CERF-funded Project
Syrian Arab Republic
Provision of essential lifesaving GBV response services to women and girls affected by the earthquake in Aleppo, Hama, and Latakia governorates (23-UF-FPA-011)
Grant | $500,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | UNFPA |
Emergency type | Earthquake |
Window | Underfunded Emergencies |
Sector | Protection |
Group of people targeted | Other affected persons |
Number of people targeted | 16,800 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
UNFPA provides gender-based violence (GBV) response and risk mitigation services to earthquake-affected populations, in order to mitigate further risks in the Jebel Saman, Hama, Jablah districts of the Aleppo, Hama and Latakia governorates. This includes access to GBV response services by establishing temporary Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces in areas closer to the collective shelters. In addition, UNFPA trains specialized GBV service providers on GBV basics, case management and PSEA models, to ensure quality service delivery and mitigate the risks of potential harm to affected people.