CERF projects by year


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Allocation code Allocation Emergency type Agency Country Project code Project Window Sector Approved amount in US$ Approval date Disbursement date
12-RR-COD-3968 12-RR-COD-3968_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-CEF-001 Cholera Response for WASH Activities, eastern & western DRC, 2012 (12-CEF-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$4,405,190 Approval date:24 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-3968 12-RR-COD-3968_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WHO-001 Cholera Response for Health Activities, eastern & western DRC, 2012 (12-WHO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$4,693,057 Approval date:24 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-13286 12-RR-CMR-13286_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Cameroon 12-WHO-002 Riposte à l’épidémie de fièvre jaune dans la région du Nord Cameroun (12-WHO-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,003,280 Approval date:17 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:01 Feb 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-7984 12-RR-MMR-7984_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-002-A Protection of internally displaced persons in Kachin State (12-CEF-002-A) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,050 Approval date:23 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-7984 12-RR-MMR-7984_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-002-B Humanitarian assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in Kachin  (12-CEF-002-B) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$500,000 Approval date:23 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-7984 12-RR-MMR-7984_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 12-HCR-001 Protection of internally displaced persons in Kachin State (12-HCR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$74,814 Approval date:20 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-7984 12-RR-MMR-7984_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 12-HCR-002 Protecting IDPS in Kachin State (12-HCR-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$125,190 Approval date:20 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-7984 12-RR-MMR-7984_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 12-WFP-001 Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO 200032) (12-WFP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$750,000 Approval date:23 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:07 Feb 2012 Read more
11-RR-MRT-7396 11-RR-MRT-7396_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Mauritania 12-WFP-002 Prise en charge de la malnutrition aiguë modérée chez les groupes vulnérables dans les régions d’urgence nutritionnelle de la Mauritanie (12-WFP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,000,139 Approval date:17 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2012 Read more
11-RR-TCD-2391 11-RR-TCD-2391_Chad_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Chad 12-WFP-003 Targeted food assistance to refugees and vulnerable people affected by malnutrition and recurrent food crises (PRRO 200289) (12-WFP-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,979,447 Approval date:09 Jan 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jan 2012 Read more
12-UF-PRK-6752 12-UF-PRK-6752_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-CEF-003 Support life-saving health service among the populations in 94 dong/counties (12-CEF-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,225,000 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PRK-6752 12-UF-PRK-6752_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-FAO-001 Emergency support to improve food security of vulnerable farming families during 2012 main cropping season  (12-FAO-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,897,244 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PRK-6752 12-UF-PRK-6752_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies United Nations Population Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-FPA-001 Safe motherhood in DPRK  (12-FPA-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$150,000 Approval date:29 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PRK-6752 12-UF-PRK-6752_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-WFP-006 Nutrition Support for Women and Children  (12-WFP-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$6,468,289 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PRK-6752 12-UF-PRK-6752_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Multiple Emergencies World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-WHO-004 Strengthening Service Delivery for Improving Maternal and Child Survival in DPRK  (12-WHO-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,224,994 Approval date:29 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-004-A Vaccine Preventable Disease Control through Routine and Supplementary Immunization Interventions (12-CEF-004-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,000,025 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-004-B Support to the Nutrition Pipeline for Emergency Therapeutic Responses in South Sudan (12-CEF-004-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$4,200,007 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-004-C Protecting boys and girls affected by conflict and other emergencies in Jonglei State  (12-CEF-004-C) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$1,016,894 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-004-D Emergency WASH Preparedness, Response and Coordination in South Sudan  (12-CEF-004-D) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,986,487 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 12-HCR-003 Protection of refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan  (12-HCR-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$3,010,721 Approval date:27 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization South Sudan 12-FAO-002 Enhancing food security of returnees, IDPs and vulnerable host communities through provision of appropriate production inputs, technologies and services (12-FAO-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$3,003,480 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:12 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization South Sudan 12-WHO-005 Strengthen epidemic response capacity in high risk areas in South Sudan (12-WHO-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,199,991 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SSD-10880 12-UF-SSD-10880_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration South Sudan 12-IOM-001 Provision of Emergency NFIs and ES materials to IDPs, returnees, and Host community members (12-IOM-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,599,030 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-938 12-RR-CMR-938_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 12-CEF-005 Cameroon Lifesaving Emergency Nutrition Response for population affected by Sahel humanitarian crisis in the Extreme North and North Regions (12-CEF-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$859,870 Approval date:27 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:02 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-938 12-RR-CMR-938_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Cameroon 12-FAO-003 Supply of inputs to vulnerable people in the Logone-and-Chari division in the Far North Region of Cameroon (12-FAO-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$611,011 Approval date:27 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-938 12-RR-CMR-938_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Cameroon 12-WFP-007 Food assistance to drought-affected households and acute malnourished groups in Logone-and-Chari division in the Far-North Region (Cameroon) (12-WFP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,749,805 Approval date:01 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 12-CEF-006-A Increase access to Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Services for the vulnerable population (IDPs, returnees and host communities and people affected by malnutrition) in eastern Chad (12-CEF-006-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$696,570 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 12-CEF-006-B Emergency nutrition and child survival response to the population of the Sahel belt of Chad (12-CEF-006-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,003,125 Approval date:12 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 12-CEF-006-C Maternal and Child Health Care services to vulnerable population in the Sahel belt of Chad, including refugees, IDPs and host communities in Southern Chad (12-CEF-006-C) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$349,355 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 12-CEF-006-D Education for IDPs, Returnees, Refugees and Host community children in Eastern Chad and Southern Chad (12-CEF-006-D) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$500,236 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 12-CEF-006-F Protection and assistance of IDPs in Chad  (12-CEF-006-F) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$230,123 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 12-FAO-004 Emergency supply of rainy season seeds to vulnerable returned IDPs and drought affected households in Eastern Chad (12-FAO-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,193,123 Approval date:12 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Chad 12-FPA-002 Protection and assistance of IDPs in Chad (12-FPA-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$283,336 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 12-HCR-004 Protection and assistance of refugees in Chad (12-HCR-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$800,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 12-HCR-005 Emergency nutrition and child survival response to the population of the Sahel belt of Chad and Refugees, Returnees and IDPs (12-HCR-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$200,000 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 12-HCR-006 Protection and assistance of IDPs in Chad (12-HCR-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$283,333 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Chad 12-WFP-008 Targeted Food Assistance for Refugees and Vulnerable People Affected by Malnutrition and Recurrent Food Crisis  (12-WFP-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,198,772 Approval date:12 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Chad 12-WHO-007 Emergency medical intervention for reduction of morbidity and mortality within IDPs and local populations in East of Chad (12-WHO-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$350,686 Approval date:20 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Chad 12-AID-001 Universal access to basic HIV and AIDS services in the eastern and southern regions of Chad  (12-AID-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$342,935 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-TCD-2421 12-UF-TCD-2421_Chad_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Chad 12-UDP-003 Réduction de la vulnérabilité des IDPs et des populations hôtes dans les zones de retour (12-UDP-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Early Recovery US$500,015 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 12-CEF-007-A Améliorer les conditions de vie et la résilience des populations affectées par les conflits dans la sous-préfecture de Kabo à travers une réponse multisectorielle (12-CEF-007-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$850,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 12-CEF-007-B Promoting integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI), emergency obstetric care (EMOC) in northern and southern region of regions of the Central African Republic  (12-CEF-007-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$612,444 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 12-FPA-003 Promoting integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI), emergency obstetric care (EMOC) in northern and southern region of regions of the Central African Republic  (12-FPA-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$352,109 Approval date:02 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Central African Republic 12-WHO-008 Promoting integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI), emergency obstetric care (EMOC) in northern and southern region of regions of the Central African Republic  (12-WHO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$935,400 Approval date:02 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Central African Republic 12-FAO-006 Appui à la Sécurité Alimentaire et à Diversification des moyens d'existence dans les préfectures de Bamingi Bangoran, Vakaga et Haute Kotto (12-FAO-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$699,163 Approval date:08 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic 12-HCR-007 Multi-sector assistance to Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Northern and South Eastern Central African Republic  (12-HCR-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$599,992 Approval date:09 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 12-WFP-009 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in CAR (12-WFP-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$850,001 Approval date:07 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-CAF-1487 12-UF-CAF-1487_CAR_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Central African Republic 12-WFP-010 Assistance aux Personnes Affectées par les Conflits en République Centrafricaine (PRRO 200315)  (12-WFP-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,098,390 Approval date:07 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-13480 12-RR-MLI-13480_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mali 12-WFP-011 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Mali (12-WFP-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,000,000 Approval date:24 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-DJI-4677 12-UF-DJI-4677_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 12-CEF-008-A WASH Response in vulnerable areas  (12-CEF-008-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$594,011 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-DJI-4677 12-UF-DJI-4677_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Djibouti 12-CEF-008-B Acute malnutrition case management  (12-CEF-008-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$348,859 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-DJI-4677 12-UF-DJI-4677_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Djibouti 12-FAO-007 Strengthening rural food security through urgent access to water for nomadic and agro pastoral communities to promote food security and safeguard livelihood assets in response to the drought crisis  (12-FAO-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$934,123 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-DJI-4677 12-UF-DJI-4677_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Djibouti 12-HCR-008 Protection and multi-sectoral assistance for refugees, asylum seekers and mixed migrants in Djibouti  (12-HCR-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$607,751 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-DJI-4677 12-UF-DJI-4677_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought International Organization for Migration Djibouti 12-IOM-002 Improving Life Saving Health Care Access And Protection Of Vulnerable Migrants In Djibouti  (12-IOM-002) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$199,998 Approval date:12 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-DJI-4677 12-UF-DJI-4677_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Djibouti 12-WFP-012 Food/Voucher Assistance to vulnerable people in Djibouti city” (PRRO 200293)  (12-WFP-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$934,001 Approval date:12 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-DJI-4677 12-UF-DJI-4677_Djibouti_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Djibouti 12-WHO-009 Ensuring life saving interventions to vulnerable populations affected by the drought  (12-WHO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$400,582 Approval date:03 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7134 12-RR-MLI-7134_Mali_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 12-CEF-009 Réponse intégrée à la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle (Nutrition, Santé, Eau et assainissement, Protection)  (12-CEF-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,615,920 Approval date:09 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7134 12-RR-MLI-7134_Mali_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Mali 12-WFP-013 Assistance to Populations Affected by Drought  (12-WFP-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,642,012 Approval date:06 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7134 12-RR-MLI-7134_Mali_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 12-FAO-013 Restauration d’urgence du cheptel et de la productivité agricole de la Région de Kayes des ménages vulnérables affectés par la crise alimentaire  (12-FAO-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$800,000 Approval date:09 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 12-CEF-010 Ensuring WASH services for disaster affected families in Central Mindanao  (12-CEF-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$800,253 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Philippines 12-FAO-008 Restoring Agricultural Livelihoods in Conflict and Flood Affected Communities in Central Mindanao  (12-FAO-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$297,548 Approval date:06 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 12-FPA-005 Ensuring access to reproductive health services in conflict affected areas in Mindanao  (12-FPA-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$192,306 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Philippines 12-FPA-006 Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) among the IDPs in Mindanao  (12-FPA-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$100,500 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines 12-HCR-009 Reinforcing protection of civilian communities affected by and at risk of displacement across unstable Mindanao  (12-HCR-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$899,974 Approval date:08 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:19 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Philippines 12-IOM-003 Emergency Shelter and Information Management Support to Conflict- and Disaster-Affected Areas in Mindanao  (12-IOM-003) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,039 Approval date:06 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:13 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Philippines 12-WFP-014 PRRO 200131, Assistance to IDPs, Returnees and other Food-insecure Households in Conflict-affected areas of Central Mindanao and Strengthening National Capacity on Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response (12-WFP-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$893,373 Approval date:07 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PHL-9786 12-UF-PHL-9786_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Philippines 12-WHO-011 Ensuring Access to Essential Health Care for Conflict and Natural Hazard affected Populations in Mindanao  (12-WHO-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$271,439 Approval date:08 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 12-CEF-011-A Monitoring and response of SGBV in IDPs camps  (12-CEF-011-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$152,261 Approval date:20 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Haiti 12-HCR-010 Monitoring and response of SGBV in IDPs camps  (12-HCR-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$407,375 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake International Organization for Migration Haiti 12-IOM-004 Support and Assistance for Sustainable Return and Relocation of IDPs within the Framework of CCCM in IDP sites in Port-au-Prince, Haiti  (12-IOM-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,900,000 Approval date:19 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake International Organization for Migration Haiti 12-IOM-005 Provision of Life Saving WASH Support to Vulnerable IDP households Remaining in Camps (12-IOM-005) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$999,679 Approval date:13 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake International Organization for Migration Haiti 12-IOM-006 Monitoring and response of SGBV in IDPs camps  (12-IOM-006) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$215,008 Approval date:20 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake International Organization for Migration Haiti 12-IOM-007 Enhanced Provision of Life Saving Prevention, Rapid Response and Treatment for Cholera for the Most Vulnerable IDPs Remaining in Camps in Port au Prince metropolitan