CERF-funded Project
Réponse d’urgence face à la crise alimentaire, sanitaire et nutritionnelle au niveau des districts affectés par les cyclones BATSIRAI, EMNATI et FREDDY dans le Grand Sud Est de Madagascar (23-UF-WHO-010)
Grant | $700,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | WHO |
Emergency type | Storm |
Window | Underfunded Emergencies |
Sector | Health |
Group of people targeted | Other affected persons |
Number of people targeted | 369,800 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main aim of this $700,000 WHO project is to strengthen health response in cyclone-affected districts. To that end WHO is training health center staff in affected districts in integrated disease surveillance and response, supporting detection of moderate and severe acute malnutrition, procuring and delivering inter-agency health kits, and providing primary health care consultations, care for survivors of gender-based violence, and reproductive health care in health centers. In total, WHO is targeting 295,000 people, including 73,600 women and 73,600 girls through the health component, and 74,800 people through the reproductive health component.
Sector | Amount in US$ |
Health | US$595,000 |
Health | US$105,000 |