CERF-funded Project

Burkina Faso

Assistance nutritionnelle et alimentaire d’urgence aux populations vulnérables du Burkina Faso (23-UF-WFP-058)

Project overview

The main goal of this project is to provide food security and nutrition assistance to vulnerable communities affected by conflict-related displacement in the provinces of Yatenga, Namentenga, Bam, and Gnagna. This WFP project aims to improve the nutritional situation of vulnerable populations in the northern region by strengthening the system for the management of moderate acute malnutrition by distributing nutritional inputs. The project targets 6,758 people, of whom 1,514 are women, and 5,244 are children. 63 persons with disabilities are also targeted.

Sector Amount in US$
Food Assistance US$750,000
Nutrition US$500,000