CERF-funded Project
Provide life-saving integrated Education, Health, Protection (including Mine action) and WASH assistance to 92,885 conflict-affected children and families in the Northeast, Northwest, and Southeast regions (23-UF-CEF-069)
Grant | $2,800,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | UNICEF |
Emergency type | Multiple Emergencies |
Window | Underfunded Emergencies |
Sectors | Education, Health, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene |
Group(s) of people targeted | Host communities, Returnees, Internally displaced persons, Other affected persons |
Number of people targeted | 92,886 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this UNICEF project is to provide life-saving integrated assistance to conflict-affected people in the Northeast, Northwest, and Southeast regions. Under this project, UNICEF focuses on an integrated approach combining Education, Child Protection, Mine Action, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene to provide a life-saving emergency response and strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable people. This project provides life-saving assistance to 92,885 people, of whom 29,120 are women, 24,519 men and 39,246 children. An estimated 2,583 people with disabilities benefit from this project.
Sector | Amount in US$ |
Education | US$700,000 |
Protection | US$252,000 |
Protection | US$140,000 |
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene | US$1,008,000 |
Health | US$700,000 |