areas, Haiti (12-IOM-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$522,695 Approval date:19 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake World Food Programme Haiti 12-WFP-015 Traitement de la malnutrition modérée chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes habitant dans les camps de déplacés  (12-WFP-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$799,884 Approval date:14 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake World Health Organization Haiti 12-WHO-012 Response to Cholera Outbreak in Haiti (12-WHO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$477,297 Approval date:19 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-HTI-5897 12-UF-HTI-5897_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 12-CEF-011-B De-sludging/disposal of human waste in 321 camps in the earthquake-affected areas  (12-CEF-011-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,475,316 Approval date:13 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-012-A Provision of WASH services to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in camps, host communities/hosting communities and returnees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Federally administered Tribal Areas (FATA)  (12-CEF-012-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,884,931 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-012-B Continuation of provision of quality basic education at IDP camp schools in Jalozai in Nowshera and Togh Sarai in Hangu  (12-CEF-012-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$59,920 Approval date:19 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-012-C Emergency health assistance to mothers, new-borns and children displaced from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) residing in camps in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and FATA (12-CEF-012-C) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$103,403 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-012-D Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for people affected by insecurity from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) residing in camps in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (12-CEF-012-D) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$101,262 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-012-E Enhanced protection of IDP Children and Women in camps (Jalozai and Togh Sarrai) and off-camp host communities (Hangu) through life-saving and time-critical assistance (12-CEF-012-E) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$215,000 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 12-FAO-009 Critical support to protect and restore livestock based livelihoods and improve food security of people affected by insecurity in Kurram Agency, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) (12-FAO-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,107,491 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 12-FPA-007 Provision of 24/7 free RH-services with special focus on BEmONC in New Durrani Camp in Kurram agency in Federally Administered Tribal Area, Pakistan for Complex Emergency (12-FPA-007) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$70,287 Approval date:19 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 12-FPA-008 Gender Based Violence response and preventive services, for IDPs and host communities focusing on filling the gaps/unmet life-saving needs in the GBV response for crisis affected IDPs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province and FATA, Pakistan (12-FPA-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$120,001 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 12-HCR-011 Protection and humanitarian assistance to IDPs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA  (12-HCR-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,770,273 Approval date:20 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Pakistan 12-IOM-008 Non Food Items, Transport and Humanitarian Communications Support for IDPs and returnees of FATA (12-IOM-008) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,359,269 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Pakistan 12-WFP-016 Food Assistance for Conflict-Affected Communities in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province (KP) and Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) (12-WFP-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$4,696,260 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-PAK-9030 12-UF-PAK-9030_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 12-WHO-013 Emergency Primary Health Care including disease control and outbreak response for IDPs in camps focusing on filling the gaps/unmet life-saving needs in the health response (12-WHO-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$357,633 Approval date:20 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-NPL-8290 12-UF-NPL-8290_Nepal_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Nepal 12-CEF-013-A Priority Action for Lifesaving Response through Integrated Nutrition, WASH and Health Interventions – Nepal, 2012 (12-CEF-013-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,019,762 Approval date:03 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-NPL-8290 12-UF-NPL-8290_Nepal_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Nepal 12-CEF-013-B Priority Action for Lifesaving Response through Integrated Nutrition, WASH and Health Interventions – Nepal, 2012 (12-CEF-013-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$472,141 Approval date:03 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-NPL-8290 12-UF-NPL-8290_Nepal_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Nepal 12-FAO-010 Urgent Assistance to Severely Food Insecure Rural Households in Karnali-Bheri-Rapti Regions of Nepal  (12-FAO-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$796,886 Approval date:27 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-NPL-8290 12-UF-NPL-8290_Nepal_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Nepal 12-WFP-017 Urgent Assistance to Severely Food Insecure Rural Households in Karnali-Bheri-Rapti Regions of Nepal  (12-WFP-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,199,999 Approval date:03 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:08 May 2012 Read more
12-UF-NPL-8290 12-UF-NPL-8290_Nepal_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Nepal 12-WHO-014 Priority Action for Lifesaving Response through Integrated Nutrition, WASH and Health Interventions – Nepal, 2012 (12-WHO-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$297,353 Approval date:03 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-NPL-8290 12-UF-NPL-8290_Nepal_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Human Settlements Programme Nepal 12-HAB-001 Priority Action for Lifesaving Response through Integrated Nutrition, WASH and Health Interventions – Nepal, 2012  (12-HAB-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$211,244 Approval date:03 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-CEF-014-A Appui à l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins et services de santé de base de qualité y compris maternels et infantiles pour les populations vulnérables à l’Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire  (12-CEF-014-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$100,018 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-CEF-014-B Surveiller et répondre aux violations de droits faites aux femmes et aux enfants dans le contexte post crise  (12-CEF-014-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$200,002 Approval date:04 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-CEF-014-C Accès à une éducation de qualité pour les enfants déplacés et ceux des familles hôtes affectés par la crise postélectorale en Côte d’Ivoire  (12-CEF-014-C) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$411,200 Approval date:04 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-CEF-014-D Reducing morbidity and mortality in children affected by the Ivorian post-election crisis through community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM)  (12-CEF-014-D) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$319,551 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-CEF-014-E Lifesaving WASH activities for IDPs in camp and emergency WASH Assistance to improve the conditions for voluntary, safe and sustainable return of IDPs and refugees affected by post-election violence in western Côte d’Ivoire (12-CEF-014-E) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$700,865 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Cote d'Ivoire 12-FAO-011 Assistance aux populations affectées par la crise postélectorale dans la Région du Moyen Cavally  (12-FAO-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$765,380 Approval date:28 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-FPA-009 Appui à l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins et services de santé de base de qualité y compris maternels et infantiles pour les populations vulnérables à l’Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire  (12-FPA-009) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$309,931 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-FPA-010 Surveiller et répondre aux violations de droits faites aux femmes et aux enfants dans le contexte post crise  (12-FPA-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$199,961 Approval date:04 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cote d'Ivoire 12-HCR-014 "Contributing to the protection of and provision of assistance to people most affected by post-electoral conflicts in Côte d'Ivoire by the reconstruction of shelters and the distribution of non-food items "  (12-HCR-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$998,607 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cote d'Ivoire 12-HCR-015 Protection of Internally Displaced People and other people affected by the post-electoral crisis in Côte d'Ivoire  (12-HCR-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$197,629 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Cote d'Ivoire 12-IOM-010 Contributing to life-saving needs of the Ivorian conflict affected population through emergency repair and rehabilitation of shelters for the most vulnerable families, returnees and local communities, in the most affected areas  (12-IOM-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$799,503 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cote d'Ivoire 12-WFP-018 Accès à une éducation de qualité pour les enfants déplacés et ceux des familles hôtes affectés par la crise postélectorale en Côte d’Ivoire  (12-WFP-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$85,050 Approval date:04 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cote d'Ivoire 12-WFP-019 Emergency Assistance to Displaced Populations in Response to the Political Crisis in Côte d’Ivoire  (12-WFP-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$2,200,012 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cote d'Ivoire 12-WFP-020 Reducing morbidity and mortality in children affected by the Ivorian post-election crisis through community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM)  (12-WFP-020) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$133,838 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Cote d'Ivoire 12-WHO-015 Appui à l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins et services de santé de base de qualité y compris maternels et infantiles pour les populations vulnérables à l’Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire  (12-WHO-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$390,013 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-CIV-4355 12-UF-CIV-4355_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Cote d'Ivoire 12-WHO-016 Reducing morbidity and mortality in children affected by the Ivorian post-election crisis through community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM)  (12-WHO-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$146,635 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-SDN-10273 12-RR-SDN-10273_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 12-WFP-021 EMOP 200312: Food assistance to vulnerable populations affected by conflict and natural disaster  (12-WFP-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,705,784 Approval date:28 Feb 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-SDN-13778 12-RR-SDN-13778_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 12-WHO-017 Emergency Response to Diphtheria Outbreak in North Darfur  (12-WHO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,615,578 Approval date:02 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:08 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SYR-11401 12-UF-SYR-11401_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-CEF-015 Immunization and Nutrition Interventions for Iraqi Children and Mothers  (12-CEF-015) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$886,741 Approval date:28 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-SYR-11401 12-UF-SYR-11401_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-FPA-011 Reproductive Health Emergency Interventions for Iraqi Refugees  (12-FPA-011) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$597,060 Approval date:28 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-SYR-11401 12-UF-SYR-11401_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 12-HCR-016 Cash for Food for Iraqi Refugees  (12-HCR-016) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$4,103,450 Approval date:01 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:13 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-SYR-11401 12-UF-SYR-11401_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 12-HCR-017 Emergency medical assistance for Iraqi refugees affected by the civil unrest in Syria, including refugees suffering from chronic illnesses  (12-HCR-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$597,541 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-SYR-11401 12-UF-SYR-11401_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Syrian Arab Republic 12-RWA-001 Protection and Livelihood Support to Vulnerable Iraqi Palestinian Refugees in Syria  (12-RWA-001) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$798,837 Approval date:20 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-016-A Elargissement de la couverture sanitaire des groupes les plus vulnérables en situation humanitaire dans la Likouala  (12-CEF-016-A) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$398,552 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-016-B Soutien psychosocial aux enfants victimes de violences et de maltraitance  (12-CEF-016-B) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$193,456 Approval date:29 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:16 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-016-C Elargissement de la couverture sanitaire des groupes les plus vulnérables en situation humanitaire dans la Likouala  (12-CEF-016-C) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$591,543 Approval date:27 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of Congo 12-FAO-012 Projet d’appui à la sécurité alimentaire de la population des réfugiés et locale de la Likouala  (12-FAO-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$119,999 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 12-FPA-012 Prévention des violences basées sur le genre (GBV) et prise en charge médicale et psychosociale des victimes/survivants de GBV  (12-FPA-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$235,000 Approval date:29 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of Congo 12-HCR-012 Prise en Charge légale des victimes de SGVB  (12-HCR-012) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$261,808 Approval date:05 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:18 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of Congo 12-HCR-013 Projet d’approvisionnement en eau potable, de la promotion d’hygiène et de l’assainissement  (12-HCR-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$301,847 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of Congo 12-HCR-018 Réponse à l’épidémie de choléra dans le Département de Liranga  (12-HCR-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$299,660 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of Congo 12-WFP-022 Assistance to Congolese Refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the Likouala Province of the Republic of the Congo  (12-WFP-022) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$982,576 Approval date:27 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of Congo 12-WHO-018 Amélioration de l’accès aux paquets de soins et services essentiels de santé pour la survie des groupes vulnérables dans les populations du département de la Likouala (République du Congo)  (12-WHO-018) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$211,237 Approval date:29 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-COG-3519 12-UF-COG-3519_Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 12-FPA-014 Amélioration de l’accès aux services de santé de la reproduction y compris les soins obstétricaux et néonataux d’urgence pour les réfugiés (12-FPA-014) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$325,000 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:10 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-ERI-5011 12-UF-ERI-5011_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Eritrea 12-CEF-017 Emergency Nutrition Interventions  (12-CEF-017) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$2,000,000 Approval date:08 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:15 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-ERI-5011 12-UF-ERI-5011_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Eritrea 12-FPA-013 Health and nutrition intervention in Maternal Waiting Homes & nutrition support People Living with HIV/AIDS  (12-FPA-013) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$571,659 Approval date:20 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-UF-ERI-5011 12-UF-ERI-5011_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Eritrea 12-HCR-019 Food Aid/Nutrition and Water interventions  (12-HCR-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$500,000 Approval date:13 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:20 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-ERI-5011 12-UF-ERI-5011_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Eritrea 12-WHO-019 Emergency Health and Nutrition interventions in remote areas affected by malnutrition, volcano eruption and drought  (12-WHO-019) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$801,237 Approval date:13 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-UF-ERI-5011 12-UF-ERI-5011_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Drought Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Eritrea 12-AID-004 Health and nutrition intervention in Maternal Waiting Homes & nutrition support People Living with HIV/AIDS  (12-AID-004) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$126,045 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 12-CEF-018-A Safe water supply and improved sanitation and hygiene for host population (25,000 people) leaving in zones receiving Malian Touaregs refugees.  (12-CEF-018-A) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$154,990 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 12-CEF-018-B Prevention and treatment of child malnutrition amongst Malian refugees and host communities in Burkina Faso  (12-CEF-018-B) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$158,467 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 12-CEF-018-D Provision of basic health care services to Malians refugees and host communities in Burkina Faso  (12-CEF-018-D) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$71,272 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:21 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Burkina Faso 12-FAO-014 Emergency support of Malian Refugees and host communities livestock in Burkina Faso  (12-FAO-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$300,000 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Burkina Faso 12-FPA-015 Provision of live saving reproductive health and gender based violence intervertions to Malian refugees and host communties in Burkina Faso  (12-FPA-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,002 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Burkina Faso 12-HCR-020 Protection and assistance of Malian refugees in Burkina Faso  (12-HCR-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,199,939 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Burkina Faso 12-WFP-023 Emergency Food Assistance To Malian Refugees And Vulnerable Host Populations In The Northern Sahelian Regions Of Burkina Faso  (12-WFP-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$900,023 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-657 12-RR-BFA-657_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Burkina Faso 12-WHO-020 Provision of basic health care services to Malians refugees and host communities in Burkina Faso  (12-WHO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$105,607 Approval date:15 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 12-CEF-019 Prise en charge intégrée des enfants et de leurs familles réfugiés venant du Mali  (12-CEF-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$116,001 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 12-CEF-020 Prise en charge intégrée des enfants et de leurs familles réfugiés venant du Mali  (12-CEF-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$371,876 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mauritania 12-CEF-021 Soutien scolaire, psychologique et protection des enfants réfugiés venant du Mali  (12-CEF-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$57,141 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mauritania 12-FAO-015 Programme d’urgence en faveur des réfugiés maliens / Préserver les moyens de subsistance des refugiés maliens à travers la santé animale (12-FAO-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$121,218 Approval date:03 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:13 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mauritania 12-FPA-016 Appui à la prise en charge des besoins d’urgence en santé sexuelle et reproductive des femmes Maliennes réfugiées en Mauritanie  (12-FPA-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$228,771 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mauritania 12-HCR-021 Programme d’urgence en faveur des réfugiés maliens à l’Est de la Mauritanie  (12-HCR-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,640,000 Approval date:04 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mauritania 12-WFP-024 Programme d’urgences en faveur des réfugiés maliens et des populations d’accueils par une assistance alimentaire  (12-WFP-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,640,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mauritania 12-WFP-025 Programme d’urgences en faveur des réfugiés maliens et des populations d’accueils par une opération spéciale logistique  (12-WFP-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,000,000 Approval date:28 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Mauritania 12-WHO-021 Assistance d’urgence aux enfants sévèrement malnutris dans les camps de réfugiés du Hodh Echargui  (12-WHO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$192,611 Approval date:13 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:20 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Mauritania 12-AID-005 Programme d’urgence en faveur des réfugiés maliens / Prévention du VIH/Sida dans les camps ciblés (12-AID-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$38,078 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7425 12-RR-MRT-7425_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Displacement Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Mauritania 12-CHR-001 Programme d’urgence en faveur des réfugiés maliens: assistance et conseil en droits civils et politiques et urgente prevention de conflit (12-CHR-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$85,000 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-ETH-5364 12-RR-ETH-5364_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Ethiopia 12-WFP-026 Food for the displaced in Moyale, Ethiopia PRRO 200290  (12-WFP-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,122,564 Approval date:22 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-022 Protective Learning and Community Emergency Services for Children and Women IDPs in Jalozai Camp  (12-CEF-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$124,077 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-024 Emergency health assistance to mothers, newborns and children newly displaced from Khyber Agency residing in camps in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) (12-CEF-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$276,145 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-025 Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for displaced communities affected by insecurity of Khyber Agency residing in Jalozai camp in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa  (12-CEF-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$315,636 Approval date:22 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-026 Provision of WASH services to displaced communities from Khyber Agency, living in camps and host communities  (12-CEF-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,428,197 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 12-FAO-016 Critical support to livestock of conflict affected population in Jalozai Camp and surrounding areas, KP  (12-FAO-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$349,600 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 12-FPA-017 Support for effective Multi-Sectoral prevention and Response to GBV  (12-FPA-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$89,698 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:27 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 12-HCR-022 Protection and humanitarian assistance to IDPs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA  (12-HCR-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$4,265,287 Approval date:22 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Pakistan 12-WFP-027 Food Assistance for communities affected by insecurity in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province (KP)  (12-WFP-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,634,647 Approval date:22 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 12-WHO-022 Water Quality Monitoring, Improvement and environmental surveillance  (12-WHO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$310,140 Approval date:21 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9101 12-RR-PAK-9101_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Pakistan 12-WHO-023 Emergency Rapid Primary Health Care Response including disease control and outbreak response for increasing IDP population of “Jalozai” camp (Nowshera district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan) focusing on filling the gaps/unmet life-saving needs in the health response  (12-WHO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,177,058 Approval date:22 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12317 12-RR-YEM-12317_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Measles United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 12-CEF-028 Child mortality reduction through the a national measles campaign for Yemen  (12-CEF-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,420,116 Approval date:22 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:30 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12317 12-RR-YEM-12317_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Measles World Health Organization Yemen 12-WHO-024 Child mortality reduction through a national measles/vitamin A and polio campaign  (12-WHO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,564,985 Approval date:23 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-13293 12-RR-CMR-13293_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Cameroon 12-WHO-026 Medical assistance to populations affected by the Humanitarian crisis in the Far North and Northern regions of Cameroon  (12-WHO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$578,236 Approval date:16 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:23 Mar 2012 Read more
12-RR-GMB-5487 12-RR-GMB-5487_Gambia_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Gambia 12-CEF-029 Nutrition and WASH interventions  (12-CEF-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$136,261 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-GMB-5487 12-RR-GMB-5487_Gambia_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Gambia 12-FAO-017 Emergency rehabilitation of the productive capacity of households affected by the 2012 severe weather conditions in The Gambia  (12-FAO-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,426,171 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-GMB-5487 12-RR-GMB-5487_Gambia_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Gambia 12-FPA-018 Reproductive Health Services to Women  (12-FPA-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$42,709 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:02 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-GMB-5487 12-RR-GMB-5487_Gambia_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Gambia 12-WFP-028 Assistance to Vulnerable Populations in the Districts most affected by Crop Failure in The Gambia  (12-WFP-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,165,066 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-GMB-5487 12-RR-GMB-5487_Gambia_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Gambia 12-WHO-025 Health Interventions to prevent disease outbreaks and deaths related to food scarcity due crop failure  (12-WHO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$63,910 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-SEN-10569 12-RR-SEN-10569_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Senegal 12-CEF-030 Appui à la prise en charge d’urgence des cas de malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS) et des complications médicales associées dans les deux régions de Matam et de Diourbel touchées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle (12-CEF-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$535,000 Approval date:30 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-SEN-10569 12-RR-SEN-10569_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Senegal 12-FAO-018 Restauration d’urgence des capacités productives des ménages affectés par les mauvaises productions agricoles de la campagne 2011-2012 au Sénégal  (12-FAO-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,125,002 Approval date:26 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-SEN-10569 12-RR-SEN-10569_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Senegal 12-WFP-029 Assistance alimentaire aux populations affectées par le déficit de production national  (12-WFP-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,005,638 Approval date:28 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:04 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-SEN-10569 12-RR-SEN-10569_Senegal_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Senegal 12-WHO-027 Appui à la prise en charge d’urgence des cas de malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS) et des complications médicales associées dans les deux régions de Matam et de Diourbel touchées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle (12-WHO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$266,430 Approval date:05 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:20 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-ETH-13377 12-RR-ETH-13377_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Ethiopia 12-WHO-028 Management of Meningitis outbreak  (12-WHO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,949,770 Approval date:29 Mar 2012 Disbursement date:09 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-8564 12-RR-NER-8564_Niger_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Niger 12-FAO-019 Emergency Assistance to vulnerable pastoralist and agricultural households (12-FAO-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,412,896 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-8564 12-RR-NER-8564_Niger_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Niger 12-WFP-030 Emergency Operation - Saving lives and preventing acute malnutrition for crisis-affected populations in Niger (12-WFP-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$12,520,222 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-8564 12-RR-NER-8564_Niger_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Niger 12-WFP-031 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Niger and in the region  (12-WFP-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$1,000,000 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13557 12-RR-NER-13557_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 12-CEF-031 Assistance to Niger Returnee Nationals from Mali (12-CEF-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$996,555 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13557 12-RR-NER-13557_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 12-CEF-032 Ensuring the protection of women and children affected by the Crisis in Mali (12-CEF-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$181,365 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13557 12-RR-NER-13557_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 12-CEF-033 Reduce morbidity and mortality due to severe acute malnutrition among young children in the community of returnees from Mali and refugees (12-CEF-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$130,540 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13557 12-RR-NER-13557_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Niger 12-HCR-023 Protection and assistance of Malian refugees in Niger NIG-12/P-HR-RL/49547/R  (12-HCR-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,000,000 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13557 12-RR-NER-13557_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Niger 12-WFP-032 Emergency Operation - Saving lives and preventing acute malnutrition for crisis-affected populations in Niger (12-WFP-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$996,790 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13557 12-RR-NER-13557_Niger_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Niger 12-WHO-029 Emergency rapid response to basic health needs of populations of four health districts hosting Malian refugees and affected by the food crisis in Tillabéri and Tahoua regions in Niger (12-WHO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$632,667 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-13968 12-RR-YEM-13968_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 12-CEF-034 Emergency WASH Project for the new IDPs (12-CEF-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,656,836 Approval date:11 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:20 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-13968 12-RR-YEM-13968_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 12-FPA-019 Protection and support of women and girls newly made IDPs by conflict in Yemen (12-FPA-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$280,276 Approval date:11 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-13968 12-RR-YEM-13968_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 12-HCR-024 Protection, shelter and NFI assistance to newly displaced persons in Hajjah, Lahj and Aden governorates  (12-HCR-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,724,089 Approval date:11 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-13968 12-RR-YEM-13968_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 12-IOM-009 Emergency Assistance to new IDPs within Abyan Governorate (12-IOM-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,902,431 Approval date:11 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:17 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-13968 12-RR-YEM-13968_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Yemen 12-WFP-033 Emergency Food Assistance to Conflict-Affected Persons in Yemen (12-WFP-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,611,919 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-13968 12-RR-YEM-13968_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 12-WHO-030 Provision of life saving and Primary Health Care services package to new IDPs  (12-WHO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$796,709 Approval date:16 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:30 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-035 Réponse à l’urgence créée par les explosions d’engins de guerre à Brazzaville  (12-CEF-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$434,925 Approval date:23 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-036 Réponse à l’urgence nutritionnelle créée par les explosions d’engins de guerre à Brazzaville  (12-CEF-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$453,704 Approval date:25 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-037 Réponse à l’urgence créée par les explosions d’engins de guerre à Brazzaville  (12-CEF-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$312,542 Approval date:23 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-038 Education des enfants déplacés dans la ville de Brazzaville des suites des explosions d’armes  (12-CEF-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$735,684 Approval date:23 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-040 Appui psychosocial aux enfants affectés et autres victimes en situation post- explosions à Brazzaville (enfants traumatisés, blessés, malades hospitalisés, enfants non accompagnés, élèves traumatisés, espaces conviviaux pour enfants)  (12-CEF-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$452,736 Approval date:27 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of Congo 12-CEF-041 Réponse à l’urgence sanitaire créée par les explosions d’engins de guerre à Brazzaville  (12-CEF-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$400,901 Approval date:25 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 12-FPA-020 Enregistrement et profilage des personnes déplacées internes de Brazzaville  (12-FPA-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$45,210 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 12-FPA-021 Prévention des violences basées sur le genre (GBV) et prise en charge médicale et psychosociale des victimes/survivants de GBV  (12-FPA-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$121,685 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Population Fund Republic of Congo 12-FPA-022 Amélioration de l’accès aux services de santé de la reproduction y compris les soins obstétricaux et néonataux d’urgence pour les personnes déplacées internes  (12-FPA-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$173,833 Approval date:23 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency World Food Programme Republic of Congo 12-WFP-034 Assistance alimentaire aux victimes des explosions du 04 mars à Brazzaville  (12-WFP-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,073,330 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency World Food Programme Republic of Congo 12-WFP-035 Renforcement des capacités logistiques du Gouvernement  (12-WFP-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$163,597 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:18 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency World Health Organization Republic of Congo 12-WHO-031 Réponse sanitaire aux situations d’urgences complexes suite à la catastrophe post explosion du dépôt de munition et d’arme de Mpila à Brazzaville  (12-WHO-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$336,434 Approval date:23 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Development Programme Republic of Congo 12-UDP-005 Installation des 1,500 familles sinistrées suite aux explosions du magasin d'armes et minutions de Mpila  (12-UDP-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$758,309 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:24 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Republic of Congo 12-ESC-002 Appui Psychosocial aux Elèves Affectés par la Catastrophe de Brazzaville à travers la Formation des Enseignants(République du Congo)  (12-ESC-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$180,310 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COG-3575 12-RR-COG-3575_Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Emergency United Nations Office for Project Services Republic of Congo 12-OPS-001 Coordination of Emergency Clearance of Unexploded Ordnance in the impact zone, Mpila, Brazzaville  (12-OPS-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,354,299 Approval date:25 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-GIN-5737 12-RR-GIN-5737_Guinea_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Guinea 12-CEF-042 Cholera Emergency Response in Guinea – WASH  (12-CEF-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$778,608 Approval date:23 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-GIN-5737 12-RR-GIN-5737_Guinea_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Guinea 12-WHO-032 Cholera Emergency Response in Guinea – Health (12-WHO-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$347,772 Approval date:25 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-13236 12-RR-BFA-13236_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 12-CEF-043 Addressing the needs of severely acute malnourished children under 5 in Burkina Faso  (12-CEF-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,646,088 Approval date:16 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:24 Apr 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-13236 12-RR-BFA-13236_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 12-CEF-044 Safe water supply and improved hygiene for SAM children families affected by the food crisis in Sahel and North regions  (12-CEF-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$711,550 