COG-31951 Congo UF Application Sep 2018 (conflict) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 18-UF-FPA-035 Réduction des risques de morbidité et mortalité maternelle liées aux grossesses précoces et non suivies, et aux violences basées sur le genre au profit des jeunes filles et femmes du département du Pool (Congo) (18-UF-FPA-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$288,007 Approval date:02 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-COG-31951 Congo UF Application Sep 2018 (conflict) Displacement World Health Organization Republic of Congo 18-UF-WHO-035 Action sanitaire pour les populations du Pool (18-UF-WHO-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$487,067 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:17 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-COG-31951 Congo UF Application Sep 2018 (conflict) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of Congo 18-UF-FAO-025 Appui au renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations du département du pool (18-UF-FAO-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$449,999 Approval date:10 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:17 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement World Food Programme Ecuador 18-RR-WFP-056 Emergency food assistance for vulnerable Venezuelans arriving at the Ecuadorian northern border (18-RR-WFP-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$536,002 Approval date:28 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Ecuador 18-RR-FPA-036 Safe spaces for venezuelan women and adolescents in a situation of mobility (18-RR-FPA-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,340 Approval date:28 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Ecuador 18-RR-FPA-037 Respond to the life-saving SRH needs of migrant Venezuelan women and girls in border areas (18-RR-FPA-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$116,577 Approval date:28 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Ecuador 18-RR-WOM-008 Enhance access to protection and lifesaving mechanisms to respond and prevent GBV, particularly trafficking and sexual exploitation of women who are part of the Venezuelan migratory influx. (18-RR-WOM-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$130,000 Approval date:02 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement World Health Organization Ecuador 18-RR-WHO-038 Response to health needs on migrant population (18-RR-WHO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$211,177 Approval date:01 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:05 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ecuador 18-RR-CEF-096 Provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene services to population in migratory condition in border points (18-RR-CEF-096) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$173,792 Approval date:03 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ecuador 18-RR-CEF-097 Rapid Response In Health And Nutrition For Vulnerable Groups (18-RR-CEF-097) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$132,027 Approval date:01 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ECU-32097 Ecuador RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ecuador 18-RR-CEF-098 Protecting children on the move (18-RR-CEF-098) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,000 Approval date:02 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-PER-32095 Peru RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement International Organization for Migration Peru 18-RR-IOM-030 Life-saving assistance for vulnerable Venezuelans in Tumbes, Peru (18-RR-IOM-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$558,709 Approval date:01 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-PER-32095 Peru RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement World Health Organization Peru 18-RR-WHO-037 Ensuring rapid detection and control of outbreaks and other health risks at border entry points (18-RR-WHO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$163,143 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:10 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-PER-32095 Peru RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Peru 18-RR-FPA-038 To improve the access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) care for the Venezuelan migrant population, focused on women in reproductive age and adolescent women. (18-RR-FPA-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$256,458 Approval date:01 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-PER-32095 Peru RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Peru 18-RR-FPA-039 To provide Life-saving protection and response to Gender Based Violence (GBV) for Venezuelan migrants, focused on women in reproductive age and adolescents (18-RR-FPA-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$105,321 Approval date:01 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-PER-32095 Peru RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 18-RR-CEF-093 Improving the nutrition response for Venezuelan migrant families with children under 5 years of age arriving at the Binational Frontier Attention Centre (CEBAF) in Tumbes (18-RR-CEF-093) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$121,750 Approval date:28 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-PER-32095 Peru RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 18-RR-CEF-094 Protection of Venezuelan migrant and refugee children arriving at the Binational Frontier Attention Centre (CEBAF) in Tumbes (18-RR-CEF-094) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$209,707 Approval date:28 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-PER-32095 Peru RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 18-RR-CEF-095 Improving hygiene conditions and services for migrant and refugee seekers arriving from Venezuela at the northern border of Tumbes (18-RR-CEF-095) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$560,108 Approval date:28 Sep 2018 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-IOM-031 Providing Comprehensive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Assistance in North Darfur and South Kordofan (18-UF-IOM-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$600,000 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-HCR-031 Ensure life-saving assistance for South Sudanese refugees in Sudan (18-UF-HCR-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$2,749,050 Approval date:10 