CERF projects by year


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Allocation code Allocation Emergency type Agency Country Project code Project Window Sector Approved amount in US$ Approval date Disbursement date
13-RR-NGA-8695 13-RR-NGA-8695_Nigeria_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 13-CEF-001 Life-saving WASH Interventions for Flood Affected communities in Nigeria (13-CEF-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,867,213 Approval date:17 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:28 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-NGA-8695 13-RR-NGA-8695_Nigeria_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria 13-CEF-002 Emergency health care, prevention and response to flood affected population in Nigeria (13-CEF-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,099,462 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-NGA-8695 13-RR-NGA-8695_Nigeria_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Nigeria 13-FAO-001 Life Saving support for fisheries producers in states most affected by the 2012 flood in Nigeria (13-FAO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$995,380 Approval date:15 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-NGA-8695 13-RR-NGA-8695_Nigeria_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Nigeria 13-FPA-001 Emergency health care, prevention and response to flood affected population in Nigeria (13-FPA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$331,136 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:05 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-NGA-8695 13-RR-NGA-8695_Nigeria_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Nigeria 13-HCR-001 Provision of Basic NFIs to most vulnerable Displaced families (13-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,418,753 Approval date:15 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:28 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-NGA-8695 13-RR-NGA-8695_Nigeria_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Nigeria 13-WHO-001 Emergency health care, prevention and response to flood affected population in Nigeria (13-WHO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$719,489 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Office for Project Services occupied Palestinian territory 13-OPS-002 Provision of legal assistance to Gazans seeking accountability and/or redress following Operation Pillar of Defence (13-OPS-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$327,088 Approval date:02 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization occupied Palestinian territory 13-WHO-002 Health sector response to the Gaza crisis through procurement of drugs and medical supplies (13-WHO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,206,178 Approval date:17 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2013 Read more
13-UF-BDI-793 13-UF-BDI-793_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-CEF-007 Integrated emergency nutrition support for returnees from Mtabila camp through Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and emergency infant and young children feeding (e-IYCF) approaches (13-CEF-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$163,893 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2013 Read more
13-UF-BDI-793 13-UF-BDI-793_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-CEF-008 Access to potable water, basic sanitation and hygiene for the repatriated Burundian population from Mtabila camp in Tanzania (13-CEF-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$151,358 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2013 Read more
13-UF-BDI-793 13-UF-BDI-793_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-CEF-009 Medical assistance to the under five children and mothers repatriates from Mtabila camp (Tanzania) (13-CEF-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$266,643 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2013 Read more
13-UF-BDI-793 13-UF-BDI-793_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-CEF-010 Safe, protective and learning environment for repatriated children and families at risk  (13-CEF-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$334,488 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2013 Read more
13-UF-BDI-793 13-UF-BDI-793_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Burundi 13-FAO-003 Emergency support to Burundian farming returnees from Tanzanian Mtabila Camp of end 2012 (13-FAO-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$448,574 Approval date:21 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2013 Read more
13-UF-BDI-793 13-UF-BDI-793_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burundi 13-HCR-002 Burundian Returnees (Reception and reintegration of Former Burundian Refugees in Mtabila, Tanzania) (13-HCR-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$605,502 Approval date:16 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:28 Jan 2013 Read more
13-UF-BDI-793 13-UF-BDI-793_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Burundi 13-WFP-001 Protracted relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) Burundi No. 200164: Assistance to refugees, returnees and Vulnerable food-insecure population (13-WFP-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$999,704 Approval date:17 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-7028 13-RR-LBN-7028_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 13-CEF-011 WASH Interventions in North Lebanon Host Communities (13-CEF-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$250,115 Approval date:23 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-7028 13-RR-LBN-7028_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Lebanon 13-FAO-005 Emergency Livelihood Support for Vulnerable Lebanese Returnees who fled from Syria to Lebanon seeking refuge and their host families (13-FAO-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$105,609 Approval date:23 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-7028 13-RR-LBN-7028_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Lebanon 13-FPA-002 Provision of Emergency Reproductive Health Kits, Pharmaceuticals and Rapid Information Sharing to Host Community in Lebanon (13-FPA-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$102,533 Approval date:23 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-7028 13-RR-LBN-7028_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Lebanon 13-IOM-002 Emergency Support for Vulnerable Lebanese Returnees who fled from Syria to Lebanon seeking refuge (13-IOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$101,564 Approval date:23 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-7028 13-RR-LBN-7028_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Lebanon 13-WFP-003 Emergency Food Assistance to Lebanese Returnees from Syria in Lebanon (13-WFP-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$301,205 Approval date:23 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-7028 13-RR-LBN-7028_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Lebanon 13-WHO-004 Emergency health support to Lebanese host communities in the context of the Syrian Crisis in Lebanon (13-WHO-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$151,111 Approval date:23 Jan 2013 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 13-CEF-012 Emergency WASH – Limpopo Flood Response (13-CEF-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$899,870 Approval date:04 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 13-CEF-013 Protection of flood-affected families and children in Gaza Province (13-CEF-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$101,650 Approval date:04 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Mozambique 13-CEF-014 Re-establishment of basic health services in flood affected areas of Gaza Province (13-CEF-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$210,790 Approval date:04 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Mozambique 13-FPA-003 Re-establishment of basic health services in flood affected areas of Gaza province (13-FPA-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$108,990 Approval date:07 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:19 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Mozambique 13-IOM-003 Life-saving Humanitarian Shelter and response to populations in Gaza Province displaced by flooding (13-IOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,002,288 Approval date:04 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:16 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Mozambique 13-WFP-004 Relief Food Assistance To Flood-Affected Population In Gaza Province  (13-WFP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,595,184 Approval date:04 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:19 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Mozambique 13-WFP-005 Common logistics service to ensure appropriate access to population affected by floods in Gaza Province  (13-WFP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$713,937 Approval date:04 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:21 Feb 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7686 13-RR-MOZ-7686_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Mozambique 13-WHO-005 Re-establishment of basic health services in flood affected areas of Gaza province (13-WHO-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$500,591 Approval date:04 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:13 Feb 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6796 13-UF-PRK-6796_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-CEF-015 Health-nutrition-Wash interventions in four North Eastern provinces (13-CEF-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$953,935 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6796 13-UF-PRK-6796_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-FAO-006 Emergency support to improve food security of vulnerable farming families during the main cropping season 2013 (13-FAO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$697,935 Approval date:15 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:25 Feb 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6796 13-UF-PRK-6796_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-FPA-004 Safe Motherhood in DPRK (13-FPA-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$199,427 Approval date:19 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:25 Feb 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6796 13-UF-PRK-6796_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-WFP-006 Nutrition Support to Women and Children (13-WFP-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$4,200,001 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6796 13-UF-PRK-6796_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-WHO-006 Strengthening life-saving health care, sanitation and nutrition services for improving survival of vulnerable population of DPR Korea (13-WHO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$950,002 Approval date:06 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 13-CEF-016 Prise en charge nutritionnelle d’urgence des refugies maliens en Mauritanie MRT-13/H/54657  (13-CEF-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$93,108 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 13-CEF-017 Assistance en Eau, Assainissement et Promotion de l’hygiène à 15,000 nouveaux refugiés maliens MRT-13/WS/54677/124 (13-CEF-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$127,073 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 13-CEF-018 Protection des enfants et des femmes les plus vulnérables réfugiés du Mali MRT-13/MS/54534 (13-CEF-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$150,066 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 13-CEF-019 Contribution à la prise en charge éducative des enfants de 6 à 17 ans réfugiés venant du Mali et de la communauté hôte MRT-13/E/54528  (13-CEF-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$149,693 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 13-CEF-020 Prise en charge des besoins prioritaires en santé des réfugiées Maliens en Mauritanie MRT-13/H/54393/124 MRT-13/H/54563/122 (13-CEF-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$173,007 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Mauritania 13-CHR-002 Assistance et conseils en droits civils et politiques; Prévention urgente des conflits avec les nouveaux arrivants MRT-13/P-HR-RL/54475/5025  (13-CHR-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$85,707 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mauritania 13-FAO-007 Programme d’urgence en faveur des réfugiés maliens / Préserver les moyens de subsistance des nouveaux refugiés maliens à travers la santé animale MRT-13/A54456/123 (13-FAO-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$185,753 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mauritania 13-FPA-005 Prévention des violences basées sur le genre (VBG) et Prise en charge psychosociale des cas et Assistance Nutritionnelle aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes réfugiées maliennes en Mauritanie MRT 13/P HR RL/53682 / MRT 13/H/54255 (13-FPA-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$121,338 Approval date:01 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mauritania 13-FPA-007 Prise en charge des besoins prioritaires en santé des réfugiées Maliens en Mauritanie MRT-13/H/54242 MRT-13/H/54268 (13-FPA-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$213,230 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mauritania 13-HCR-014 Programme d’urgence en faveur des réfugiés maliens à l’Est de la Mauritanie MRT-13/MS/54599/120 (13-HCR-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,178,453 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mauritania 13-WFP-007 Emergency food and nutritional assistance to Malian refugees in Mbera camp MRT-13/F/54680/561 (13-WFP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$818,779 Approval date:01 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MRT-7487 13-RR-MRT-7487_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Mauritania 13-WHO-007 Prise en charge des besoins prioritaires en santé des réfugiées Maliens en Mauritanie MRT-13/H/54393/124 MRT-13/H/54563/122 (13-WHO-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$174,165 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-LBR-13022 13-UF-LBR-13022_Liberia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Liberia 13-CEF-021 Improved Food and Nutrition security for Ivorian Refugees and Host Families in Liberia (13-CEF-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$496,726 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-LBR-13022 13-UF-LBR-13022_Liberia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Liberia 13-CEF-022 Responding to health needs of host communities and Ivorian refugees living outside the camps (13-CEF-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$259,638 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-LBR-13022 13-UF-LBR-13022_Liberia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Liberia 13-CEF-023 Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance and Improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services for Ivorian Refugees and Host Families in Liberia (13-CEF-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$394,973 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-LBR-13022 13-UF-LBR-13022_Liberia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Liberia 13-CEF-024 Promoting quality education in safe learning environment for Ivorian refugee children and Liberian children living in host communities in eastern Liberia (13-CEF-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$325,667 Approval date:06 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-LBR-13022 13-UF-LBR-13022_Liberia_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Liberia 13-FAO-008 Improved Food and Nutrition security for Ivorian Refugees and Host Families in Liberia (13-FAO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$787,574 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-LBR-13022 13-UF-LBR-13022_Liberia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Liberia 13-WFP-008 Improved Food and Nutrition security For Ivorian Refugees and Host Families in Liberia (13-WFP-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$600,000 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-LBR-13022 13-UF-LBR-13022_Liberia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Liberia 13-WHO-008 Responding to health needs of host communities and Ivorian refugees living outside the camps (13-WHO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$127,359 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 13-CEF-025 WASH Response in vulnerable areas victim of drought DJI-13/WS/57043/124 (13-CEF-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$449,991 Approval date:05 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 13-CEF-026 Nutrition Emergency Management in Djibouti DJI-13/H/57038/124 (13-CEF-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$300,894 Approval date:26 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:06 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 13-FAO-009 Coping with water scarcity: Increasing water access for pastoralist and agro pastoral DJI-13/A/57070/123 (13-FAO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$600,823 Approval date:22 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Djibouti 13-FPA-009 Reduce and mitigate the immediate health consequences of the drought on the vulnerable population affected by the drought DJI-13/H/57056 (13-FPA-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$103,421 Approval date:12 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Djibouti 13-HCR-015 Protection and multi-sectoral assistance for refugees, asylum seekers and mixed migrants in Djibouti DJI-13/MS/57044/120 (13-HCR-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$325,604 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Djibouti 13-IOM-004 Improving lifesaving capacities, health care access and protection of vulnerable migrants in Djibouti DJI-13/MS/57067/298 (13-IOM-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$325,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Djibouti 13-WFP-009 Food/Voucher Assistance to vulnerable people in Djibouti city DJI-13/F/57033/561 (13-WFP-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$750,275 Approval date:05 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Djibouti 13-WHO-009 Reduce and mitigate the immediate health consequences of the drought on the vulnerable population affected by the drought DJI -13/H/57066/122 DJI -13/H/57069/122 (13-WHO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$404,099 Approval date:12 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4708 13-UF-DJI-4708_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Djibouti 13-AID-001 Reduce and mitigate the immediate health consequences of the drought on the vulnerable population affected by the drought DJI -13/H/57066/5109 (13-AID-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$52,630 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:07 May 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 13-CEF-027 Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene education interventions reaching to more than 50,000 natural disaster and conflict affected population including IDPs, deportees and returnees (13-CEF-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,022 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 13-CEF-028 Establishment and expansion of an integrated treatment of severe acute malnourished children in 9 conflict affected provinces of South and South East Afghanistan (13-CEF-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$2,245,415 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 13-CEF-029 Child Protection in Emergency- IDP sites Kandahar and Herat (13-CEF-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$516,987 Approval date:06 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 13-CEF-030 Access to essential emergency lifesaving health services for 680,000 people affected by natural disasters, conflict, and IDP/returnees/deportees (13-CEF-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$403,771 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Afghanistan 13-FPA-010 Access to essential emergency lifesaving health services for 680,000 people affected by natural disasters, conflict, and