CERF-funded Project
Protection of Agriculture and Livestock of People of Timor-Leste from El-Nino Induced Drought (24-RR-FAO-001)
Grant | $499,250 |
Recipient UN Agency | FAO |
Emergency type | Drought |
Window | Rapid Response |
Sector | Agriculture |
Group of people targeted | Host communities |
Number of people targeted | 13,000 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this project is to provide food security assistance to vulnerable communities affected by drought in Bobonaro, Manufahi, and Covalima municipalities. This FAO project aims to prevent the deterioration of food security for affected people by scaling up anticipatory action activities through cash for work and distribution of drought resistant seeds. The project provides humanitarian assistance to 13,000 people, including 4,290 women, 2,860 men, 5,850 children, and 500 persons with disabilities.