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-13236 12-RR-BFA-13236_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Burkina Faso 12-FAO-020 Improvement of vulnerable households resilience in the context of human and animal food crisis in Burkina Faso  (12-FAO-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,878,472 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-13236 12-RR-BFA-13236_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Burkina Faso 12-WFP-036 Reversing Undernutrition and Protection of livelihoods (12-WFP-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$3,767,877 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:10 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-13236 12-RR-BFA-13236_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Burkina Faso 12-WHO-033 Reduction of mortality and morbidity related to severe acute malnutrition with medical complication in ten regions (12-WHO-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$184,858 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-CEF-045 Supporting the resumption of education and ensure schools are maintained as safe space for children SYR-12/E/01  (12-CEF-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$1,175,288 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-CEF-046 Food aid, Immunization, Nutrition and PSS Interventions for IDP children in Syria SYR-12/H/05 (12-CEF-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,004,733 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-CEF-047 Provision of supplies for children and families SYR-12/S-NF/04 (12-CEF-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,017,570 Approval date:27 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-CEF-048 Psycho-social support to children in distress in Syria SYR/P-HR-RL/02 (12-CEF-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$587,419 Approval date:26 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Syrian Arab Republic 12-FAO-021 Emergency response to support life-saving livelihoods and food security of poor small herders and farmers households affected by the ongoing Crisis in Idleb, Homs, Hama and Deir Ezzor provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic SYR-12/A/01  (12-FAO-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$728,122 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:07 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-FPA-023 Improving Reproductive Health Services for Violence Affected People SYR-12/H/02, H/03, and H/04 (12-FPA-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,258,565 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:30 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 12-HCR-025 Emergency medical assistance for Syrians displaced by the civil unrest SYR-12/H/10 and SYR/12/H/09  (12-HCR-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$533,484 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 12-HCR-026 Non-food assistance for Syrians displaced by the civil unrest SYR-12/S-NF/03  (12-HCR-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$849,152 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Syrian Arab Republic 12-IOM-011 Humanitarian Evacuation and Assistance for most vulnerable migrant workers and host communities in Syria SYR-12/P-HR-RL/03 (12-IOM-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$655,919 Approval date:18 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Syrian Arab Republic 12-RWA-002 Life-saving medical supplies for Palestine refugees in Syria SYR-12/H/12 (12-RWA-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$699,276 Approval date:27 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:15 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Syrian Arab Republic 12-UDP-006 Support to affected population to access disability equipment and NFIs SYR-12/H/01, SYR-12/S-NF/05, SYR-12/WS/02  (12-UDP-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$990,943 Approval date:14 May 2012 Disbursement date:22 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Syrian Arab Republic 12-WFP-037 Emergency Food Assistance to People Affected by Unrest in Syria (12-WFP-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$3,299,983 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:10 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11422 12-RR-SYR-11422_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 12-WHO-034 Provide critical medical interventions and strengthen trauma and referral management of affected population in unrest areas SYR-12/H/07 (12-WHO-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,012,967 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8005 12-RR-MMR-8005_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-049 Protection of internally displaced persons in Kachin State (12-CEF-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$37,477 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8005 12-RR-MMR-8005_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-050 Humanitarian Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in Kachin (12-CEF-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,099,425 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8005 12-RR-MMR-8005_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 12-HCR-027 Protecting IDPS in Kachin State (12-HCR-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,444,500 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8005 12-RR-MMR-8005_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 12-HCR-028 Protection of internally displaced persons in Kachin State (12-HCR-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$100,024 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:03 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8005 12-RR-MMR-8005_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 12-WFP-038 Emergency Food Assistance to Internally Displaced People in Kachin and Shan State (12-WFP-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,299,999 Approval date:20 Apr 2012 Disbursement date:16 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 12-CEF-051 Nutritional protection and psychosocial support for children affected by the floods in Loreto (12-CEF-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$201,845 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:10 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 12-CEF-052 Children and Adolescents Protection in the emergency floods in Loreto (12-CEF-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$141,775 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:10 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 12-CEF-053 Access to safe water and improvement of hygiene practices in population affected by flooding in Loreto  (12-CEF-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$129,952 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:10 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 12-CEF-054 Prevention of illness in children and pregnant mothers affected by flooding (12-CEF-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$104,860 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:10 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Peru 12-CEF-055 Education Emergency Response in Loreto  (12-CEF-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$220,821 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:10 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Peru 12-FAO-022 Emergency support to the communities most affected by the floods in Loreto  (12-FAO-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$496,820 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:18 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Peru 12-IOM-012 Support for Collective Centre management, shelter and NFIs (12-IOM-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$388,710 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:08 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Peru 12-WHO-035 Improve access to safe water and proper sanitation for the population affected by the floods Loreto (12-WHO-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$379,111 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:16 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-PER-9554 12-RR-PER-9554_Peru_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Peru 12-WHO-036 Reduce the impact in the health of the people affected by floods in Loreto (12-WHO-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$157,719 Approval date:01 May 2012 Disbursement date:15 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-KEN-6476 12-RR-KEN-6476_Kenya_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Kenya 12-CEF-056 Emergency Response in Arid and Semi-Arid Districts in Kenya (12-CEF-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,000,407 Approval date:07 May 2012 Disbursement date:15 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-KEN-6476 12-RR-KEN-6476_Kenya_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Kenya 12-FAO-023 Saving lives through sustaining pastoral economies (12-FAO-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,423 Approval date:04 May 2012 Disbursement date:16 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-TUR-11902 12-RR-TUR-11902_Turkey_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Türkiye 12-CEF-057 Supporting safe recreation, education and psycho-social care for children affected by the Syrian Crisis (12-CEF-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$325,280 Approval date:07 May 2012 Disbursement date:22 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-TUR-11902 12-RR-TUR-11902_Turkey_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Türkiye 12-HCR-029 Assistance to Displaced Persons from Syria (12-HCR-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,299,302 Approval date:07 May 2012 Disbursement date:15 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-TUR-11902 12-RR-TUR-11902_Turkey_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Türkiye 12-IOM-013 Rapid Relief Assistance to Syrians arriving to Turkey and residing in camps and tent cities (12-IOM-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$462,240 Approval date:07 May 2012 Disbursement date:15 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-BDI-778 12-RR-BDI-778_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Burundi 12-CEF-058 Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition in 4 provinces affected by acute food insecurity crisis in Burundi (12-CEF-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$535,429 Approval date:17 May 2012 Disbursement date:24 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-BDI-778 12-RR-BDI-778_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Burundi 12-FAO-024 Emergency restoration of livelihoods of populations affected by climate disturbances of end 2011 (12-FAO-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$662,531 Approval date:17 May 2012 Disbursement date:01 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-BDI-778 12-RR-BDI-778_Burundi_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Burundi 12-WFP-039 PRRO 200164: Assistance to Refugees, returnees and Vulnerable food-insecure population (12-WFP-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$788,309 Approval date:17 May 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-COM-3158 12-RR-COM-3158_Comoros_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Comoros 12-CEF-059 WASH emergency response after the flooding in Comoros  (12-CEF-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$977,901 Approval date:11 May 2012 Disbursement date:22 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COM-3158 12-RR-COM-3158_Comoros_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Comoros 12-CEF-060 Support to back to school and learning activities for children affected by floods (12-CEF-060) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$398,479 Approval date:11 May 2012 Disbursement date:30 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COM-3158 12-RR-COM-3158_Comoros_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Comoros 12-CEF-061 Support for improving basic access to health care (12-CEF-061) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$366,907 Approval date:11 May 2012 Disbursement date:22 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COM-3158 12-RR-COM-3158_Comoros_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Comoros 12-FPA-024 Establishment of Minimum Initial Service Package for reproductive health in the flood affected areas of three islands (12-FPA-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$64,981 Approval date:11 May 2012 Disbursement date:16 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COM-3158 12-RR-COM-3158_Comoros_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Comoros 12-WFP-040 Emergency Food Assistance to Victims of Flooding in the Union of Comoros (12-WFP-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$239,716 Approval date:09 May 2012 Disbursement date:18 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COM-3158 12-RR-COM-3158_Comoros_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Comoros 12-WHO-037 Provision of emergency curative and preventive health care services to flood affected population of Comoros (12-WHO-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$339,912 Approval date:11 May 2012 Disbursement date:21 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-COM-3158 12-RR-COM-3158_Comoros_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Development Programme Comoros 12-UDP-007 Provision of NFI /emergency shelter to flood -affected families in Anjouan, Moheli, and Grande Comore (12-UDP-007) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$134,743 Approval date:11 May 2012 Disbursement date:13 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-BFA-13263 12-RR-BFA-13263_Burkina Faso_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Burkina Faso 12-CEF-062 Response to the Meningitis outbreak (12-CEF-062) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,690,442 Approval date:30 May 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Jordan 12-CEF-063 Child protection in support of vulnerable Syrian children in Jordan (12-CEF-063) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$185,057 Approval date:18 May 2012 Disbursement date:30 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Jordan 12-CEF-064 Emergency WASH interventions in camp-like settings (12-CEF-064) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$427,626 Approval date:18 May 2012 Disbursement date:30 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Jordan 12-FPA-025 Strengthening the GBV Referral Pathway: Increasing Syrians Access to Life-Saving Protection Services (12-FPA-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$100,377 Approval date:22 May 2012 Disbursement date:30 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Jordan 12-FPA-026 Supporting the provision of RH services to Syrian women with a focus on identifying most at risk pregnancies and other life threatening conditions (12-FPA-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,024 Approval date:22 May 2012 Disbursement date:30 May 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Jordan 12-HCR-030 Protection and assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan (12-HCR-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$747,299 Approval date:23 May 2012 Disbursement date:01 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Jordan 12-IOM-014 Increasing access to provision of Tuberculosis (TB) and associated health services for displaced Syrians in Jordan (12-IOM-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$140,520 Approval date:25 May 2012 Disbursement date:05 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Jordan 12-WFP-041 Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Jordan (12-WFP-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,005,006 Approval date:23 May 2012 Disbursement date:13 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-JOR-6182 12-RR-JOR-6182_Jordan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Jordan 12-WHO-039 Supporting the Ministry of Health/Jordan in responding to the health needs of displaced Syrians (12-WHO-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$288,900 Approval date:23 May 2012 Disbursement date:01 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-SDN-10281 12-RR-SDN-10281_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Republic of the Sudan 12-IOM-015 Life-saving transport assistance to stranded and vulnerable South Sudanese in Kosti way-station and rail-way station (12-IOM-015) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$882,075 Approval date:30 May 2012 Disbursement date:05 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 12-CEF-065 Assurer l'accès à l'éducation de qualité des garçons et des filles déplacés et déscolarisés/non scolarisés à cause du conflit armé au Mali (12-CEF-065) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$344,749 Approval date:15 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 12-CEF-066 Prise en charge psycho sociale et légale des femmes et protection des enfants victimes des violences du fait du conflit au Nord Mali  (12-CEF-066) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$200,636 Approval date:02 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 12-CEF-067 Appui médical d’urgence aux populations victimes du conflit armé et de la crise de sécurité alimentaire au Mali (12-CEF-067) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$273,968 Approval date:10 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 12-CEF-068 Réponses des clusters WASH dans les régions nord et les sites des déplacés internes (12-CEF-068) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$864,100 Approval date:03 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Mali 12-FAO-025 Rétablissement d’urgence de la capacité d’auto prise en charge des populations déplacées du Mali par la restauration de leur productivité agropastorale  (12-FAO-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$496,536 Approval date:26 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mali 12-FPA-027 Prise en charge psycho sociale et légale des femmes et protection des enfants victimes des violences du fait du conflit au Nord Mali (12-FPA-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$150,084 Approval date:02 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Mali 12-FPA-028 Appui médical d’urgence aux populations victimes du conflit armé et de la crise de sécurité alimentaire au Mali (12-FPA-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$68,469 Approval date:10 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mali 12-HCR-031 Protection and assistance to IDPs in Mali (12-HCR-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$629,677 Approval date:22 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Mali 12-IOM-016 Protection and assistance to IDPs in Mali (12-IOM-016) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$70,275 Approval date:22 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mali 12-WFP-042 Assistance to Populations Affected by Conflict in the North (12-WFP-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,984,818 Approval date:27 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Mali 12-WHO-040 Appui médical d’urgence aux populations victimes du conflit armé et de la crise de sécurité alimentaire au Mali (12-WHO-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$531,343 Approval date:10 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Mali 12-WHO-041 Réponses des clusters WASH dans les régions nord et les sites des déplacés internes (12-WHO-041) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$136,440 Approval date:03 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Mali 12-AID-006 Appui médical d’urgence aux populations victimes du conflit armé et de la crise de sécurité alimentaire au Mali (12-AID-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$27,927 Approval date:10 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Mali 12-WOM-002 Prise en charge psycho sociale et légale des femmes et protection des enfants victimes des violences du fait du conflit au Nord Mali (12-WOM-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$128,951 Approval date:02 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Mali 12-WOM-003 Appui médical d’urgence aux populations victimes du conflit armé et de la crise de sécurité alimentaire au Mali (12-WOM-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$64,200 Approval date:10 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7155 12-RR-MLI-7155_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Mali 12-CEF-073 Réponses du cluster Nutrition dans les régions nord et les sites des déplacés internes (12-CEF-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$600,012 Approval date:28 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-LBN-6988 12-RR-LBN-6988_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 12-CEF-069 Strengthening protection and psychosocial support for vulnerable Syrian children and host communities in targeted areas of displacement in Lebanon (12-CEF-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$300,670 Approval date:30 May 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-LBN-6988 12-RR-LBN-6988_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Lebanon 12-CEF-070 Emergency WASH in Bekaa valley and Lebanon North (12-CEF-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$497,550 Approval date:01 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-LBN-6988 12-RR-LBN-6988_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Lebanon 12-FPA-029 Emergency support to refugee women and girls (12-FPA-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$381,562 Approval date:30 May 2012 Disbursement date:05 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-LBN-6988 12-RR-LBN-6988_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Lebanon 12-HCR-032 Emergency Response to Syria Situation (Protection and Health Care for Syrian refugees in Lebanon) (12-HCR-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$450,042 Approval date:01 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-LBN-6988 12-RR-LBN-6988_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Lebanon 12-IOM-017 Emergency Support to Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Lebanese Returnees Who Fled to Lebanon for Safe Haven (12-IOM-017) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$300,000 Approval date:04 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-LBN-6988 12-RR-LBN-6988_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Lebanon 12-WFP-044 Emergency Food Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (12-WFP-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$899,286 Approval date:31 May 2012 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-LBN-6988 12-RR-LBN-6988_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Lebanon 12-WHO-042 Emergency health support to Displaced Syrians in Lebanon (12-WHO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$149,800 Approval date:04 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-RWA-10469 12-RR-RWA-10469_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Rwanda 12-CEF-071 Protection and emergency response to the refugee influx to Rwanda (12-CEF-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$629,017 Approval date:04 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-RWA-10469 12-RR-RWA-10469_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Rwanda 12-HCR-033 Protection and assistance to newly arrived Congolese Refugees in Rwanda (12-HCR-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,534,378 Approval date:04 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jun 2012 Read more