IDP/returnees/deportees (13-FPA-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$414,099 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Afghanistan 13-HCR-016 Provision of transitional shelter to vulnerable conflict-induced IDPs (13-HCR-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$998,203 Approval date:06 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Afghanistan 13-HCR-017 Immediate life-saving assistance for Afghan returning refugees  (13-HCR-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$3,001,350 Approval date:06 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Afghanistan 13-WFP-011 Provision of Humanitarian air passenger services (13-WFP-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$4,000,001 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Afghanistan 13-WHO-010 Establishment and expansion of an integrated treatment of severe acute malnourished children in 9 conflict affected provinces of South and South East Afghanistan (13-WHO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$250,070 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-AFG-127 13-UF-AFG-127_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Afghanistan 13-WHO-011 Access to essential emergency lifesaving health services for 680,000 people affected by natural disasters, conflict, and IDP/returnees/deportees (13-WHO-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$3,744,124 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-13492 13-RR-MLI-13492_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Mali 13-UDP-004 Expand Safety & Security services for Humanitarian actors in Mali MLI-13/S/53943/5139 (13-UDP-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$630,099 Approval date:20 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-13492 13-RR-MLI-13492_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mali 13-WFP-010 Provision of emergency telecommunication service to humanitarian actors in Mali (13-WFP-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$979,918 Approval date:20 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:05 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-UGA-11980 13-UF-UGA-11980_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 13-CEF-031 Emergency Humanitarian Support through Nutrition Support and Rapid Family Tracing and Reunification for Congolese refugees in Uganda (13-CEF-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$799,807 Approval date:12 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-UGA-11980 13-UF-UGA-11980_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda 13-FAO-010 Emergency food security support to refugee families in South Western Uganda  (13-FAO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$349,999 Approval date:07 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-UGA-11980 13-UF-UGA-11980_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Uganda 13-FPA-011 Scaling up Life-Saving Reproductive Health and Gender-based Violence Services for Congolese Refugees in Southwestern Uganda  (13-FPA-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$120,001 Approval date:06 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-UGA-11980 13-UF-UGA-11980_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 13-HCR-018 Protection and emergency assistance to newly arrived Congolese refugees in Uganda  (13-HCR-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,200,000 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-UGA-11980 13-UF-UGA-11980_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Uganda 13-IOM-005 Rwamwanja Settlement Emergency Response (RSER)  (13-IOM-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$280,001 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-UGA-11980 13-UF-UGA-11980_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Uganda 13-WFP-012 Stabilizing Food Consumption and Reducing Acute Malnutrition among refugees and extremely vulnerable households  (13-WFP-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,199,999 Approval date:05 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-UGA-11980 13-UF-UGA-11980_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Uganda 13-WHO-012 Support Delivery of Life-saving Basic Health Services to Refugees in Uganda  (13-WHO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$50,000 Approval date:05 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ERI-5043 13-UF-ERI-5043_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Eritrea 13-CEF-032 Saving lives of the most vulnerable, through blanket feeding, safe water supply and protection from landmines  (13-CEF-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,061,996 Approval date:06 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ERI-5043 13-UF-ERI-5043_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency Food and Agriculture Organization Eritrea 13-FAO-011 Assistance to drought affected households in Northern and Southern Red Sea regions (13-FAO-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$400,002 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ERI-5043 13-UF-ERI-5043_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Population Fund Eritrea 13-FPA-012 Reduction of maternal death through interventions in Maternity Waiting Homes (MWHs),  (13-FPA-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$350,207 Approval date:01 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ERI-5043 13-UF-ERI-5043_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Eritrea 13-HCR-019 Protection and Assistance to refugees on Food Aid/Nutrition and WASH  (13-HCR-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$348,284 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ERI-5043 13-UF-ERI-5043_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency World Health Organization Eritrea 13-WHO-013 Health and nutrition interventions targeting vulnerable populations in remote and hard to reach areas (13-WHO-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$494,816 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:25 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-ERI-5043 13-UF-ERI-5043_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Development Programme Eritrea 13-UDP-005 Emergency response addressing livelihood security of IDPs and host communities in localities affected by volcanic eruption, war & drought in Southern Red Sea region (13-UDP-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$400,000 Approval date:04 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:22 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5964 13-UF-HTI-5964_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 13-CEF-033 Timely and effective nutrition response for the most vulnerable children under 5, and pregnant and lactating women in Haiti HT-13/H/57754 (13-CEF-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,179,995 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5964 13-UF-HTI-5964_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 13-CEF-034 Emergency WASH Response – Cholera Outbreak HT-13/WS/57756/R (13-CEF-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,740 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5964 13-UF-HTI-5964_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Haiti 13-FAO-012 Assistance de production agricole d’urgence aux populations rurales affectées par les désastres naturels en 2012 (Sécheresse, tempêtes tropicales Isaac et Sandy) dans les départements de l’Ouest, du Sud et du Sud-Est afin de rétablir leur capacité de production HTI-13/A/57641/R  (13-FAO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,180,000 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5964 13-UF-HTI-5964_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Haiti 13-WFP-013 Supplementary nutritional programme provided in a timely and effective manner to support most vulnerable chjldren under 5, pregnant and lactating women HT-13/F/57649/R (13-WFP-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,165,954 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5964 13-UF-HTI-5964_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Haiti 13-WHO-014 Ensure rapid detection and provision of timely and quality response to cholera outbreaks in chronically affected areas HT-13/H/57738/R HTI-13/H/57554/R (13-WHO-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$549,298 Approval date:20 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5964 13-UF-HTI-5964_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Haiti 13-IOM-006 Community-Based Cholera Response in IDP Camps and Vulnerable Rural Communities HT-13/H/57654/R (13-IOM-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$499,999 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5964 13-UF-HTI-5964_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Haiti 13-OPS-003 Equipe Mobile d’Urgence pour réponse cholera en Haïti HT-13/H/57569/R (13-OPS-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$409,050 Approval date:08 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 13-CEF-035 Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) (13-CEF-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,043 Approval date:28 Feb 2013 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 13-CEF-036 Support to Emergency Health and Nutrition Response  (13-CEF-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$500,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 13-CEF-037 WASH Emergency Drought Response  (13-CEF-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,749,981 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Ethiopia 13-FAO-013 Making the Most of Milk: DRM Livestock Interventions for Improved Nutrition (MMM) (13-FAO-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,500,001 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ethiopia 13-HCR-020 Protection and Assistance for South Sudanese refugees in Pugnido/Village 12 camp (13-HCR-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,500,002 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 13-IOM-007 Emergency Response to the humanitarian needs of Disaster Affected Individuals in Ethiopia (13-IOM-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,001 Approval date:08 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Ethiopia 13-WFP-014 Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200290: Responding to Humanitarian Crises and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity (13-WFP-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$8,500,001 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-ETH-5402 13-UF-ETH-5402_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Ethiopia 13-WHO-015 Management of meningitis outbreaks (13-WHO-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,250,001 Approval date:19 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-CEF-038 Improve access of vulnerable population to quality primary health care services SUD-13/H/54445 (13-CEF-038) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$829,967 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-CEF-039 Emergency nutrition activities SUD-13/H/54438 SUD-13/H/53719 SUD-13/H/54952 (13-CEF-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,057,002 Approval date:25 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-CEF-040 Sustaining girls' and boys' rights to protection from violence, exploitation and abuse in humanitarian settings in Sudan SUD-13/P-HR-RL/54395 (13-CEF-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$710,745 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-CEF-041 Provide and maintain basic WASH lifesaving services for recently displaced and conflict affected population at the most vulnerable IDP locations in Darfur region SUD -13/WS/55261 (13-CEF-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,500,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-FAO-014 Improving food security and livelihoods of vulnerable farming and agro-pastoralist households in Darfur, Sudan SUD-13/F/54244  (13-FAO-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,997,133 Approval date:08 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-FPA-013 Health Emergency Interventions in Darfur SUD-13/H/54635 (13-FPA-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$606,410 Approval date:07 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:14 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 13-HCR-021 Protection and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in Eastern Sudan (13-HCR-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,399,997 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 13-HCR-022 Protection monitoring of IDPs in Khartoum and Protocol Areas and South Sudanese in Khartoum SUD-13/P-HR-RL/54960 (13-HCR-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$700,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 13-WFP-015 Emergency nutrition activities SUD-13/H/54438 SUD-13/H/53719 SUD-13/H/54952  (13-WFP-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$250,086 Approval date:25 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 13-WFP-016 Food Assistance to Vulnerable Populations Affected by Conflict and Natural Disasters SUD-13/F/53720 (13-WFP-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$5,000,000 Approval date:12 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-WHO-016 Support access to quality health services including communicable disease control and prevention SUD-13/H / 54396 (13-WHO-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,070,001 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-WHO-017 Emergency nutrition activities SUD-13/H/54438 SUD-13/H/53719 SUD-13/H/54952 (13-WHO-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$300,753 Approval date:25 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-SDN-10340 13-UF-SDN-10340_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-WHO-018 Support to emergency and recovery wash interventions with focus on vector control SUD-13/WS/54913 (13-WHO-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$499,996 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 13-CEF-042 Life-saving interventions to protect vulnerable conflict-affected children in northern Yemen YEM 13/P HR RL/55557 YEM 13/P HR RL/55706 YEM 13/P HR RL/55560 (13-CEF-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$599,142 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 13-CEF-043 Providing safe learning environment to conflict affected children through rehabilitation of schools YEM-13/E/55114 YEM-13/E/54137 YEM-13/E/54016 (13-CEF-043) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$894,477 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 13-CEF-044 Scaling up the integrated management of severe acute under nutrition among under 5 girls and boys approach in the most vulnerable communities in Yemen YEM 13/H/54541 (13-CEF-044) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$450,001 Approval date:20 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 13-CEF-045 Emergency WASH Response in Abyan YEM-13/WS/56021/124 (13-CEF-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,036,591 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Yemen 13-FAO-015 Protection and restoration of essential agricultural livelihood assets of displaced families and their host communities in Hajjah, and returnees in Abyan Governorate YEM-13/A/54691 (13-FAO-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,693,311 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 13-FPA-014 Improving the identification of GBV cases and the access to quality care services YEM-13/P-HR-RL/54078/R (13-FPA-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$770,463 Approval date:08 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 13-FPA-015 Implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package for Reproductive Health in crisis (13-FPA-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$458,024 Approval date:08 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 13-HCR-023 Enhancing the Protective Environment and Access to Life-Saving Services for Returnees and Conflict-Affected Populations in Yemen YEM-13/P-HR-RL/56064 YEM-13/P-HR-RL/54035/5120 YEM-13/P-HR-RL/53957 (13-HCR-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$955,897 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 13-HCR-024 Life-Saving Assistance through provision of Emergency Shelter, NFIs, Emergency Shelter Repair Kits and minor life-saving house repairs for IDPs and returnees in Abyan and Hajja, Yemen YEM-13/S-NF/54034 YEM-13/S-NF/54034 YEM-13/S-NF/56316  (13-HCR-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,837,308 Approval date:13 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 13-IOM-009 Life-Saving WASH Assistance for Returnees & Conflict-Affected Communities in Abyan YEM-13/WS/54872 (13-IOM-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$406,707 Approval date:14 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 13-IOM-010 The provision of life-saving emergency assistance, referral and information to vulnerable migrants in Yemen (13-IOM-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,395,553 Approval date:18 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 13-IOM-011 Providing life-saving health and psychosocial care for conflict-affected communities in Abyan's hardest to reach areas YEM-13/H/56088/298 (13-IOM-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$402,320 Approval date:14 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 13-IOM-012 Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition among boys and girls under five years old in Abyan Governorate YEM-13/H/54978 (13-IOM-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$148,715 Approval date:14 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 13-IOM-013 Protection and restoration of essential agricultural livelihood assets of displaced families and their host communities in Hajjah, and returnees in Abyan Governorate YEM-13/A/54691 (13-IOM-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$300,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:25 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Yemen 13-WFP-017 Air Passenger Service and Logistics Cluster Coordination in Support of the Humanitarian Response in Sa’ada (WFP Special Operation 200130) YEM-13/CSS/56367 (13-WFP-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$659,923 Approval date:08 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 13-WHO-019 Supporting life-saving Primary Health Care/Emergency Medical Services and Mass Casualty Management and responding to disease outbreaks in the affected southern and northern Governorates, with focus to Abyan, Saada and Hajjah  (13-WHO-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,391,439 Approval date:22 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Yemen 13-UDP-006 Support to Eliminate the Impact from Mines and Explosives Remnants of War (ERW) in Yemen YEM-13/ER/56025 YEM-13/ER/56328 (13-UDP-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$2,301,225 Approval date:15 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:06 May 2013 Read more
13-UF-YEM-12388 13-UF-YEM-12388_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Yemen 13-CHR-003 Enhancing the Protective Environment and Access to Life-Saving Services for Returnees and Conflict-Affected Populations in Yemen YEM-13/P-HR-RL/55516 (13-CHR-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$99,726 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DZA-185 13-UF-DZA-185_Algeria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Algeria 13-CEF-046 Emergency health support towards Sahrawi refugee children and mothers (13-CEF-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$133,609 Approval date:20 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DZA-185 13-UF-DZA-185_Algeria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Algeria 13-HCR-025 Assistance to Sahrawi Refugees  (13-HCR-025) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$627,093 Approval date:19 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-UF-DZA-185 13-UF-DZA-185_Algeria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Algeria 13-WFP-018 Support to Sahrawi Refugees in Algeria (13-WFP-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,073,336 Approval date:19 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DZA-185 13-UF-DZA-185_Algeria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Algeria 13-UDP-007 Improving Humanitarian Security – Sahrawi Refugee Camps (13-UDP-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$50,000 Approval date:19 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:19 Apr 2013 Read more
