CERF-funded Project
Enhancing Essential Primary Healthcare Services in the Northwest Region (23-UF-IOM-046)
Grant | $500,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | IOM |
Emergency type | Multiple Emergencies |
Window | Underfunded Emergencies |
Sector | Health |
Group(s) of people targeted | Host communities, Internally displaced persons |
Number of people targeted | 28,000 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this IOM project is to enhance essential primary healthcare in the Northwest Region. Under this project, IOM provides primary healthcare, including health promotion, reproductive health, and medical referrals, for displaced people and conflict-affected communities. IOM also supports emergency referral services, as well as referrals for survivors of gender-based violence.The project aims to provide life-saving assistance to 28,000 people, including 9,520 women, 8,120 men, and 10,360 children. An estimated 1,120 people with disabilities benefit from this project.