CERF-funded Project

Central African Republic

Accès aux services vitaux de nutrition, d’éducation et de protection des personnes les plus vulnérables, en particulier les enfants, les femmes à Ngaoundaye, Ndélé et Zangba (23-UF-CEF-071)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide critical education, protection, and nutrition assistance to vulnerable families, with focus on vulnerable women and children. This UNICEF project provides preventive and curative nutrition assistance for severely malnourished children, educational services and child protection services for affected children The project provides humanitarian assistance to 56,456 people, including 56,110 children of whom 8,416 are children with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Nutrition US$1,000,000
Protection US$750,000
Education US$750,000