CERF-funded Project


L’Offre d’un paquet des services lié à la réponse VBG et la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive aux victimes des inondations dans les sites d’accueil en cours de retour volontaire. (23-UF-FPA-014)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence protection assistance to internally displaced persons and host community members in Lac and N’Djamena. This UNFPA project distributes menstrual hygiene management kits, provides cash transfers to facilitate access to essential healthcare services, supports women- and girl-friendly safe spaces, procures reproductive health kits, and provides psychosocial support services. The gender-based violence component of the project provides humanitarian assistance to 165,000 people, including 84,000 women, 7,400 men, 74,000 children, and including 1,700 persons with disabilities. The sexual and reproductive health component of the project provides humanitarian assistance to 59,000 people, including 14,000 women, 13,000 men, 32,000 children, and including 1,700 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Protection US$504,000
Health US$296,000