CERF-funded Project

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Assistance multisectorielle d’urgence aux populations vulnérables dans le Nord-Kivu et en Ituri (coordination et gestion de sites de déplacement, abris et articles non alimentaires, santé mentale et soutien psychosocial) et appui aux solutions durables p (23-UF-IOM-014)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide shelter, camp coordination and health assistance to internally displaced persons and host community members in Ituri and North Kivu provinces. This IOM project supports the management of 40 displaced sites in Djugu and Mahagi, facilitates the Displacement Tracking Matrix, distributes shelter and essential household item kits, transfers cash to households in need, and provides mental health and psychosocial services. The camp coordination and camp management component of this project provides humanitarian assistance to 80,000 people, including 23,000 women, 14,000 men, 43,000 children, and including 8,000 persons with disabilities. The shelter and essential household item assistance component provides humanitarian assistance to 20,000 people. The health component provides humanitarian assistance to 2,000 people.

Sector Amount in US$
Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$900,000
Shelter and Non-Food Items US$1,400,000
Health US$200,000