CERF-funded Project


Renforcement de la réponse d’urgence pour la réduction des violences basées sur le genre, des abus et exploitation sexuels et de la mortalité maternelle et néonatale suites aux cyclones. (23-UF-FPA-010)

Project overview

The main aim of this $700,000 UNFPA project is GBV prevention and response, human rights protection, and access to integrated sexual and reproductive health services. To that end, UNFPA is reinforcing GBV prevention capacities of local actors and first line responders, ensuring GBV case management, ensuring coordination of GBV response coordination and the activation of the GBV sub-cluster in the affected districts, conducting risk analysis in the affected districts, putting in place a community-based protection mechanisms to respond to human rights violations, strengthening prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, offering integrated family planning and clinical management of rape through mobile clinics, procuring and distributing sexual and reproductive health kits and medications, and training and deploying midwives. The GBV component of the project targets 53,700 people, including 16,700 women and 15,800 girls, while and the sexual and reproductive health component targets 20,000 people, including 15,400 women and 2,400 girls.

Sector Amount in US$
Protection US$399,000
Health US$301,000