13-UF-DZA-185 13-UF-DZA-185_Algeria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Algeria 13-CEF-047 Safe spaces for Saharawi Youths (13-CEF-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$100,002 Approval date:19 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 13-CEF-048 Appui au retour à l’école des filles et des garçons dans les régions affectées par le conflit MLI-13/E/53323/124 MLI-13/E/53336/124 (13-CEF-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$469,501 Approval date:18 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 13-CEF-049 Réponse intégrée à la crise des déplacées (Santé) MLI-13/H/53795/124 (13-CEF-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,057 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 13-CEF-050 Réponse à l’urgence nutritionnelle au Mali à travers la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe des groupes vulnérables MLI-13/H/53138/124 MLI-13/H/53221/124 (13-CEF-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,738,176 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:22 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 13-CEF-051 Protecting children affected by the conflict in Mali MLI-13/MA/53107/124 MLI-13/P-HR-RL/52790/124 MLI-13/P-HR-RL/53249/124 (13-CEF-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,126,710 Approval date:28 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 13-FAO-016 Renforcement des moyens de résilience des ménages vulnérables retournées des régions du nord Mali par la relance de la production céréalière et maraîchère dans les zones libérées MLI-13/A/52703/123 (13-FAO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,385,519 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mali 13-FPA-017 Renforcement de la surveillance épidémiologique et la lutte contre les épidémies dans les régions du nord du Mali et renforcement des services de santé de la reproduction pour les régions affectées par le conflit MLI-13/H/53867/122 MLI-13/H/53806/122 MLI-13/H/53744/122 MLI-13/H/53629/171 (13-FPA-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,000 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mali 13-FPA-018 Protection support and gender-based violence mitigation for internally displaced and conflict-affected populations in northern Mali MLI-13/P-HR-RL/52790/1171 (13-FPA-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$174,388 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mali 13-HCR-028 Emergency Shelter response to the Northern Mali Crises MLI-13/SNF/54593 (13-HCR-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$285,690 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mali 13-HCR-029 Protection Monitoring, Information and legal assistance MLI-13/P-HR-RL/53486 (13-HCR-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,345,307 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Mali 13-IOM-014 Emergency Shelter Assistance to IDPs and host communities in Mali MLI-13/SNF/53868/R (13-IOM-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$277,333 Approval date:18 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Mali 13-IOM-015 Protection Monitoring of IDPs in Mali  (13-IOM-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$137,698 Approval date:18 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mali 13-WFP-019 Logistics support to the humanitarian community in Mali MLI-13/CSS/54122  (13-WFP-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$599,163 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mali 13-WFP-020 Emergency food assistance to conflict-affected populations in northern Mali MLI-13/F/53341 (13-WFP-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,373,560 Approval date:22 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mali 13-WFP-021 Emergency nutrition assistance for conflict-affected children aged 6 to 59 months in northern Mali MLI-13/H/52727/561 (13-WFP-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$619,992 Approval date:21 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:05 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Mali 13-WHO-021 Renforcement de la surveillance épidémiologique et la lutte contre les épidémies dans les régions du nord du Mali et renforcement des services de santé de la reproduction pour les régions affectées par le conflit MLI-13/H/53867/122 MLI-13/H/53806/122 MLI-13/H/53744/122 MLI-13/H/53629/171 (13-WHO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$555,678 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Mali 13-WHO-020 Fighting diarrheal diseases through an emergency WASH response to conflict-affected population MLI 13/WS/52909/124 MLI 13/WS/53420/123 (13-WHO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$112,350 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Office for Project Services Mali 13-OPS-004 Emergency response to explosive contamination MLI-13/P-HR-RL/57861/298 (13-OPS-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,034,733 Approval date:22 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Mali 13-WOM-001 Protection and gender-based violence mitigation for internally displaced and conflict-affected populations in northern Mali (Gao and Menaka) MLI-13/P-HR-RL/52790/14812  (13-WOM-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$153,652 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MLI-7226 13-RR-MLI-7226_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 13-CEF-052 Fighting diarrheal diseases through an emergency WASH response to conflict-affected population MLI 13/WS/52909/124 MLI 13/WS/53420/123 (13-CEF-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,634,459 Approval date:27 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-MOZ-7729 13-RR-MOZ-7729_Mozambique_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Mozambique 13-FAO-017 Emergency livelihoods assistance for flood-affected households in Gaza Province  (13-FAO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$709,038 Approval date:22 Mar 2013 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-CEF-053 Immunization and health supplies for IDP children in Syria SYR-13/H/57237/124 (13-CEF-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,505,490 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-CEF-054 Integrated WASH programme and assistance for internally displaced populations SYR-13/WS/57222/124 SYR-13/WS/57224/124 SYR-13/WS/57220/124 (13-CEF-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,989,128 Approval date:05 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Syrian Arab Republic 13-FAO-018 Emergency Food Security and livelihood assistance to rural and peri-urban households in Homs and Dara’a Governorates SYR-13/A/57228 SYR-13/A/57229 (13-FAO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,499,994 Approval date:05 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:13 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-FPA-019 Life Saving Reproductive Health Services for Violence Affected People SYR-13/H/57203/1171 (13-FPA-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$999,637 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 13-HCR-031 Emergency shelter and non-food item assistance for displaced Syrians SYR-13/S-NF/57234 (13-HCR-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,501,302 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:11 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Syrian Arab Republic 13-IOM-016 Emergency Relief Assistance to Syrian Populations Affected by the Crisis (13-IOM-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,499,914 Approval date:05 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:22 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Syrian Arab Republic 13-WFP-022 Emergency Food Assistance to People Affected by Unrest in Syria SYR-13/F/57198/561 (13-WFP-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,045 Approval date:05 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:22 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 13-WHO-022 Support primary health care delivery SYR-13/H/57246 (13-WHO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,541,845 Approval date:05 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:13 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 13-WHO-023 Provision of essential medicines and medical equipment for operating theatres and life-saving surgeries SYR-13/H/57247 (13-WHO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$682,604 Approval date:05 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 13-WHO-024 Critical treatment and care of trauma cases SYR-13/H/57245 (13-WHO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$736,363 Approval date:05 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Syrian Arab Republic 13-RWA-003 Humanitarian Support for Conflict-affected Palestine Refugees in Syria SYR-13/F/57201/5593 SYR-13/S-NF/57210/5593 SYR-13/WS/57187/5593 SYR-13/WS/57181/5593 (13-RWA-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,999,998 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Syrian Arab Republic 13-UDP-008 Emergency restoration and stabilisation of Livelihoods for Syrian people SYR-13/WS/57189 SYR-13/WS/57197 (13-UDP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,000,001 Approval date:03 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:12 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11542 13-RR-SYR-11542_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Syrian Arab Republic 13-UDP-009 Security and Logistic Support to UN Hubs in Syria SYR-13/S/57204/5139 (13-UDP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$477,134 Approval date:12 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:19 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-COG-3656 13-RR-COG-3656_Congo_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 13-CEF-055 Réponse urgente à l’épidémie de choléra dans le département de Pointe Noire (13-CEF-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$423,113 Approval date:17 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:25 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-COG-3656 13-RR-COG-3656_Congo_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Republic of Congo 13-WHO-025 Réponse urgente à l’épidémie de choléra dans le département de Pointe Noire (13-WHO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$328,659 Approval date:17 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-TCD-13309 13-RR-TCD-13309_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 13-CEF-056 Emergency nutrition and child survival response to the population of the Sahel belt of Chad CHD-13/H/58206/R (13-CEF-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$599,147 Approval date:19 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-TCD-13309 13-RR-TCD-13309_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 13-FAO-019 Emergency cereal seeds supply to vulnerable households in regions with severe production deficit and hosting refugees CHD-13/A/55692 CHD-13/A/55689 CHD-13/A/55687 (13-FAO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$150,005 Approval date:23 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:06 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-TCD-2561 13-RR-TCD-2561_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 13-HCR-032 Humanitarian Response to two new refugee influxes – Emergency assistance and protection to refugee from Central African Republic and Sudan CHD-13/MS/54744 (13-HCR-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,233,893 Approval date:09 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:13 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-TCD-2561 13-RR-TCD-2561_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Chad 13-IOM-017 Humanitarian Assistance to Returnees in Chad from Libya and Sudan (13-IOM-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$595,723 Approval date:09 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2013 Read more
13-RR-TCD-2561 13-RR-TCD-2561_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Chad 13-WFP-023 Targeted Food Assistance for Refugees and Vulnerable People Affected by Malnutrition and Recurrent Food Crisis CHD-13/F/56250  (13-WFP-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,201,070 Approval date:12 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-TCD-2561 13-RR-TCD-2561_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Chad 13-WFP-024 Provision of Humanitarian Air Service in Chad CHD-13/CSS/56290 (13-WFP-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,101,980 Approval date:12 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-MMR-8105 13-RR-MMR-8105_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 13-CEF-057 Addressing Life Saving / Emergency Health Needs of the IDP Population in 5 townships for the upcoming monsoon season/ Response to the priority Sexual and reproductive Health Needs of IDP female population in three townships in Rakhine State (13-CEF-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$199,020 Approval date:22 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-MMR-8105 13-RR-MMR-8105_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 13-CEF-058 Humanitarian WASH Response for IDPs in Rakhine State, Myanmar (13-CEF-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,000,044 Approval date:22 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-MMR-8105 13-RR-MMR-8105_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 13-FPA-020 Addressing Life Saving / Emergency Health Needs of the IDP Population in 5 townships for the upcoming monsoon season/ Response to the priority Sexual and reproductive Health Needs of IDP female population in three townships in Rakhine State (13-FPA-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,099 Approval date:22 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-MMR-8105 13-RR-MMR-8105_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 13-HCR-033 Emergency Shelter Assistance for displaced populations in Pauktaw and Myebon Townships in Rakhine State, Myanmar (13-HCR-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,500,000 Approval date:22 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:01 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-MMR-8105 13-RR-MMR-8105_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Myanmar 13-WHO-026 Addressing Life Saving / Emergency Health Needs of the IDP Population in 5 townships for the upcoming monsoon season/ Response to the priority Sexual and reproductive Health Needs of IDP female population in three townships in Rakhine State (13-WHO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,453 Approval date:24 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10399 13-RR-SDN-10399_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-FAO-020 Enhancement of food security and livelihoods of vulnerable households in Blue Nile, Sudan SUD-13/F/54248 (13-FAO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$700,000 Approval date:25 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10399 13-RR-SDN-10399_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 13-HCR-034 Provision of Non-food items and Emergency Shelter to displaced, returnee and host populations in newly accessible areas of Blue Nile State SUD-13/S-NF/53685 (13-HCR-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$599,999 Approval date:25 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:09 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10399 13-RR-SDN-10399_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 13-WFP-025 Food Assistance to Vulnerable Populations Affected by Conflict and Natural Disasters SUD-13/F/53720 (13-WFP-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$10,530,502 Approval date:29 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10399 13-RR-SDN-10399_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-WHO-027 Urgent support to health services in Blue Nile State SUD-13/H/54396 (13-WHO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$300,000 Approval date:25 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:22 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10399 13-RR-SDN-10399_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-CEF-059 Health, Nutrition, WASH and Education Assistance to conflict affected population (focusing on children) in Blue Nile state SUD-13/H/54445 SUD-13/H/54438 SUD-13/W/55261 SUD-13/E/54532 (13-CEF-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,892,278 Approval date:29 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6217 13-RR-JOR-6217_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Jordan 13-CEF-060 Emergency WASH Assistance for Vulnerable Syrians in Azraq Camp, Jordan (13-CEF-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,900,000 Approval date:01 May 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6217 13-RR-JOR-6217_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Jordan 13-HCR-035 Emergency shelter and non-food item assistance for displaced Syrians (13-HCR-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$4,900,000 Approval date:29 Apr 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 13-CEF-061 Emergency child protection response for conflict affected children and women in the Central African Republic CAF-13/P- HR-RL/57731/R CAF-13/P- HR-RL/57734/R (13-CEF-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$362,730 Approval date:15 May 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 13-CEF-062 Emergency health and nutrition response for conflict affected children and women in the Central African Republic CAF 13/H/56251 and CAF 13/H/55728 (13-CEF-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,599,929 Approval date:10 May 2013 Disbursement date:20 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 13-CEF-063 Response to emergency WASH needs of internally displaced persons, and vulnerable population - including school children, and children affected by severe and moderate malnutrition, and pregnant women) in conflict affected areas of the Central African Republic CAF-13/WS/58006/R (13-CEF-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$250,344 Approval date:15 May 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Central African Republic 13-FAO-021 Appui à l'autonomisation des femmes en matière de sécurité alimentaire à travers les foyers féminins CAF-13/A/55773/123 (13-FAO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$806,215 Approval date:10 May 2013 Disbursement date:20 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 13-FPA-021 Strengthening Emergency Obstetrical and Neonatal Care and response to HIV transmission and Sexual Violence in Conflict affected area in CAR CAF-13/H/55772 and CAF-13/H/55720 (13-FPA-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$279,792 Approval date:10 May 2013 Disbursement date:20 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 13-HCR-036 Protection monitoring and assistance to IDPs in Central African Republic (CAR) CAF-13/ MS/55859/120 (13-HCR-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$375,014 Approval date:03 May 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Central African Republic 13-UDP-010 Time critical waste management in the districts of Bangui, Damara and Sibut 13/ER/58252/R (13-UDP-010) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$167,562 Approval date:16 May 2013 Disbursement date:21 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 13-WFP-026 Assistance to the Conflict-Affected Population In the Central African Republic (CAR) CAF-13/F/57954/R (13-WFP-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$680,510 Approval date:03 May 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 13-WFP-027 Emergency Telecommunications services provision to the humanitarian community in Central African Republic CAF-13/CSS/56322/561 (13-WFP-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$735,983 Approval date:10 May 2013 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 13-WFP-028 Provision of Humanitarian air services in CAR CAF-13/CSS/56318/561 (13-WFP-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,000,001 Approval date:03 May 2013 Disbursement date:17 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1586 13-RR-CAF-1586_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Central African Republic 13-WHO-028 Strengthening a prompt initial response to health consequences of armed conflict with support to the promotion of integrated management of childhood illness and mass camapaign against new measles outbreak in conflict affected health districts of CAR CAF-13/H/55854 