CERF supports cholera response in Zimbabwe

CERF supports cholera response in Zimbabwe

Lara Palmisano

When the government of Zimbabwe announced a state of emergency following a Cholera outbreak in mid-September, CERF was quick to allocate  US$3M to rapidly scale up aid activities, increase access to lifesaving treatment and raise awareness for cholera prevention among communities.

Since the onset of the outbreak 8.831 suspected cases (194 confirmed) were reported in Harare’s high-density areas and other parts of the country, with 54 deaths.

CERF supports cholera response in Zimbabwe
OCHA/Matilda Moyo

CERF is supporting immediate life-saving assistance through UNICEF, WHO and WFP, to 600,000 people who are infected or at risk of being infected by cholera in 10 hotspot sites in the capital with immediate interventions in health, water, sanitation and hygiene, and food aid until the outbreak is contained.

CERF supports cholera response in Zimbabwe

Noting the recurrence of cholera and other water-borne diseases triggered mostly by the lack of access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation, UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Bishow Parajuli said, “What has been done in response to the cholera outbreak are immediate measures. The challenge that Zimbabwe’s major cities and towns face need to be addressed through a deliberate medium to long-term renovation and renewal of water, sanitation and hygiene as well as sustainable waste disposal management infrastructure including proper urban planning.”