CERF allocations module
Dita Anggraeni

CERF launches online module to follow usage of CERF funds in real-time

Information on how humanitarian funding is helping people in need is powerful and can save lives. And it is even more powerful when available in real time. The CERF secretariat has launched an online module that does just that.

In an effort to provide full transparency on all operations supported by CERF, viewers can now access a variety of data and information on each allocation, ranging from implementation and disbursement dates, recipient agencies and beneficiary types to people targeted at project -level.

Viewers will also be able to access a narrative section for each allocation, also known as ‘allocation summaries’, which is at the heart of each funding application to CERF and will be made available to the public for the first time in CERF history. The summaries provide essential information on humanitarian situation and context of a crisis where CERF funding is made available, rationale and objective of the funding decision and expected impact.  

online module

The module also provides a real-time overview of funding proposals in process, allocations under implementation and final results achieved once allocations have been completed.  

With these efforts, CERF is investing in making all allocations more transparent and accessible to its donors and partners around the world.

“Transparency is a top priority for the CERF Secretariat”, says Michael Jensen, Chief of the CERF secretariat. “The new module is a major milestone in CERF’s real-time information sharing, accountability and reporting on its results.”

The module can be accessed through the following link: https://cerf.un.org/what-we-do/allocation-summaries