CERF-funded Project


Provision of emergency protection services including prevention and response to SGBV among refugee women and girls in Nakivale and Oruchinga in Isingiro District, Kyaka II in Kyegegwa, Kyangwali in Kikuube and Bidibidi in Yumbe District (23-UF-WOM-003)

Project overview

The main objective of this UN Women project is to provide critical protection services to refugees and host community women and girls, including women who are either at risk of or are survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), exploitation, and abuse. This project provides support for the functioning of two women safe-spaces in Nakivale and Oruchinga refugee settlements, and establish two women safe-spaces in Kyangwali and Kyegegwa refugee settlements. It also provides case management, identification and referral of GBV cases for legal, psychosocial, and medical support. The project provides assistance to 20,000 people, including 12,000 women, 5,000 children and including 250 persons with disabilities.