CERF-funded Project


Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle d’urgence et appui au mécanisme commun de plaintes et de retours (CFM) (23-UF-WFP-008)

Project overview

The main aim of this $2.9m WFP project is to provide food and nutritional assistance to cyclone-affected people. To that end, WFP is transferring over $1.8m in cash to people to cover their food needs and treating children suffering from malnutrition. WFP is also setting up a joint complaints and feedback mechanism for the response. In total, WFP is reaching 165,108 people through the food assistance component and 7,956 children through the nutrition component.

Sector Amount in US$
Food Assistance US$2,494,000
Nutrition US$261,000
Common Services US$145,000