CAF-13/H/56251/122 (13-WHO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$875,000 Approval date:16 May 2013 Disbursement date:29 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-CEF-064 Emergency Education Response for Tirah IDPs in Kohat, Hangu and Kurram agency (13-CEF-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$152,796 Approval date:16 May 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-CEF-065 Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for Conflict Affected Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Tirah Valley of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) residing with host communities in district Kohat and Hangu of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (13-CEF-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$135,001 Approval date:15 May 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-CEF-066 Protective Learning and Community Emergency Services (PLaCES) for girls, boys and women displaced from Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency (FATA) (13-CEF-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$180,002 Approval date:15 May 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-CEF-067 Emergency health assistance to mothers, new-borns and children displaced from Tirrah Valley –Khyber Agency from Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) residing in camps and in host communities in KhyberPakhtunkhwa (KP) and FATA (13-CEF-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$150,000 Approval date:15 May 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-CEF-068 Provision of WASH services to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in camps, host communities/hosting communities and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Federally administered Tribal Areas (FATA) (13-CEF-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$200,320 Approval date:14 May 2013 Disbursement date:22 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 13-FAO-022 Emergency Assistance for the Protection of Critical Livestock Assets and Improved Household Food Security for Conflict Affected IDPs of Tirah Valley (13-FAO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$344,358 Approval date:17 May 2013 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 13-FPA-022 Provision of 24/7 integrated Reproductive Health/ multi-sectoral Gender Based Violence services ensuring Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care for the Tirah Valley IDPs in Kohat and Kurram Agency (13-FPA-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$250,003 Approval date:17 May 2013 Disbursement date:29 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 13-HCR-037 Protection and humanitarian assistance to IDPs of Tirah Valley (Khyber Agency - FATA) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (13-HCR-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$140,063 Approval date:16 May 2013 Disbursement date:29 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 13-HCR-038 Emergency shelter and NFIs assistance to IDPs of Tirah Valley (Khyber Agency - FATA) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (13-HCR-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$400,073 Approval date:16 May 2013 Disbursement date:29 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Pakistan 13-WFP-029 Emergency Food Assistance for Internally-Displaced Persons and Returnees in Pakistan’s North-West (13-WFP-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,001,431 Approval date:13 May 2013 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 13-WHO-029 Provision of WASH services to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in camps, host communities/hosting communities and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Federally administered Tribal Areas (FATA) (13-WHO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$49,980 Approval date:14 May 2013 Disbursement date:23 May 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 13-WHO-031 Provision of Emergency Primary Health Care and Life-Saving Nutrition Services for new influx of IDPs from Tirah valley focusing on filling the gaps (13-WHO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$384,539 Approval date:24 May 2013 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Human Settlements Programme Pakistan 13-HAB-001 Provision of WASH services to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in camps, host communities/hosting communities and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Federally administered Tribal Areas (FATA) (13-HAB-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$100,000 Approval date:14 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-PAK-9228 13-RR-PAK-9228_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Human Settlements Programme Pakistan 13-HAB-002 Integrated HumanitarianShelter Assistance addressing the lifesaving shelter needs of 1,025 extremely vulnerable IDP families living with host communities in Kurram Agency of FATA in Pakistan (13-HAB-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$399,999 Approval date:16 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-COD-4074 13-RR-COD-4074_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 13-CEF-069 Education, Protection and Nutrition Assistance to CAR Refugees in the DRC (13-CEF-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$649,412 Approval date:30 May 2013 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-COD-4074 13-RR-COD-4074_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 13-FPA-024 Réduction de la surmortalité et de la surmorbidité liée à la santé de la reproduction chez réfugiés centrafricains et les populations d’accueil dans la province de l’Équateur et la province Orientale (13-FPA-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$250,748 Approval date:30 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-COD-4074 13-RR-COD-4074_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 13-HCR-039 Protection and Multisectorial Assistance to CAR refugees in the DRC (13-HCR-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$5,360,068 Approval date:05 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-COD-4074 13-RR-COD-4074_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 13-WFP-030 General Food Assistance to CAR refugees in the DRC (13-WFP-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,293,324 Approval date:28 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-COD-4074 13-RR-COD-4074_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 13-WHO-032 Improve and increase access to primary and secondary health services for newly arrived refugees from CAR and for the local host population outside of camps in the provinces of Equateur and Orientale of DRC (13-WHO-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$503,721 Approval date:28 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-SEN-10591 13-RR-SEN-10591_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Senegal 13-CEF-070 Riposte a La Crise Nutritionnelle (13-CEF-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$499,423 Approval date:21 May 2013 Disbursement date:03 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-SEN-10591 13-RR-SEN-10591_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Senegal 13-FAO-023 Restauration d’urgence des capacités productives des ménages agropasteurs affectés par les inondations et la baisse des productions agricoles et fourragères de la campagne 2012-2013 au Sénégal (13-FAO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$783,562 Approval date:28 May 2013 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-SEN-10591 13-RR-SEN-10591_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Senegal 13-WFP-031 Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux populations affectées par le déficit de production 2012-2013 (13-WFP-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,547,352 Approval date:24 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-SEN-10591 13-RR-SEN-10591_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Senegal 13-WHO-033 Appui à la prise en charge d’urgence des cas de malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS) et ses complications médicales associées, dans les régions Fatick, Kaffrine, Kédougou, Kolda, Sédhiou, Tambacounda, affectées par la crise nutritionnelle (13-WHO-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$208,050 Approval date:28 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-SSD-10968 13-RR-SSD-10968_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 13-WFP-032 Provision of Humanitarian air services in response to humanitarian crisis in Jonglei, South Sudan SSD-13/CSS/55435/7575 (13-WFP-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$3,766,678 Approval date:30 May 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-SSD-10968 13-RR-SSD-10968_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization South Sudan 13-WHO-034 Responding to health-related emergencies in populations of humanitarian concern in the Republic of South Sudan: Strengthening surgical capacity and referral system Jonglei State and surrounding areas SSD-13/H/55471/122 (13-WHO-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,766,640 Approval date:03 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-COD-13325 13-RR-COD-13325_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Measles United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 13-CEF-071 Emergency Measles Campaign in Equateur, Province Orientale, Nord and Sud Kivu (13-CEF-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$3,101,638 Approval date:13 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:24 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-COD-13325 13-RR-COD-13325_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Measles World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 13-WHO-035 Emergency Measles Campaign in Equateur, Province Orientale, Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu (13-WHO-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$898,433 Approval date:13 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:21 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-ETH-5441 13-RR-ETH-5441_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Ethiopia 13-WHO-036 Yellow Fever Outbreak Response (13-WHO-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,255,769 Approval date:05 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:24 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10486 13-RR-RWA-10486_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Rwanda 13-CEF-072 Responding to Congolese refugees need in WASH, ECD and Child Protection  (13-CEF-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$684,093 Approval date:11 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:21 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10486 13-RR-RWA-10486_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Rwanda 13-HCR-040 Protection and Assistance to newly arrived refugees in Rwanda (13-HCR-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,593,835 Approval date:11 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:19 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10486 13-RR-RWA-10486_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Rwanda 13-WFP-033 Emergency Assistance to new Congolese Refugees in Rwanda (13-WFP-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$694,833 Approval date:14 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:25 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10486 13-RR-RWA-10486_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Rwanda 13-WHO-037 Health emergency assistance to new Congolese refugees in Rwanda located in Nkamira Transit Center  (13-WHO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$179,662 Approval date:14 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:21 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-MHL-7314 13-RR-MHL-7314_Marshall Islands_Jun2016_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Marshall Islands 13-IOM-018 Life-saving Humanitarian Relief for Drought Affected Populations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (13-IOM-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,000,000 Approval date:13 Jun 2013 Disbursement date:21 Jun 2013 Read more
13-RR-KEN-6486 13-RR-KEN-6486_Kenya_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 13-CEF-073 Response to Outbreak of Wild Polio Virus in Kenya KEN 13/H/55390 KEN 13/H/55391/R (13-CEF-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$320,603 Approval date:08 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:17 Jul 2013 Read more
13-RR-KEN-6486 13-RR-KEN-6486_Kenya_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Kenya 13-HCR-041 Emergency Response to the Acute Wild Polio Virus Outbreak in the Kenya Refugee Camps (13-HCR-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$290,774 Approval date:02 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:11 Jul 2013 Read more
13-RR-KEN-6486 13-RR-KEN-6486_Kenya_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Kenya 13-WHO-038 Emergency Response to the Acute Wild Polio Virus Outbreak in the Kenya KEN13/H/55950/R (13-WHO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$921,495 Approval date:02 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2013 Read more
13-RR-CMR-989 13-RR-CMR-989_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Cameroon 13-RR-WHO-039 Riposte à l’épidémie de fièvre jaune dans 13 districts de santé de la région du Littoral, Cameroun (13-RR-WHO-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,200,078 Approval date:10 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:26 Jul 2013 Read more
13-RR-NER-8595 13-RR-NER-8595_Niger_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 13-CEF-074 Réponse d’urgence EHA à l’épidémie de choléra au Niger en 2013 (13-CEF-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$921,207 Approval date:15 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:26 Jul 2013 Read more
13-RR-NER-8595 13-RR-NER-8595_Niger_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Niger 13-WHO-040 Réponse sanitaire d’urgence à l’épidémie de choléra au Niger en 2013 (13-WHO-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$650,000 Approval date:15 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:26 Jul 2013 Read more
13-RR-MDG-13206 13-RR-MDG-13206_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Insect infestation Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 13-FAO-024 Réponse d'urgence à l'invasion acridienne à Madagascar - Campagne 2013/2014 (13-FAO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$5,000,000 Approval date:01 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-NER-13607 13-RR-NER-13607_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 13-HCR-042 Protection and assistance to refugees and other persons of concern fleeing violence in Nigeria  (13-HCR-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,003,272 Approval date:24 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2013 Read more
13-RR-NER-13607 13-RR-NER-13607_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Niger 13-IOM-019 Humanitarian Assistance to Returnees in Niger from Nigeria (13-IOM-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$834,957 Approval date:24 Jul 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SOM-10789 13-RR-SOM-10789_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 13-RR-CEF-075 Interruption of wild poliovirus transmission in Somalia and curtailing of further geographic spread of the virus to uninfected parts of the country and neighbouring countries  (13-RR-CEF-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,415,815 Approval date:13 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-YEM-12496 13-RR-YEM-12496_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 13-RR-CEF-076 Risk reduction of Polio disease through house to house vaccination in the highest risk areas including in particular the refugees/migrants areas (13-RR-CEF-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$258,405 Approval date:02 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-YEM-12496 13-RR-YEM-12496_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Yemen 13-RR-WHO-042 Risk reduction of Polio disease through house to house vaccination in the highest risk areas including in particular the refugees/migrants areas (13-RR-WHO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,742,087 Approval date:02 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SSD-10978 13-RR-SSD-10978_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 13-CEF-077 Emergency WASH Response through the supplies through the core pipeline (Strengthening Life Saving WASH Activities for Vulnerable Population in Jonglei) SSD-13/WS/56024/124 (13-CEF-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$490,201 Approval date:07 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SSD-10978 13-RR-SSD-10978_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 13-CEF-078 Support to the Nutrition Pipeline for Emergency Therapeutic Responses in South Sudan SSD-13/H/55044/R/124 (13-CEF-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$176,550 Approval date:07 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SSD-10978 13-RR-SSD-10978_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 13-WFP-034 EMOP 200338 “Food Assistance for Food-Insecure and Violence-Affected Populations in South Sudan” SSD-13/F/55863/R/561 (13-WFP-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$5,386,810 Approval date:07 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-CMR-996 13-RR-CMR-996_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 13-CEF-079 Emergency response to Nigerian refugees in the Far North region of Cameroon  (13-CEF-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$803,926 Approval date:15 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-CMR-996 13-RR-CMR-996_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 13-HCR-043 Emergency response to Nigerian influx in Cameroon (13-HCR-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$839,843 Approval date:15 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-CMR-996 13-RR-CMR-996_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 13-WFP-035 Food and nutrition assistance to Nigerian refugees  (13-WFP-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$561,545 Approval date:15 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-CMR-996 13-RR-CMR-996_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Cameroon 13-WHO-043 Medical Assistance to Nigerian Refugees in Cameroon (13-WHO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$783,480 Approval date:15 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-LAO-6952 13-RR-LAO-6952_Lao PDR_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Lao People's Democratic Republic 13-RR-WHO-044 Support for surge capacity for clinical management and vector control for the dengue epidemic response in Lao PDR (13-RR-WHO-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$753,504 Approval date:14 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10421 13-RR-SDN-10421_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-080 Provision education in emergencies supplies for newly displaced IDP children in North Kordofan SUD-13/E/54532 (13-RR-CEF-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$99,671 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10421 13-RR-SDN-10421_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-WFP-036 Food Assistance to Vulnerable Populations Affected by Conflict and Natural Disasters SUD-13/F/53720 (13-RR-WFP-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,838,229 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-081 Emergency Nutrition Support SUD-13/H/54438/R/124 (13-RR-CEF-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$693,395 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-082 Provision of access to education in emergencies for newly displaced IDP children in Darfur SUD-13/E/54523/124 (13-RR-CEF-082) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$311,783 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:26 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-083 Sustaining girls' and boys' rights to protection from violence, exploitation and abuse in humanitarian settings in Sudan SUD-13/P-HR-RL/54395/124 (13-RR-CEF-083) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$196,452 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-084 Provide and maintain basic WASH lifesaving services for recently displaced and conflict affected population at the most vulnerable IDP locations in Darfur Region SUD-13/WS/55261/124 (13-RR-CEF-084) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$820,642 Approval date:21 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-085 Improve access of vulnerable population to quality primary health care services SUD-13/H/54445 (13-RR-CEF-085) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$159,203 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-FAO-025 Restoring food security and livelihoods of vulnerable pastoralist and agro-pastoralist households in Darfur, Sudan SUD-13/A/54244 (13-RR-FAO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$305,350 Approval date:19 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-FPA-026 Emergency reproductive health assistance for the new IDPs in Darfur SUD-13/H/54635/1171 (13-RR-FPA-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$171,930 Approval date:19 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-HCR-044 The Common Humanitarian Pipeline/Contingency stocks for Emergency Shelter and Non Food Items SUD-13/S-NF/53685 (13-RR-HCR-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$600,270 Approval date:15 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-WFP-037 Food Assistance to Vulnerable Populations Affected by Conflict and Natural Disasters SUD-13/F/53720/R/561 (13-RR-WFP-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,388,604 Approval date:19 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-WHO-045 Provide and maintain basic WASH lifesaving services for recently displaced and conflict affected population at the most vulnerable IDP locations in Darfur Region SUD-13/WS/54913/124 (13-RR-WHO-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$100,000 Approval date:21 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-13785 13-RR-SDN-13785_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-WHO-046 Emergency support to newly displaced population in Darfur SUD-13/H/54396 (13-RR-WHO-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$279,999 Approval date:15 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2013 Read more
