CERF-funded Project


Réponse multisectorielle aux besoins vitaux en santé sexuelle, reproductive et aux violences basées sur le genre dans les régions du centre et du nord affectées par la crise au Mali (23-UF-FPA-055)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide critical protection and reproductive health services to vulnerable people affected by conflict-related displacement. This UNFPA project provides access to lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services, GBV services as well as multi-purpose cash assistance to women, men, girls and boys affected by or at risk of gender-based violence . The project provides humanitarian assistance to 13,767 people, including 8,159 women, 4,978 children, and 184 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Health US$497,350
Protection US$517,650