CERF-funded Project


Projet d’assistance multisectorielle y compris la protection et d’éducation en situation d’urgence et aux risques liés aux mines au profit des personnes affectées par le déplacement forcé dans les régions de Ségou, San et Tombouctou au Mali (23-UF-HCR-041)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide critical protection and emergency education services to vulnerable communities affected by conflict-related displacement in Mali. This UNHCR project provides formal and non-formal education interventions, protection monitoring, mine education, and other lifesaving protection services. The project provides humanitarian assistance to 43,400 people, including 10,213 men, 9,939 women, 23,248 children, and 3,468 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Education US$313,280
Protection US$1,110,720