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-CEF-099 Nutrition Emergency Response in Sudan (18-UF-CEF-099) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$3,920,000 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-CEF-100 Support restoring access to Education-in-Emergencies (EiE) for school age children (18-UF-CEF-100) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$962,378 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-CEF-101 Expand and sustain access to improved WASH services for vulnerable emergency affected populations (18-UF-CEF-101) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,400,000 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-WFP-057 Emergency Food Assistance to Populations Impacted by Disasters in Targeted Areas (18-UF-WFP-057) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$6,350,748 Approval date:11 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-WHO-039 Access to integrated primary health care and referral services for vulnerable populations (18-UF-WHO-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,575,700 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-SDN-32210 Sudan UF Application Sep 2018 (food insecurity and malnutrition) Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 18-UF-FAO-026 Reducing food insecurity, restoring livelihood and building resilience in Blue Nile and South Kordofan (18-UF-FAO-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,440,000 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:10 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-LBY-32227 Libya RR Application Sep 2018 (Measles) Measles United Nations Children’s Fund Libya 18-RR-CEF-102 Lifesaving Emergency Response to Measles Outbreak in Libya (18-RR-CEF-102) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,500,000 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-BRA-32278 Brazil RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement International Organization for Migration Brazil 18-RR-IOM-032 Life-saving food and shelter assistance for vulnerable Venezuelans in Roraima State (18-RR-IOM-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$400,000 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-BRA-32278 Brazil RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Brazil 18-RR-WOM-009 Access to Justice and to Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking to Venezuelan Migrant, Asylum Seeker and Refugee Women in Roraima, Brazil (18-RR-WOM-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$280,107 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-BRA-32278 Brazil RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Brazil 18-RR-CEF-103 Providing education, protection, health and nutrition services for migrant children in Roraima (18-RR-CEF-103) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$522,428 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-BRA-32278 Brazil RR Application Sep 2018 (Venezuela regional emergency) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Brazil 18-RR-FPA-040 Provide comprehensive survivor-centred and multi-sectoral care for GBV survivors and promote Sexual and Reproductive health rights for vulnerable venezuelans in Roraima State, with emphasis on women, adolescents and young people. (18-RR-FPA-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$300,000 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZWE-32288 Zimbabwe RR Application Sep 2018 (cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 18-RR-CEF-104 WASH Cholera Response (18-RR-CEF-104) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,096,628 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZWE-32288 Zimbabwe RR Application Sep 2018 (cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Zimbabwe 18-RR-CEF-105 Strengthening response to and management of cholera and other epidemic prone diseases in Harare (18-RR-CEF-105) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$755,105 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:10 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZWE-32288 Zimbabwe RR Application Sep 2018 (cholera) Cholera World Food Programme Zimbabwe 18-RR-WFP-058 In-clinic feeding to cholera patients to contain the outbreak and support recovery (18-RR-WFP-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$230,175 Approval date:04 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:10 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-ZWE-32288 Zimbabwe RR Application Sep 2018 (cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Zimbabwe 18-RR-WHO-040 Strengthening response to and management of cholera and other epidemic prone diseases in Harare (18-RR-WHO-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,017,463 Approval date:08 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Libya 18-UF-FAO-027 Emergency Assistance for Outbreaks of Deadly Zoonotic Disease (HPAI, RVF, Rabies) in Libya (18-UF-FAO-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$250,000 Approval date:11 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement International Organization for Migration Libya 18-UF-IOM-033 Addressing the health needs of IDPs, migrants in the communities through mobile outreach and establishing linkages with health facilities for referrals (18-UF-IOM-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,020 Approval date:22 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Libya 18-UF-WFP-059 To establish and maintain common logistics and emergency telecommunications services in support of the humanitarian community in Libya (18-UF-WFP-059) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$850,167 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Libya 18-UF-FPA-042 Protection, empowerment and enhanced access to GBV and Emergency Sexual and Reproductive Health services for conflict-affected populations in targeted areas in Libya (18-UF-FPA-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,149,999 Approval date:18 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Libya 18-UF-HCR-032 Strengthening the protection environment for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and IDP returnees in Libya (18-UF-HCR-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,200,000 Approval date:11 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:17 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Libya 18-UF-CEF-106 Provision of Integrated Management of new-born and Child Health services through primary and secondary health care centres in Obari, Alshati and Ajdabia districts (18-UF-CEF-106) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$549,247 Approval date:18 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Libya 18-UF-OPS-002 Preventing Casualties Through Life-Saving Mine Action Activities in Benghazi (18-UF-OPS-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$800,000 Approval date:22 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Libya 18-UF-CEF-107 Provision of emergency WASH assistance to conflict affected children and their families (18-UF-CEF-107) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$499,910 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:17 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement World Food Programme Libya 18-UF-WFP-060 Food Assistance to people affected by the crisis in Libya (18-UF-WFP-060) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,355,986 Approval date:23 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-LBY-32468 Libya UF Application Oct 2018 (displacement) Displacement World Health Organization Libya 18-UF-WHO-041 Improving access to essential health services for vulnerable groups in Libya (18-UF-WHO-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$950,001 Approval date:11 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:17 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-LAO-32635 Lao PDR RR Application Oct 2018 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Lao People's Democratic Republic 18-RR-WHO-042 Recovery Programme for the floods affected communities in selected Districts of Khamouane Province (18-RR-WHO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$146,956 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-LAO-32635 Lao PDR RR Application Oct 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations Development Programme Lao People's Democratic Republic 18-RR-UDP-011 Debris management for lifesaving in UXO-contaminated flood zones. (18-RR-UDP-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$812,899 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-LAO-32635 Lao PDR RR Application Oct 2018 (Floods) Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Lao People's Democratic Republic 18-RR-FAO-028 Emergency agriculture support to flood affected communities in Khammoune province (18-RR-FAO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$831,847 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-LAO-32635 Lao PDR RR Application Oct 2018 (Floods) Flood World Food Programme Lao People's Democratic Republic 18-RR-WFP-062 Food Security and Livelihoods support to Flood Affected people in Central Lao PDR (18-RR-WFP-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,717,708 Approval date:16 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake Food and Agriculture Organization Indonesia 18-RR-FAO-029 Emergency support to restore food production and livelihoods of vulnerable households affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (18-RR-FAO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$999,926 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:12 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake United Nations Development Programme Indonesia 18-RR-UDP-012 Penting Dan Kritis Waktu: Removing Hazards and Enabling the Provision of Critical Emergency Services Through Dignified Work (18-RR-UDP-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$785,760 Approval date:10 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:12 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Indonesia 18-RR-FPA-043 Ensuring lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services to women and young people affected by the Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami response (18-RR-FPA-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,000,021 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Indonesia 18-RR-CEF-108 Rapid life-saving support to children in tsunami and earthquake affected area of Central Sulawesi (18-RR-CEF-108) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$794,593 Approval date:11 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:15 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake World Health Organization Indonesia 18-RR-WHO-043 Improving access to life-saving essential medicines, medical services and prevention and control of communicable disease in the earthquake tsunami and land liquefaction on Central Sulawesi population affected area (18-RR-WHO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$962,874 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake World Food Programme Indonesia 18-RR-WFP-063 Humanitarian Logistics Coordination for Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami Response (18-RR-WFP-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,200,212 Approval date:10 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Indonesia 18-RR-FPA-044 Preventing and responding to gender based violence to protect and empower women and girls affected by the Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami (18-RR-FPA-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$826,603 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Indonesia 18-RR-CEF-109 Protection of children affected by earthquakes/tsunami (18-RR-CEF-109) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$643,859 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake International Organization for Migration Indonesia 18-RR-IOM-034 Lifesaving Emergency Shelter and CCCM Response for Earthquake and Tsunami affected population in Central Sulawesi (18-RR-IOM-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,999,277 Approval date:15 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:17 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Indonesia 18-RR-HCR-033 Shelter assistance for the most vulnerable persons affected by the Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami (18-RR-HCR-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,070,000 Approval date:17 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:19 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-IDN-32543 Indonesia RR Application Oct 2018 (Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Indonesia 18-RR-CEF-110 Rapid life-saving multi-sectoral support to earthquake affected Sulawesi (18-RR-CEF-110) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,141,895 Approval date:09 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-PRK-32725 DPR Korea UF Application Oct 2018 (health) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 18-UF-CEF-111 Life-saving interventions