Life-saving emergency livelihood support to vulnerable food insecure farming households in the conflict and flood affected state of Kayin - Myanmar (23-UF-FAO-039)
Grant | $600,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | FAO |
Emergency type | Multiple Emergencies |
Window | Underfunded Emergencies |
Sector | Agriculture |
Group(s) of people targeted | Host communities, Returnees, Other affected persons |
Number of people targeted | 11,552 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this FAO project is to provide Life-saving emergency livelihood support to vulnerable food insecure farming households in the conflict and flood affected state of Kayin, Myanmar. Under this project, FAO provides time-critical agricultural inputs in the form of paddy seeds and compound fertilizer, provides cash grants to vulnerable farming households, and provides information during distributions on appropriate cultivation techniques for certified seeds and improved varieties, integrated nutrient and pest management, and nutrition. This project provides assistance to 11,550 people, of whom 3,465 are women, 3,233 men and 4,852 children. An estimated 809 people with disabilities benefit from this project.