13-RR-GNB-5776 13-RR-GNB-5776_Guinea Bissau_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Guinea-Bissau 13-RR-CEF-086 Managing severe acute malnutrition and prevention of cholera epidemic in Guinea Bissau (13-RR-CEF-086) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$50,020 Approval date:26 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:03 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-GNB-5776 13-RR-GNB-5776_Guinea Bissau_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Guinea-Bissau 13-RR-FAO-026 Restauration d’urgence des capacités productives des ménages agricoles affectés par les mauvaises campagnes de noix de cajou et la baisse des productions agricoles de la campagne 2012-2013 (13-RR-FAO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$267,302 Approval date:26 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:03 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-GNB-5776 13-RR-GNB-5776_Guinea Bissau_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Guinea-Bissau 13-RR-WFP-038 Protracted Relief and rehabilitation Operation, Nutrition and livelihoods support to the vulnerable population in Guinea-Bissau (13-RR-WFP-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,849,503 Approval date:29 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6818 13-UF-PRK-6818_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-UF-CEF-087 Support life-saving health interventions through provision of vaccines and essential medicines among the most vulnerable children and women (including new-borns, children under one and pregnant women) (13-UF-CEF-087) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,501,812 Approval date:26 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:10 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6818 13-UF-PRK-6818_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-UF-FAO-027 Emergency support to improve food security of vulnerable farming families during the autumn planting season 2013 (13-UF-FAO-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,000 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6818 13-UF-PRK-6818_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-UF-FPA-027 Safe motherhood (13-UF-FPA-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:26 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:03 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6818 13-UF-PRK-6818_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-UF-WFP-039 Nutritional support for children and women (13-UF-WFP-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,993,621 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:27 Aug 2013 Read more
13-UF-PRK-6818 13-UF-PRK-6818_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-UF-WHO-047 Enhancing life-saving health and nutrition services for improving survival of vulnerable population of DPR Korea (13-UF-WHO-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$999,946 Approval date:16 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:26 Aug 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-UF-CEF-088 Emergency Education response for returnee children of South Waziristan and Kurram agencies of FATA and IDP children residing in ToghSarai camp and host community of Peshawar district (13-UF-CEF-088) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$349,644 Approval date:05 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-UF-CEF-089 Emergency health assistance to mothers, new-borns and children displaced from Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) residing in camps (Jalozai ,Tough Sarai & New Durrani) and in host communities of Kohat & Hangu in KhyberPakhtunkhwa (KP) and South Waziristan & Khyber Agencies in FATA (13-UF-CEF-089) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$385,003 Approval date:16 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-UF-CEF-090 Emergency life-saving nutrition services for conflict affected children and women (returnees and stayees) in Kurram and South Waziristan Agencies of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan (13-UF-CEF-090) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$240,027 Approval date:06 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-UF-CEF-091 Enhanced Protection of IDPChildren and Women in camps (Jalozai and Togh Sarai) and Host Communities (Hangu district) (13-UF-CEF-091) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$200,863 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 13-UF-CEF-092 WASH Humanitarian Response for IDPs in Camps and Areas of Return  (13-UF-CEF-092) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,141,570 Approval date:16 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 13-UF-FPA-028 Provision of access to life-saving reproductive health services in order to prevent excess maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity across selected under-served areas of Peshawar, Tank and South Waziristan Districts (13-UF-FPA-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$199,938 Approval date:05 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 13-UF-FPA-029 Prevention and response to the unmet and current needs of GBV survivors, and women and children at risk, through provision of coordination and a multi-sectoral response in selected under-served areas across Peshawar, Tank and South Waziristan (13-UF-FPA-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$250,000 Approval date:20 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 13-UF-HCR-045 Protection and humanitarian assistance to In-camp IDPs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA (13-UF-HCR-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$447,795 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 13-UF-HCR-046 Provision of Winterized NFI Kits and Emergency Shelter (Tents) to the returnees of Tirah IDPs (13-UF-HCR-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$403,016 Approval date:18 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Pakistan 13-UF-IOM-020 Humanitarian Communications Support for IDPs and returnees of FATA (13-UF-IOM-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$199,983 Approval date:16 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Pakistan 13-UF-IOM-021 Shelter support for vulnerable affected population of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) (13-UF-IOM-021) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$225,000 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Pakistan 13-UF-WFP-040 Emergency Food Assistance for Internally-Displaced Persons and Returnees in Pakistan’s North-West (13-UF-WFP-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$3,599,287 Approval date:16 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Pakistan 13-UF-WFP-041 Emergency life-saving nutrition services for conflict affected Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) children and women from Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)and host communities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (Kohat and Hangu districts) (13-UF-WFP-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$210,165 Approval date:06 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 13-UF-WHO-048 Provision of life saving Primary Health Care to the displaced population focusing on filling gaps and unmet needs in health service delivery (13-UF-WHO-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$865,000 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 13-UF-WHO-049 Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for Conflict Affected Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and hosting communities in district Hangu of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province  (13-UF-WHO-049) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$99,952 Approval date:18 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 13-UF-WHO-050 Water Quality Monitoring, Improvement and environmental surveillance, focusing on lifesaving interventions of WASH response (13-UF-WHO-050) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$298,487 Approval date:06 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Human Settlements Programme Pakistan 13-UF-HAB-003 Immediate shelter assistance addressing the lifesaving needs of the most vulnerable returnees/IDP families living with host communities or returned to their place of origin in Kurram Agency Pakistan (13-UF-HAB-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$270,000 Approval date:04 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Human Settlements Programme Pakistan 13-UF-HAB-004 Immediate WASH assistance addressing the lifesaving needs of 3,755 most vulnerable returnees and IDP families living with host communities in Kurram Agency and Kohat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province in Pakistan  (13-UF-HAB-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$450,001 Approval date:09 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PAK-9302 13-UF-PAK-9302_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Pakistan 13-UF-ESC-001 Provision of equitable, essential and life saving education services for off and in camp conflict affected IDPs of FATA and KPK (13-UF-ESC-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$166,049 Approval date:16 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-UF-CEF-093 Education in emergencies for affected children in six provinces in Mindanao PHI-13/ E55008/15807 (13-UF-CEF-093) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$102,918 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-UF-CEF-094 Life-saving Nutrition Interventions for Girls and Boys with Severe Acute Malnutrition and Pregnant and Lactating Women in High risk municipalities of Central Mindanao PHI-13/H/53258/R  (13-UF-CEF-094) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$200,441 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-UF-CEF-095 Strengthening the Protective Environment for Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Emergencies in Mindanao PHI-13/P-HR-RL/53637/R (13-UF-CEF-095) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$199,229 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-UF-CEF-096 Ensuring sufficient and resilient WASH services for the disaster affected areas in Mindanao PHI-13/WS/53290/R  (13-UF-CEF-096) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$300,852 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-UF-FPA-030 Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Services in IDP Return Sites in Mindanao PHI 13/H/53639 (13-UF-FPA-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$126,520 Approval date:19 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-UF-FPA-031 Life-saving Interventions to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence (GBV) in Emergencies PHI 13/P HR RL/53627/R (13-UF-FPA-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$194,817 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines 13-UF-HCR-047 Addressing protection issues and raising protection standards through strengthening institutions and communities PHI-13/P-HR-RL/53261 (13-UF-HCR-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$799,999 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Philippines 13-UF-IOM-022 Shelter and NFI Support to Conflict Affected Communities in Central Mindanao PHI-13/CSS/53621/R (13-UF-IOM-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$301,408 Approval date:26 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Philippines 13-UF-IOM-023 Enhanced Access to Emergency Health Care Services through Repair and Re-equipping of Health Facilities for Vulnerable Conflict-Affected Communities in Central Mindanao PHI-13/H/54854/R (13-UF-IOM-023) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$109,527 Approval date:19 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Philippines 13-UF-WFP-042 Support for Returnees and other Conflict-Affected Households in Central Mindanao PHI-13/F/53538 (13-UF-WFP-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$299,154 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Philippines 13-UF-WHO-051 Provision of primary care services to conflict-affected populations PHI-13/H/56270 PHI-13/H/53547/R PHI-13/H/53327/R  (13-UF-WHO-051) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$164,043 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-PHL-9884 13-UF-PHL-9884_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Philippines 13-UF-UDP-011 Support to the provision of protection activities leading to rebuilding of people’s lives in conflict affect barangays in central Mindanao PHI-13/P-HR-RL/59621/R (13-UF-UDP-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$200,090 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5999 13-UF-HTI-5999_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 13-UF-CEF-097 Emergency support to treatment and elimination of cholera in Haiti HT 13/H/57755/R (13-UF-CEF-097) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$294,387 Approval date:05 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5999 13-UF-HTI-5999_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Cholera International Organization for Migration Haiti 13-UF-IOM-024 Enhanced Provision of Life Saving Rapid Response and Treatment for Cholera for the Most Vulnerable Populations in Upper Artibonite Region HT-13/H/57654/R (13-UF-IOM-024) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$200,561 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-HTI-5999 13-UF-HTI-5999_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Haiti 13-UF-WHO-052 Provide timely and adequate medical response to cholera-affected patients HT-13/H/58741/R HT-13/H/57546/R HT-13/H/57588/R HT-13/H/58685/R (13-UF-WHO-052) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,000,116 Approval date:05 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-UGA-12011 13-RR-UGA-12011_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 13-RR-CEF-098 Emergency humanitarian support through WASH and Child Protection interventions for Congolese refugees in Uganda (13-RR-CEF-098) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$660,000 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-UGA-12011 13-RR-UGA-12011_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda 13-RR-FAO-028 Emergency food security support to refugee families in Mid Western Uganda (13-RR-FAO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$250,629 Approval date:29 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:09 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-UGA-12011 13-RR-UGA-12011_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Uganda 13-RR-FPA-032 Provision of Life-Saving Reproductive Health and GBV Prevention and Care Services for Congolese Refugees in Southwestern Uganda (13-RR-FPA-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$107,000 Approval date:04 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-UGA-12011 13-RR-UGA-12011_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 13-RR-HCR-048 Emergency assistance to refugees from the DRC in Kyangwali Refugee settlement  (13-RR-HCR-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,610,896 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-UGA-12011 13-RR-UGA-12011_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Uganda 13-RR-IOM-025 Kyangwali refugee emergency: Sanitation support at the household level (13-RR-IOM-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$190,000 Approval date:05 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-UGA-12011 13-RR-UGA-12011_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Uganda 13-RR-WFP-043 Emergency Food Assistance to new Congolese refugees relocated from Bundibugyo to Kyangwali refugee settlement (13-RR-WFP-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,007,069 Approval date:29 Aug 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-UGA-12011 13-RR-UGA-12011_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Uganda 13-RR-WHO-053 Support efforts to ensure access to basic health services for the refugees in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement in Hoima district (13-RR-WHO-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$148,819 Approval date:09 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 13-UF-CEF-099 Promotion of WASH interventions within malnutrition’s response and case management responses NIG 13/WS/54766/R/124 (13-UF-CEF-099) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,497,358 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 13-UF-CEF-100 Protection of children and youth (girls and boys) during food and nutrition crisis (13-UF-CEF-100) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$511,305 Approval date:07 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 13-UF-CEF-101 Ensuring education for Malian refugee children in the camps of Abala, Mangaize, Tabareybarey and the reception area of Intikane NIG-13/E/54757/R/124 (13-UF-CEF-101) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$387,973 Approval date:16 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 13-UF-FAO-029 Contribution to resilience capacity development for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in Niger NIG-13/A/55702/R/123 (13-UF-FAO-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,499,999 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Niger 13-UF-FPA-033 Mise en place des interventions du dispositif minimum d’urgence en santé de la reproduction y compris la prise en charge médicale de victimes de viol NIG 13/H/54759/R/1171 (13-UF-FPA-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$300,000 Approval date:14 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies International Organization for Migration Niger 13-UF-IOM-026 Humanitarian Assistance to vulnerable expelled and/ or stranded migrants in the Agadez Region, Niger NIG 13/P HR RL/54798/R/298 (13-UF-IOM-026) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$500,000 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies International Organization for Migration Niger 13-UF-IOM-027 Emergency Shelter and NFI assistance to populations affected by crisis and natural disasters in Niger NIG 13/CSS/58702/R/298 (13-UF-IOM-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,000 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Niger 13-UF-WFP-044 Provision of Humanitarian air services in Niger NIG-13/CSS/54716/R/561 (13-UF-WFP-044) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$995,100 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-NER-8606 13-UF-NER-8606_Niger_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Niger 13-UF-WHO-054 Emergency Health response to malaria and diphtheria outbreaks in Niger (13-UF-WHO-054) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$700,001 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 13-UF-CEF-102 Intervention immédiate/multisectorielle de prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 0-5 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans les 4 wilayas les plus affectées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle (13-UF-CEF-102) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$595,476 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 13-UF-CEF-103 Renforcer la fourniture de soins de santé essentiels d’urgence au niveau de 05 wilayas les plus affectées par la crise en mettant l’accent sur les groupes les plus vulnérables (13-UF-CEF-103) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$189,666 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Mauritania 13-UF-FAO-030 Appui à la sauvegarde des moyens de subsistance d’éleveurs vulnérables MRT-13/A/54374/R (13-UF-FAO-030) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$456,252 Approval date:17 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Mauritania 13-UF-FPA-034 Intervention immédiate/multisectorielle de prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 0-5 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans les 4 wilayas les plus affectées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle (13-UF-FPA-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$205,000 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Mauritania 13-UF-FPA-035 Renforcer la fourniture de soins de santé essentiels d’urgence au niveau de 05 wilayas les plus affectées par la crise en mettant l’accent sur les groupes les plus vulnérables (13-UF-FPA-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$179,192 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies International Organization for Migration Mauritania 13-UF-IOM-028 Réponse à l’insécurité alimentaire à travers la fourniture de kits non alimentaires et l’assistance agricole aux communautés vulnérables de l’Est de la Mauritanie MRT-13/ER/58914/R/298 (13-UF-IOM-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$212,094 Approval date:17 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Mauritania 13-UF-WFP-045 Améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et l’état nutritionnel des populations affectées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle MRT-13/F/54662/R/561  (13-UF-WFP-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$956,248 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Mauritania 13-UF-WFP-046 Intervention immédiate/multisectorielle de prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 0-5 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans les 4 wilayas les plus affectées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle (13-UF-WFP-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$304,982 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Mauritania 13-UF-WHO-055 Intervention immédiate/multisectorielle de prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 0-5 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans les 4 wilayas les plus affectées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle (13-UF-WHO-055) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$151,851 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Mauritania 13-UF-WHO-056 Renforcer la fourniture de soins de santé essentiels d’urgence au niveau de 05 wilayas les plus affectées par la crise en mettant l’accent sur les groupes les plus vulnérables (13-UF-WHO-056) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$205,442 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MRT-7539 13-UF-MRT-7539_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Development Programme Mauritania 13-UF-UDP-012 Projet conjoint pour le relèvement des populations affectées par les effets des crises de 2012 dans les régions du Brakna, Gorgol, Guidimakha, Assaba MRT-13/ER/58922/R (13-UF-UDP-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$552,429 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-7055 13-RR-LBN-7055_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Lebanon 13-RR-RWA-004 Nahr el-Bared Camp Relief Assistance (13-RR-RWA-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,500,001 Approval date:06 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-BGD-356 13-UF-BGD-356_Bangladesh_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Bangladesh 13-UF-HCR-049 Improving waste disposal and management at Nayapara Refugee Camp  (13-UF-HCR-049) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$300,424 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-BGD-356 13-UF-BGD-356_Bangladesh_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Bangladesh 13-UF-IOM-029 Provision of Lifesaving Health Care Services for Displaced, Disaster Affected and other Vulnerable Populations in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh (13-UF-IOM-029) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$656,535 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-BGD-356 13-UF-BGD-356_Bangladesh_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Bangladesh 13-UF-WFP-047 Assistance to Refugees from Myanmar (13-UF-WFP-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,835 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-BGD-356 13-UF-BGD-356_Bangladesh_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Bangladesh 13-UF-WFP-048 Expansion of VHF Network in Teknaf-Cox's Bazar Area (13-UF-WFP-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$42,848 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9493 13-RR-PSE-9493_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Relief and Works Agency occupied Palestinian territory 13-RR-RWA-005 Emergency Food Assistance in Gaza OPT-13/F/52033/5593 (13-RR-RWA-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,000,000 Approval date:03 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-RR-CEF-104 Medical assistance to children under five and mothers expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-CEF-104) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$429,655 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-RR-CEF-105 Integrated emergency nutrition support for returnees from Tanzania through Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and emergency infant and young children feeding (e-IYCF) approaches (13-RR-CEF-105) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$141,495 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-RR-CEF-106 Access to potable water, basic sanitation and hygiene for the expelled Burundian population from Tanzania (13-RR-CEF-106) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$119,278 Approval date:09 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 13-RR-CEF-107 Safe, protective and learning environment for expelled children and families at risk (13-RR-CEF-107) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$115,003 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Burundi 13-RR-FAO-031 Emergency response in support of 4000 Burundian households expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-FAO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$380,002 Approval date:16 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Burundi 13-RR-FPA-036 Humanitarian support to expelled migrants from Tanzania to Burundi  (13-RR-FPA-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$261,843 Approval date:09 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burundi 13-RR-HCR-050 Assistance to Burundian expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-HCR-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$86,970 Approval date:16 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Burundi 13-RR-IOM-030 Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Returning Irregular Migrants from Tanzania (13-RR-IOM-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$795,368 Approval date:09 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-BDI-827 13-RR-BDI-827_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Burundi 13-RR-WFP-049 Protracted relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) Burundi No. 200164: Assistance to refugees, returnees and Vulnerable food-insecure population (13-RR-WFP-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,149,557 Approval date:09 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-PRK-6842 13-RR-PRK-6842_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-RR-CEF-108 Responding to Flood emergency in DPRK (13-RR-CEF-108) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$627,400 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-PRK-6842 13-RR-PRK-6842_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-RR-FPA-037 Provision of life-saving reproductive health services for women in flood-affected areas (13-RR-FPA-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$130,803 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-PRK-6842 13-RR-PRK-6842_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-RR-WFP-050 Emergency food assistance to flood affected people in DPRK (13-RR-WFP-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$422,156 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-PRK-6842 13-RR-PRK-6842_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-RR-WHO-057 Support for immediate health, water and sanitation needs of population in floods affected areas of DPR Korea (13-RR-WHO-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$922,349 Approval date:10 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 13-UF-CEF-109 Improve the livelihoods of the most vulnerable households through distribution of unconditional cash transfers and vouchers SOM-13/ER/56679/124 (13-UF-CEF-109) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$585,555 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 13-UF-CEF-110 Prevention of excess mortality due to acute malnutrition and associated morbidities in children under five SOM-13/H/56684 (13-UF-CEF-110) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$2,498,495 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 13-UF-CEF-111 Saving lives through essential primary and secondary health care services, including basic and comprehensive obstetric care, and mass causality and trauma management SOM-13/H/56683/124 (13-UF-CEF-111) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,759,478 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Somalia 13-UF-CEF-112 Sustained and Expanded Access to Safe Water Supply, Improved Sanitation and Hygiene Practices for Vulnerable Women and Children, including in high risk Wild Polio Virus Communities SOM-13/WS/56685/R  (13-UF-CEF-112) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,416,167 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Somalia 13-UF-FAO-032 Livelihood Support to Pastoral and Agro-pastoral communities in southern Somalia through improvement of Animal Health SOM-13/A/56485/123 (13-UF-FAO-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,580,417 Approval date:17 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Population Fund Somalia 13-UF-FPA-038 Strengthening Gender-based Violence (GBV) Prevention and Response Services in Somalia SOM-13/P-HR-RL/56668 (13-UF-FPA-038) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$640,058 Approval date:26 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 13-UF-HCR-051 Provision of shelter and non-food items for IDPs in Somalia SOM-13/S-NF/56673/120 (13-UF-HCR-051) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Somalia 13-UF-WFP-051 Prevention of excess mortality due to acute malnutrition and associated morbidities in children under five SOM-13/F/56706/561 (13-UF-WFP-051) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,999,367 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Somalia 13-UF-WFP-052 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Somalia SOM-13/CSS/56708/561  (13-UF-WFP-052) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$1,800,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Somalia 13-UF-WFP-053 Strengthening Food and Nutrition Security and Enhancing Resilience SOM-13/F/56706/561 (13-UF-WFP-053) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,699,759 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Somalia 13-UF-WHO-058 Saving lives through essential primary and secondary health care services, including basic and comprehensive obstetric care, and mass causality and trauma management SOM-13/H/56710 SOM-13/H/56712 SOM-13/H/56715 (13-UF-WHO-058) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,607,902 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-SOM-10804 13-UF-SOM-10804_Somalia_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Somalia 13-UF-HCR-052 Provision of protection and durable solutions to Internally displaced persons in Somalia SOM-13/P-HR-RL-56672/120 SOM-13/P-HR-RL-56674/120 (13-UF-HCR-052) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,699,999 Approval date:26 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:10 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MDG-13212 13-UF-MDG-13212_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 13-UF-FAO-033 Assistance d’urgence aux ménages vulnérables victimes du cyclone Haruna et des dégâts causés par les criquets (13-UF-FAO-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,199,999 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MDG-13212 13-UF-MDG-13212_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Population Fund Madagascar 13-UF-FPA-039 Surveillance et riposte à l’excès de morbidité et de mortalité maternelles dans trois régions du Sud et du Sud-Est de Madagascar menacées par la crise alimentaire (13-UF-FPA-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$198,690 Approval date:19 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-MDG-13212 13-UF-MDG-13212_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Madagascar 13-UF-WFP-054 Assistance d’urgence aux ménages vulnérables victimes du cyclone Haruna et des dégâts causés par les criquets (13-UF-WFP-054) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,404,792 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:07 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MDG-13212 13-UF-MDG-13212_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm World Health Organization Madagascar 13-UF-WHO-059 Surveillance et riposte à l’excès de morbidité et de mortalité maternelles dans trois régions du Sud et du Sud-Est de Madagascar menacées par la crise alimentaire (13-UF-WHO-059) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$200,002 Approval date:19 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-COL-3098 13-UF-COL-3098_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 13-UF-CEF-113 Integrated Response to Ensure the Survival and protection of children affected by complex emergencies (13-UF-CEF-113) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,272,265 Approval date:19 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-COL-3098 13-UF-COL-3098_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Colombia 13-UF-FAO-034 Fast production of food crops and capacity building for indigenous Awa and Embera peoples in the departments of Nariño and Cordoba (13-UF-FAO-034) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$535,699 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-COL-3098 13-UF-COL-3098_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Colombia 13-UF-FPA-040 Immediate integral attention to survivors of gender violence, mainly sexual violence in AWA communities in Nariño (13-UF-FPA-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$99,981 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-COL-3098 13-UF-COL-3098_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Colombia 13-UF-HCR-053 Humanitarian response trough Protection by Presence and Enhanced Self-protection of IDP communities, afrodescendants and indigenous population at risk of displacement (13-UF-HCR-053) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$435,000 Approval date:20 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-COL-3098 13-UF-COL-3098_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Colombia 13-UF-WFP-055 Interagencial humanitarian response in food and nutrition security, to internal displaced people and confined communities, in the regions of Córdoba, Nariño and Putumayo (13-UF-WFP-055) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$451,009 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-COL-3098 13-UF-COL-3098_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Colombia 13-UF-WHO-060 Provide life-saving emergency response to ensure basic health care services and access to water apt for human consumption for IDP, confined and vulnerable populations in Cauca, Nariño and Choco (13-UF-WHO-060) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$700,000 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 13-UF-CEF-114 Improving access to primary health care services and addressing life-threatening conditions related to communicable diseases and reproductive health (13-UF-CEF-114) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$99,971 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 13-UF-CEF-115 Water and sanitation emergency response for remaining primary humanitarian needs (13-UF-CEF-115) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$550,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar 13-UF-FAO-035 Enhancement of food production and nutrition of vulnerable conflict-affected families in Kachin State, Myanmar (13-UF-FAO-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$274,512 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 13-UF-FPA-041 Improving access to primary health care services and addressing life-threatening conditions related to communicable diseases and reproductive health (13-UF-FPA-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$100,294 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 13-UF-FPA-042 Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence through provision of comprehensive multi-sectoral care response  (13-UF-FPA-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$275,277 Approval date:26 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 13-UF-HCR-054 Support for shelter and CCCM in Kachin State and northern Shan State (13-UF-HCR-054) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$650,000 Approval date:20 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 13-UF-WFP-056 Emergency Food Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in Kachin and northern Shan States (13-UF-WFP-056) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$950,000 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-MMR-8127 13-UF-MMR-8127_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Myanmar 13-UF-WHO-061 Improving access to primary health care services and addressing life-threatening conditions related to communicable diseases and reproductive health (13-UF-WHO-061) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$99,778 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 13-UF-CEF-116 Improving access to equitable and sustainable Water , Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services to for vulnerable populations (Women, girls, boys and men) affected by crisis (returnees, IDPs, host populations) in Tissi and malnourished children in the Sahel band CHD 13/WS/58974/R/124 (13-UF-CEF-116) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,000,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 13-UF-CEF-117 Emergency health care to Returnees and IDPs in Tissi Sila Region  (13-UF-CEF-117) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$349,663 Approval date:16 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 13-UF-CEF-118 Emergency Nutrition Services for Severe Acute Malnutrition for returnees, refugees in Tissi and vulnerable host in the Sahel Belt CHD-13/H/58206/R/124 (13-UF-CEF-118) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$499,558 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 13-UF-CEF-119 Child Protection: Protect boys and girls against the negative impacts of humanitarian crises in Chad CHD-13/P-HR-RL/55165/124 (13-UF-CEF-119) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$378,585 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 