CERF-funded Project


Réponse à la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle et à la situation post cyclonique pour une assistance multisectorielle éducation, protection de l’enfant et nutrition (23-UF-CEF-013)

Project overview

The main objective of this $2m UNICEF project is to assist cyclone-affected vulnerable people in the South-East of Madagascar with multisectoral assistance consisting of education for children, protection from violence, GBV and exploitation and nutritional support. To that end, UNICEF is providing treatment for 22,681 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition, awareness raising on best practices for infant and young child feeding and screening of children for malnutrition. UNICEF is providing 30,000 children at risk of school drop-out with learning materials and rehabilitating 35 classrooms with necessary roofing, and putting in place 50 temporary classrooms where existing classrooms have been entirely destroyed. UNICEF is providing life skills training to youths, psychosocial support for cyclone-affected people and management for GBV survivors, and strengthening community-based protection mechanisms. In total, 30,600 people are being targeted through the education components (including 15,000 girls and 15,000 boys), 25,200 people through the child protection component (including 10,360 women and 4,200 girls), and 22,631 people through the nutrition component (including 11,089 boys and 11,542 girls).

Sector Amount in US$
Education US$499,988
Protection US$239,994
Nutrition US$1,259,968