15 million US dollars to alleviate food insecurity in the crisis-ridden Central African Republic

Bangui, 19 July 2022 – The Central African Republic reports today one of the highest proportions of critically food-insecure people in the world, along with Yemen, South Sudan, and Afghanistan. 2.2 million people in the country do not have enough to eat, which represents 36 per cent of the population.

Central African Republic Complementary Use of Pooled Funds

As of 11 November, the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan has received $349.7 million out of $553.6 million required. The CERF and the CAR Humanitarian fund have played a critical and complementary role in support of an effective coordinated and decentralized response and have allowed humanitarian partners to scale up urgent life-saving assistance and services to those most in need in a timely and principled manner. With a total amount of $38.1 million in the first 10 months of the year, pooled funds contributed to 11% of the overall amount of funding received against the 2020 HRP.

The Central Emergency Response Fund allocates US$ 5 million to NGOs to scale up direly needed COVID-19 response in the Central African Republic

Bangui, 24 July 2020 - The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has allocated US$ 5 million to the NGOs International Rescue Committee (IRC), International Medical Corps (IMC), the Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) and Médecins d’Afrique (MDA) to scale up the COVID-19 response in the Center, East and North of the Central African Republic, where the selected NGOs have been implementing life-saving programs for years.