to reduce preventable mortality and morbidity among U5 children and pregnant and lactating women (18-UF-CEF-111) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,524,971 Approval date:23 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-PRK-32725 DPR Korea UF Application Oct 2018 (health) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 18-UF-CEF-112 Life-saving treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) children (18-UF-CEF-112) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,154,949 Approval date:23 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-PRK-32725 DPR Korea UF Application Oct 2018 (health) Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 18-UF-CEF-113 Improving the Health and Nutritional status of Vulnerable Children through reduction of water borne diseases with a clean water and hygiene package in 28 priority counties in five provinces in DPR Korea (18-UF-CEF-113) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$600,361 Approval date:23 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-PRK-32725 DPR Korea UF Application Oct 2018 (health) Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 18-UF-WFP-064 Undernutrition prevention with essential nutrition support to U-5 children, Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLWG) and TB patients (18-UF-WFP-064) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$2,745,000 Approval date:22 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-PRK-32725 DPR Korea UF Application Oct 2018 (health) Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 18-UF-WHO-044 Increasing availability and accessibility of MDR TB medicines, TB diagnostics, and critical, life-saving emergency medicines, to service users (patients) in selected provinces of DPRK (18-UF-WHO-044) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$3,478,487 Approval date:22 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:26 Oct 2018 Read more
18-UF-PRK-32725 DPR Korea UF Application Oct 2018 (health) Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 18-UF-FAO-030 Emergency Support to Increase Soybean and Vegetable production to Improve Food & Nutrition in the Vulnerable Population (18-UF-FAO-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:22 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-32765 Nigeria RR Application Oct 2018 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Nigeria 18-RR-WHO-045 Emergency health response to support the Cholera outbreak and strengthen disease surveillance for Acute watery diarrhoea (AWD)/Cholera disease in Eleven (11) States in Nigeria. (18-RR-WHO-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$901,155 Approval date:01 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:05 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-32765 Nigeria RR Application Oct 2018 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 18-RR-CEF-114 To provide Oral Rehydration Points (ORP) in host community clinics in locations of Cholera outbreaks in Borno and Yobe States of north-east Nigeria (18-RR-CEF-114) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$292,368 Approval date:31 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:02 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-32765 Nigeria RR Application Oct 2018 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 18-RR-CEF-115 WASH Response to cholera outbreak in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States, North East Nigeria (18-RR-CEF-115) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,059,082 Approval date:31 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:02 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-32834 Niger RR Application Oct 2018 (Cholera) Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 18-RR-CEF-116 WASH cholera emergency response in affected and high-risk areas in Niger (18-RR-CEF-116) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$806,924 Approval date:23 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-32834 Niger RR Application Oct 2018 (Cholera) Cholera World Health Organization Niger 18-RR-WHO-046 Rapid response to cholera outbreak in Niger (18-RR-WHO-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$993,790 Approval date:22 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:26 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-NER-32834 Niger RR Application Oct 2018 (Cholera) Cholera World Food Programme Niger 18-RR-WFP-065 Increase of regular flight rotations to respond to Cholera outbreak (18-RR-WFP-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$473,472 Approval date:23 Oct 2018 Disbursement date:30 Oct 2018 Read more
18-RR-VEN-33275 Venezuela RR Application Nov 2018 (disruption of services) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Venezuela 18-RR-CEF-117 Extension of existing nutrition programmes for children under 5 years of age, pregnant women and lactating mothers (within existing cooperation framework) (18-RR-CEF-117) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,662,108 Approval date:21 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:26 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-VEN-33275 Venezuela RR Application Nov 2018 (disruption of services) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Venezuela 18-RR-HCR-034 Provision of multi-sector assistance to refugees and host communities in Venezuela (within existing cooperation framework) (18-RR-HCR-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector Refugee Assistance US$762,268 Approval date:15 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-VEN-33275 Venezuela RR Application Nov 2018 (disruption of services) Displacement United Nations Population Fund Venezuela 18-RR-FPA-045 Bolstering reproductive health care in existing health facilities (within existing cooperation framework) (18-RR-FPA-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,727,515 Approval date:20 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:23 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-VEN-33275 Venezuela RR Application Nov 2018 (disruption of services) Displacement World Health Organization Venezuela 18-RR-WHO-047 Strengthening health care delivery in priority health institutions (within existing cooperation framework) (18-RR-WHO-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$3,650,870 Approval date:15 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-VEN-33275 Venezuela RR Application Nov 2018 (disruption of services) Displacement International Organization for Migration