12-RR-RWA-10469 12-RR-RWA-10469_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Rwanda 12-WFP-045 Emergency Assistance to new Congolese refugees in Rwanda (12-WFP-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$694,737 Approval date:04 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-RWA-10469 12-RR-RWA-10469_Rwanda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Rwanda 12-WHO-043 Health emergency assistance to new Congolese refugees in Rwanda for the prevention and control of diseases (12-WHO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$218,950 Approval date:08 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-AGO-251 12-RR-AGO-251_Angola_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Angola 12-CEF-072 Lifesaving nutrition interventions in 3 most drought affected provinces in Angola (12-CEF-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$3,352,207 Approval date:21 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:10 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-AGO-251 12-RR-AGO-251_Angola_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Angola 12-FAO-026 Life Saving interventions on food security and nutrition in three provinces  (12-FAO-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$997,873 Approval date:21 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-AGO-251 12-RR-AGO-251_Angola_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Angola 12-WHO-044 Lifesaving nutrition interventions in 3 most drought affected provinces in Angola (12-WHO-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$752,052 Approval date:21 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-UGA-11950 12-RR-UGA-11950_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda 12-FAO-027 Emergency food security support to refugee families in South Western Uganda  (12-FAO-027) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$278,457 Approval date:02 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-UGA-11950 12-RR-UGA-11950_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Uganda 12-IOM-018 Rwamwanja Settlement Emergency Response (12-IOM-018) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$465,192 Approval date:03 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-UGA-11950 12-RR-UGA-11950_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Uganda 12-FPA-030 Provision of Emergency Life Saving Interventions to Pregnant Women and GBV Survivors in Transit and Refugee Settlement Camps in South Western Uganda (12-FPA-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$200,379 Approval date:02 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:12 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-UGA-11950 12-RR-UGA-11950_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Uganda 12-HCR-034 Protection and emergency assistance to newly arrived Congolese refugees in Uganda (12-HCR-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,804,898 Approval date:28 Jun 2012 Disbursement date:13 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-UGA-11950 12-RR-UGA-11950_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Uganda 12-CEF-074 Emergency response to the situation of refugees and asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo (12-CEF-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,150,975 Approval date:10 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-UGA-11950 12-RR-UGA-11950_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Uganda 12-WFP-046 Emergency Food Assistance to newly arrived Congolese refugees in Uganda (12-WFP-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,831,225 Approval date:06 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-UGA-11950 12-RR-UGA-11950_Uganda_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Uganda 12-WHO-045 Strengthening the delivery of life saving basic health services to refugees in Uganda (12-WHO-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$156,418 Approval date:10 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-CAF-1549 12-RR-CAF-1549_CAR_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 12-CEF-075 Réponse immédiate pour la prise en charge de l’épidémie de Rougeole, la malnutrition sévère, la crise alimentaire et les urgences medico-obstétricales affectant la population de Oundja dans la Vakaga au nord-est de la RCA (12-CEF-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$48,180 Approval date:13 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-CAF-1549 12-RR-CAF-1549_CAR_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Central African Republic 12-FPA-031 Réponse immédiate pour la prise en charge de l’épidémie de Rougeole, la malnutrition sévère, la crise alimentaire et les urgences medico-obstétricales affectant la population de Oundja dans la Vakaga au nord-est de la RCA (12-FPA-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$120,075 Approval date:13 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:23 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-CAF-1549 12-RR-CAF-1549_CAR_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Central African Republic 12-WFP-047 Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux populations Vulnérables dans l’Ouest de la préfecture de la Vakaga (12-WFP-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,241,264 Approval date:13 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-CAF-1549 12-RR-CAF-1549_CAR_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Central African Republic 12-WHO-046 Réponse immédiate pour la prise en charge de l’épidémie de Rougeole, la malnutrition sévère, la crise alimentaire et les urgences medico-obstétricales affectant la population de Oundja dans la Vakaga au nord-est de la RCA (12-WHO-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$104,222 Approval date:13 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-CAF-1549 12-RR-CAF-1549_CAR_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Central African Republic 12-CEF-082 Réponse d’urgence en Nutrition au Nord-est de la République Centrafricaine (RCA) (12-CEF-082) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$479,972 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-3979 12-RR-COD-3979_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-CEF-076 Réponse Rapide aux mouvements de populations dans les provinces du Nord et la partie Nord Kivu en matière de NFI, Wash et Nutrition (12-CEF-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,271,600 Approval date:30 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:09 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-3979 12-RR-COD-3979_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-FAO-028 Réponse rapide aux besoins de sécurité alimentaire des populations récemment déplacées et affectées suite aux affrontements dans le Nord-Kivu (12-FAO-028) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,000,000 Approval date:26 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:03 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-3979 12-RR-COD-3979_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-HCR-035 Renforcement du monitoring de protection (12-HCR-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$201,390 Approval date:27 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:06 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-3979 12-RR-COD-3979_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WFP-048 Emergency food assistance to newly displaced people in North Kivu and spillover into South Kivu (Kalehe and Kabare territories) (12-WFP-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,549,794 Approval date:26 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-3979 12-RR-COD-3979_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WFP-049 Appui a l'achemimenement de l'aide humanitaire d'urgence au Nord - Kivu et faciliter l'acces humanitaire par la re-ouverture des axes routiers prioritaires (12-WFP-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$867,567 Approval date:24 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-3979 12-RR-COD-3979_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WHO-047 Améliorer l’accès aux soins de base et d’urgence aux populations déplacées dans les zones de santé des provinces du Nord Kivu et du Sud Kivu suites aux conflits armés (12-WHO-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$987,629 Approval date:26 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-077 Emergency WASH Response to Refugees in South Sudan (12-CEF-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,080,058 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-078 Emergency Nutrition Support to Refugees (12-CEF-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$467,073 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-079 Emergency Immunization and Primary Health Care Support to Refugees (12-CEF-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$574,647 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-080 Provision of education in emergencies supplies to refugees in Maban and Yida (12-CEF-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$612,441 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund South Sudan 12-CEF-081 Protecting Refugees boys and girls affected by conflict in Upper Nile and Unity States (12-CEF-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$598,898 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund South Sudan 12-FPA-032 Scaling up Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) including HIV and GBV for Refugees in South Sudan (12-FPA-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$227,929 Approval date:16 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees South Sudan 12-HCR-036 Protection of refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan (12-HCR-036) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$10,031,250 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration South Sudan 12-IOM-019 WASH assistance to refugee population in Upper Nile State, South Sudan (12-IOM-019) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,067,774 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration South Sudan 12-IOM-020 Common transport service for refugees (12-IOM-020) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$969,420 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-SSD-10923 12-RR-SSD-10923_South Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme South Sudan 12-WFP-050 Emergency Food Assistance for refugees in South Sudan (12-WFP-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$4,397,966 Approval date:17 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:21 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MLI-7220 12-RR-MLI-7220_Mali_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Mali 12-WFP-051 Provision of Common Security Telecommunications and Data Communications services to the Humanitarian Community in Mali (12-WFP-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$324,230 Approval date:20 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRY-9499 12-RR-PRY-9499_Paraguay_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Paraguay 12-CEF-083 Reactivate the sanitation, hygiene and water systems at indigenous communities and their schools (12-CEF-083) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$299,975 Approval date:19 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRY-9499 12-RR-PRY-9499_Paraguay_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Paraguay 12-CEF-084 Response to the emergency at the Paraguayan Chaco to reestablish educational activities and psychosocial support to ensure a safe and secure environment for the back to school (12-CEF-084) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$100,002 Approval date:19 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:31 Jul 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRY-9499 12-RR-PRY-9499_Paraguay_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Paraguay 12-FAO-029 Humanitarian Relief to support the livelihoods recovery of the vulnerable families affected by floods in the Paraguayan Chaco (12-FAO-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$502,534 Approval date:19 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRY-9499 12-RR-PRY-9499_Paraguay_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Development Programme Paraguay 12-UDP-008 Provision of Non Food Items to indigenous and rural communities affected by floods in the Paraguayan Chaco (12-UDP-008) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$299,988 Approval date:19 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:17 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRY-9499 12-RR-PRY-9499_Paraguay_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Paraguay 12-WFP-052 Food Assistance to Food-affected families in El Chaco of Paraguay (12-WFP-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,197,002 Approval date:19 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRY-9499 12-RR-PRY-9499_Paraguay_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Paraguay 12-WHO-048 Humanitarian Health Relief to support the vulnerable families affected by floods in the Paraguayan Chaco (12-WHO-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$177,513 Approval date:19 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-UF-ETH-5377 12-UF-ETH-5377_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Ethiopia 12-WFP-054 Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200290: Responding to Humanitarian Crises and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity (12-WFP-054) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$6,000,000 Approval date:14 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-UF-ETH-5377 12-UF-ETH-5377_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia 12-CEF-111 Education in emergency response for Filtu and Dhekasuftu displaced In Liben Zone and Benshangule Gumuz refugees and host communities (12-CEF-111) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Education US$499,998 Approval date:11 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-ETH-5377 12-UF-ETH-5377_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ethiopia 12-HCR-047 Protection and Assistance for refugees in Shimelba, May-Ayni, Adi-Harush, Berhale, Asayita and Fugnido/Village 12 (12-HCR-047) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,162,448 Approval date:25 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-ETH-5377 12-UF-ETH-5377_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Ethiopia 12-IOM-027 Western Ethiopia Refugee Shelter Project (12-IOM-027) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$750,001 Approval date:07 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-ETH-5377 12-UF-ETH-5377_Ethiopia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Ethiopia 12-WHO-067 Public health emergency response to communicable disease in Refugees, displaced and host community (12-WHO-067) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,000 Approval date:11 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11494 12-RR-SYR-11494_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-CEF-085 Integrated WASH programme and assistance for internally displaced populations (12-CEF-085) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,000,062 Approval date:26 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:09 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11494 12-RR-SYR-11494_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Syrian Arab Republic 12-FPA-033 Reproductive Health Emergency Preparedness in Syria (12-FPA-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$800,000 Approval date:25 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11494 12-RR-SYR-11494_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 12-HCR-037 Non-food assistance for Syrians displaced by the civil unrest SYR-12/S-NF/03 (12-HCR-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$3,000,000 Approval date:25 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11494 12-RR-SYR-11494_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Syrian Arab Republic 12-WFP-053 Emergency Food Assistance to People Affected by Unrest in Syria (12-WFP-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$501,532 Approval date:25 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11494 12-RR-SYR-11494_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 12-WHO-049 Provide critical medical interventions and strengthen trauma and referral management of affected population in unrest areas SYR-12/H/51467 (12-WHO-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$899,998 Approval date:25 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-11494 12-RR-SYR-11494_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Syrian Arab Republic 12-WHO-051 Filling the gaps of basic primary health care package (12-WHO-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$1,500,000 Approval date:25 Jul 2012 Disbursement date:01 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-CIV-4437 12-RR-CIV-4437_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Cote d'Ivoire 12-CEF-086 Response to the cholera epidemic in the South-East of Cote d’Ivoire and Abidjan (12-CEF-086) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$424,041 Approval date:04 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:11 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-CIV-4437 12-RR-CIV-4437_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Cote d'Ivoire 12-WHO-052 Response against the epidemic of cholera in the sanitary districts Adiaké and Aboisso in the South East of Côte d'Ivoire and in Abidjan (12-WHO-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$495,618 Approval date:04 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-GHA-5570 12-RR-GHA-5570_Ghana_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Ghana 12-CEF-087 Cholera response to children’s needs: Public awareness and support to safe drinking water in four regions affected by the cholera outbreak (12-CEF-087) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$201,160 Approval date:14 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-GHA-5570 12-RR-GHA-5570_Ghana_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Ghana 12-WHO-053 Enhancing Cholera Prevention, Detection, Reproting, Case & Data Manamgement in 5 Regions with Cholera Outbreak in Ghana (12-WHO-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$111,280 Approval date:14 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-LSO-6596 12-RR-LSO-6596_Lesotho_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Lesotho 12-CEF-088 Nutrition: Management of moderate and severe Acute Malnutrition (12-CEF-088) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$227,108 