CERF Allocation


Flood, 30 Sep 2024

Overview of the humanitarian situation

Chad faces a complex humanitarian crisis involving food insecurity, malnutrition, health emergencies, forced displacement, and climate-related shocks. Against this backdrop, floods in Chad have severely impacted 1.5 million people across the country, leading to 341 fatalities, and destroying over 164,000 homes, 259,000 hectares of farmland, and over 66,000 livestock, leaving around 1.2 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. Flooding has also disrupted schooling, affecting 2,721 schools in seven of eight educational regions.

CERF-funded assistance

In response to the crisis, the Emergency Relief Coordinator allocated $8 from CERF’s Rapid Response window for the immediate commencement of life-saving activities. This funding enables UN agencies and partners to provide emergency, life-saving assistance to approximately 500,000 people in the Campo Coordination and Camp Management, Food Security, Protection (including Child Protection and GBV), Shelter and NFI, and WASH sectors. Beyond providing immediate life-saving assistance to people affected by the floods in priority areas with pre-existing vulnerabilities such as food insecurity and cholera, the allocation supports advocating for preventive and sustainable flood solutions, strengthens cooperation with the government, and aims to be catalytic in mobilizing additional resources and encouraging other funding to address the magnitude of the flood crisis and other regional vulnerabilities.

Projects included in this allocation

Organization Project title Code Amount in US$
WFP Assistance alimentaire aux personnes affectées par les inondations dans la province du Lac et la région de Mandoul en 2024 CERF-TCD-24-RR-WFP-33649 US$3,000,000 Read more
UNHCR Protection et réponse d’urgence aux besoins critiques des personnes touchées par les inondations pluviales dans les provinces du Lac, de Mandoul et de Mayo Kebi Est CERF-TCD-24-RR-HCR-33650 US$2,000,001 Read more
IOM Suivi de Déplacement et Enregistrement des sinistrés au Tchad 2024 CERF-TCD-24-RR-IOM-33653 US$500,000 Read more
UNICEF Réponse d'urgence en eau, hygiène, assainissement et protection de l'enfance en faveur des personnes affectées par les inondations dans les provinces du Lac, du Mayo Kebbi Est et du Mandoul. CERF-TCD-24-RR-CEF-33654 US$2,000,001 Read more
UNFPA Renforcement de l’accès à une réponse VBG/EAS avec intégration des services de SMPSS pour une réponse aux besoins les plus urgents des personnes affectées par les inondations CERF-TCD-24-RR-FPA-33656 US$500,000 Read more