Central Emergency Response Fund reached 51.5 million people in 2021
Dita Anggraeni

Central Emergency Response Fund reached 51.5 million people in 2021

The Central Emergency Response Fund’s Annual Report for 2021 is now available online. The report shows how CERF funding helped people in need during the year.

CERF provides fast funding as emergencies arise or escalate. As humanitarian needs skyrocketed in 2021, CERF was an indispensable part of the global humanitarian response. Thanks to the generous support of donors, CERF allocated US$538 million for humanitarian aid in 40 countries—the second-highest disbursement in the Fund’s history.

The money allowed UN agencies and partners to offer life-saving assistance and protection for 51.5 million people across the globe.

This included health care for 39.8 million people – 29 million in Afghanistan through a $45 million allocation to keep hospitals and clinics operating across the country. CERF partners delivered water and sanitation to 5.7 million people; and food assistance to 5.2 million people, among other assistance. 85 per cent of people assisted were affected by conflict.

The Fund is truly “for all, and by all.” Eight countries that previously received CERF grants contributed to the Fund in 2021. Overall, donor countries gave $638.8 million to CERF in 2021. In total, 54 Member States have contributed to the Fund.

The Fund aimed to get ahead of crises. In 2021, CERF continued to prioritize early and anticipatory action, getting help to people before the peak of a crisis. Three new anticipatory action pilots were endorsed – in Nepal for flooding, in Philippines for typhoons, and in Malawi for dry spells. CERF also released $27 million through existing frameworks for drought in Ethiopia and Somalia.

The Fund prioritized the most vulnerable people. CERF provided record levels of funding to the protection sector - $84.1 million, or 15 per cent of all funding. The Fund earmarked $10 million to fund interventions that address the needs of 200,000 people living with disabilities in six countries.

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006 as the global emergency response fund, CERF’s primary role is to offer fast and strategic funding to enable humanitarian organizations to respond to emerging or escalating crises. CERF delivers life-saving assistance when and where it is most needed.


Read the full report here.