Approval date:16 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-LSO-6596 12-RR-LSO-6596_Lesotho_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Lesotho 12-CEF-089 Livelihood Intervention during Food Emergency (LIFE): Social Protection Sector (12-CEF-089) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,989,301 Approval date:16 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-LSO-6596 12-RR-LSO-6596_Lesotho_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Lesotho 12-FAO-030 Early recovery support to farming households affected by drought and late rains in 2011/12 summer cropping season (12-FAO-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,106,595 Approval date:14 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-LSO-6596 12-RR-LSO-6596_Lesotho_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Population Fund Lesotho 12-FPA-034 Prevention and management of sexual and gender based violence resulting from food crisis in Lesotho (12-FPA-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$187,999 Approval date:14 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-LSO-6596 12-RR-LSO-6596_Lesotho_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Lesotho 12-WFP-055 Emergency Food Assistance to Households Affected by Severe Crop Failure (12-WFP-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,339,518 Approval date:15 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:17 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-LSO-6596 12-RR-LSO-6596_Lesotho_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Lesotho 12-WHO-054 Response to the Health effects of food shortage crisis in Lesotho (12-WHO-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$369,490 Approval date:16 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SLE-10610 12-RR-SLE-10610_Sierra Leone_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Sierra Leone 12-CEF-090 Emergency rapid response to cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone (12-CEF-090) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,649,014 Approval date:14 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-SLE-10610 12-RR-SLE-10610_Sierra Leone_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Sierra Leone 12-WHO-055 Reinforcement of the emergency rapid response to cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone (12-WHO-055) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$812,221 Approval date:14 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 12-CEF-091 Emergency WASH Assistance to the conflict affected population of Abyan (12-CEF-091) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,839,642 Approval date:08 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 12-CEF-092 Protection of Internally Displaced and Conflict Affected Children in Abyan, Aden and Lahj Governorates, Yemen YEM-12/P-HR-RL/47293-1 (12-CEF-092) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$261,754 Approval date:09 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Yemen 12-CEF-093 Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition among U5 children, promotion of Infant young child feeding practices and micronutrient supplementation in Abyan governorate (12-CEF-093) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$406,332 Approval date:08 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Yemen 12-FPA-035 Implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package for Reproductive healthas well as Prevention and Response of Sexual and Gender based violence among newly displaced population in Abyan, Aden, and Lahj Governorate (12-FPA-035) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$429,081 Approval date:13 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yemen 12-HCR-038 Life-Saving Assistance through NFIs and Emergency Shelter Repair Kits for Returning IDPs in the South of Yemen (12-HCR-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,400,023 Approval date:03 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 12-IOM-021 Emergency Material Aid to Returnees to Abyan Governorate (12-IOM-021) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$518,629 Approval date:08 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 12-IOM-022 Providing Life Saving Health and Psychosocial Care to IDPs, Returnees and Crisis Affected Populations in Abyan (12-IOM-022) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$407,970 Approval date:08 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 12-IOM-023 Community based Management of Moderate and Severe Acute Malnutrition Among Boys and Girls under Five Years Old in Abyan Governorate (12-IOM-023) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$343,342 Approval date:08 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Development Programme Yemen 12-UDP-009 Eleminate Impact of Mines (12-UDP-009) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$250,000 Approval date:03 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Yemen 12-WHO-056 Supporting Primary Health Care, Emergency Medical Services and respond to disease outbreaks in Abyan and neighbouring Governorates (12-WHO-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$844,551 Approval date:08 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 12-IOM-024 Emergency WASH Assistance to Returnees to Abyan Governorate (12-IOM-024) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$466,413 Approval date:10 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-YEM-12331 12-RR-YEM-12331_Yemen_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Yemen 12-IOM-025 Protection of Internally Displaced and Conflict Affected Children in Abyan, Aden and Lahj Governorates, Yemen YEM-12/P-HR-RL/47293-1 (12-IOM-025) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$335,338 Approval date:09 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-094 Humanitarian Response for IDPs in Rakhine (12-CEF-094) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$702,075 Approval date:07 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:22 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-095 Protection of internally displaced children in Rakhine Stater (12-CEF-095) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$89,940 Approval date:07 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-096 Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition in children and Prevention of Micronutrient Deficiencies among children and pregnant/ lactating women of the displaced population affected by recent conflict in Rakhine State in Myanmar  (12-CEF-096) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$126,502 Approval date:07 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-097 Addressing Priority Health Needs of the IDP Population in Sittwe, Rakhine State (12-CEF-097) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$19,474 Approval date:07 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Myanmar 12-WHO-057 Addressing Priority Health Needs of the IDP Population in Sittwe, Rakhine State (12-WHO-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$89,827 Approval date:07 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 12-HCR-039 Emergency Assistance for displaced populations in Rakhine State (12-HCR-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,705,663 Approval date:09 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 12-HCR-040 Emergency Assistance for displaced populations in Rakhine State (12-HCR-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$124,545 Approval date:07 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:23 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8026 12-RR-MMR-8026_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 12-WFP-056 Emergency Food Assistance to the affected population in Rakhine State (12-WFP-056) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,000,000 Approval date:09 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:28 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRK-6778 12-RR-PRK-6778_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-CEF-098 Responding to Flood emergency in DPRK (12-CEF-098) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$400,726 Approval date:16 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRK-6778 12-RR-PRK-6778_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-FPA-037 Provision of life saving Reproductive Health Services in flood affected areas  (12-FPA-037) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$100,000 Approval date:21 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRK-6778 12-RR-PRK-6778_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-WFP-057 Nutrition Support for Women and Children affected by Flood (12-WFP-057) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$654,412 Approval date:16 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:07 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-PRK-6778 12-RR-PRK-6778_DPR Korea_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12-WHO-058 Life Saving Emergency Health Response to Floods in DPRK (12-WHO-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$800,002 Approval date:21 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2012 Read more
12-RR-CIV-13334 12-RR-CIV-13334_Cote d Ivoire_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cote d'Ivoire 12-WFP-058 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Cote d’Ivore (12-WFP-058) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$606,401 Approval date:21 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:07 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-LKA-11265 12-UF-LKA-11265_Sri Lanka_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Sri Lanka 12-CEF-099 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for IDPs in Menik Farm and for Menik Farm IDP returns (12-CEF-099) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$200,000 Approval date:22 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2012 Read more
12-UF-LKA-11265 12-UF-LKA-11265_Sri Lanka_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Sri Lanka 12-HCR-041 Protection and assistance for displaced population in Sri Lanka’s north  (12-HCR-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$330,000 Approval date:21 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:29 Aug 2012 Read more
12-UF-LKA-11265 12-UF-LKA-11265_Sri Lanka_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Sri Lanka 12-WFP-059 Supporting Relief in Former Conflict-Affected Areas (12-WFP-059) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,464,899 Approval date:04 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 12-CEF-101 Integrated management of acute malnutrition (12-CEF-101) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$150,682 Approval date:05 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Madagascar 12-WFP-060 Response to Recurrent Natural Disasters and Seasonal Food Insecurity in Madagascar - Nutrition activities (12-WFP-060) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$123,587 Approval date:05 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Development Programme Madagascar 12-UDP-010 Improve livelihood of women headed households and men headed households with children less than 2 years affected by the cyclone Giovanna and the floods (12-UDP-010) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Early Recovery US$150,001 Approval date:11 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 12-CEF-102 Water, hygiene and Sanitation interventions in two regions affected by malaria and food insecurity (12-CEF-102) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$124,936 Approval date:05 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Madagascar 12-WFP-061 Response to Recurrent Natural Disasters and Seasonal Food Insecurity in Madagascar – Food security (12-WFP-061) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$246,654 Approval date:05 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Madagascar 12-FAO-031 Agriculture support to rapidly reduce food insecurity and strengthen the resilience of farming households affected by cyclones Irina and Giovanna (12-FAO-031) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$534,377 Approval date:14 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm World Health Organization Madagascar 12-WHO-060 Support to improve access for vulnerable population to basic health care (including reproductive health) and malaria outbreak control in seven cyclone and floods affected districts in two south-eastern regions of Madagascar (12-WHO-060) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$259,211 Approval date:19 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Madagascar 12-CEF-103 Support to improve access for vulnerable population to basic health care (including reproductive health) and malaria outbreak control in seven cyclone and floods affected districts in two south-eastern regions of Madagascar (12-CEF-103) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$150,445 Approval date:19 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-MDG-13170 12-UF-MDG-13170_Madagascar_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Population Fund Madagascar 12-FPA-038 Support to improve access for vulnerable population to basic health care (including reproductive health) and malaria outbreak control in seven cyclone and floods affected districts in two south-eastern regions of Madagascar (12-FPA-038) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$260,000 Approval date:19 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-8584 12-RR-NER-8584_Niger_Jun2016_Application Cholera United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 12-CEF-100 Réponse rapide d’urgence à l’épidémie de choléra au Niger (12-CEF-100) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$450,184 Approval date:31 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:10 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-8584 12-RR-NER-8584_Niger_Jun2016_Application Cholera World Health Organization Niger 12-WHO-059 Réponse rapide d’urgence à l’épidémie de choléra au Niger (12-WHO-059) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$649,586 Approval date:04 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 12-CEF-104 Provide quality primary health care services to vulnerable populations (12-CEF-104) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$500,760 Approval date:14 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 12-CEF-105 Increase and maintain access to WASH basic lifesaving services for 700,000 existing and new IDPs and conflict affected population at the most vulnerable IDP locations in Darfur SUD-12/WS/46614/124 (12-CEF-105) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$2,493,580 Approval date:26 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Republic of the Sudan 12-CEF-106 Management of acute malnutrition in Darfur states SUD-12/H/46507/R (12-CEF-106) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,967,497 Approval date:21 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Republic of the Sudan 12-FAO-032 Support to the restoration and maintenance of the food and livelihoods security of vulnerable households (IDPs, refugees, returnees and host communities) in Darfur SUD-12/A/46632/R  (12-FAO-032) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:20 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 12-FPA-039 Emergency health interventions in Darfur region (12-FPA-039) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$300,001 Approval date:14 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Republic of the Sudan 12-FPA-040 Strengthening Lifesaving, Comprehensive, and Multi-Sectoral Prevention and Response to GBV Survivors in Northern States SUD-12/P-HR-RL/46866/R (12-FPA-040) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$458,623 Approval date:21 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 12-HCR-042 Protection and Assistance to Refugees in Darfur (12-HCR-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$499,886 Approval date:14 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Republic of the Sudan 12-HCR-043 Protection and assistance for IDPs, conflict affected people and returnees in Darfur SUD-12/P-HR-RL/46985  (12-HCR-043) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$173,085 Approval date:20 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Republic of the Sudan 12-WFP-062 Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Sudan (12-WFP-062) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$3,000,000 Approval date:12 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 12-WHO-061 Urgent support to health services in Darfur (12-WHO-061) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$2,138,393 Approval date:18 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-SDN-10288 12-UF-SDN-10288_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 12-WHO-062 Promote water and sanitation activities in the targeted camps in Darfur 700,000 existing and new IDPs and conflict affected population in the most vulnerable IDP locations in Darfur (12-WHO-062) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$462,657 Approval date:18 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-CEF-107 Prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe sévère au Katanga et Sud Kivu (12-CEF-107) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$3,999,986 Approval date:20 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WFP-063 Nyunzu-Manono Road rehabilitation (12-WFP-063) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Common Services US$499,893 Approval date:19 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WFP-064 Blanket Supplementary Feeding DRC-12/F/49578/R/561 (12-WFP-064) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$1,966,306 Approval date:28 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-FPA-041 Amélioration de l’accès aux services de santé de la reproduction d’urgence chez les déplacés internes et les populations d’accueil dans 8 zones de santé au Sud Kivu et au Katanga (12-FPA-041) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$643,127 Approval date:20 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:28 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WHO-063 Projet d’appui d’urgence à l’accès aux soins de santé de base et au renforcement de l’immunité des enfants de moins de 5 ans parmi les populations déplacées des Territoires de Manono, Mitwaba et Pweto (12-WHO-063) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$200,510 Approval date:20 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:02 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WFP-065 Emergency food assistance to newly displaced people in South Kivu DRC-12/F/49578/R/561 (12-WFP-065) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$1,677,728 Approval date:28 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WHO-064 Appui d’urgence à la mise en place d’un paquet minimum d’activités dans les zones de santé de conflits au Sud Kivu, RDC (12-WHO-064) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,150,978 Approval date:26 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COD-4017 12-UF-COD-4017_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-FAO-033 Réponse stratégique efficace, rapide et appropriée aux besoins des populations les plus vulnérables par la constitution de stocks stratégiques d’intrants agricoles en RDC (12-FAO-033) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,632,018 Approval date:26 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-AFG-97 12-UF-AFG-97_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Afghanistan 12-HCR-045 Protection of vulnerable families, returnees/ IDPs, during the harsh winter conditions through direct target assistance of cold packages (12-HCR-045) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,299,944 Approval date:12 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-AFG-97 12-UF-AFG-97_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs Food and Agriculture Organization Afghanistan 12-FAO-035 Support to vulnerable populations affected by disasters in food insecure areas of Afghanistan by improving access to agricultural inputs (12-FAO-035) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$1,600,000 Approval date:14 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-AFG-97 12-UF-AFG-97_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 12-CEF-108 Reduce avoidable child mortality through nationwide measles/polio/Vitamin A campaign (12-CEF-108) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$4,009,224 Approval date:12 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-AFG-97 12-UF-AFG-97_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Afghanistan 12-WHO-065 Reduce avoidable child mortality through nationwide measles/polio/Vitamin A campaign (12-WHO-065) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$1,003,788 Approval date:12 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-AFG-97 12-UF-AFG-97_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Food Programme Afghanistan 12-WFP-066 Nutrition treatment of acutely malnourished children, aged 6 to 59 months, and pregnant and lactating women, and prevention from nutritional deterioration in Afghanistan AFG-12/H/45747/561 (12-WFP-066) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$647,999 Approval date:26 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-AFG-97 12-UF-AFG-97_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs World Health Organization Afghanistan 12-WHO-066 Improved access to emergency nutrition care for severely malnourished children with medical complications (12-WHO-066) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$194,825 Approval date:12 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-AFG-97 12-UF-AFG-97_Afghanistan_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund Afghanistan 12-CEF-109 Support Vulnerable Communities in Emergency Preparedness and Response, Prevention and Response to Violence Against Children (12-CEF-109) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$239,616 Approval date:14 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:20 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-13908 12-RR-SYR-13908_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Syrian Arab Republic 12-FAO-034 Emergency response to support life- saving/sustaining livelihoods and food security of poor small herders and farmers households affected by the ongoing crisis in Idleb, Homs, Hama and Daraá provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic (12-FAO-034) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$2,000,000 Approval date:31 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-13908 12-RR-SYR-13908_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Syrian Arab Republic 12-HCR-044 Non-food assistance for Syrians displaced by the civil unrest SYR-12/S-NF/03 (12-HCR-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$999,971 Approval date:29 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:10 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-13908 12-RR-SYR-13908_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Syrian Arab Republic 12-RWA-003 Food and Non-Food Assistance to Palestine Refugees in Syria (12-RWA-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$2,020,544 Approval date:13 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-SYR-13908 12-RR-SYR-13908_Syria_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Syrian Arab Republic 12-IOM-026 Humanitarian Evacuation and Assistance for most vulnerable migrant workers and IDPs in Syria SYR-12/P-HR-RL/03 (12-IOM-026) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$957,575 Approval date:29 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:07 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-CMR-958 12-UF-CMR-958_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 12-CEF-110 Strengthening management of severe acute malnutrition of children under five (refugees and host) in East and Adamaoua regions (12-CEF-110) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$297,432 Approval date:05 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-CMR-958 12-UF-CMR-958_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Cameroon 12-HCR-046 International protection and Humanitarian Assistance to CAR refugees (12-HCR-046) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$899,999 Approval date:05 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:13 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-CMR-958 12-UF-CMR-958_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Cameroon 12-WFP-067 Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (Cameroon) (12-WFP-067) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Nutrition US$799,999 Approval date:31 Aug 2012 Disbursement date:14 Sep 2012 Read more
12-UF-COL-3024 12-UF-COL-3024_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 12-CEF-112 Integrated Response to Ensure the Survival and Protection of the Children affected by armed Conflict and natural disaster (12-CEF-112) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Multi-Sector US$566,811 Approval date:28 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COL-3024 12-UF-COL-3024_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Colombia 12-FAO-036 Food security and nutritional emergency support to vulnerable people affected by violence in the department of Putumayo (12-FAO-036) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Agriculture US$372,161 Approval date:01 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:07 Nov 2012 Read more
12-UF-COL-3024 12-UF-COL-3024_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Colombia 12-FPA-042 To strengthen GBV response mechanisms for women and girls affected by armed conflict, in the communities of Aguasal (Chocó), and Jambaló, Toribío, Caloto (Cauca) (12-FPA-042) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$242,203 Approval date:27 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COL-3024 12-UF-COL-3024_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Colombia 12-HCR-048 Protection and Assistance for IDPs in Colombia (12-HCR-048) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Protection US$480,000 Approval date:28 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COL-3024 12-UF-COL-3024_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Colombia 12-IOM-028 Increasing temporary shelter capacities to protect vulnerable conflict affected IDPs in selected areas of Colombia (12-IOM-028) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$316,000 Approval date:25 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:01 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COL-3024 12-UF-COL-3024_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Colombia 12-WFP-068 Emergency Food Assistance for recent IDPs and confined/blockaded communities in the departments of Cauca and Putumayo (12-WFP-068) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Food Assistance US$300,085 Approval date:27 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2012 Read more
12-UF-COL-3024 12-UF-COL-3024_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Colombia 12-WHO-068 Ensure life-saving health services and clean water are available for populations affected by internal conflict in Colombia (12-WHO-068) Window:Underfunded Emergencies Sector: Health US$712,999 Approval date:01 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-4065 12-RR-COD-4065_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency United Nations Children’s Fund Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-CEF-113 Projet de riposte à l’épidémie de Fièvre hémorragique virale Ebola dans la Province Orientale (12-CEF-113) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$250,000 Approval date:18 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:24 Sep 2012 Read more
12-RR-COD-4065 12-RR-COD-4065_DR Congo_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Democratic Republic of the Congo 12-WHO-069 Projet de riposte à l’épidémie de Fièvre hémorragique virale Ebola dans la Province Orientale (12-WHO-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$489,515 Approval date:18 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-973 12-RR-CMR-973_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Cameroon 12-CEF-114 Emergency response to population, especially children, affected by floods in the North and Far North regions (12-CEF-114) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$499,985 Approval date:05 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-973 12-RR-CMR-973_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Cameroon 12-WFP-069 Food assistance to Flood-Affected Populations in the North and Far North Regions of Cameroon (12-WFP-069) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$599,906 Approval date:05 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-CMR-973 12-RR-CMR-973_Cameroon_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Cameroon 12-WHO-070 Medical Assistance to Victims of Flood in the North and Far North Regions (12-WHO-070) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$899,999 Approval date:05 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:16 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13582 12-RR-NER-13582_Niger_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 12-CEF-115 Assurer l’accès aux articles non-alimentaires et abris aux victimes des inondations au Niger (12-CEF-115) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,212,830 Approval date:26 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:03 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13582 12-RR-NER-13582_Niger_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Development Programme Niger 12-UDP-011 Réhabilitation d’urgence suite aux inondations au Niger (12-UDP-011) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$359,170 Approval date:01 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:11 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13582 12-RR-NER-13582_Niger_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Niger 12-WHO-071 Réponse sanitaire d’urgence aux inondations au Niger NIG-12/H/46661/122 (12-WHO-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$699,901 Approval date:28 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:09 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-NER-13582 12-RR-NER-13582_Niger_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Niger 12-CEF-116 Améliorer l’accès à l’eau potable, la promotion de l’hygiène et la communication en faveur des victimes et personnes à risque de choléra et inondations NIG-12/WS/46886/R/124 (12-CEF-116) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$367,010 Approval date:27 Sep 2012 Disbursement date:04 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-IRQ-6087 12-RR-IRQ-6087_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Iraq 12-CEF-117 Emergency WASH response for Syrian refugees in Al Qaim camp (12-CEF-117) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$751,793 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-IRQ-6087 12-RR-IRQ-6087_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Iraq 12-HCR-049 Establish a camp for Syrian refugees in Al Qaim (12-HCR-049) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$715,922 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-IRQ-6087 12-RR-IRQ-6087_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement International Organization for Migration Iraq 12-IOM-029 Provision of family emergency kits for Syrian Refugees in Al- Qaim camp, Anbar (12-IOM-029) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$245,779 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-IRQ-6087 12-RR-IRQ-6087_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Iraq 12-WFP-071 Provision of food assistance to Syrian refugees in Al Qaim camp (12-WFP-071) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$579,385 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:08 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-IRQ-6087 12-RR-IRQ-6087_Iraq_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Iraq 12-WHO-072 Support delivery of life-saving health services to displaced population (12-WHO-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$274,825 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-118 Restoring Educational services in flood affected areas of Sindh and Punjab (12-CEF-118) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$403,952 Approval date:18 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-119 Emergency Assistance to Children and their Families Affected by the 2012 Floods PAK-HOP-12/H/53470 (12-CEF-119) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$346,470 Approval date:18 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-120 Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for Flood affected districts in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan PAK-HOP-12/H/53113 (12-CEF-120) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$393,926 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-121 Protective, Learning and Community Emergency Services for Flood Affected Children and Women in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab PAK-HOP-12/P-HR-RL/53207 (12-CEF-121) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$321,675 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Pakistan 12-CEF-122 Life-saving WASH Interventions for Flood Affected Populations in Sindh and Balochistan PAK-HOP-12/WS/53199 (12-CEF-122) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,006,442 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Pakistan 12-FAO-038 Emergency assistance for the prompt resumption of agricultural activities and protection of productive livestock assets in flood affected districts of Jacobabad and Jafferabad PAK-HOP-12/F/53085 & PAK-HOP-12/F/53095 (12-FAO-038) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$489,073 Approval date:18 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:07 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Pakistan 12-FPA-043 Integrated Life-saving maternal and new-born healthcare and GBV services for flood affected population in 5 districts in Pakistan (12-FPA-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$153,245 Approval date:18 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Human Settlements Programme Pakistan 12-HAB-002 Immediate WASH assistance addressing the lifesaving needs of 6,500 most vulnerable flood affected families in three districts of Sindh and Balochistan Provinces of Pakistan PAK-HOP-12/WS/53523 (12-HAB-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$575,000 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Human Settlements Programme Pakistan 12-HAB-003 Humanitarian shelter response to address immediate life saving shelter needs for vulnerable and extremely vulnerable flood affected people in the province of Balochistan PAK-HOP-12/S-NF/52973 (12-HAB-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$564,890 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 12-HCR-050 Protection monitoring, referrals and counseling to the flood affected displaced population in the most affected districts of Sindh and Punjab (12-HCR-050) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$76,000 Approval date:18 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:29 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Pakistan 12-HCR-051 Emergency Shelter to Floods Affected Populations (12-HCR-051) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$562,446 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:24 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Pakistan 12-IOM-030 Emergency shelter and CCCM support for the flood affected population of 2012 Pakistan floods PAK-HOP-12/S-NF/52975 and PAK-HOP-12/S-NF/52976 (12-IOM-030) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$669,970 Approval date:23 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:07 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Development Programme Pakistan 12-UDP-012 Enhancement of Safety & Security of Humanitarians & IDPs and Field Safety Collaboration PAK-HOP-12/CSS/52922 (12-UDP-012) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$83,764 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:08 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Pakistan 12-WFP-072 Emergency Food Assistance to Families Affected by Floods in Pakistan PAK-HOP-12/F/53141 (12-WFP-072) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,496,824 Approval date:16 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:12 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Pakistan 12-WFP-073 Logistics Cluster Coordination to Support the Humanitarian Community and Enhancement Emergency Preparedness and Response Capacity (12-WFP-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$443,154 Approval date:18 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:08 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Pakistan 12-WFP-074 Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for Flood affected districts in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan PAK-HOP-12/H/53122 (12-WFP-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$286,894 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:08 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Pakistan 12-WHO-073 WASH Interventions for flood affected populations in 5 districts, (focusing on lifesaving interventions of WASH response) PAK-HOP-12/WS/53143 (12-WHO-073) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$275,001 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Pakistan 12-WHO-074 Emergency Life-Saving Nutrition Services for Flood affected districts in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan PAK-HOP-12/H/53113 (12-WHO-074) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$75,757 Approval date:17 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-PAK-9149 12-RR-PAK-9149_Pakistan_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Pakistan 12-WHO-075 Emergency Health Assistance to the 2012 Flood Affected Population of Floods 2012 PAK-HOP-12/H/53264, PAK-HOP-12/H/53268, PAK-HOP-12/H/53271, PAK-HOP-12/H/53273 (12-WHO-075) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$696,142 Approval date:18 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:25 Oct 2012 Read more
12-RR-TCD-2518 12-RR-TCD-2518_Chad_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 12-CEF-123 Health Emergency interventions to populations affected by flood in Chad (12-CEF-123) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$423,110 Approval date:23 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:07 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-TCD-2518 12-RR-TCD-2518_Chad_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Chad 12-CEF-124 Emergency WASH Intervention for Flood Affected Populations CHD-12/WS/44834/124 (12-CEF-124) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,269,292 Approval date:25 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:12 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-TCD-2518 12-RR-TCD-2518_Chad_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 12-FAO-039 Emergency gardening seeds supply to floods affected vulnerable households in Southern Chad (12-FAO-039) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$302,708 Approval date:23 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:15 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-TCD-2518 12-RR-TCD-2518_Chad_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Chad 12-HCR-052 Humanitarian Response to flooding in Southern Chad – Emergency Relocation of refugees of Moula and Yaroungou Camps CHD-12/MS/44169/120 (12-HCR-052) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$713,387 Approval date:23 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:07 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-TCD-2518 12-RR-TCD-2518_Chad_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Chad 12-WHO-076 Health Emergency interventions to populations affected by flood in Chad CHD-12/H/46024/124 (12-WHO-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$413,635 Approval date:23 Oct 2012 Disbursement date:15 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-TGO-11829 12-RR-TGO-11829_Togo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Togo 12-CEF-125 Accès à l'eau potable à l’hygiène et a l’assainissement et à l’éducation de base pour les réfugiées et populations hôtes de Tandjoaré dans la région des savanes (12-CEF-125) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$108,766 Approval date:29 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:07 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-TGO-11829 12-RR-TGO-11829_Togo_Jun2016_Application Displacement Food and Agriculture Organization Togo 12-FAO-040 Renforcer les moyens d'existence de 200 ménages hôtes et de 200 réfugiés Ghanéens à Tandjoaré (12-FAO-040) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$111,276 Approval date:29 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-TGO-11829 12-RR-TGO-11829_Togo_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Togo 12-HCR-053 Assistance et protection des réfugiés Ghanéens au Togo (12-HCR-053) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$376,516 Approval date:06 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:26 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-TGO-11829 12-RR-TGO-11829_Togo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Togo 12-WHO-077 Prise en charge des cas de maladies des refugiés dans le district de Tandjoaré au Togo  (12-WHO-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$89,562 Approval date:03 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-TGO-11829 12-RR-TGO-11829_Togo_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Togo 13-WFP-002 Assistance d'urgence aux réfugiés Ghanéens et la populations d'accueil au Nord du Togo (13-WFP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$323,701 Approval date:03 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:30 Jan 2013 Read more
