CERF-funded Project


Systematization of good practices from the piloting of the technical guidelines for participatory community planning in communities affected by the crisis (23-UF-FPA-060)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to promote, coordinate, and document good practices and tools in the implementation of the Community Participation Guide. This UNFPA project provides promotion, coordination, and accompaniment of community participation activities and includes systematization of good practices in community participation, incorporating a gender approach, and promoting the participation of women, girls, LGBTIQ+, indigenous, and disabled people in humanitarian responses, among other activities. The project provides assistance to 2,100 people, including 1,264 women, 542 men, 294 children, and including 167 persons with disabilities. This project is part of the special thematic allocation for Accountability to Affected People (AAP) under the 2023 round 2 of the underfunded emergencies (UFE) allocations.