CERF-funded Project
Improving food security of IDPs (23-UF-WFP-059)
Grant | $3,200,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | WFP |
Emergency type | Multiple Emergencies |
Window | Underfunded Emergencies |
Sector | Food Assistance |
Group of people targeted | Internally displaced persons |
Number of people targeted | 30,000 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this WFP project is to ensure that displaced people have access to food through the provision of life-saving food assistance in the form of hot meals and cash-based transfers, while supporting the screening of malnutrition. This project provides coordination with IOM and other actors to identify IDP sites and finalize and sign the field-level agreement with selected implementing partners for hot meal distribution. The project provides life-saving assistance to 30,000 people, including 9,166 women, 7,656 men, 13,178 children, and including 2,100 persons with disabilities.