12-RR-ZWE-12735 12-RR-ZWE-12735_Zimbabwe_Jun2016_Application Drought World Food Programme Zimbabwe 12-WFP-076 Assistance for Food-Insecure Vulnerable Groups ZIM-12/F/45792/5826  (12-WFP-076) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,006,304 Approval date:15 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-COL-3070 12-RR-COL-3070_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Colombia 12-CEF-126 Integrated Response to Ensure the Survival of the most vulnerable children affected by floods and windstorm in 30 communities of three municipalities in the department of Putumayo (12-CEF-126) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$150,000 Approval date:02 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:13 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-COL-3070 12-RR-COL-3070_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Flood Food and Agriculture Organization Colombia 12-FAO-042 Food security and emergency support to vulnerable people doubly affected: natural disasters (floods and high winds) and violence in the department of Putumayo (12-FAO-042) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$393,884 Approval date:02 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:15 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-COL-3070 12-RR-COL-3070_Colombia_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Colombia 12-WHO-078 Rapid response in order to ensure life-saving health services and clean water are available for populations affected by recent floods and internal armed conflict in department of Putumayo (12-WHO-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$550,000 Approval date:02 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:15 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-CUB-4468 12-RR-CUB-4468_Cuba_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Cuba 12-CEF-127 Improve access to safe water and hygiene in affected communities of Santiago de Cuba (12-CEF-127) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$671,125 Approval date:12 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:16 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-CUB-4468 12-RR-CUB-4468_Cuba_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Cuba 12-CEF-128 Children continue the school year in a safe environment (12-CEF-128) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Education US$254,823 Approval date:12 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:16 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-CUB-4468 12-RR-CUB-4468_Cuba_Jun2016_Application Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Cuba 12-FAO-043 Recovery of agricultural livelihoods for people living in urban and suburban areas of the city of Santiago de Cuba (12-FAO-043) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$399,811 Approval date:15 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:06 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-CUB-4468 12-RR-CUB-4468_Cuba_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Population Fund Cuba 12-FPA-044 Restore and revitalize the capacity to provide emergency Reproductive Health Service of local health system in Santiago de Cuba and Holguín provinces (12-FPA-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$102,249 Approval date:12 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:16 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-CUB-4468 12-RR-CUB-4468_Cuba_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Cuba 12-WFP-077 Emergency food assistance for population affected in Santiago de Cuba (12-WFP-077) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$1,782,832 Approval date:14 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-CUB-4468 12-RR-CUB-4468_Cuba_Jun2016_Application Storm World Health Organization Cuba 12-WHO-079 Response to hygienic-sanitary emergency caused by damage left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy in Cuba (12-WHO-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$549,912 Approval date:12 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:19 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-CUB-4468 12-RR-CUB-4468_Cuba_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Development Programme Cuba 12-UDP-013 Immediate response to create shelter conditions for families affected by Hurricane Sandy in the capital city of Santiago de Cuba (12-UDP-013) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,762,001 Approval date:14 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8069 12-RR-MMR-8069_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-129 Humanitarian WASH Response for IDPs in Rakhine (12-CEF-129) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$444,050 Approval date:20 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8069 12-RR-MMR-8069_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-130 Emergency nutrition assistance to children and pregnant/ lactating women of the displaced population affected by October 2012 conflict in Rakhine State in Myanmar (12-CEF-130) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$243,150 Approval date:20 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:28 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8069 12-RR-MMR-8069_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Myanmar 12-HCR-054 Emergency Assistance for new displaced populations in Rakhine State (October 2012 violence) (12-HCR-054) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$2,008,989 Approval date:16 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:26 Nov 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8069 12-RR-MMR-8069_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Food Programme Myanmar 12-WFP-078 Emergency Food Assistance in support to the displaced population in Rakhine State (12-WFP-078) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$2,000,091 Approval date:20 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8069 12-RR-MMR-8069_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Children’s Fund Myanmar 12-CEF-131 Addressing Priority Health Needs of the IDP Population in nine additional townships in Rakhine State (12-CEF-131) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$142,832 Approval date:21 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8069 12-RR-MMR-8069_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement World Health Organization Myanmar 12-WHO-080 Addressing Priority Health Needs of the IDP Population in nine additional townships in Rakhine State (12-WHO-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$140,108 Approval date:21 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MMR-8069 12-RR-MMR-8069_Myanmar_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Population Fund Myanmar 12-FPA-045 Addressing Priority Health Needs of the IDP Population in nine additional townships in Rakhine State (12-FPA-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$282,842 Approval date:21 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-SDN-10334 12-RR-SDN-10334_Sudan_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Republic of the Sudan 12-WHO-081 Yellow Fever Outbreak in Darfur SUD-12/H/46812 (12-WHO-081) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$2,576,108 Approval date:20 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-HTI-5933 12-RR-HTI-5933_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 12-CEF-132 Hurricane Sandy – Nutrition and child survival emergency HTI-12/H/45168  (12-CEF-132) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$650,711 Approval date:28 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-HTI-5933 12-RR-HTI-5933_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Children’s Fund Haiti 12-CEF-133 Emergency WASH Response – Hurricane Sandy HTI-12/WS/45152 (12-CEF-133) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$634,866 Approval date:27 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:04 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-HTI-5933 12-RR-HTI-5933_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Storm Food and Agriculture Organization Haiti 12-FAO-044 Emergency assistance for food security through rapid provision of agricultural inputs to 6,000 families affected by the Tropical Storm Sandy in the West, South-East and South Departments HTI-12/A/45480/R (12-FAO-044) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$631,570 Approval date:26 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:07 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-HTI-5933 12-RR-HTI-5933_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Storm International Organization for Migration Haiti 12-IOM-031 Humanitarian and shelter response to Hurricane Sandy HTI-12/S-NF/56880/R  (12-IOM-031) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$1,018,566 Approval date:29 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:06 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-HTI-5933 12-RR-HTI-5933_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Storm United Nations Office for Project Services Haiti 12-OPS-002 Equipe Mobile d’Urgence pour réponse cholera en Haïti suite à l’ouragan Sandy HTI 12/H/45498/R (12-OPS-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$186,756 Approval date:03 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-HTI-5933 12-RR-HTI-5933_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Storm World Food Programme Haiti 12-WFP-079 Food Insecurity following Sandy Hurricane - Supplementary Nutritional Support HTI-12/H/45168  (12-WFP-079) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$665,758 Approval date:07 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-HTI-5933 12-RR-HTI-5933_Haiti_Jun2016_Application Storm World Health Organization Haiti 12-WHO-082 Ensuring cholera response in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy in Haiti HTI-12/H/45446/R (12-WHO-082) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$159,747 Approval date:03 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-TCD-2550 12-RR-TCD-2550_Chad_Jun2016_Application Insect infestation Food and Agriculture Organization Chad 12-FAO-045 Emergency assistance for controlling a Desert Locust outbreak in the Sahel (12-FAO-045) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$748,007 Approval date:29 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-13512 12-RR-MRT-13512_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Insect infestation Food and Agriculture Organization Mauritania 12-FAO-046 Emergency assistance for controlling a Desert Locust outbreak in the Sahel (12-FAO-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$751,993 Approval date:29 Nov 2012 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7477 12-RR-MRT-7477_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency Food and Agriculture Organization Mauritania 12-FAO-047 Contrôle de la Fièvre de la vallée du Rift en Mauritanie MRT-13/A/54374 (12-FAO-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$277,884 Approval date:05 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-MRT-7477 12-RR-MRT-7477_Mauritania_Jun2016_Application Unspecified Health Emergency World Health Organization Mauritania 12-WHO-083 Appui à la riposte à l’épidémie de FVR en Mauritanie en 2012 (12-WHO-083) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$445,108 Approval date:03 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-GTM-5648 12-RR-GTM-5648_Guatemala_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Children’s Fund Guatemala 12-CEF-134 Establishment and maintenance of basic living, sanitary conditions and health procedures in temporary shelters for populations affected by the earthquake in Guatemala (12-CEF-134) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$162,875 Approval date:03 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-GTM-5648 12-RR-GTM-5648_Guatemala_Jun2016_Application Earthquake United Nations Population Fund Guatemala 12-FPA-046 Establishment and maintenance of basic living, sanitary conditions and health procedures in temporary shelters for populations affected by the earthquake in Guatemala (12-FPA-046) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$60,776 Approval date:03 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:13 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-GTM-5648 12-RR-GTM-5648_Guatemala_Jun2016_Application Earthquake International Organization for Migration Guatemala 12-IOM-032 Establishment and maintenance of basic living, sanitary conditions and health procedures in temporary shelters for populations affected by the earthquake in Guatemala (12-IOM-032) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$458,928 Approval date:07 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:26 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-GTM-5648 12-RR-GTM-5648_Guatemala_Jun2016_Application Earthquake World Food Programme Guatemala 12-WFP-080 Emergency Food Assistance to Families Affected by the Earthquake in Guatemala (12-WFP-080) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Food Assistance US$886,550 Approval date:05 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-GTM-5648 12-RR-GTM-5648_Guatemala_Jun2016_Application Earthquake World Health Organization Guatemala 12-WHO-084 Establishment and maintenance of basic living, sanitary conditions and health procedures in temporary shelters for populations affected by the earthquake in Guatemala (12-WHO-084) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$85,001 Approval date:13 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:21 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-MWI-7067 13-RR-MWI-7067_Malawi_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 13-CEF-005 Protection and human rights for people affected by food insecurity in southern and central Malawi (13-CEF-005) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$380,498 Approval date:28 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-MWI-7067 13-RR-MWI-7067_Malawi_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Malawi 13-CEF-006 Management of moderate and severe acute malnutrition in 16 food insecure districts in southern and central Malawi (13-CEF-006) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$1,411,386 Approval date:28 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-MWI-7067 13-RR-MWI-7067_Malawi_Jun2016_Application Drought Food and Agriculture Organization Malawi 13-FAO-004 Emergency assistance to support food insecure populations affected by climatic shocks in six districts of the southern region of Malawi (13-FAO-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$1,427,779 Approval date:21 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:18 Jan 2013 Read more
12-RR-ERI-5032 12-RR-ERI-5032_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Drought United Nations Children’s Fund Eritrea 12-CEF-142 Blanket supplementary feeding (12-CEF-142) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$2,629,102 Approval date:19 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:26 Dec 2012 Read more
12-RR-ERI-5032 12-RR-ERI-5032_Eritrea_Jun2016_Application Drought World Health Organization Eritrea 12-WHO-085 Nutrition and immunization (12-WHO-085) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$662,497 Approval date:19 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 12-CEF-143 Typhoon Bopha: Ensuring sufficient and resilient WASH services for the disaster affected areas in Region XI and Region XIII PHI-13/WS/57105/R (12-CEF-143) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,799,970 Approval date:21 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 12-CEF-144 Typhoon Bopha: Child Protection in Emergencies PHI-13/P-HR-RL/57106/R (12-CEF-144) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$412,699 Approval date:21 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:31 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Children’s Fund Philippines 12-CEF-145 Life-saving nutrition interventions for children 0-59 months, pregnant and lactating women in the areas most affected by Typhoon Pablo (Bopha) PHI-13/H/57103/R (12-CEF-145) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$200,000 Approval date:18 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Philippines 12-FPA-047 Prevention and response to Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Typhoon Bopha affected areas PHI-13/P-HR-RL/57101/R (12-FPA-047) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$102,776 Approval date:20 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Population Fund Philippines 12-FPA-048 Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Services in TS Bopha- Affected Areas in Mindanao PHI-13/H/57119/R (12-FPA-048) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$110,142 Approval date:18 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood International Organization for Migration Philippines 12-IOM-033 Emergency Shelter and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Assistance to Typhoon-Affected Families in Mindanao (12-IOM-033) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$3,000,828 Approval date:20 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Philippines 12-WFP-083 Nutrition Response to Prevent and Treat Moderate Acute Malnutrition among Boys and Girls 6-59 months in Priority Areas Affected by Typhoon Bopha in Region XI PHI-13/H/53263/R (12-WFP-083) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Nutrition US$224,610 Approval date:20 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood World Food Programme Philippines 12-WFP-084 Logistics Augmentation in support of the Government of the Philippines’ response to Typhoon Bopha PHI-13/H/57141/R (12-WFP-084) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Common Services US$596,790 Approval date:20 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations Development Programme Philippines 12-UDP-014 Time-critical debris disposal management in areas affected communities by Typhoon Bopha PHI-13/ER/57139/R (12-UDP-014) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Early Recovery US$1,807,444 Approval date:18 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:28 Dec 2012 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood International Labor Organization Philippines 13-ILO-001 Community-based Emergency Employment PHI-13/ER/57143/R (13-ILO-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Agriculture US$597,060 Approval date:20 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:03 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines 13-HCR-003 Ensuring the protection of communities affected and displaced by Typhoon Pablo PHI-13/P-HR-RL/57124/R (13-HCR-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$499,992 Approval date:24 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:14 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PHL-9821 13-RR-PHL-9821_Philippines_Jun2016_Application Flood World Health Organization Philippines 13-WHO-003 Provision of emergency health services to flood affected populations PHI-13/H/57141/R (13-WHO-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Health US$606,420 Approval date:18 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:18 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund occupied Palestinian territory 13-CEF-003 Rapid response for safe water provision and urgent hygiene improvement (13-CEF-003) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$354,170 Approval date:24 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Children’s Fund occupied Palestinian territory 13-CEF-004 Emergency psychosocial response for the most affected children and adolescents in Gaza OPT-13/P-HR-RL/52236 OPT-13/P-HR-RL/52237 (13-CEF-004) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$1,250,004 Approval date:24 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Office for Project Services occupied Palestinian territory 13-OPS-001 UNMAS response in Gaza – ERW Risk Management Action OPT-13/P-HR-RL/51826 (13-OPS-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Protection US$303,708 Approval date:28 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Relief and Works Agency occupied Palestinian territory 13-RWA-001 Emergency provision of shelter, health, and psychosocial services to Palestine refugees most affected by the November 2012 military operations in Gaza OPT-12/H/43398/5593 OPT-12/S-NF/43395/5593 OPT-12/H/43397/5593 (13-RWA-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$3,630,111 Approval date:24 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Development Programme occupied Palestinian territory 13-UDP-001 Removal and Disposal of Rubble Generated as a Result of Latest Escalation in Gaza in November 2012 (Rubble Removal Proposal) (13-UDP-001) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$649,683 Approval date:28 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-PSE-9440 13-RR-PSE-9440_oPt_Jun2016_Application Post-conflict Needs United Nations Development Programme occupied Palestinian territory 13-UDP-002 Cash Assistance for the Affected Non-refugee Families as Result of 8-Days escalation (13-UDP-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Shelter and Non-Food Items US$500,000 Approval date:24 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:11 Jan 2013 Read more
13-RR-LBN-13458 13-RR-LBN-13458_Lebanon_Jun2016_Application Displacement United Nations Relief and Works Agency Lebanon 13-RWA-002 Emergency cash and health assistance for Palestine refugees from Syria in Lebanon (13-RWA-002) Window:Rapid Response Sector: Multi-Sector US$1,000,000 Approval date:24 Dec 2012 Disbursement date:08 Jan 2013 Read more
Total 2012 US$491,092,461