13-UF-FAO-036 Projet d'urgence de sécurité alimentaire de protection des moyens d'existence et de production agricole et d'élevage des ménages les plus vulnérables de la bande sahélienne et des populations réfugiées, déplacées et hôtes affectées (13-UF-FAO-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$974,064 Approval date:07 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Chad 13-UF-FPA-043 Strengthening psychosocial and medical response in favour of GBV victims among IDP and host community in Sila (Goz Beida), Eastern Chad CHD-13/P-HR-RL/56922/R/1171 (13-UF-FPA-043) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$199,020 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 13-UF-HCR-055 Protection and mixed solution for internal displaced person in Eastern of Chad CHD-13/P-HR-RL/54760/R (13-UF-HCR-055) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$496,542 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 13-UF-HCR-056 Protection and Assistance of refugees in Chad CHD-13/MS/54744/R/120  (13-UF-HCR-056) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,503,228 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Chad 13-UF-IOM-031 Humanitarian Assistance to Returnees to Chad from Libya, Sudan and Nigeria CHD-13/P-HR-RL/58236/R/298 (13-UF-IOM-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$425,000 Approval date:07 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Chad 13-UF-WFP-057 Targeted Food Assistance for Refugees and Vulnerable People Affected by Malnutrition and Recurrent Food Crisis CHD-13/F/56250/R/561  (13-UF-WFP-057) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$749,996 Approval date:25 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Chad 13-UF-WHO-062 Emergency medical intervention for saving lives of severely malnourished children CHD 13/H/56293/R (13-UF-WHO-062) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$449,550 Approval date:07 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-TCD-2588 13-UF-TCD-2588_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Chad 13-UF-AID-002 Improve access to HIV prevention and treatment by systematic integration HIV and AIDS in humanitarian zones (refugees, IDPs and returnees’ people) in the Eastern and Southern regions of Chad CHD-13/H/56303/R/5109 (13-UF-AID-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$180,650 Approval date:25 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Iraq 13-RR-CEF-120 Support to lifesaving interventions for Syrian refugee children and families in KRG, Northern Iraq in WASH (13-RR-CEF-120) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,501,371 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Iraq 13-RR-CEF-121 Improving access to quality basic and secondary education; literacy; and life skills for Syrian refugees in camps and host communities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq  (13-RR-CEF-121) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$349,034 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Iraq 13-RR-CEF-122 Ensuring that life threatening health needs, including reproductive health and nutrition for Syrian Refugees that arrived in country since 15 August 2013 are met (13-RR-CEF-122) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$820,000 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Iraq 13-RR-FPA-044 Ensuring that life threatening health needs, including reproductive health and nutrition for Syrian Refugees that arrived in country since 15 August 2013 are met (13-RR-FPA-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$480,000 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:18 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Iraq 13-RR-FPA-045 Enhancing protection for vulnerable women and girls among the Syrian Refugees from SGBV and Trafficking (13-RR-FPA-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$449,935 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Iraq 13-RR-HCR-057 Provision of emergency humanitarian assistance to Syrian Refugees in the Kurdish Region of North Iraq (13-RR-HCR-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,883,840 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Iraq 13-RR-IOM-032 Provision of emergency humanitarian assistance to Syrian Refugees in the Kurdish Region of North Iraq (13-RR-IOM-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$615,774 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Iraq 13-RR-WFP-058 Emergency Food Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Temporary Shelter in Kurdistan Region (13-RR-WFP-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,899,996 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Iraq 13-RR-WHO-063 Ensuring that life threatening health needs, including reproductive health and nutrition for Syrian Refugees that arrived in country since 15 August 2013 are met (13-RR-WHO-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,200,000 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:23 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Iraq 13-RR-UDP-013 Enhancing protection for vulnerable women and girls among the Syrian Refugees from SGBV and Trafficking (13-RR-UDP-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$449,197 Approval date:12 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-IRQ-6109 13-RR-IRQ-6109_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Iraq 13-RR-ESC-002 Improving access to quality basic and secondary education; literacy; and life skills for Syrian refugees in camps and host communities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (13-RR-ESC-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$349,996 Approval date:13 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 13-UF-CEF-123 WASH Response in vulnerable areas in a context of long lasting drought DJI-13/WS/57043 (13-UF-CEF-123) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$175,306 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 13-UF-CEF-124 Malnutrition Case Management in Djibouti in a context of long lasting drought DJI-13/H/57038 (13-UF-CEF-124) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$648,526 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 13-UF-FAO-037 Food security assistance to vulnerable groups including refugees DJI-13/A/57071/123 (13-UF-FAO-037) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$398,802 Approval date:08 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Djibouti 13-UF-HCR-058 Protection and multi-sectoral assistance for refugees, asylum seekers and mixed migrants in Djibouti DJI-13/MS/50744 (13-UF-HCR-058) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$288,700 Approval date:11 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Djibouti 13-UF-WFP-059 Assistance to vulnerable groups including refugees DJI-13/F/57023/561 (13-UF-WFP-059) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$899,974 Approval date:27 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Djibouti 13-UF-WHO-064 Responding to drought health needs and emergencies DJI -13/H/57066/122 DJI-13/H/57069/122 (13-UF-WHO-064) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$263,680 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies International Organization for Migration Djibouti 13-UF-IOM-039 Improving lifesaving capacities, Water, Sanitation, health care access for vulnerable migrants in Djibouti DJI 13/MS/57067/298 (13-UF-IOM-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$170,023 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-UF-DJI-4747 13-UF-DJI-4747_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Development Programme Djibouti 13-UF-UDP-015 WASH Response in vulnerable areas in a context of long lasting drought in Djibouti DJI-13/ER/57060 (13-UF-UDP-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$149,270 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-GIN-5747 13-RR-GIN-5747_Guinea_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Guinea 13-RR-CEF-125 Réponse d’urgences aux crises (inondations et malnutrition) a Nzérékoré (Macenta) et Kankan (13-RR-CEF-125) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$571,917 Approval date:14 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-GIN-5747 13-RR-GIN-5747_Guinea_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Guinea 13-RR-WFP-060 Assistance Alimentaire d’urgence en faveur des personnes sinistrées des inondations de Siguiri, Kankan et Macenta (13-RR-WFP-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$526,069 Approval date:14 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Jordan 13-RR-CEF-126 Preparedness measures for the Syria crisis emergency operation in Jordan (13-RR-CEF-126) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$988,915 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Jordan 13-RR-FPA-046 Expanding the provision of RH and S-GBV services to Syrian women to respond to the needs of the increasing numbers with a focus on most at risk individuals with life threatening conditions (13-RR-FPA-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$340,704 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Jordan 13-RR-HCR-060 Emergency assistance for Syrian refugees in Jordan (13-RR-HCR-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,024 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Jordan 13-RR-IOM-033 Multi-Sector Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Jordan (13-RR-IOM-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$350,000 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Jordan 13-RR-WFP-061 Food assistance to vulnerable Syrian populations in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey affected by the events in Syria (13-RR-WFP-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:26 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Jordan 13-RR-WHO-065 Access by Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian host communities to emergency life saving medicines and supplies (13-RR-WHO-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$597,060 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Jordan 13-RR-WOM-002 Multi-sector Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Jordan (13-RR-WOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$327,955 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-JOR-6231 13-RR-JOR-6231_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Jordan 13-RR-RWA-006 Prepositioning of Essential NFIs for Palestinian Refugees from Syria (13-RR-RWA-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$349,890 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-6512 13-RR-LBN-6512_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 13-RR-CEF-127 UNICEF Lebanon Contingency Supplies for 150,000 influx scenario: Health, Nutrition, WASH and Child Protection (13-RR-CEF-127) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$4,499,990 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-6512 13-RR-LBN-6512_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Lebanon 13-RR-FPA-047 UNFPA Lebanon Contingency Supplies for 100,000 influx scenario: Health and Women Protection (13-RR-FPA-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$399,865 Approval date:24 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-6512 13-RR-LBN-6512_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Lebanon 13-RR-HCR-061 Emergency assistance for Syrian refugees in Lebanon (13-RR-HCR-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$5,035,420 Approval date:19 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:27 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-6512 13-RR-LBN-6512_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Lebanon 13-RR-IOM-034 Essential Non-Food Items for Lebanese Returnees (13-RR-IOM-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,362 Approval date:19 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:25 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-6512 13-RR-LBN-6512_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Lebanon 13-RR-RWA-007 Emergency health assistance for Palestine refugees from Syria in Lebanon (13-RR-RWA-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$499,999 Approval date:20 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:30 Sep 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-6512 13-RR-LBN-6512_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Lebanon 13-RR-WFP-062 Food assistance to vulnerable Syrians in Lebanon (13-RR-WFP-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,484,281 Approval date:20 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-6512 13-RR-LBN-6512_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Lebanon 13-RR-WHO-066 Health Preparedness to Massive Influx of Displaced Syrians into Lebanon (13-RR-WHO-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$599,463 Approval date:26 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10432 13-RR-SDN-10432_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-128 Provision of access to education in emergencies for flood affected children in Sudan (13-RR-CEF-128) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$432,075 Approval date:18 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10432 13-RR-SDN-10432_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-HCR-062 The Common Humanitarian Pipeline for Emergency Shelter and Non Food Items SUD-13/S-NF/53685  (13-RR-HCR-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$489,072 Approval date:26 Sep 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10432 13-RR-SDN-10432_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-CEF-129 Provide and maintain basic WASH lifesaving services for displaced populations affected by the recent heavy rain and flash flood, in the 14 most vulnerable states across Sudan SUD-13/WS/55261/124  (13-RR-CEF-129) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,800,001 Approval date:16 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10432 13-RR-SDN-10432_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-WHO-067 Health emergency support to pop affected by floods SUD-13/H /54396  (13-RR-WHO-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$472,102 Approval date:16 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10432 13-RR-SDN-10432_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-WHO-068 Provide and maintain basic WASH lifesaving services for displaced populations affected by the recent heavy rain and flash flood, in the 14 most vulnerable states across Sudan  (13-RR-WHO-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,045,892 Approval date:16 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-SDN-10432 13-RR-SDN-10432_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 13-RR-IOM-038 Provide and maintain basic WASH lifesaving services for displaced populations affected by the recent heavy rain and flash flood, in the 14 most vulnerable states across Sudan SUD-13/WS/5411  (13-RR-IOM-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$297,909 Approval date:16 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-CEF-130 Pre-positioning of Essential health items to ensure primary health care for IDP & affected children through mobile teams and fixed centres SYR-13/H/57237/124 (13-RR-CEF-130) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,301,040 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-CEF-131 Complementary nutrition for IDP children and vulnerable children in host communities SYR-13/H/57237/124 (13-RR-CEF-131) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$995,100 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-CEF-132 Integrated WASH programme and assistance for internally displaced and host communities  (13-RR-CEF-132) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,001,439 Approval date:09 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-FAO-038 Emergency prepositioning of agricultural inputs in the Syrian Arab Republic SYR-13/A/58318/R (13-RR-FAO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$599,572 Approval date:09 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-FPA-048 Provision of Life-saving Reproductive health Services for Women in Violence –Affected Governorates SYR-13/H/57203/R/1171 (13-RR-FPA-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$496,324 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-FPA-049 Ensure the availability of contingency hygiene kits stock to meet the emergency emerging hygiene needs of vulnerable population in Syria SYR-13/H/57183/R/1171 (13-RR-FPA-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$398,040 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-HCR-063 Non-food item assistance for Syrians displaced by the civil unrest SYR- 13/S-NF/57234/R (13-RR-HCR-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,999,846 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:10 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-HCR-064 Emergency medical assistance for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Syria SYR- 13/H/57233/R (13-RR-HCR-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$399,170 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-IOM-035 Emergency Multi-Sector Assistance to Affected Population in Syria SYR-13/S-NF/58301/R SYR-13/S-NF/58304/R (13-RR-IOM-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$900,251 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-WFP-063 Emergency food assistance to people affected by unrest in Syria SYR-13/F/57198/R/561 (13-RR-WFP-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$5,296,739 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-WFP-064 Provision of emergency food assistance for the prevention of undernutrition SYR-13/H/58367/R/561 (13-RR-WFP-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$500,004 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-WHO-069 Support critical medical interventions SYR-13/H/57245/R122 SYR-13/H/57247/R/122 (13-RR-WHO-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,279,328 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-WHO-070 Building up the buffering stocks of healthcare facilities in the Rural Damascus area for supply of clean drinking water in case of potential emergencies 13-H/57246/R (13-RR-WHO-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$202,658 Approval date:09 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-UDP-014 Provision of garbage bins and containers for solid waste collection in shelters (13-RR-UDP-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$500,974 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-SYR-11636 13-RR-SYR-11636_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Syrian Arab Republic 13-RR-RWA-008 Urgent food, NFI and emergency medical supplies for conflict affected Palestine refugees in Syria SYR-13/F/57201/5593 SYR-13/S-NF/57210/5593 SYR-13/H/57213/5593 (13-RR-RWA-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,099,869 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-ETH-5448 13-RR-ETH-5448_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 13-RR-IOM-036 Lifesaving Emergency Shelter /NFI Rapid Response to Conflict Displaced Individuals in Ethiopia (13-RR-IOM-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,000,001 Approval date:09 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-ETH-5448 13-RR-ETH-5448_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Ethiopia 13-RR-WFP-065 Food Assistance to conflicted affected people in Oromia and Somali regions (PRRO 200190) (13-RR-WFP-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,209,142 Approval date:10 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:23 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-133 Strengthening the Protective Environment for Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Emergencies in Zamboanga City (13-RR-CEF-133) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$150,723 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-134 Ensuring WASH services for conflict affected populations in Zamboanga City (13-RR-CEF-134) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$509,668 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-RR-FPA-050 Life-saving Interventions on Gender-based Violence (GBV) for Affected Women and Girls in the Zamboanga City Emergency (13-RR-FPA-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$101,534 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-RR-FPA-051 Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Services to the Displaced Population of the Zamboanga City Humanitarian Crisis (13-RR-FPA-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$103,503 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines 13-RR-HCR-065 Ensuring protection of population affected by armed conflict in Zamboanga City and Basilan Province (13-RR-HCR-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$149,916 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Philippines 13-RR-IOM-037 Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) and Shelter Support to the Displaced Population in Zamboanga City (13-RR-IOM-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,000,000 Approval date:07 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Philippines 13-RR-WFP-066 Emergency Food Assistance to Conflict-Affected Households in Western Mindanao (13-RR-WFP-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$600,215 Approval date:01 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Philippines 13-RR-WFP-067 Logistics Augmentation in support of the Government of the Philippines’ response to Conflict affected areas in Zamboanga & Basilan (13-RR-WFP-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$199,998 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9931 13-RR-PHL-9931_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Philippines 13-RR-WHO-071 Provision of life saving health services to conflict-affected populations in Zamboanga city (13-RR-WHO-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$199,983 Approval date:02 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:18 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-GIN-13395 13-RR-GIN-13395_Guinea_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Guinea 13-RR-CEF-135 Réponse d'urgence à la crise de N'Zerekore (13-RR-CEF-135) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$303,309 Approval date:14 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:22 Oct 2013 Read more