Venezuela 18-RR-IOM-035 Life-saving assistance to Venezuelan people on the move in border communities in the states of Apure, Tachira and Zulia (18-RR-IOM-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$400,000 Approval date:15 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-MDG-33194 Madagascar RR Application Nov 2018 (Plague outbreak) Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Madagascar 18-RR-WHO-048 Early action in response to the 2018 plague outbreak in Madagascar (18-RR-WHO-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$750,000 Approval date:16 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:26 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-MDG-33194 Madagascar RR Application Nov 2018 (Plague outbreak) Unspecified Health Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 18-RR-CEF-118 Early action in response to the 2018 plague outbreak in Madagascar (18-RR-CEF-118) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,000 Approval date:16 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:21 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-MDG-33194 Madagascar RR Application Nov 2018 (Plague outbreak) Unspecified Health Emergency International Organization for Migration Madagascar 18-RR-IOM-036 Early action in response to the 2018 plague outbreak in Madagascar (18-RR-IOM-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,000 Approval date:16 Nov 2018 Disbursement date:21 Nov 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-33345 Nigeria RR Application Nov 2018 (Floods) Flood International Organization for Migration Nigeria 18-RR-IOM-037 Provision of Life-Saving Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) in Support of Flood Affected Communities in Nigeria (18-RR-IOM-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,100,003 Approval date:12 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:14 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-33345 Nigeria RR Application Nov 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations Population Fund Nigeria 18-RR-FPA-046 Provision of Sexual Reproductive Health Services among the flood affected persons in Kogi, Niger, Delta, and Anambra States of Nigeria (18-RR-FPA-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$762,002 Approval date:12 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:14 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-33345 Nigeria RR Application Nov 2018 (Floods) Flood World Health Organization Nigeria 18-RR-WHO-049 Provision of life saving and time critical health support for flood-affected populations in Nigeria (18-RR-WHO-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$688,130 Approval date:10 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:14 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-NGA-33345 Nigeria RR Application Nov 2018 (Floods) Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 18-RR-CEF-120 WASH response in six flood-affected states in Nigeria (18-RR-CEF-120) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,409,088 Approval date:21 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:26 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-HCR-035 Assistance de protection des expulses / retournes d’Angola dans les provinces du Kasai, en RDC (18-RR-HCR-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$450,015 Approval date:21 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-121 Appui a la protection des enfants retournes de l’Angola dans les provinces du Kasai et Kwango (18-RR-CEF-121) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$403,497 Approval date:24 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-122 Réponse d’urgence Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA) pour les retournés de L’Angola dans les régions de Kasaï et Ouest en République Démocratique du Congo (18-RR-CEF-122) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,500,000 Approval date:27 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-123 Assistance multisectorielle en réponse aux besoins des Congolais retournes d’Angola dans la province du Kwango (18-RR-CEF-123) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$749,978 Approval date:24 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-CEF-124 Réponse nutritionnelle d’urgence pour sauver les vies des enfants Congolais retournés par l’Angola dans la province du Kwango. (18-RR-CEF-124) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$371,399 Approval date:24 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-WFP-066 Assistance alimentaire aux populations retournées d’Angola dans le Kwango (18-RR-WFP-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,500,000 Approval date:31 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:04 Jan 2019 Read more
18-RR-COD-33492 DR Congo RR Application Dec 2018 (Angolan returnees) Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-RR-HCR-036 Assistance en abris et amélioration de l’acces aux biens et services essentiels pour les ressortissants congolais expulsés / retournés d’Angola dans la province du Kasai Central (18-RR-HCR-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$749,820 Approval date:21 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-HTI-33497 Haiti RR Application Dec 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Haiti 18-RR-FPA-049 Response to increased sexual and reproductive health needs for women and girls including GBV survivors in the NorthWest department in the aftermath of the earthquake (18-RR-FPA-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$389,420 Approval date:24 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:27 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-HTI-33497 Haiti RR Application Dec 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 18-RR-CEF-126 Rapid response for restoration of safe education and WASH services for 5,000 Haitian students affected by the earthquake of October 6th, 2018 (18-RR-CEF-126) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$2,119,579 Approval date:21 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:26 Dec 2018 Read more
18-RR-HTI-33497 Haiti RR Application Dec 2018 (Earthquake) Earthquake International Organization for Migration Haiti 18-RR-IOM-039 Shelter and NFI Assistance for the most vulnerable earthquake-affected People in the departments of North-West, Artibonite and North, Haiti (18-RR-IOM-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$648,661 Approval date:20 Dec 2018 Disbursement date:24 Dec 2018 Read more
Total 2018 US$500,508,073