CERF-funded Project
Anticipated Response to El Nino Triggered Water and Food Shortage (24-RR-CEF-003)
Grant | $500,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | UNICEF |
Emergency type | Drought |
Window | Rapid Response |
Sectors | Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene |
Group of people targeted | Host communities |
Number of people targeted | 15,319 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this project is to provide water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and nutrition assistance to vulnerable communities affected by drought in the Bobonaro, Lautem, Manufahi, and Covalima municipalities. This UNICEF project provides affected people with access to quality drinking water by installing new water supply tanks and managing acute malnutrition cases through screening and treatment. The project targets 13,319 people, of whom 3,556 are women, 3,703 are men, 6,060 are children, and 200 persons with disabilities.
Sector | Amount in US$ |
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene | US$315,000 |
Nutrition | US$185,000 |