13-RR-GIN-13395 13-RR-GIN-13395_Guinea_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Guinea 13-RR-WFP-068 Assistance alimentaire d'urgence pour les personnes sinistrées des violences intercommunautaires de N'Zerekore (13-RR-WFP-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$837,861 Approval date:14 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-NER-8647 13-RR-NER-8647_Niger_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 13-RR-CEF-136 Réponse d’urgence aux inondations au Niger en intégrant une approche multisectorielle de la réponse NIG-13/WS/54743/R (13-RR-CEF-136) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$606,572 Approval date:23 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-NER-8647 13-RR-NER-8647_Niger_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Niger 13-RR-WFP-069 Saving lives, reducing malnutrition and protecting the livelihoods of vulnerable populations (PRRO 200051) NIG 13/F/54720/R/561 (13-RR-WFP-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,393,430 Approval date:23 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-BOL-548 13-RR-BOL-548_Bolivia_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Bolivia 13-RR-CEF-138 Access to safe water for rural communities and families affected by drought (13-RR-CEF-138) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$858,354 Approval date:25 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:01 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-BOL-548 13-RR-BOL-548_Bolivia_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Bolivia 13-RR-FAO-039 Emergency assistance to vulnerable populations that reported losses in their livelihoods due to drought in the Chaco region and Cochabamba (13-RR-FAO-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$685,496 Approval date:29 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-BOL-548 13-RR-BOL-548_Bolivia_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Bolivia 13-RR-WFP-070 Food assistance to drought affected households in El Chaco and southern Cochabamba (13-RR-WFP-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$597,094 Approval date:29 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-BOL-548 13-RR-BOL-548_Bolivia_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Bolivia 13-RR-WHO-073 Provide access to essential health care services and nutritional attention to drought-affected families in Bolivia (13-RR-WHO-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$143,042 Approval date:29 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-BOL-548 13-RR-BOL-548_Bolivia_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Bolivia 13-RR-CEF-139 Provide access to essential health care services and nutritional attention to drought-affected families in Bolivia (13-RR-CEF-139) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$180,190 Approval date:29 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-MWI-7099 13-RR-MWI-7099_Malawi_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 13-RR-CEF-140 Protection Response to Food Insecurity and other Emergencies (13-RR-CEF-140) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$190,426 Approval date:04 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-MWI-7099 13-RR-MWI-7099_Malawi_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Malawi 13-RR-FAO-040 Emergency Assistance to Support Food Insecure Rural Communities whose Food Production Cycle was Severely Disrupted by Climatic Shocks during the 2012 – 2013 Cropping Season in Eleven most Affected Districts in Malawi (13-RR-FAO-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,023,884 Approval date:05 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-MWI-7099 13-RR-MWI-7099_Malawi_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Malawi 13-RR-WFP-071 Targeted relief food assistance to vulnerable populations affected by natural disasters (13-RR-WFP-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$5,835,472 Approval date:04 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-KEN-6500 13-RR-KEN-6500_Kenya_Jun2016_Application Insect infestation Food and Agriculture Organization Kenya 13-RR-FAO-041 Control of Locust Invasion in Turkana Kenya (13-RR-FAO-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$519,947 Approval date:04 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-KEN-6500 13-RR-KEN-6500_Kenya_Jun2016_Application Insect infestation World Food Programme Kenya 13-RR-WFP-072 Food assistance to the Locust affected Communities in Turkana (13-RR-WFP-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$986,367 Approval date:04 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Rwanda 13-RR-CEF-141 Provision of Water Sanitation and Hygiene facilities and services for Rwandans Expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-CEF-141) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$99,825 Approval date:05 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Rwanda 13-RR-FAO-042 Urgent response to prevent major Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) from cattle herds of Rwandans expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-FAO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$125,174 Approval date:12 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Rwanda 13-RR-FPA-052 Provide minimal initial service package for Rwandans returnees expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-FPA-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$96,882 Approval date:12 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Rwanda 13-RR-HCR-066 Provision of Core Relief Items for Rwandans Expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-HCR-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$360,004 Approval date:08 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Rwanda 13-RR-IOM-040 Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Returning Irregular Migrants from Tanzania (13-RR-IOM-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$673,760 Approval date:05 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Rwanda 13-RR-WFP-073 Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) 200343: Food and Safety Net Assistance to Refugee Camp Residents and Returning Rwandan Refugees (13-RR-WFP-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$843,337 Approval date:05 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:14 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Rwanda 13-RR-WHO-074 Provide access to basic health services for the Rwandans returnees expelled from Tanzania (13-RR-WHO-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$99,831 Approval date:08 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-RWA-10504 13-RR-RWA-10504_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Rwanda 13-RR-WOM-003 Prevention and Response to GBV among Rwandan Refugees from Tanzania (13-RR-WOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$93,561 Approval date:12 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:09 Dec 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-142 Strengthening the Protective Environment for Children Affected by the Earthquake in Bohol Province PHI-13/P-HR-RL/60001/124 (13-RR-CEF-142) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$101,278 Approval date:31 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-143 Bohol Earthquake: Providing life-sustaining psychosocial support and education in emergency response to affected preschoolers and school children in worst-hit municipalities PHI-13/E/59989/124 (13-RR-CEF-143) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$300,019 Approval date:31 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-144 Provision of nutrition life-saving interventions to children 0-59 months, pregnant and lactating women affected by emergencies PHI-13/H/60027/124 (13-RR-CEF-144) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$300,249 Approval date:31 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-145 WASH Emergency Response for Bohol Earthquake PHI-13/WS/59985/124 (13-RR-CEF-145) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,100,014 Approval date:06 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-RR-FPA-053 Gender-based Violence (GBV) Interventions for Affected Women and Girls in the Bohol Earthquake PHI-13/P-HR-RL/60044/1171  (13-RR-FPA-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$98,389 Approval date:31 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-RR-FPA-054 Access to Reproductive Health Services for the IDPs of the Bohol Earthquake PHI-13/H/60041/1171 (13-RR-FPA-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$198,701 Approval date:04 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake International Organization for Migration Philippines 13-RR-IOM-041 Emergency Shelter Support and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) to the Displaced Population in Bohol PHI-13/CSS/60013/298 PHI-13/S-NF/60003/298 (13-RR-IOM-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,399,633 Approval date:05 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake World Food Programme Philippines 13-RR-WFP-074 Emergency Food Assistance to Earthquake-affected Households in Bohol Province, Philippines PHI-13/F/59987/561 (13-RR-WFP-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$499,135 Approval date:31 Oct 2013 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake World Food Programme Philippines 13-RR-WFP-075 Logistics Augmentation in support of the Government of the Philippines response to earthquake in Bohol PHI-13/CSS/60005/561 (13-RR-WFP-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$200,000 Approval date:04 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:18 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-13690 13-RR-PHL-13690_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Earthquake World Health Organization Philippines 13-RR-WHO-075 Provision of emergency health services to earthquake affected populations PH-13/H/60010/122 (13-RR-WHO-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$799,906 Approval date:13 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-146 Child Protection in Emergencies PHI-13/P-HR-RL/61294 (13-RR-CEF-146) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$150,188 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-147 Restoring Safe and Protective Learning Environment for Children Affected by Typhoon Haiyan PHI-13/E/61310/R124 (13-RR-CEF-147) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$492,200 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-148 Reducing the risk of excess morbidity and mortality from childhood illnesses and reduce the risk of outbreaks of vaccine preventable and water and vector-borne diseases children 0-59 months affected by Haiyan Typhoon emergency PHI 13/H/61449/R  (13-RR-CEF-148) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$182,041 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-RR-FPA-055 GBV Prevention and Response Interventions for IDPs Affected by Typhoon Haiyan PHI-13/P-HR-RL/61327/1171 (13-RR-FPA-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$156,242 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Population Fund Philippines 13-RR-FPA-056 Access to Reproductive Health Services for IDPs Affected by Typhoon Haiyan PHI-13/H/61326 (13-RR-FPA-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$592,077 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines 13-RR-HCR-067 Ensuring the Protection of forcibly displaced persons affected by Typhoon Yolanda PHI/P-HR-RL/61361 (13-RR-HCR-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,201,610 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Development Programme Philippines 13-RR-UDP-016 Time-critical debris disposal and management in areas affected by Typhoon Haiyan PHI-13/ER/61283 (13-RR-UDP-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$1,500,022 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Philippines 13-RR-WFP-077 Emergency Food Security Response to Typhoon Haiyan affected persons PHI-13/F/61309 (13-RR-WFP-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,999,949 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Philippines 13-RR-FAO-043 Emergency Food Security Response to Typhoon Haiyan affected persons PHI-13/A/61319 (13-RR-FAO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,004 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-149 Provision of nutrition life-saving interventions to children 0-59 months, pregnant and lactating women affected by Haiyan Typhoon emergency PHI 13/H/61288 (13-RR-CEF-149) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$501,710 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 13-RR-CEF-150 Ensuring Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Children and Women Affected by Typhoon Haiyan PHI-13/WS/61296 (13-RR-CEF-150) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,005,269 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines 13-RR-HCR-068 Emergency Shelter Assistance for IDPs due to Typhoon Yolanda PHI-13/S-NF/61357 (13-RR-HCR-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,800,859 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm International Organization for Migration Philippines 13-RR-IOM-042 Emergency Shelter and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) for Affected Populations of the Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) PHI-13/S-NF/61330 PHI-13/MS/61328 (13-RR-IOM-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$5,492,378 Approval date:18 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Philippines 13-RR-WFP-078 Logistics Cluster Augmentation Special Operation PHI-13/CSS/61394/R (13-RR-WFP-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$3,495,992 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Philippines 13-RR-WFP-080 Telecommunications augmentation and coordination to support humanitarian operations in the areas affected by the typhoon PHI-13/CSS/61289/R (13-RR-WFP-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,217,869 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm World Health Organization Philippines 13-RR-WHO-076 Provision of emergency health services to populations affected by Typhoon Yolanda PHI-13/H/61341 (13-RR-WHO-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,691,761 Approval date:15 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9970 13-RR-PHL-9970_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Development Programme Philippines 13-RR-UDP-017 UNDSS Surge Support for Typhoon Hainan (Yolanda) PHI-13/P-HR-RL/61423 (13-RR-UDP-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$304,033 Approval date:18 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:20 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-ZWE-12751 13-RR-ZWE-12751_Zimbabwe_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Zimbabwe 13-RR-WFP-079 Responding to humanitarian needs of people severely affected by food shortage in 4 districts ZIM-13/F/55416/R/561 (13-RR-WFP-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,967,415 Approval date:18 Nov 2013 Disbursement date:25 Nov 2013 Read more
13-RR-ETH-13388 13-RR-ETH-13388_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 13-RR-IOM-043 Emergency Return Assistance to Stranded Ethiopian Migrants from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) (13-RR-IOM-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,507,993 Approval date:03 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:09 Dec 2013 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 13-RR-CEF-151 Child Protection in CAR CAF-14/P-HR-RL/55727 (13-RR-CEF-151) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$379,557 Approval date:30 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 13-RR-CEF-152 Response to emergency WASH needs of internally displaced persons, and vulnerable population in CAR CAF-14/WS/63633/124 (13-RR-CEF-152) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,189,004 Approval date:24 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:02 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 13-RR-CEF-153 Prevent morbidity and mortality rates due to malaria among children under five and pregnant women through distribution of long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) in the IDPs sites and Antenatal care as well as immunization activities across CAR CAF 14/H/63798 (13-RR-CEF-153) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$446,318 Approval date:27 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Central African Republic 13-RR-FAO-044 Restaurer les moyens d’existence en Centre Afriques : des semences pour la paix CAF-14/A/63512 (13-RR-FAO-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$500,000 Approval date:30 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 13-RR-HCR-069 Protection monitoring and assistance to IDPs in Central African Republic (CAR) CAF-14/P-HR/RL/55894/R/120 (13-RR-HCR-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$450,032 Approval date:31 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 13-RR-HCR-070 Provision of Emergency Shelter to Vulnerable IDPs in the Ouham and Ouham-Pende Prefectures (13-RR-HCR-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$877,935 Approval date:24 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:02 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Central African Republic 13-RR-IOM-044 Humanitarian Emergency Assistance to Displaced Populations in CAR CAF-14/P-HR-RL/63256 (13-RR-IOM-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$380,000 Approval date:30 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Central African Republic 13-RR-UDP-018 UNDSS Surge Support for Central African Republic (13-RR-UDP-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$296,750 Approval date:24 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:02 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 13-RR-WFP-081 Assistance to the Conflict-Affected Population in the Central African Republic CAF-14/F/63571 (13-RR-WFP-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,493,466 Approval date:30 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Central African Republic 13-RR-WHO-078 Providing emergency health interventions to populations affected by the crisis in Central African Republic CAF-14/H/63443 CAF-14/H/63576 (13-RR-WHO-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$487,632 Approval date:30 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
13-RR-CAF-1664 13-RR-CAF-1664_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 13-RR-FPA-058 Prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in IDPs sites and affected areas in Central African Republic  (13-RR-FPA-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$250,018 Approval date:31 Dec 2013 Disbursement date:22 Jan 2014 Read more
Total 2013 US$482,003,806